• Shiverfur’s NTA!!
    Sorry for the delay, I’ve been super busy.. The results for the previous round is on a previous page…

    So there is a theme, if you guess it you get an extra point; winning names are worth 2 points.

    Good luck 🍀!!

    • Featherbreeze, Feathershine, Featherfall, Featherdapple

      Hawktalon, Hawkfall, Hawksong, Hawkfeather

      Frostbreeze, Froststorm, Frostwing, Frostflight

      Willowflower, Willowsong, Willowleaf, Willowdawn

      Flowerleaf, Flowersplash, Flowersong, Flowerpool


    • This might be confusing, but Fro and Minty are at Minty’s house and using the same computer and will both get credit for these names if they win.


    • Featherblaze Featherbreeze Feathersky Featherwing
      Hawkshade Hawkleaf Hawkclaw Hawksong
      Frostwish Frostcloud Frostheart Frostrose
      Willowfire Willowfreckle Willowfang Willowfeather
      Flowerlily Flowerstreak Flowerwhisper Flowerdaisy

    • Feathershine, Featherbreeze, Feathercloud, Feathersky, Featherdawn
      Hawkfire, Hawkbreeze, Hawkwind, Hawkfeather, Hawksky, Hawktalon
      Frostpetal, Frostwing, Frostbreeze, Frostshine, Frostleaf, Frostsplash
      Willowleaf, Willowbranch, Willowsky, Willowsong, Willowfrost
      Flowermist, Flowerbreeze, Flowershine, Flowersky, Flowershade

      The theme is Dark Forest cats! (SparrowFEATHER, SilverHAWK, HAWKFROST, RedWILLOW, BrightFLOWER)

    • Featherfrost, Featherflight, Feathermoon
      Hawkflight, Hawkswoop, Hawkfire
      Frostfern, Frostoak, Frostleaf
      Willowmist, Willowbark, Willowdusk
      Flowerwing, Flowerblossom, Flowerheart

  • Family Designer results!

    The she-cat: Goldenfrost, a pale golden brown tabby she-cat with light blue eyes. Named by OWLHEART!
    The tom: Foxnose, a long-haired dark reddish-brown tom with a pink nose, brown legs and tail-tip, a white chest, and amber eyes. Described by MISTYPAW!
    Their kits: Fawnkit, a golden brown she-kit with white flecks along her pelt, short fur and huge blue eyes. Created by SHIVERFUR!
    Rosekit, a small tortoiseshell (gold, russet, and brown) she-kit with small paws and light blue eyes. Created by OWLHEART!
    Sagekit, a brown tabby tom with white patches, a yellow eye, and a teal eye. Created by STOATKIT!

    Owlheart- 9 points
    Brightstorm- 6 points
    Wavesplash: 6 points
    Mistypaw: 5.5 points
    Shiverfur: 5 points
    Willowpaw/stream: 3 points
    Stoatkit: 2 points

    The she-cat: a long-haired white she-cat with green eyes and black socks. She is kind but can be very strict and close to the rules.
    The available toms:
    Hazelsky, a friendly, hyper cat, but can be reasonable.
    Brackenleaf, a quiet cat who does what he’s supposed too.
    Dustfeather, a bold and confident cat who doesn’t respect other cat’s opinions.

    For all you new players, you have to decide which tom is best for the she-cat, name her, describe the best tom, and create three kits.

    • Daisyfoot
      Brackenleaf- a skinny golden-brown tom with long legs, a fluffy tail, white paws, long, thick, fur, and bright, leaf green eyes.
      Snowkit- a tall, fluffy, white she-cat with one black front paw and green eyes.
      Littlekit- a tiny golden-brown she-cat with white flecks and pale green eyes.
      Lionkit – a big, muscular, golden-brown tom with black ear-tips, a white belly and chest, and dark green eyes.

    • Hollyfrost
      Hazel: a dark brown tabby tom with white legs, ears, and chest, a pale brown tabby-striped tail, ginger paws, and sky-blue eyes
      Hickorykit, a spiky-furred pale brown tabby tom-kit with a pale gray nose, ginger legs and muzzle, a white paw, and pale green eyes
      Ravenkit, a white she-kit with a large black tabby splotch on her back, a dark gray ear, and large blue eyes
      and Stagkit, a long-legged brown-and-white tom-kit with feathery fur, a bushy ginger tail, and startling blue eyes

