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[image description: a black-and-white photo of a kitten sleeping in a cavity of a typewriter]


  • Forest of Fury


    Wolfpaw blinked open her pale blue eyes as her ears picked up a small sound. The sound of tentative pawsteps, belonging to a cat that obviously didn’t want to be heard. The gray and cream apprentice peered into the darkness and spotted a dark shape that was slowly tiptoeing towards her. Immediately Wolfpaw shut her eyes and tried to imitate the relaxed breathing of her sleeping denmates.

    Her heart thudded as the cat neared her. What do I do? she worried, panicking. Maybe when the cat reaches toward me, I rise up and claw it!

    She felt better now that she had thought up a plan. Unsheathing her claws, the apprentice opened her eyes just a bit to see where her attacker was now. Ack! her mind exclaimed as it leaned down. Close your eyes now! Wolfpaw snapped her eyes closed and tried not to shiver as the cat’s hot breath smelling of blood washed over her face.

    Now! “Hey!” Wolfpaw yelled, shooting upwards and swiping at the cat. “Don’t you dare mess with me!”

    The cat stumbled back with a surprised gasp just as the first rays of dawn pierced through the honeysuckle roof, illuminating its face. “What in the name of StarClan just happened?” demanded Flintfeather, glaring at his apprentice. Wolfpaw winced, inwardly cursing herself. Flintfeather was renowned for his extremely short temper, and more than one kit in the nursery had sighed in relief when she had gotten the hot-headed warrior for her mentor.

    “Sorry, Flintfeather,” the gray and cream apprentice muttered, staring at her paws. She suddenly realized she was standing in her nest, and hesitantly stepped out, not wanting to meet her mentor’s eyes. “I thought you were an intruder or something.”

    “An intruder who smells like me? Not likely,” Flintfeather snorted. The dark gray tom’s amber gaze sharpened as he spotted his apprentice wincing again. “Did you seriously not bother to check my scent?”

    Wolfpaw shamefully shook her head.

    “Whasgoinon?” The sleepy mew came from the other nest. Both mentor and apprentice looked around to see Blizzardpaw rubbing his eyes blearily, his head raised to watch the commotion. “Can’t any cat get any sleep in here?”

    Flintfeather glared at him. “Your sister started it,” he told the sleepy pale gray tom. “And I’ll take care of her. Go back to sleep.”

    Blizzardpaw gratefully sank into his nest once again, only to be contradicted by a loud call from outside the apprentices’ den. “Blizzardpaw! You’re needed!”

    Flintfeather twitched his whiskers. “Oh, my bad,” he told Wolfpaw’s brother. “I forgot, my apprentice and I are going along with you and Buzzardfeather on the dawn patrol.”

    Wolfpaw couldn’t help but wonder if her mentor had done that on purpose. I wouldn’t put it past him, she thought dryly.

    Blizzardpaw groaned and rose to his paws. Stretching quickly, he padded out of the den, his light gray tail flickering out of sight.

    Both cats watched him go. There was an awkward silence for a moment, interrupted when Flintfeather grunted, “Let’s get going.” He abruptly turned away from his apprentice and stalked out of the apprentices’ den.

    Wolfpaw watched him go, resentment burning in her chest. “Why did I get him as a mentor?” she grumbled to herself. “Every cat knows he never wanted me as an apprentice.” She paused. “He doesn’t even like anyone in the Clan. So why does he stay here?” Even as she asked herself the question, her mind was disagreeing with it. He’s a well respected cat in the Clan. He’s a great hunter and fighter and has fought in many battles.

    But that doesn’t mean I have to like him.

    The gray and cream apprentice forced herself to move her paws. She unwillingly padded towards the den entrance and slithered out.

    It was still dark, but a creamy line indicated that dawn was breaking. The sky, slowly lightening, washed the forest hollow with a pale glow. Wolfpack took a deep breath of fresh air and scanned the clearing, trying to spot her brother and the rest of the dawn patrol.

    There! Blizzardpaw and his mentor Specklefur stood right outside the camp entrance along with Flintfeather. Wolfpaw wondered grumpily why her mentor had made such a big fuss about waking up when they were just waiting by the entrance for her, before she realized that Thrushleap, who had been guarding the camp in the night, was slowly padding in. The sandy brown tom stretched his jaws into a wide yawn and slowly ambled into the warriors’ den.

    “Wolfpaw! Get yourself over here!” Flintfeather’s yowl snapped through the air, causing everyone to jump in surprise. Specklefur turned on the irritable tom, her paw flicking dangerously towards his face. “What. Was. That. For?” the ginger she-cat hissed.

    Wolfpaw’s mentor ducked his head. “Nothing,” he muttered.

    “Great StarClan,” Wolfpaw sighed. “Keep your fur on, I’m coming!” Darting forward, she pushed through the cluster of bickering cats and plunged through the camp barrier. I don’t care what they’re thinking, she growled. I just want to learn something that doesn’t involve anger or arguing. Her mother Blueblossom had commented the other day about how grumpy the apprentice had been lately. Wolfpaw blamed it on Flintfeather.

    The sight of the forest distracted her. Wolfpaw’s mouth dropped open. The sky had lightened to a beautiful purple shade, and the creamy line of dawn had yet to disappear. The silhouette of the treetops against the sky was enough to take anyone’s breath away.

    Apparently not Flintfeather, though.

    Wolfpaw was ready to kill him when he stomped up to her and pretty much screamed in her ear, “What are you looking at! It’s dawn. Dawn comes every day. Just stop looking at it!”

    WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? her head yelled at him. I am ABSOLUTELY going to tell Froststar how INSUFFERABLE you are and then you will be OUT OF MY FUR FOREVER!

    But obviously she couldn’t say that out loud, unless she wanted a slap across the face.

    Specklefur took the lead by brushing past them. “Come on,” she snapped. “Let’s get this over with. Froststar is announcing who’ll be part of the SkyClan Gathering patrol at sunhigh.”

    Blizzardpaw, who had been trusting behind his mentor, brightened. “Really? I hope I get picked!” Specklefur rolled her eyes and padded faster, until all the other three cats could see was her constantly swishing bushy tail disappearing through the undergrowth.

    Wolfpaw gritted her teeth in an effort to keep from yowling out her anger to WindClan and beyond. “Why, StarClan?” she muttered and sped up her pace. “Of all the cats in SkyClan, you made Flintfeather and Specklefur as part of my patrol.”

    Her legs seemed to move all on their own, moving faster and faster until the world was a blur of green and brown. The sound of birds chirping slowly faded away as the wind rushed through her ears. Just her alone, sprinting farther and farther, leaping over fallen tree trunks and pushing through ferns. The slight breeze rippling through her pelt.

    Running had always exhilarated Wolfpaw. The comfortable ease of which she ran, one with nature. In comfortable solidarity she wasn’t expected to be always following rules or performing tedious tasks; here she could run like the wind, like the fastest hare, weave deftly through the undergrowth with no expectations or criticism on her shoulders. By herself she wasn’t ridiculed for not wanting to be perched in a tree, hiding from the enemy, here she could run, a thrilling sensation, a brave risk that would leave her opponent winded.

    When running, she was free.

    Wolfpaw soared over a small running stream and, landing successfully, pitched forward. A gasp escaped her mouth as she went sprawling into the dust.

    “Are you okay?”

    The apprentice lifted her head in alarm to see a black cat peering down at her with concerned amber eyes. “AHHHH!” Wolfpaw yelled, and shot to her paws in shock. Her head bumped against his and they both fell back down.

    “What was that for?” the black tom sputtered. He scrambled to his paws and glared at the apprentice. “I try to help you and this is what I get?”

    Wolfpaw winced and got to her paws. “Sorry,” she mewed. “I really didn’t mean to knock you over. It’s just me and my instincts.”

    The tom’s eyes softened. “I understand,” he mewed gently. “What’s your name?”

    “Wolfpaw,” the gray and cream she-cat told him.

    “I’m Ravenpaw,” the black tom replied. “You’d better get back to your own territory. You seem to have crossed the border. You’re lucky I’m not Tigerclaw!” He flinched suddenly, and when the she-cat watched him she noticed a rather fresh scar across his flank. It looked too fresh to be an old injury, almost like he’d been in a recent battle.

    Wolfpaw glanced down and parted her jaws to drink in the air; with a wince she realized she was standing on ThunderClan territory. “Aren’t you supposed to chase me out?” she asked boldly. “I mean, being ThunderClan and all. You guys are known for being strict about borders, but I don’t really see that right now.”

    Ravenpaw sighed and crouched down. He suddenly looked much older than what he had been a few moments ago. “We’ve had some…problems within the Clan. A very important cat has died.”

    “Really? Who?”

    The black tom tensed up quickly and the fur on his shoulders rose. “None of your business,” he spat. “You’re not supposed to be here. Get back to your own territory!”

    Wolfpaw blinked in surprise. “Okay,” she mewed. “Bye, Ravenpaw…” She turned around and, with a huge bound, sprinted away from the ThunderClan cat; with a pang, she saw him glaring after her.

    There’s something not right in ThunderClan, the apprentice thought to herself. Ravenpaw looked pretty worried, and he had some pretty new scars. That means this important cat died in a battle, most likely.

    And judging by his random behavior, this important cat died rather suddenly. Unexpectedly.

    There’s something going on, and I’m going to find out what it is.


    Oh dear, that ending was pretty rushed 😛 Sorry I took forever to type this out…I was kinda sorta busy.
    Expect another chapter soon, hopefully! 😀

    • For the beginning I had completely forgotten the story-line and I was like what? But keep writing this, it’s great!