    • Leafsnow
      Brackenleaf-tall thin short haired,brown tabby tom with pale green eyes
      Fuzzykit- lean long haired white tom with pale green eyes
      Burrkit- short haired muscular, dark brown tabby tom with black tail tip and green eyes
      Petalkit-tiny light brown she-cat,with green eyes,black socks and a white patch on her forehead.
      Congrats to the winners! 🏆😊

    • Leafsnow
      Brackenleaf-tall thin short haired,brown tabby tom with pale green eyes
      Fuzzykit- lean long haired white tom with pale green eyes
      Burrkit- short haired muscular, dark brown tabby tom with black tail tip and green eyes
      Petalkit-tiny light brown she-cat,with green eyes,black socks and a white patch on her forehead.
      Congrats to the winners! 🏆😊 😃

    • Swiftleap
      Hazelsky: Russet tom with green eyes
      Lovelykit: Russet she-kit with wight socks and green eyes
      Russetkit: White tom with russet splotches, black socks and green eyes
      Drizzlekit: Russet tom with white splotches and green eyes

    • Snowbounce
      Brackenleaf- Skinny golden-brown tabby tom with long legs, darker paws and ears, a long, whip-thin tail, large ears, and clear leaf-green eyes.
      Twigkit- Small, skinny golden-brown she-cat with black ears and paws, a long, thin tail, and pale green eyes.
      Cloudkit- Small, fluffy, thick-furred white she-cat with short legs, small ears, bright green eyes, and a black spot on belly.
      Crowkit- Long-furred black tom with large ears, a long tail, small paws, and a white underbelly and muzzle. He has long whiskers and dark green eyes.

    • Lilysmoke
      Dustfeather- pale greyish brown tom with silky fur and dark blue eyes
      Quailkit- small white and brown tabby she -cat with amber eyes
      Blizzardkit- fluffy white tom with black ear tips and ice blue eyes
      Rainykit- silky furred dark grey tom with white patches and dark blue eyes

    • Snowfeather, a long-haired white she-cat with green eyes and black socks.


      Brackenleaf, a pale golden colored tom with streaks darker fur across his pelt, nicked ears, and dark amber eyes.

      AND, their kits:

      Frostkit, a large fluffy white tom with black ear tips and splotches across his pelt and pale yellow eyes. His warrior name will be Frostbreeze.

      Morningkit, a dappled golden brown she-cat with lighter dapples down her back, pale green eyes, and a white tipped tail. Her warrior name will be Morningshine.

      Sunkit, a long furred golden and white tabby she-cat with a white underbelly, chest, and front paws, glossy fur, golden brown stripes, and dark green eyes. Her warrior name will be Sunfeather.

    • The she-cat is Poppysong. Her mate is now Hazelsky. He is a light brown tabby tom with white markings, amber eyes, and one nicked ear. Their kits are
      Willowfeather, who looks exactly like her father but with green eyes and longer fur
      Snowstone, Who is white and black spoted with one amber and one green eye
      Raspberryfur, who is a White tabby she-cat with pale blue eyes and brown markings, like her father but switched.

  • Only one person entered names for my NTA XD so I’ll just say what the themes were

    The first theme was Christian singers/bands (TobyMac, Hollyn, Jamie Grace, Ryan Stevenson, Mandisa, John Cooper of Skillet, Hawk Nelson, Britt Nicole, NF and Truett)

    The second theme was Scourge, Hawkfrost, Tigerheart, Squirrelflight, Bramblestar, Dovewing, Leopardstar, Firestar, Alderheart and Mapleshade)

    I’m actually going to do one of those acronym things now because this is going to be interesting…

    This isn’t really related to Warrior Cats as much as it is related to just cats…


    Hint: Look at my name 😉

  • Emberfire (Fallenpaw)
    Eaglewing (Willowpaw)
    Echoheart (Owlheart)
    Ebonypelt (Warblerwing)

    Willowpaw – 5
    Brightstorm – 4
    Warblerwing – 4
    Wavesplash – 4
    Moonpaw – 3
    Owlheart – 3
    Shiverfur – 3
    Fallenpaw – 2
    Mistypaw – 2
    Aspenkit – 1
    Iceflower – 1
    Mintfeather – 1

    Fallowpaw-hard-muscled, long-legged, light brown tabby she-cat with sleek, soft fur, black stripes, a white belly, and dark green eyes
    Featherpaw-graceful, feathery-furred, slender silver she-cat with a thick, plumy, feather-like tail, a pink nose, and blue eyes
    Foxpaw-lean, small, dark ginger-and-white tom with a bushy, fox-like tail with a white tip, a narrowed nose, and amber eyes
    Flintpaw-sleek-furred, lithe, dark smoky-gray tom with jet-black markings, white ear-tips, and dark amber eyes