      • Oops 😛 Well, I’m about a quarter way done with the next chapter, so hopefully that one will be a little easier to read.
        Thanks for reading! 😀

    • Whoa, nice chapter! Yikes, Flintfeather is mean! And Ravenpaw was alone at the border by himself? That can’t be right…

      • Thanks! Yup, Flinty’s attitude will play a part later in the book…and yup, glad to see you’re catching on to Ravenpaw. 😀

    M I X E D B L O O D
    Book One: THE PROPHECY
    A L L E G I A N C E S

    P O O L C L A N:
    Leader- Badgerstar (White tom with black splotches)
    Deputy- Pikefur (orange tom, green eyes)
    Medicine Cat- Berryleaf (cream tom with white chest and icy blue eyes)
    APPRENTICE- Rainpaw
    Warriors- Mousefang (gray she-cat with green eyes)
    Sweetfur (cream she-cat with blue eyes)
    APPRENTICE: Dewpaw
    Jayclaw ( gray tabby tom, green eyes)
    Pebblepetal (fluffy gray she-cat with blue eyes)
    Owlpelt (brown she-cat, amber eyes)
    Tortoisefeather (tortoishell she-cat with Amber eyes)
    Stompfire ( brown long-haired tabby tom)
    Stoneclaw (dark gray tom, yellow eyes)
    Carl (white tom, formerly a kittypet)
    Apprentices- Rainpaw ( light gray she-cat with white paws)
    Dewpaw (white and-cat with black tail)
    Dawnpaw (black she-cat)
    Queens- Goldenpetal (golden she-cat)
    KITS: Cloudkit and Sunkit
    Elders- Shorttail (dark brown tabby with a stumpy tail)

    F I N C H C L A N:
    Leader- Mintstar (ginger she-cat)
    Deputy- Cloverflight (white she-cat)
    Medicine cat- Leafberry (brown tabby she-cat)
    Warriors- Applestorm (golden coulored tom)
    APPRENTICE: Marshpaw
    Spottyflower (calico she-cat with green eyes)
    Maplecloud (white and orange she-cat)
    Gooseclaw (gray tom with darker gray flecks)
    Blackpelt (black tom, blue eyes)
    Yellowclaw (golden Tom)
    APPRENTICE: Thornpaw
    Foxfang (Orange tom with white tail tip)
    APPRENTICE: Hawkpaw
    Branchwhisker (brown tom with darker flecks)
    Snowmist (white she-cat with green eyes)
    Apprentices- Marshpaw (brown long-furred she-cat)
    Thornpaw (light brown tabby tom)
    Hawkpaw (dark brown tabby tom)
    Queens- none
    Elders- Lostfoot (Orange tom with three legs)

    H A R E C L A N:
    Leader- Heatherstar (dusty creamish brown tom)
    Deputy- Thornwhisper (Black Tom with yellow eyes)
    Medicine Cat: Lavenderbreeze
    APRRENTICE: Rumblepaw
    Warriors- Ringtail (Gray she-cat with curly tail)
    Cloudhop (Fluffy White tom with Ice-Blue eyes)
    APPRENTICE: Waterpaw
    Honkleap (Orange Tom with yellow eyes)
    APPRENTICE: Flamepaw
    Skystrike (grey-blue she-cat with cold-blue eyes)
    Moorhopper (Brown Tom with leaf-green eyes)
    Doeskip (Pale-Brown she-cat with jade-green eyes)
    Apprentices- Flamepaw (Fire coulored tom)
    Waterpaw (Grey she-cat)
    Rumblepaw (Black Tom with grey eartips)
    Queens- Roseshine (Pale-Brown she-cat with orange tail-tip and ears)
    Sunnyflower (Golden she-cat with jade-green eyes)
    Elders- Crowsky (black old tom)
    Hawksnow (White Tom with blind green eyes)
    AUTHOR’S NOTE: Hello! This is a rerun to make the writing better and I noticed it was hard for (new) readers to understand, since I didn’t link pages 😛 I’ll do it this time though, and I’ll also add a prologue 😀

  • Never meant to be
    Part Two

    It is sunrise by the time we wake up from our nap. The whole night, Lilywish and I climbed up the tall hill until we reached the bottom of the first hill and found shelter beneath a rock-fall. Then fell asleep. Now it is Sunrise and Lilywish begins to stir. I feel a stab of shock and guilt as I repeated what I did last night in my head. I almost felt an inner voice saying, “So you’re telling me that I went on a solo mission to kill one puny she-cat, ended up befriending her, warning her, letting an immensely annoying warrior run off to kill the cat you grew up with, and then you ran over a hill with the cat you were supposed to murder.” Yep, that sure is what I’m telling myself. Now I’m especially convinced that the WindClan she-cat had enchanted me because I would not do this any other day. I groan inwardly. Should’ve said no to this mission. Ugh.

    “St-Stormpelt?” I hear a soft mew.

    I quickly turn around, a little self-conscious, wondering if my pelt looked okay. “Yeah?”

    “Where are-oh,” Lilywish remembers where we are. “Uh-Stormpelt, I’m a little hungry…” She looks at me expectantly.

    “No prob’,” I flick my ears. “I’ll go and hunt a little bit.”

    She heaves herself up. “I’ll come with you-wait. Um. Who were the toms that were trying to kill me?”


    “What rogues? Who were they?”

    Why does she keep on asking?! “I said rogues, didn’t I?!,” I snap. “They’re all the same; you won’t get anything by finding out 1 out of 100 murderer’s name.” I huff and stalk out of the stone pile den. Well that wasn’t true. I knew I was being defensive because for some stupid StarClan-forbade reason I just couldn’t let her know my intentions. Maybe I should just kill her now.

    I concentrate on my hunting as a rabbit is chewing on a blade of grass 3 fox-lengths ahead of me. I usually hunt in the trees so this is hard. I carefully stalk my prey and just as I pounce, the rabbit flees. “Darn rabbit!” I shout. But just then, I see a flash of brown and see that Lilywish has the rabbit in her jaws, and the bunny wriggled and wailed and Lilywish struggled to hold a good grip on the prey’s neck and it struggled free and ran, now with a limp that I had given it.

    “Well that was sure a feisty one.” The tabby she cat mews amusedly.

    “You still managed to catch it, though. That was nice!” I compliment Lilywish.

    She blushes and licks her chest fur, embarrassedly. “It was nothing, Stormpelt.”

    “It sure was something!” Then I hesitate. Why am I complimenting her all the time? It’s beginning to get weird.

    Lilywish doesn’t notice my peculiar face and looks over the hill we had climbed over the night. “I hope it is safe for us to go back to the Clans. WindClan will surely miss me. ThunderClan for you too.”

    “Ashheart will come here when it is safe,” I mutter gruffly. “Let’s hunt, please. I’m starving, bet you are too. Haven’t had anything all morning.” Well actually all morning and all night and afternoon yesterday for me. Just a morning for her. Hmmph. I’ll still give her my first catch. I stalk off to the small clump of undergrowth where I am best at hunting. “I will hunt over here if you need me!” Not that she will. With that big Ashheart to look after her.” A particular bitter feeling swept over me. “Uh-okay!,” Lilywish meows warmly as if nothing mattered. “I’ll just be hunting out here, in the open. I do my best here. Are you-”

    I stop listening as I stalk off to the thick trees, my mood huffy.


    I had caught two mice and Lilywish had caught a nest of three shrews and one snow hare. Humph. She beat me by two pieces of prey. Now we’re eating, sharing the hare and chatting – well, it is mostly Lilywish rambling on about herself but I listen attentively.

    “My mother, Daisydapple died in a battle against ShadowClan when I was an apprentice…that is why I despise ShadowClan…”

    “Oh,” I say. I really have no idea what to say; I’m not the most sympathetic tom. “That’s…sad.”

    Lilywish nods and I can see her fighting tears. “Yeah…my father, Stoneheart took me for granted until then.” I go stiff as I hear The Resolutes’ enemy’s name.

    “Stormpelt, is everything okay?”

    “Yeah.” I nod briskly.

    “Father cared about me lots after that. He protected me with his life. He also hated rogues too.” Lilywish takes a bite of her hare’s haunch.

    “But what about you?,” I ask. “Do you hate rogues?” Why am I even asking her this?

    “I…don’t really know….I guess they haven’t done much wrong but I will stand by my father when he needs me.”

    That’s all I need to hear.

    I coldly bite my prey, snapping the joints; Lilywish does not notice.

    “I’ve been talking about myself far too much,” Lilywish giggles. “What about you? Who are your parents?”

    Allyson and Jeffrey, best Resolutes ever..

    “Um…er…,” Gosh danggit, I don’t know any ThunderClan cats. Except…. “Pearstar.”

    “Oooh, your father is the Clan leader? That’s cool!”

    “Erm, yeah.” Let’s just hope Pearstar actually doesn’t find out.”

    “Who’s your mentor?”

    Time to start making up names. “Uh, Graypelt. She died.”

    “Oh…sorry. Who’s your mother?”

    “Finchbreeze. She died too.”

    “So we both have dead moms.”

    It’s actually true. My real mother died when she was trying to sneak prey out of RiverClan. I will hate them forever.

    “Yeah…I miss her. A lot.”

    “Me too. I remember when she cuddled me as a kit and told me stories.”

    “Or when mine told me I was the bravest res- warrior ever.”

    We huddle close and share our grief not with words, but in a way I can’t even explain.


    It’s been three days since we met and Lilywish and I are exploring the hills for fun. For once I can smell the sweet-clean air that I didn’t even realize I was missing out on. “This would be such great WindClan territory!” Lilywish mews. Then she stares at me guiltily. “Y’sure you don’t want this for ThunderClan?” I can see that she’s hoping for me to say no which is not my answer but neither is yes.

    “Well are you sure this territory should go to the Clans? If WindClan, ThunderClan whatever has it, would the other Clans not want it? Now wouldn’t that start a battle as all Clans would want this?”

    Lilywish hesitated then smiled. “Sometimes I wish I were as wise as you.”

    Does she really mean that?

    “Soooo this place can be for you, me-”

    Exactly what I wanted to hear.

    “-and Ashheart”

    “Wait, what?”

    “This can be for Ashheart too because he was the one who directed us to it.” Lilywish frowns a little at me before she takes off, running at incredible speed down the second hill. I start to follow, running lightly, but finding myself going ultra fast that my paws nearly fell off. THIS HILL IS TOO STEEP, I’M GOING TO FALL ANY SECOND AAAAAHHHHHHHHH. I finally tumble down at the edge and so does Lilywish. Down, down down. I think I’m screaming for my life – or laughing. I find out which as I land and Lilywish did a second before me. We are laughing so hard.

    “I won!” Lilywish meows victoriously. I purr, allowing her to enjoy her moment of victory.

    We start cleaning our pelts and, once we are done, we start eating some of the cranberries from a bush.


    Nighttime comes and I actually am concerned on why Ashheart hasn’t returned. And what happened to Ian? I tell Lilywish that I’d go out and hunt a little bit. She is surprised that I’m hunting at night and protests but I tell her it’s OK and she can go to sleep. She frowns but obeys.

    Now I’m crawling up the last hill, catching on to Ashheart’s scent trail. He is dangerously close and curious questions are prickling up my spine. Did you kill Ian? Is Lilywish safe? Did you…tell him everything?

    I can hear a cat prowling through the bushes and I knew what I was thinking. I pushed my way through the bushes and forced myself to come face to face with Ashheart.

    With a snarl, he leaped upon me.

    We tussled on the ground until I pinned him down, my teeth bared. I know what happened. It’s obvious that Ian told him everything.

    “You traitor!,” the large gray tom hissed. “I thought you cared! What have you-” He paused and wheezed. “What have you done to Lilywish?”

    I swatted his face and rolled him onto his back. “Nothing of your concern!” I snarled.

    “If you hurt her,” Ashheart’s voice cracked. “If you have done anything-

    “And what can you do about it?” I get off him and pull a smirk. He gets up and stares at me, shock in his eyes.

    “Really? What can you?”

    Ashheart breathes heavily an looks at his paws. I take a step forward.

    “Your Lilywish is fine, don’t worry. It appears I have a softer heart that what is expected.”

    He looks at me with a strange frown.

    I roll my eyes. “I won’t kill her, is what I’m saying. If you leave me al-

    “Ashheart!” I hear a voice that makes my heart tingle. Oh no.

    “You’re okay! You’re here! Oh…what happened?”

    Lilywish inspects us both. “You guys….”

    Ashheart clears his throat. “Erm, actually…I thought Stormpelt was the other tom and attacked him.”


    Whoa. He actually lied.

    “But he’s not and you’re safe. I’ll go back to WindClan now.” He takes a painful step back.

    “You’re too hurt!,” Lilywish mews anxiously. “You can stay with us…if you want?” She gives me a hopeful look and I return it with a blank stare.

    “Uh…I dunno,” Ashheart says.

    “We insist, Ashheart,” I jump in. “You’re awfully hurt.”

    He gives me a weird glance before finally nodding and following us back home.


    For the next few days, Ashheart regards me warily. I deserve it. I know. Lilywish does not deserve me, and I can never have her. But the thought of Ashheart pressing his dark gray fur against Lilywish’s tender brown tabby one is enough to make me claw the ground.

    When did I become like this? Is being a Resolute not what matters most?

    “Stormpelt!” Lilywish calls, and I turn to see her and Ashheart coming back with a fat rabbit. “We caught prey!”

    “Nice!” I call, walking over to them. I deliberately avoid Ashheart and step over to Lilywish’s side, brushing my fur against hers. I see Ashheart’s claws twitch, to my satisfaction.

    They set the rabbit down and we begin eating in silence. I remember from yesterday and before, how it was just Lilywish and I. Now I can’t talk to her, brush my pelt against hers, or sleep next to her without Ashheart and his suspicious glare. Why can’t he go away?

    Because I’m the true danger to Lilywish. He’s smart to stay, and I respect and despise him for it at the same time. Lilywish is full when she walks away to collect some huckleberries when Ashheart clears his throat; I turn my attention to him.

    “So. Ryan.” He growls.

    I glare back. “Yes?”

    “I always knew the Resolutes would come for Lilywish!” He stands up, hissing. I stand up too, with an equal glare (I hope). He continues,” But never would I have thought it would be a cunning fox like you!”

    I unsheathe my claws. “Then why don’t you protect her?! Why don’t you just kill me now, like you did to Ian.”

    “Your friend?” Ashheart throws back his head and laughs. “I let him go. Let him go tell the Resolutes about how you betrayed them by falling in love with a Clan cat.” His voice is mocking.

    I flinch, and take a step back, my mind whirling. My voice comes out hushes and quiet, “You told them I loved her?”

    “Don’t you?” Ashheart smirks.

    I stare at my paws. Then, something strikes me. “Does Ian know where we are?” My heart is pounding fast.

    Ashheart looks grim. “I stalked him for days…he was coming around here when I attacked him and forced him to leave and I told him you were refuging Lilywish, and then he left….”

    I knock him over and pin the gray tom down. “Did you specify we were here??” I hiss into his face.

    “No-well, he probably guessed but we can’t-”

    “You just put her in danger!”

    Ashheart staggers up but my warning is far too late. We both hear deep th-thumping, probably many cats close by. I turn and look…to see a hundred cats storming down the second hill…toward us.

    The Resolutes are here.

    And Lilywish is nowhere in sight.

  • Stream Falling #1: Civil War

    Chapter 2


    Flamesky flicked his tail, fluffing out his fur against the cold night air as he headed home from the Gathering with his Clanmates. He couldn’t wait to see his sister, Coppershine. He wished she had been able to come with him, but she was a fierce fighter and very stubborn and had insisted on fighting the badgers to the very end. She wasn’t as badly injured as Ivyfrost or Kestrelsong, but too badly to come to the Gathering. Birchflower had insisted that she stay in her nest and rest. However fiercely his sister had protested, the medicine cat had remained firm.

    “Hey, Flamesky.”

    He felt the brush of long fur against his as Silvermist sped up from walking with Birdstorm to join him. He felt a little thrill that she had left her friend to come walk with him, but shook it off and gave her a friendly smile. “Hi!”

    “Hey, so I was wondering something.” Silvermist flicked her ear nervously as she spoke. “I was thinking… You know, if Stormstar had attacked all those moons ago, we wouldn’t have this problem. I hoped Mistlefall would knock some sense into him, but they’re practically twins. And Icedapple… well, I know my sister. She’ll support him to the very end. So, I guess it’s time to do something about it.”

    Flamesky blinked, his eyes widening. “I guess so, but do what?”

    Silvermist shrugged. “Talk to Stormstar, show him our arguments and the strength in numbers. Never give up. It’ll be a little while,” she reassured him. “I’m tired and I don’t want to talk to too many cats tonight. I just know that you’re reliable, and you’re a nice cat to have on my team, so I wanted to speak to you about it tonight.”

    “I’m flattered! Of course I’ll help you,” Flamesky replied. “I could talk to a couple cats if you’d like.”

    “You would? Oh, thank you,” Silvermist sighed. She flicked her tail at a dark brown she-cat walking ahead. “Try talking to Robinsong.”

    Flamesky nodded, smiling shyly. “Of course! See you.” He picked up the pace until he was next to Robinsong.

    “Hey,” he began. “So Silvermist had this idea…”


    Five cats.

    Their numbers were five at the end of the day. Silvermist, him, Robinsong, Birdstorm, and Crowblaze. Three she-cats and two toms.

    Robinsong had easily accepted, saying it was a good idea. When she asked him why Silvermist wasn’t asking instead, he explained the problem and she offered to go talk to Mistbreeze. The dark silver tabby she-cat had politely declined, but Robinsong talked to Crowblaze after that and he readily agreed. He had promised to also talk to his mate, Snowheart, who was a queen in the nursery. Their three kits were too young to participate, but their parents could.

    When they got back, he had tried to talk to Coppershine, but she was too tired to really listen, so he gave up quickly, telling Birdstorm he would talk to her in the morning. Besides, Whiteflash snapped at him to go to sleep. He was Icedapple’s mate and the father of her two kits, so he obviously didn’t want to go against her, but still, he didn’t have to be that snappy.

    Annoyed, Robinsong suggested that they move to a corner of the warriors’ den so they didn’t disturb the “ever-so-precious sleep” of others. Flamesky privately thought that she didn’t have to be so rude, and he didn’t want to leave Coppershine, but he moved his nest anyway to show Silvermist he supported her. He ended up between Birdstorm and Crowblaze, with Silvermist’s nest in front of him and the wall behind him.

    He wrapped his tail over his nose and sighed softly, watching Mistbreeze and Flarestorm settle in, murmuring quietly to each other. Firebreeze rolled over, kicking Crystalsong in the nest next to her. Crystalsong let out an annoyed, tired yowl, and Dustbreeze clapped his paws over his ears, grunting in annoyance.

    Wow, Flamesky mused. Everyone’s really uptight tonight. Why? We’re just standing up for what’s right.

    He rolled over so he was facing the wall, turning his back on the sleepily crabby warriors and flattened his ears in an attempt to get some sleep at last.

    He heard Oakstorm join Flarestorm and Mistbreeze whispering to one another, and the same for Silvermist, Robinsong, and Birdstorm, and Hollyfall, Rowanfall, and Dawnflame. The warriors’ den seemed alive with whispers, too quiet to make out the words but just loud enough to acknowledge there were cats talking, like everyone was waiting for something huge to happen, too scared to talk about it openly, but they couldn’t pretend it wasn’t going to happen.

    Flamesky sighed quietly and closed his eyes, sinking into a shallow, dreamless sleep.


    I’m really not happy with how short this one is, but I couldn’t really add in anything else. It’s kind of a filler/buildup chapter, so there’s not really any action (yet). But the next chapter should be pretty long and have quite a bit of action 😉 I’ll make it up to you guys, I promise!

    Eeeee! We got to meet Flamesky! I’m so happy! I’ve already outlined the whole book, so I’ve already gotten to work with his character a little bit 😀 he’s definitely one of my favorites!

    Questions of the Day:

    1: What do you think of Flamesky so far? (I swear if you don’t like him he’ll win your heart. Promise. XD)
    2: What do you think of the cats Silvermist has chosen? What changes would you make?
    3: Any thoughts on what Silvermist was telling Birdstorm and Robinsong, what Hollyfall was telling Rowanfall and Dawnflame, and what Mistbreeze was telling Flarestorm and Oakstorm?
    4: What do you think of how Flamesky feels toward Silvermist/how Whiteflash feels toward Icedapple and how did that affect their decisions? Do you agree with them?
    5: Do I have too many cats with the suffix -breeze? I just love it 😛

    Thanks for reading! Feedback is always welcome 🙂

  • Darktail’s End

    Darktail and his rogues were in a battle with the Clan cats. The Clan cats didn’t stand much of a chance against the rogues, especially since the rogues had ShadowClan so some of the Clan cats didn’t want to fight their friends.