    • Fallowbreeze, Fallowstripe, Fallowclaw, Fallowshade

      Feathersong, Feathercloud, Featherdawn, Feathershine

      Foxfang, Foxwhisker, Foxstrike, Foxshade

      Flintspots, Flintclaw, Flintspeck, Flintdust

    • Fallowfeather, Fallowmist, Fallowbreeze, Fallowsky, Fallowcloud, Fallowsnow
      Featherdawn, Featherfall, Feathersky, Featherbreeze, Feathershine, Feathercloud
      Foxtail, Foxnose, Foxwing, Foxflight, Foxfeather, Foxshade, Foxsplash, Foxberry
      Flintfrost, Flintdusk, Flintsong, Flintcloud, Flintstripe, Flintsky, Flintfire, Flintspots

    • Fallowleaf

    • Fallowfrost, Fallowmist, Fallowflight
      Feathernose, Featherheart, Feathermoon
      Foxfire, Foxflight, Foxwhisper
      Flintspark, Flintfire, Flintshadow

    • Fallowmist, Fallowstorm, Fallowbreeze
      Featherlight, Feathershine, Featherfall
      Foxtuft, Foxflame, Foxspring
      Flintstrike, Flintfeather, Flintfrost

    • Fallowwing, Fallownose, Fallowmist, Fallowspring
      Feathershade, Featherdawn, Feathersky, Feathershine
      Foxfeather, Foxstep, Foxdawn, Foxshade
      Flintfoot (one of my OCs), Flintstone😝, Flintstripe, Flintfeather

    • Fallowtuft Fallowbadger Fallowsky Fallowbreeze
      Featherpool Featherfreckle Featherflower Featherhop
      Foxburr Foxtail Foxsnow Foxash
      Flintsmoke Flintcloud Flintspark Flintsplash

    • Fallowshade, Fallowcloud, Fallowstripe, Fallowfeather, Fallowbreeze
      Feathermist, Feathercloud, Feathershine, Featherpelt, Featherheart
      Foxtail, Foxleap, Foxclaw, Foxblaze, Foxfang
      Flintshadow, Flintpelt, Flintfur, Flintdust, Flintspeck, Flintclaw

    • Fallowstripe, Fallowdawn, Fallowblaze)
      Feathersnow, Featherfall, Feathershine
      Foxtail, Foxflame, Foxnose
      Flintblaze, Flintclaw, Flintstorm

  • Results of Round 3!

    #1 Ravendust- named by Foxpaw(flight)
    #2 Brackenflame- named by Wavesplash
    #3 Morningbreeze- named by Owlheart

    Who Got The Theme?
    Foxpaw(Foxflight)(THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GETTING THE THEME 😀 😀 😀 )

    The theme was RiverClan Medicine Cats. (Brambleberry, Mothwing, and Mudfur!)
    I apologize for the difficulty…

    Wavesplash- 6 points
    Mintfeather- 4 points
    Owlheart- 4 points
    Shiverfur- 3 points
    Lupinepaw- 2 points
    Foxpaw(flight)- 2 points
    Mistypaw- 1 Point
    Dawnheart- 1 Point

    ROUND 4- Describe these 4 cats
    #1. Hollyfrost- a she-cat
    #2. Brightfox- a she-cat
    #3. Darkfire- a tom-cat
    #4. Nightshade- a tom-cat

    No theme this round! Good luck, and have fun! 🙂

    • Hollyfrost- A ginger she-cat with white paws, a white tail and ear tips, and green eyes

      Brightfox- A pale ginger tabby with amber eyes

      Darkfire- Black tom with amber eyes

      Nightshade- A grey tom with darker gray markings

    • Hollyfrost- small fluffy smoky dark grey she-cat with white paws, tail, ear tips and pale greeny blue eyes.
      Brightfox- reddish brown she-cat with a white underbelly, brown flecks and dark amber eyes
      Darkfire- pale grey tom with black stripes and fiery orange eyes
      Nightshade- lithe black tom with a silver stripe running down his spine and clear blue eyes

    • Hollyfrost- Tall, thick-furred black she-cat with white toes, underbelly, muzzle, ear-tips, and tail-tip, and blue-green eyes.

      Brightfox- Stocky dark ginger-and-white she-cat with one white ear and paw, a long, bushy ginger tail, long legs, and dark amber eyes.