    Suddenly, Scourge fell out of the sky, and landed on Darktail.

    The Clan cats freaked out and thought that Scourge would fight on the side of the rogues, Now it was definately going to be impossible!

    But instead Scourge snarled at Darktail.

    “You think you’re the coolest, most amazing villain! Well you’re not! I am!” He hissed, and sliced at Darktail’s stomach, killing him the same way he had killed Tigerstar-only Darktail was easier to kill since he didn’t have nine lives.

    “Now that’s how to kill! With only one blow!” He exclaimed and danced away.

  • Hello guys!!! 🙂 Three questions:

    1. What are some of your favorite things to write about?
    2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
    3. What is some writing advice, tips and tricks, you can share with us?

    1. I like writing about the usual. Life. Love. Loss. Characters > Plot. Villains with some heart.
    2. Choppy writing. Too many similes and metaphors. Monotone narrator. Issues with commas and tenses.
    3. Cut out all unnecessary words. Get rid of them. Add some fluff if you want, but keep it minimum. (Especially in dialogue.) Every word needs to move the story forward. 😀

    • I like writing troll fanfics, and writing fanfics that makes Thornpelt go “Why in starclan did you write you this?”

      I have none
      Thornpelt taking over the world (He would change the world into Marioland!)
      Idk I am bad at writing, just review it all then publish it, so you know there are no mistakes. (And that was, useless tips with Rosesong)

    • 1. Some of the things I love to write about is something like backstory of character / character developement 😛 I also love to write about exploration and loss.
      2. I keep on focusing on describing instead of the story 😛 so a weakness i guess??? not sure
      3. Describe things and / or setting, so the image of it could pop up easily 😀

    • 1: Warriors 😛 I love writing funny stuff and plot twists!

      2: My strengths lie in funny stuff, deep stuff, first person, and one-shots. And plot twists 😛

      3: Use filler chapters. They’re annoying to write but they’re wonderful in the whole story.

      GEEESE FANFICS- I like writing a lot of stories 😛

      um, make it intresting. What sentence is better? ‘Dawntail felt hungry’ or ‘Hunger clung to Dawntail’s Orange belly’?


      Metaphors and similies



    • 1. Fantasy! Or at least fiction.
      2. Descriptions (strength) and getting through to the end without it getting boring giving up (weakness).
      3. Hmmm… choose a story you like and want to write about, not one you don’t!

    • 1. Warriors, obviously 😀
      2. Strengths- No idea Weaknesses: Terrible at character development
      3. Ummm… don’t use the word “very” unless you have to (my grandfather always said “You very seldom use the word very.” :P) Such as Silverleaf was very upset vs. Silverleaf was upset. The “very” is very unnecessary 😛 I probably make no sense 😉

      2) Strengths: Coming up with a really good plot line and writing lengthy chapters
      Weaknesses: Finishing the fanfic 😛
      3) Describe more, show, don’t tell!

    • 1) EVERYTHING!!!
      2A) Um, I am good at cat names
      2B) I get off topic alot
      3) Try writing from different POV’s each chapter and add detail

    • 1. I like writing about very much dramatised versions of whatever’s happened in my life and other peoples and changing characters and such
      2. Strengths- I manage to finish some of them? Weaknesses- I can’t handle words well, I never finish fics or sometimes even oneshots, you know all mine.
      3. i have none 🙁

    • 1. Romance. Loss. Ghosts. I like writing that evokes a feeling rather than tells a story. Emotion > Action.

      2. I think I’m alright at tone and creating mood/atmosphere. I’m good at descriptions and metaphors, and okay at character development. That being said, I tend to go overboard with metaphors and I’m awful at plot, so my stories tend to be long-winded and static. Also, humour is the death of me. I can’t write funny things 😛

      3. Diction is important and often overlooked. You can describe the same scene with an array of tones. If the tone is happy/sad/something, make sure your wording reflects that. Make sure your characters have motives. Everyone has a reason for doing something. If your character does/says/thinks something and I ask why, you should be able to answer me. Characters in general should be three dimensional. Don’t make your characters perfect. Make them real.

    • 1. I like to write about rogue-and-Clan connections, if you’re referring to warriors. My favorite genre to write about is adventure, though.

      2. Weaknesses: I rarely finish any fanfics, usually stopping in the middle, or beginning, of a Warriors fanfiction. Strengths: I really like writing so I do it a lot. I guess that helps include the quality of the writing?

      3. Haha, I dunno…maybe don’t write about anything you aren’t really sure about. It’s always easier to write about something you’ve got planned out and is interested about.

  • A day in the life of Thornpelt:
    Part 1: Revenge for him calling me weird

    Bluestar (Thornpelt’s crush)
    Graybae\Graystripe (Who he wishes was his best friend)
    Ravenpaw (Who he NEEEEDS as a son)

    Rosesong slammed her head against her counter with annoyance that he does not care about her distress when reading warrior, killing her instantly, which led the main character, Thornpelt, into depression


  • Omsc I’m sorry I have completely forgot to post Prologue and Chapter One of Rising Sun here! I guess I have school so it’s going to move very slowly. But without further ado, here they are! (the cringe tho)


    Seedstar sat atop the Highledge, tail flicking anxiously. She could hear the thundering of paws in the distance.

    “Seedstar?” The young leader turned, spotting her deputy Elkleap scrambling up the rocks until he had found a position beside her. “The rogues are coming. A ThunderClan patrol was sent out to investigate. They should come back any moment now.”

    Seedstar nodded her acknowledgement. “Thank you, Elkleap. Make sure our cats are ready. I have a feeling we won’t be left alone.”

    Elkleap’s whiskers twitched. “Yes, Seedstar,” he replied, making his way down the Highledge. Seedstar sighed, trying to calm her nerves.

    “Seedstar! Seedstar!” Thrushfang and Hollysky tore through the camp entrance, covered from head to tail with bite and claw marks.

    Seedstar’s gaze darted to the two warriors. “What happened? Did you see the rogues? Where are Vineshade and Pidgeonpaw?” She asked, bristling with alarm.

    The two heavily wounded cats collapsed. Blackstone rushed to treat them, a bundle of herbs in his jaws.

    “W-we ran into the rogues,” Thrushfang began shakily. “They attacked us and killed Vineshade. We were forced to retreat.”

    “And Pidgeonpaw?” Seedstar pressed.

    Thrushfang glanced down, tears welling at his eyes. “We tried to carry him back….”

    Hollysky stared at her paws as well. “He died on the way here. We buried him a few tree-lengths outside the camp.”

    Seedstar dipped her head in sympathy. Pidgeonpaw had been Thrushfang’s enthusiastic, eager apprentice. It must be hard now that he was gone. She turned to Elkleap. “Is everyone prepared? We need to be carefu-” She broke off, noticing a gap in the camp wall. Elkleap turned to look as well.

    There were two amber eyes staring through the hole.


    Seedstar barely had time to comprehend what was being said when rogues began irregularly pouring through the camp walls, screeching battle cries and flinging themselves at the gathering crowd of clan cats. Badgerflame, Whitefrost, and Feathercloud rushed to meet the four rogues at the camp entrance. Thrushfang and Hollysky struggled to their paws while Tallpaw and Larchpaw crashed into a rogue heading for the apprentice’s den.

    “Defend the nursery!” Seedstar yowled as she flung herself from Highledge onto a brown tom, sending both cats crashing to the ground. Jaggedpaw, Mouseflame, Gorsewhisker, and Adderleaf rushed to defend the den and the kits inside. Seedstar pushed herself to her paws and flung herself at a huge tom, kicking and clawing wherever there was flesh available. This isn’t another border skirmish. This is an invasion.

    The large tom swung a paw at Seedstar, but she ducked easily. She only noticed she fell for the ploy when the other massive paw slammed into her jaw and sent her tumbling. She rolled away as the terrifying figure bore down on her, foaming at the mouth. He reared up to strike a devastating, maybe even fatal blow when Mistyfern broke away from the writhing mass of cats and dove at the tom’s legs, sending him toppling.

    “Thanks,” Seedstar breathed, nodding her appreciation. Mistyfern dipped her head and plunged back into the battle, leaving Seedstar to finish off the stocky tom sprawled on the ground. A yellow tabby rushed forward, hissing, but Seedstar lunged forward and struck the tabby between the ribs with her shoulder. Both cats spat with fury as they leapt again, crashing against each other and clawing in a whirl of fur and blood. The yellow tabby mercilessly drove Seedstar back with a flurry of blows, tearing the ThunerClan leader’s ear. The she-cat roared in fury and reared up, slamming both paws on the tabby’s shoulder blades and driving the rogue into the ground. She clamped her jaws around the tabby’s throat, jerking her head back and feeling the attacker go limp. She dropped the cat and turned to see Elkleap staring at her. “That snap….”

    Seedstar dismissed it with a flick of her tail. She stepped back, trying to survey the devastated camp. Grassfoot and a rogue lay dead next to each other, with Blazeberry shaking Grassfoot frantically. Bramblesting was slumped against the camp wall nearby, eyes dull. Blackstone reared up at the entrance of the medicine den, three rogues surrounding him. Jaggedpaw and Gorsewhisker were left as the only two remaining nursery defenders, and Seedstar watched in horror as one of the rogues kicked Gorsewhisker away and slashed at Jaggedpaw’s throat, striking down the weary apprentice. Two rogues barged into the nursery, blood staining their pelts.

    “Quick! We have to help the queens and kits!” Seedstar called to the remaining warriors, racing towards the nursery. She skidded to a halt by Jaggedpaw.

    “I-I’m sorry… I tried to stop them….” he sputtered.

    Suddenly, a grey she-cat pounced on Seedstar and sliced her other ear open. Seedstar yowled in fury, striking out at the she-cat’s skull, but the rogue easily danced away. She swung at the rogue’s head but at the last moment her paw swerved downward, tearing a long scratch in the grey she-cat’s leg. She grunted in pain and flung herself at Seedstar again, throwing both she-cats to the ground. Quick as a flash, the grey rogue was on her again, her claws arcing down toward Seedstar’s head.

    And with a flash of pain, the whole world went dark.



    It was almost sunhigh when Smokestripe finally accepted his need to get up. He wearily pushed himself to his paws, blinking several times before leaving the warrior’s den. He craned his neck to see Snowstar having a quiet chat with Echofrost, Antshade, Silvercloud, Toadflame, and Falconwing near the leader’s den. Whitewhisker ordered Shrewpaw around the medicine den, while Nightpoppy and Lightstorm shared a mouse at the elder’s den. Rainfeather was supervising Silvercloud’s kits, Pricklekit and Gingerkit, near the fresh-kill pile, while Emberdusk fondly watched her own litter, only a half-moon old. Smokestripe shook out his fur and started toward Shiverflame, Rushstorm, and Honeywhisker, who were grouped together by the camp wall and were murmuring in low voices.

    “Hey,” Smokestripe greeted, sitting beside the three warriors.

    The three cats looked up, nodding their welcome.

    “Hi,” Rushstorm replied. “Do you know what Snowstar and the senior warriors are talking about?”

    Smokestripe shook his head. “No, sorry. Why?”

    “We heard about the rogues entering our territory, and what they did to ThunderClan,” Shiverflame murmured.

    Smokestripe had heard that several rogue groups were at war with each other in ThunderClan territory, and had launched a devastating attack on ThunderClan to eliminate them as a threat. Over half of ThunderClan, including their leader, Seedstar, and medicine cat, Blackstone, were killed in the horrific siege, and the remainder had scattered, leaving ThunderClan to be destroyed forever. Now the rogues were running wild on ShadowClan territory, free to do what they wanted without a strong force to stop them.

    “We don’t know who they are or what they might do.” Honeywhisker added worriedly.

    “Yeah, I know,” Smokestripe responded. “I just hope they leave soon. I’d rather keep a normal life, thank you.”

    “Don’t count on it,” Rushstorm muttered darkly. “Anyway, is there anything interesting going on? I’ve been sitting on my tail all day.”

    Smokestripe shrugged. “It’s kind of hard to find something to do when Snowstar just keeps us cooped up in camp. We’re lucky the fresh-kill pile is still stocked.”

    “He probably just wants to know how dangerous the rogues are before he sends out any cats near them,” Honeywhisker intervened.

    Smokestripe nodded. “I guess that makes sense,” he agreed. However, his mind was still plagued with disturbing thoughts. If the rogues destroyed ThunderClan, the strongest Clan in the forest…

    What does that mean for us?

    Sorry Chapter One was so short and had absolutely no action, it was just there to explain kind of what was going on and introduce some of the characters who will show up in the near future. Chapter Two will probably be similar and will come within a week. Thanks for reading! 😀
    (The cringe is real)

    • That was great Frosty! Yikes, I feel bad for ThunderClan and ShadowClan. And it’s easier to read and give feedback if you post each chapter one by one 🙂

      • Thanks! I was just desperate to get both Prologue and Chap. One out before the end of the week. And yeah, ThunderClan’s had a bad time (Undertrash incoming) 😛

  • Creekfeather awoke to a field of green,prey run rampant in abundance the troubles he’d seen almost seemed forgotten in this paradise but he was just in his nest with his kits and mate but now here.

    The silver warrior rose to his paws and began sniffing and padding around the place trying to catch a whiff of anything when he was suddenly knocked off his paws by a starry pelted tom that put the sun to shame.

    “What do you think you were doing down there mouse-brain?” meowed the tom as he looked at a daze and confused Creekfeather.The tom swiped a paw over his head again when he tried to get up.”Wait a second,am I dead?” said Creekfeather as he looked at the Starry tom once more “You will be unless you tell me why you were doing that!” he yowled as Creekfeather gazed downward towards what he thinks is his world

    It shows brief flashbacks of all the wrong he’s done from killing Petal and Fleet and taking prey from others as well as teaching the Barrow Cats how to fight without mercy instead of hunting.”Remember who you are Creekfeather.” said the tom as he licked his chest his gaze burning through the silver tom’s pelt like fire through a forest.”I-i-i just wanted to feed my family” Creekfeather mewled as he shrunk under the starry tom’s gaze “That is not the way Creekfeather!” said the tom as he padded around Creekfeather “You’re a Warrior brought up by the warrior code,think of all the times in your life where the code mattered”meowed the strange star pelted warrior. Creekfeather looked down towards the world again to see more flashbacks.

    “I am going to be the best hunter ever,no one will starve!” yowled Creekpaw as he padded through the forest with his mentor Hawkfoot.”I am sure you will young one” said the calico she-cat as she took the lead”
    “You’re not allowed to go outside of camp until everything is clear” spoke Leafstar as she looked at the silver furred apprentice.”But I can help,I’ll find out where the dog is if you let me!” said the Older Apprentice as he looked his leader disappointment in his eyes.”Go get some rest Creekpaw” she said as she curled into her nest while Sharpclaw consulted her.

    “I’ll show her,I’ll find the dog” Creekpaw said as he rushed towards the edge of the gorge only to be stopped by Smokekit [Brother] and Redpaw. “Where do you think you’re going” meowed the red she-cat as she glared at him obviously furious he was leaving.”I am going to find the dogs Redpaw,please move” spoke Creekpaw as he tried to get past Redpaw only to be blocked again.”Last time you went out,you didn’t come back for 6 days you’re not leaving again” concern in her voice as she padded closer “I have to,no one else is doing anything! You have to understand” said Creekpaw pain in his throat as he thought he might have to hurt the she-cat he loved to serve his clan.With a heavy sigh she spoke again “Fine,it’s obvious you’re not letting this go but I’m coming with you” Redpaw meowed as she gave him a loving lick on the neck before falling in beside him “Stay here Smokekit” said Creekpaw as they both padded out of towards the border,the kit quickly following their scent trail and paw steps.

    “I’m telling you we’re not going to find it” Redpaw meowed as she sniffed a nearby bush for any scent.As the wind hit his nose Smokekit yowled in terror as he bursted through the bushes the dog right behind him,it was large black furred and it’s eyes glowed with a blood lust no cat could describe.”Redpaw go back to the gorge and get help quick! Smokekit stay behind me” Creekpaw growled as he faced the dog claws unsheathed his eyes in slits as he stared it down. “I’m not leaving you again,we are in this together” Redpaw said only to be yowled at again by the tom “I said go!” and with that Redpaw sprinted as if all of StarClan was beside her at that very moment. “The only way you’re getting to Smokekit is by sending me to Silverpelt” howled Creekfeather as he smashed himself into the dog claws slashing and teeth biting as he desperately fought to save his younger brother.

    The Dog knocked him back sending him flying into the tree his vision fading want him to retreat into the cold slumber of unconciousness he looked around to see the dog prowling closer towards Smokekit the kit’s eyes lit with terror as he backed away slowly.

    Thoughts ran through Creekpaws mind as he looked on “Redpaw,Smokekit,Hareleap,Hawkfur and Tallclaw” thought Creekpaw as he slowly stood limping over towards the dog as his teeth were closer into Smokekit’s face “I have to live for Smokekit,I have to live for Redpaw” he mumbled as his claw unsheathed again, a new found energy returning to them “I have to live for the clan!” he yowled as he charged over barreling into the dog as a patrol poured into the area quickly seizing on the dog as well.
    It let out a yelp of terror as it was surrounded by warriors and a furious Creekpaw corned it forcing it to pelt out towards the twoleg place never to be seen in the forest for many moons.”Creekpaw!” yowled Redpaw and Hawkfoot as the silver tom collapsed with the Echosong padded over as well shouting for cob webs to stop the bleeding as his world went silent.

    Creekpaw and Redpaw stood with Leafstar as she meowed the words that would change their lives for the better.”I, Leafstar, leader of Skyvlan, call upom my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices.They have trained effortlessly to understand the ways of your honored code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn” she gazed at both of them her eyes shown with pride as she spoke again.

    “Creekpaw,Redpaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend the Clan,even at the cost of your own life?” Creekpaw and Redpaw speak in unison happyness glowing in their eyes “I do!”
    “Then by the powers of Starlcan, I give you you’re warrior name. Creekpaw from this moment you will be known as Creekfeather,The clan honors you’re courage and determination.
    “And Redpaw from this moment you will be known as Redflower, The clan honors you’re kindness and loyalty.
    “Creekfeather!,Redflower!” yowled their clanmates as the two newly made warriors brushed up against each other their pelts burning in embarssament as the two cats padded off the rock and towards a spot for them to sit vigil while the clan slept.
    The two layed down near each other as they gazed upon the stars,they stared into each others eyes saying more words then any of the could have came up with if they spoke.Their tails intertwined as they looked off into the night Redflower’s head against Creekfeather’s shoulder the two calming listening into to the sound of the river as Redflower drifted to sleep.

    After that was lost and hardship as Creekfeather replayed the memories of Redflower dying during her kitting and his kit’s Whitepaw and Fernpaw were swept away during a flood as well as the lost of his clan and his brother at the hands of Darktail and Feral.
    His mind a complete fill of sadness and despair as he looked at the starry tom his eyes flowing tears as he looked at the cat.”Do you understand what it means to be a remember what you would fight and die for?” meowed the tom as he comforted Creekfeather.”I do Nightmask” said Creekfeather as he began to fade into nothing “Then return to the world Creekfeather” meowed Redflower lovingly as she padded over next to Nightmask her comforting gaze feeling like he was on a nest of clouds.

    “Sun!” yelled a voice as he came back from his visit to Starclan only to walk out of the den and see none only then Ember staring him down as Sun looked across the camp to see her father glaring at her angrily.
    “And you!” he growled as his green eyes narrowed and his claws unsheathed before leaping at the tom.

    Well how did I do for this one? I wanted to use another love for Creekfeather since I shipped it so hard in my other thought out series I might make about Creekit all the way to Creekfeather and post it to
    Vote on the Poll if you want to see it after the last chapters of this are done.

    BTW We didn’t see Whitepaw or Fernpaw, Redflower and Creekfeather’s kits in Starclan hmm foreshadowing maybe? will you’re Writer Blackclaw Play with you’re feels again? or will he give you atleast some part of Creekfeather’s Skyclan back FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL Z “Que Dragonball Z Theme Song”

  • M I X E D B L O O D
    Book One: THE PROPHECY
    P R O LO G U E

    The tawny sun rose up from the mountains, escaping into the pink-blue sky.
    The large river was flowing, as usual.
    The Garthering Island lay on the river, as usual.
    PoolClan was on the other side of the river, as usual.
    FinchClan was on the opposite side of the river, as usual.
    HareClan tettitory was still there, as usual.
    The river made a splash. It was a brown tabby rouge was splashing on the water.
    Splash-Splash, Splash-Splash, Two more rouges swam behind.
    “Claw, Where are the others?” A black rouge meowed to the tabby one. “We need to fetch them,”
    The tabby climbed up onto the bank and turned to meet the black rouge’s face.
    “They’re at the Abandoned Twoleg Nest,” Claw replied. “They are getting ready,”
    The black rouge nodded. The white rouge leaped up onto the bank, aswell.
    They walked dumbly towards the abandoned twoleg nest.
    “Hello, Claw, Dark and Shard,” A voice up on the roof meowed, “We are all ready,”
    Claw nodded with satisfaction. They got moving with the rest of the cats, uprowards HareClan camp. They walked through the forest, being led by Shard and Claw.
    The familiar tunnel lied infront of them.
    “Dear HareClan,” Shard sang. “Vengeance is rising,”

    AN: OOOO, Sorry this was short, the chapters will be longer.
    I noticed a few names on the Allegiances are cannon.
    The names are;
    Jayclaw (Renamed to: Jayheart)
    Stoneclaw (Renamed to: Stonefang)
    Mousefang (Renamed to: Mousepetal)

    PREVIOUS (ALLEGIANCES): (scroll down)


    • This is awesome! Oh no, poor HareClan XD

      (and I posted this before and it went into the Spam Folder or something? idk)

  • BlogClan! Best idea ever!
    The Name Challenge!

    Basically choose a random page of any Warriors book and copy down each name from that one page in order.

    Like this:

    Page 226. Thunder and Shadow.


    Now you have to write a short fanfic with these names in the exact same order and only these names!

    Twigpaw whisked her tail back and forth over the green, lush grass. Dovewing sat beside her grooming her gray fur as she stared out over the lake.

    “Why does it take so long for the ShadowClan cats to take the bait?” she hissed. Suddenly Scorchfur’s scent filled both their noses.

    “Aha!” He shouted. “I knew I wasn’t a mousebrain when I told Puddleshine I smelled ThunderClan!” Soon the two cats were surrounded by ShadowClan. Scorchfur snarled at them to move and they marched towards ShadowClan camp.

    Tigerheart padded close to Violetpaw and whispered something in her ear. She nodded nonchalantly walked over to Twigpaw.

    “What are you doing here?!” She hissed, her amber eyes slitted. Her sister responded. “Oh you know, asking Puddleshine for herbs.” Violetpaw looked at her in disbelief but still walked back to Tigerheart. Scorchfur whipped towards the two cats.

    “Stop chattering like a pair of birds or I’ll throw you into the lake!” He snarled. Violetpaw nodded distractedly while Tigerheart just stared at Dovewing. His amber eyes bore into her fur. She refused to look at him.

    “If you wanted herbs why didn’t Leafpool come for Puddleshine?” He asked innocently. Dovewing glared at him. “Do you think I’d tell you my Clan’s business?” The dark tabby looked hurt. Twigpaw suddenly seemed very interested in the pine trees. Dovewing nudged her and the gray apprentice snapped back to seemingly being innocent.

    Violetpaw glanced at her and the starting talking to her tabby friend once more. “Twigpaw and ThunderClan are up to something. I don’t like it,” she hissed. He sighed. “Who knows Violetpaw, who knows?” He mewed.

    This was harder than I thought it was going to be! Hope you like it and do this challenge too!

  • Never meant to be
    Part Three

    They come in a swarm like hornets. “Lilywish!” Ashheart calls. Idiot!

    I turn tail and run over to the huckleberry bushes and find Lilywish innocently picking berries. “They’re here!”

    She understands and her face turns into an ocean of worry. “Let’s go!,” She hesitates. “Where is Ashheart?”

    “I don’t know.” I don’t tell her that he’s the one who led them here. I notice she’s crying. “We’ll find him, but let’s go now. We run through the forest and through the thick brambles. “Here!” I say, seeing a clearing. Lilywish and I head for it, and we duck down.

    “Well, well, well,” a jeer sounds. “Look at the two lovebirds running away.” A tom steps out – Ian.

    I hiss, and Commander Jessica Ruth stands beside him. “A traitor in our midst.” Beside me, Lilywish shivers and I know I have to be strong. Two other cats step out behind them and I notice Kestrel and Jay – my brother. I see grief and sorrow mixed with betrayal in his eyes. I tear my eyes away from his.

    “Traitor? You dare call me a traitor?!”

    “Isn’t that what you are?” Kestrel sneers.

    “Love.,” Jessica Ruth spits. “Let’s see how you love your little darling that you were SUPPOSED to murder.”

    Lilywish freezes. Now she knows….that I was the danger she was supposed to hide from. I try to catch her gaze in the next millisecond but she stands stiff and avoids my eyes.

    “She’s more important than the Resolutes!” I snap. “It’s wrong to murder a cat for what her father has done.”

    “Father?” Lilywish speaks.

    “Yes darling,” Ian hisses. “Your father hated rogues and tried to defy is, the only way for him to back down is to destroy his weakness – you. But perhaps we sent the wrong cat.”

    “No, we sent the right one,” Jay speaks up. “We know Ryan’s true intentions now.”

    I can’t believe my ears. Is this what I wanted? What was I even thinking; did I not know they would find Lilywish one day? I should’ve hidden her better, away from foxheart Ashheart.

    “Well, we might as well kill her now,” Jessica Ruth says and her claws unsheathe and, before I know it, Kestrel lunges for Lilywish.

    “No!” I shout the same second a hefty gray body shoves Lilywish out of the way. What….?

    “Ashheart!” Lilywish shrieks and begins to sob. The gray tom’s slashed crimson throat indicates he is dead. But then he stirs. “I love you, Lilywish.” Then he exhales his final breath…and then he is gone.

    Her sobbing intensifies but we have no time. I’m about to leap at Jessica Ruth when I hear a thunder and turn…and realize that WindClan is here.

    It is no doubt who they are here for; at least she will be safe – safe from me. But it hurts. I want to be near her, protecting her, loving her. Did she ever think of me that way? Or just a friend. Maybe her heart belonged to Ashheart but I robbed her from it.

    Celandinestar halts in front of Jessica Ruth. “We know what you want to do to our warrior; give her back!”

    Suddenly, Master Arthur, our leader materializes from the shadows. “Why, Celandinestar! So long, no see.”

    The WindClan patrol glares at him.

    He continues, “Perhaps you should start out by telling your courageous warrior to stop threatening us.”

    Stoneheart steps out, his face streaked with grief. “Let Lilywish go and I’ll do anything!”

    Jessica Ruth smirks, and Arthur plays a dark face. “Cut your throat…or paralyze yourself.”

    “Father, no!” Lilywish screeches as Stoneheart reaches a trembling claw up to his throat. But he never gets a chance before Ian leaps upon him, clawing his throat. A strangled cry sounds before all is quiet. Breathing stops. Lilywish stares at her deceased father with utter silence as if she would break any moment.

    Suddenly, Jay leans forward and shoves Lilywish so hard she falls back into her WindClan Clanmates. They catch her and hold her scruff cautiously.

    Master Arthur turns an uncharitable gaze on the other Resolutes. “Our mission is completed. Shame it took so long.”

    Jessica Ruth gave me a harsh glare. “We’ll have to do something about this one.”

    “Indeed,” Arthur says coldly. “Come on.”

    The Resolutes grab me by my scruff and begin to drag me away.

    “Wait!” Lilywish calls. Everyone, everything stops. She tears free from her clanmates and runs over to me, sobbing relentlessly and I realize I’m crying too. “I’m sorry.”

    She shakes her head. She’s not even angry I lied to her, deceived her. That I am her intended assassin. Lilywish leans over and presses her muzzle against mine and I suddenly feel everything she feels about me, one emotion ruling all: love.

    Lilywish pulls away and licks my cheek for the very last time, her tongue soft and tender. Then we both feel a pull. “Come on, Lilywish” Celandinestar pulls the she cat I fell in love with away from me, shooting me a glare. “You must be grieving.” Her clanmates begin to pull her away as mine pull me. “I love you!” Lilywish calls through sobs.

    “I love you too!” I call back.


    210 days later…

    I’m in a prison, made of tree twigs and leaves, my paws tied together by birch twigs and leaves. I lean my head back, knowing it is time for the class where I get demonstrated as a traitor to the young trainees.

    I remember it too clearly – when I got sentenced to life imprisonment. I remembered Jay’s disappointed face, but I remember all too clearly Lilywish’s loving face.

    Where is she now?

    How is she?

    Does she think of me; have a new family?

    But only one true statement has formed in my head these last seven moons – yes, I count.

    We were never meant to be.’


  • Warriors Series 5.5: Echoes of the War
    Book 6: Silent Sacrifice
    Chapter Two

         “No fair, Mousekit! You tripped me!”

         The she-kit lifted her chin, sounding smug. “You’re just jealous you didn’t get the mossball first, Screechkit. Your legs are too short, you can’t keep up with me.”

         Silentstorm listened as her daughter tackled the older kit, growling playfully. “I’ll show you who can’t keep up!” Mousekit gave a delighted squeal, throwing herself into battle against Screechkit. The two she-kits tumbled on the dusty floor of the nursery, growling and snarling in play.

         The queen’s whiskers twitched, purring in amusement. Even as the sun set outside, and the cold night air of leafbare wove its way into the den, the two kits were still lively and playful.

         Silentstorm couldn’t say she was surprised – Screechkit and Mousekit were by far the most rambunctious and lively kits in the nursery. Mousekit could be a bit of a bossy show-off, but she got along well with the other kits, and was always read to play. Screechkit was less bossy, but no less confident than her denmate. Silentstorm couldn’t help but think that Screechkit was similar to herself as a kit, if less stubborn and headstrong. She was always getting involved in the nursery games, always butting into other cats’ conversation, always confident and sure of herself. While Screechkit’s boldness had gotten her into trouble plenty of times, and Silentstorm did her best to teach the kit restraint, she adored her upbeat daughter.

         “Mousekit, don’t flatten your denmate,” Lightningstrike called from her nest. “It’s not polite.” Silentstorm flicked an ear curiously towards the young queen. Initially, Lightningstrike had been one of Breeze’s followers, as well as the daughter of the treacherous rogue, Sol. But when Breeze’s mother Nightcloud had begun recruiting some of Breeze’s cats to turn against him, Lightningstrike was one of the first to join the Clans in their efforts to defeat him. After the battle, she had chosen to join ThunderClan. Though she seemed happy to be away from Breeze and his cruel leadership, there was something hard and untrusting about Lightningstrike. She seemed uneasy whenever her kits strayed out of the nursery without her, and still seemed suspicious of most of her Clanmates. Silentstorm only hoped the queen would become more comfortable with Clan life over time.

         “I won’t, mother!” Mousekit called back to Lightningstrike.

         Screechkit gave a playful growl. From where her voice was coming from, Mousekit had her pinned down. “I’d like to see her try!” Mousekit gave a surprised squeak as Screechkit kicked out with her hind legs, dislodging the larger kit.

         As the kits played, Silentstorm lifted her head, taking in the sounds of the nursery. Seedlight was lying in her nest, eating a vole, while Lightningstrike watched over the playing kits nearby. Ambertalon’s nest was the only empty one. The fierce she-cat couldn’t stand being cooped in the nursery all of the time, and frequently went out on hunts, either Blazeheart or one of the queens looking after Wrenkit while she was gone. Silentstorm knew her restlessness stemmed from her fierce love of the forest and her warrior duties, not from any neglect for Wrenkit. There was no doubt that Ambertalon and Blazeheart both adored her daughter, and with how much they both doted on her and looked out for her, there was no shortage of love for the little she-kit.

         Silentstorm perked her ears as she heard pawsteps approaching the nursery. Three kits padded through the bramble entrance, followed more slowly by Lightfoot and Sunnyflower. Wrenkit and Oatkit were chatting brightly, trotting right up to Lightningstrike. “Sorreltail told us a story about how LeopardClan ambushed TigerClan!” Wrenkit told the former rogue eagerly, while Oatkit rubbed against his mother’s chest and muzzle, purring.

         Though lively enough for kits, Wrenkit and Oatkit were calmer than Screechkit and Mousekit, and preferred each other’s company to their more playful denmates. Oatkit could be pretty quiet, but he didn’t back down when his denmates tried to push him around, and was a surprisingly sneaky fighter. Wrenkit was more friendly and outgoing than Oatkit, but there was a calmness to her that Screechkit and Mousekit didn’t have. Silentstorm imagined she would grow into a very level-headed warrior.

         “Sounds like an interesting story,” Lightningstrike mewed, sounding amused. She glanced up at Sunnyflower, mewing, “Thanks for looking after the kits.”

         Sunnyflower curled her tail, purring, “You’re welcome!” While Lightningstrike didn’t appear to trust many warriors, Sunnyflower was so friendly and sweet that the former rogue couldn’t seem to stay suspicious of her. She was one of the few warriors that Lightningstrike trusted to look after her kits. For her part, Sunnyflower seemed to adore Mousekit and Oatkit, and she helped Lightningstrike look after them whenever she could. The she-cat mewed a farewell to the kits, then turned and padded out of the den.

         While the kits told Lightningstrike about the story, Lightfoot crossed over to Silentstorm, purring deeply as he pressed his muzzle against her cheek, lying beside her. Three of the kits had wanted to hear stories from the elders for the day, so Lightfoot and Sunnyflower had agreed to supervise them while they visited the elder’s den. Screechkit and Mousekit had preferred to stay behind and play-fight, leaving the queens to look after them in the nursery.

         The last kit followed after the tom, curling up beside her mother’s shoulder and blinking sleepily. Silentstorm felt a fierce rush of love as the kit pressed against her, the queen twisting around to give a lick between the kit’s ears. Jaykit was by far the quietest kit in the nursery, more similar to her shy father than her sister. But Silentstorm wasn’t sure that her quietness was entirely due to shyness, as in Lightfoot’s case, even though shyness clearly played a part. There was something very thoughtful about the way her daughter spoke, when she did speak, and her ears were always perked in curiosity. Jaykit preferred listening quietly to one of the elder’s stories to roughhousing with her denmates.

         As Silentstorm rasped her tongue over the kit’s back, beginning to groom her, she asked, “Did you have a good time today?”

         “Yes,” Jaykit told her mother. She seemed happy, but her mew was still quiet, her tone subdued. “Sorreltail’s story was funny. But Hazeltail seemed sad, and so did Brightheart.”

         Silentstorm felt a brush of grief. It had been two days since Hazeltail had moved into the elder’s den. While she-cat seemed happier now that she was retired, her grief clearly still weighed heavily on her. Silentstorm couldn’t imagine how Hazeltail felt, after losing most of the cats that she loved in the last few moons. Brightheart hadn’t lost as many, but the death of Dewpaw still seemed to weigh on her mind. And now, she had lost Cloudtail, who had been by her side for all of the horrors in her life since before any ThunderClan cat had been born. Ambertalon and Snowfall did everything they could to be there for her, but something seemed to have died in the elderly she-cat now that her beloved mate was gone. Silentstorm didn’t imagine the elder’s den was very cheerful with the two grieving she-cats together there.

         “They’ve had a hard time lately,” Lightfoot told his daughter gently. He purred as he leaned his muzzle down, touching his nose to her ear. “But they’ve still got their denmates, and a Clan that loves them.”

         “And they’ve still got nosy kits to listen to their stories,” Silentstorm added, her whiskers twitching. “That’s their favorite.”

         Jaykit gave a small, amused purr. Then she grew serious again. “I heard Spiderleg saying that hunting would get harder because of the snow,” she told her parents. “How long will the snow stay?”

         Silentstorm turned towards her mate, both cats flicking their ears uneasily. Leafbare had already fallen hard upon the forest, and it was only half a moon since leaf-fall had ended. Leafbare had only just begun, and with how poor hunting was, it was going to be an even harder leafbare than the last one. Silentstorm knew that Lightfoot was just as worried as her about how they were going to keep their kits fed through the cold season.

         “It might be here for a few moons,” Silentstorm told her daughter honestly. “But our hunters know what they’re doing. We just have to do the best we can until newleaf comes again.” Jaykit looked up at her mother, tail-tip twitching anxiously.

         Lightfoot gave his daughter a gentle nudge with his muzzle. “Don’t worry so much, Jaykit,” he told her in a soft purr. “Your mother and I are here to look after you. Let us handle some of the worrying.”

         Jaykit just gave a small nod in reply, leaning against her mother’s pelt. Silentstorm held back a sigh, giving the kit a gentle lick between her ears. Her daughter was much too shrewd to miss how worried and hungry the warriors all were. As much as she wanted Jaykit to enjoy her time as a kit, she knew she couldn’t protect her forever.

         She just hoped that Jaykit and Screechkit would never have to know a darkness like the one she would one day face.

         The night began to wear on, the den growing even colder. Screechkit eventually abandoned her game with Mousekit, coming to lay beside Lightfoot. “I beat Mousekit at Rogue Invasion today,” she informed her father cheerfully.

         “No she didn’t!” Mousekit called from her spot beside Lightningstrike.

         Lightfoot’s whiskers twitched. “My tough little warrior,” he teased, touching his nose to her ear. “I’m sure you sent those rogues running for the hills.”

         Screechkit purred, bumping her muzzle against Lightfoot’s, before turning back to her mother. “I heard Lightningstrike say you’re a really good fighter,” she told Silentstorm, tail lashing eagerly behind her. “Can you show me some fighting moves? I want to surprise Mousekit and Wrenkit with them.”

         Silentstorm felt a flicker of worry. Thoughts of her daughters growing up to face the sort of battles she’d fought made her chest clench up with fear. After a moment, she forced herself to relax. “Not yet,” she told her daughter, forcing an amused purr. “You’ll be an apprentice soon enough, and your mentor can teach you that sort of thing.”

         The kit’s ears drooped. “But that’s ages away,” she complained. “We won’t be apprentices for another four moons!”

         “Just be patient,” Lightfoot told Screechkit. “It’ll be here soon enough, and you’ll miss playing as a kit.”

         Silentstorm gave her smaller kit a lick between the ears. “When you’re an apprentice, maybe I’ll take you out for a lesson or two,” she told her.

         Screechkit’s ears shot forward. “Really?” she gasped.

         “Really,” Silentstorm mewed.

         Beside the queen, Jaykit ducked her head, murmuring, “Can you teach me too?”

         Silentstorm touched her nose to her ear. “Of course,” she purred. “I’ll teach both of you.”

         As both kits cuddled against their parents, pawsteps sounded from the den’s entrance. Ambertalon padded into the nursery, a sparrow hanging in her jaws. “Ambertalon!” Wrenkit cried, bounding towards her mother as the queen approached her nest. “I got to visit the elders with Sunnyflower and Lightfoot!”

         The tiny queen dropped her sparrow, purring as she bumped her muzzle against her kit’s side. “I hope you had fun,” she purred. She settled onto her nest, Wrenkit cuddled against her side as both mother and kit began to share the sparrow. As they ate, Ambertalon looked up at Silentstorm and her family. “Have you been here all day, Silentstorm?” she asked. “I don’t think you’ve moved from that nest since I left to hunt.”

         Silentstorm shrugged. “I wanted to look after Mousekit and Screechkit,” she explained.

         Ambertalon snorted, plucking feathers from her sparrow. “You can’t just stay cooped up in here all the time,” she chided her friend. “It’s not healthy. You know, it’s a nice night out there. Why don’t I look after the kits, and you and Lightfoot go for a walk?”

         The blind queen fluffed her pelt out. “In this weather?” she asked doubtfully. It wasn’t snowing, but snow still covered the entire forest, and the air was bitingly cold.

         “It’s actually pretty still out there,” Ambertalon told her. “I mean, it’s cold, but the wind isn’t blowing, and it feels calm out there. I think you could use a nice walk in the forest.”

         Silentstorm opened her jaws to argue. Then, after a moment of thought, she closed them again. “You know what, I think you’re right,” she mewed. As much as she loved her daughters, there was something suffocating about the nursery sometimes. She wouldn’t mind taking a break, on a nice walk in the moonlight with the tom she loved. Turning to Lightfoot, she asked, “What do you think?”

         “It sounds nice,” Lightfoot said in his soft mew. He rose to his paws, Silentstorm following after as she stretched out her stiff limbs.

         Silentstorm turned back to her kits, nudging them both with her muzzle. “We won’t be gone long,” she told her daughters. “Ambertalon will look after you while we’re out, be good for her.”

         “We will!” Screechkit promised. She and Jaykit trotted over to Ambertalon, Wrenkit purring in greeting as they settled in beside her. As an only kit, and the kits of Silentstorm’s brother, Wrenkit had taken to Silentstorm’s kits like they were sisters. Once Silentstorm was satisfied that her kits were settled in, she turned away, following Lightfoot as he led her out of the den.

         A blast of cold air slammed into Silentstorm as she left the nursery behind. As they continued out into the forest, however, she found herself adjusting to the cold. Ambertalon had been right; though cold, it was a still night with no wind, and there was a hushed calm over the forest. A sense of contentment came over Silentstorm as she walked side by side with her mate, their pelts brushing as they padded softly through the snowy forest.

         But as they drew farther from camp, the cheeriness that Silentstorm forced around the kits and queens in the nursery began to fade, leaving her with nothing to distract her from her worries. Ever since ThunderClan had reclaimed their home, Silentstorm’s thoughts had constantly been haunted by the prophecy, and the sacrifice it called on her to make. She knew all too well how hard the future was going to be, and it was like a weight in her heart.

         Silentstorm knew that her brother worried about the prophecy too. For almost a moon now, he’d been trying to bring up the prophecy, but she always found a way to change or avoid the subject. Somehow, her brother seemed to have guessed that the prophecy hadn’t ended with Breeze’s death. She didn’t want him to think she was brushing him off, but she didn’t know what else she could do. Blazeheart had no idea what the prophecy truly meant. No one knew, except for her, and for Rock.

         Just thinking of Rock brought back memories of the last time she’d met the spirit. Not long before her kits had been born, he had walked in her dreams, and he had finally told her exactly what the prophecy required of her. “If Shade comes back with a fresh body, she will cut me down in a heartbeat,” he had told her. “I need a new body, Silentstorm.”

         Only Silentstorm knew the truth about the two powerful spirits who were on the brink of battle. Shade and Rock had once walked the world as equals, as the spirits of darkness and light. When Shade had tried to kill Rock and fill the world only with darkness, Rock managed to defeat her and seal her away inside the Dark Forest. But it had come at a great cost – both spirits had lost the ability to take any form other than a harmless mist. The only way they could take a physical form now was to be willingly granted a cat’s body. The body Rock had been using was old and weak now, and wouldn’t last long in a fight. Shade was looking for a new body, and if she found one before Rock did, she would kill him and fill the world with darkness.

         “We can fight as one,” Rock had said. “It is the only hope we have to defeat Shade.” Silentstorm knew now how the prophecy would end. If there was any hope of defeating Shade, Silentstorm would have to let Rock possess her, and using her body, they would defeat Shade in whatever form she had taken. It was the only way to stop Shade from destroying StarClan and homes for other good spirits, forcing those spirits to roam in the Dark Forest forever, and filling the living world with her dark spirits.

         Silentstorm knew exactly what was required of her now. She had the answers she had so desperately sought when she’d first learned of the prophecy. But now that she knew the truth, all she felt was dread, which had hung heavy in her heart for the last few moons. The joys of raising her daughters couldn’t banish it from her thoughts, and worries about the Clans survival through a harsh leafbare only made her more anxious and morose by the day. She put on a good face for her family, but in truth, she only felt more dread every day for what was going to come.

         “Are you alright?” Silentstorm started, surprised by the words that had broken the silence. Lightfoot’s mew was soft with worry, the tom gazing at her as he waited for her answer.

         Silentstorm turned her muzzle away. “I’m fine,” she lied. As much as she appreciated her mate’s support, she couldn’t tell him, or any cat, the truth about the prophecy. The burden of the prophecy was great enough already, but she couldn’t bear it if another cat knew the sacrifice she was going to have to make. What would Lightfoot, or Blazeheart, say if she told them that she was going to have to give up her body and will in order to defeat Shade? She had no idea how long it would take to defeat Shade, or how long between Rock possessing her and the battle – how long would she have to leave her family? Worse still was the possibility that even if she won the battle, she might not make it back alive. And worst of all, if she lost, the world would be thrown into darkness.

         There was too much at stake, and all of it depended on the choice she had to make. In the end, there was nothing Lightfoot or Blazeheart could do to help her, and if they knew the truth, they would only worry more, or at worst try to stop her. This was her decision. She would carry the burden of it alone, and she would make her choice alone.

         Lightfoot didn’t seem convinced, continuing to watch his mate. Silentstorm sighed, mewing, “I’m just worried about leafbare. Hunting is already so hard, and our kits will be weaned very soon. How are we supposed to keep them strong enough to survive the cold when there isn’t enough for any cat to drink?”

         The tom watched her for a few moments more, not seeming convinced. Finally, he glanced away. “I don’t know,” He answered honestly. Lightfoot pressed his muzzle against Silentstorm’s neck, his breath warm as it brushed against her fur. “I worry about them so much. They seem so small and helpless. And they look up to us for answers.”

         Silentstorm leaned into her mate’s touch, taking comfort in his closeness. The two cats hadn’t started seeing each other in a romantic light for more than a moon before Silentstorm discovered she was expecting kits. The young parents had done their best to raise their kits together, but it was more challenging than Silentstorm had ever imagined. It wasn’t just the work of looking after two young, energetic kits and keeping them safe. It was the responsibility of raising them into the cats they’d grow to be. Both cats were young, and neither had known very much about looking after kits before Silentstorm had moved into the nursery. And now, two young she-kits were depending on them to give them the care and advice they needed.

         “Should we have told Jaykit that Spiderleg was wrong?” Silentstorm murmured to the tom. “She’s so young, she shouldn’t have to worry so much.” Sometimes, she didn’t know exactly how to treat her kits. Were they too young to know the truth about how hard Clan life was? All she wanted was for her daughters to have a happy, safe kithood. But the truth was that they weren’t safe, and she couldn’t bring herself to lie to her daughter.

         But where was the right balance of truth and exaggeration? Jaykit and Screechkit were too young to handle the hard truths that full warriors dealt with every day. How much should she tell them? So many new questions came to her every day, with the new challenges that raising kits brought her. How often should she let them out of the den when they were this young? What was the right age to start weaning them? How should she punish them when they misbehaved? Cinderheart, Lionblaze, Rosepetal, and Molefoot advised the young parents as much as they could, and Silentstorm knew that her parents would happily address any question she brought them. But there were some things that Silentstorm knew that only she and Lightfoot could figure out together.

         Lightfoot sighed. He pulled his muzzle away, telling her, “I don’t think so. We can soften the blow, but how can we expect them to trust us if we straight-out lie to them? And it’s not like we can hide the truth from them forever.”

         Silentstorm flicked an ear morosely. “You’re right,” she agreed. “But I worry about her. She’s so quiet, and she always seems worried.”

         The tom gave a soft purr. “She reminds me of myself as a kit,” he admitted to Silentstorm. “I think all we can do is keep encouraging her to speak out, but respect her when she wants to be alone. As long as she knows she can always have us to turn to, she’ll find her own way.” He was quiet for a moment, before adding softly, “I hope.”

         Silentstorm felt a sudden rush of fierce love for the tom beside her. She knew this was just as hard for him as it was for her. Lightfoot had always been shy around kits, and seemed awkward around cats in general. But he loved her, and he loved her daughters, and he was trying, just like her. Even with the weight of the prophecy and her sacrifice in her heart, she knew she was more grateful for her family than she could ever say. Lightfoot was just as new at this as she was, and it was comforting to know that they would figure this out this new responsibility together.

         On a sudden impulse, she reached out her muzzle to Lightfoot’s face, delivering a soft lick to his cheek. Lightfoot gave a surprised purr, tail curling in delight. “Come on,” she mewed warmly. “No more worrying. Let’s just have a nice night.”

         After a brief moment of surprise silence, Lightfoot purred softly. “Sounds perfect to me.” He pressed his pelt against Silentstorm’s, each cat drawing comfort from the other as they padded through the snowy forest. Silentstorm did her best to push her worries about her kits, her Clan, and her prophecy out of her mind. This was her time off with the tom she loved, and she was going to enjoy it.

         But even as she walked beside her mate, a voice in the back of her mind whispered, This may be the last nice night you’ll ever get.



    This chapter was actually supposed to have a pretty different plot, but I felt like it was really important to introduce all of the kits properly, and to show more of Silentstorm’s relationship with Lightfoot. I’m thinking I’ll be able to combine the plot this chapter was supposed to have with the plot of another chapter, so it should work out in the end. I’m hoping, anyway. 😛 This one is really long, even without the other plot in there.

    So, here we finally get to see more of these kits’ personalities. ^^ I’ve had their personalities in mind for a while, but they were too young to really start showing them in COTF. And yes, I know that kits start talking pretty much right after they’re born in the canon books (especially in Bluestar’s Prophecy), but that was always really… creepy to me. So we’re not doing that here. 😛 Anyway, I hope you like the kits so far, I can’t wait to show more of them later. ^^

    I also wanted to show how Silentstorm is feeling about the prophecy. She tries to put on a good face for her kits and her family, but inside she knows the weight of the sacrifice she’s going to have to make. And she hasn’t told anyone else about it yet.

    I’ll try to get the next chapter done soon. It should be interesting. 😉

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