      Darkfire- Small, broad-shouldered, short-furred very dark brown, almost black, tabby tom with barely visible black stripes and patches, a black tail-tip, a short tail, and round, clear fiery amber eyes.

      Nightshade- Tall, skinny, long-legged black tom with a flash of white on chest, white ear-tips and tail-tip, one white paw, long legs, a long, whip-thin tail, and large ears.

    • Hollyfrost- a tall, long haired, black she-cat with a long tail and frosty blue eyes.
      Brightfox- a ginger and white she-cat with big ears and green eyes.
      Darkfire- a large, jet black tom with a silver flecks on his sides and dark blue eyes.
      Nightshade- a smoky grey tabby tom with darker stripes, black paws, and amber eyes.

    • Hollyfrost, a silky long furred black she-cat with a white muzzle and front legs and bright ice blue eyes.

      Brightfox, a slender, glossy ginger tabby she-cat with a white underbelly and legs, dark ginger stripes, and leafy green eyes.

      Darkfire, a large thick furred black tom with a long ginger tabby striped tail, one ginger ear, and dark green eyes.

      Nightshade, a lean glossy furred black tom with dark ginger patches over his ears, back, and paws, and pale blue eyes.

      I imagine all four of these cats as being siblings for some reason 😊

    • Hollyfrost: a spiky-furred night-black she-cat with a white chest and paws, silver stripes, a dark gray paw, and leaf-green eyes
      Brightfox: a glossy-furred pale yellow she-cat with a fluffy russet tail, cream legs, amber spots on her back, and golden eyes
      Darkfire: a dark ginger tom with dark gray splotches, pale gray ears and belly, a short tail, and light blue eyes
      Nightshade: dark gray-and-black tom with a black underside, a white face, silver spots on his belly, and dark amber eyes

    • Hollyfrost, a small black she-cat with white splotches and dark green eyes.
      Brightfox, a tortoiseshell-with-white (ginger, brown, russet, white) she-cat with bright yellow eyes.
      Darkfire, a dark russet tom with black flecks and amber eyes.
      Nightshade, a black tom with white and gray dapples and dark blue eyes.

  • Sorry for being reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally late! Here are the results for ROUND 14!!!

    For this round, there will be a first and second place for the names! This time, it also doesn’t matter who is earlier, but first gets two points and second gets one point.

    1st Place – Leafsplash by Lup and Wavey
    2nd Place – Leafwhisper by Willa
    1st Place – Spottedflower by Aspy and Wavey
    2nd Place – Spottedwing by Misty
    1st Place – Goosetooth by Shiver
    2nd Place – Goosetuft by Owl
    1st Place – Pineshadow by Willa
    2nd Place – Pinethorn by Misty
    1st Place – Mistywind by Misty and Wavey
    2nd Place – Mistylight by Aspy and Willa
    1st Place – Ravenstep by Shiver
    2nd Place – Raventuft by Minty, Owl, and Willa
    Misty and Wavey got the theme: cats with novellas, or upcoming novellas!

    Wavesplash: 55
    Owlheart: 49
    Mistypaw: 38
    Aspenkit: 36
    Shiverfur: 17
    Minfeather: 15
    Willow Beside Small Stream: 12
    Brightstorm: 12
    Mistlepaw: 10
    Blizzardpaw: 3
    Lupinepaw: 2
    Brightwing: 2
    Moonkit: 2
    Wavey is still in the lead, with Owl 6 points behind her, and Misty is now ahead of Aspen by 2 points. Willa, Shiver, and Minty are steadily rising up the ranks! The top scorer this round is Wavey with 7 POINTS, and welcome to the game, Lup!

    THE FINALE IS HERE! ROUND 15! Well, first I need to explain how it’s played. (Plus, this isn’t really a NTA for the finale; it’s just naming the cats)
    – There are going to be 9 names you need to name; 3 Tribe names, 3 warrior names, and 3 Early Settler names.
    – There will be separate themes for each of them, and a theme is still worth 1 point. The theme will be found in the appearances. You can ask for a hint.
    – 3 names will be chosen. (a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place). 1st is worth 3 points, 2nd is worth 2, and 3rd is worth 1. It doesn’t matter when you enter the names.
    – Good luck, and have fun!!!

    ~ROUND FIFTEEN~ (You can copy and paste this)
    1. Tribe Names
    ? – sleek, dark gray tom with piercing yellow eyes
    ? – snowy-white she-cat with stormy, bright green eyes and soft, short, fur
    ? – mottled, pale brown-and-cream tabby she-cat with amber eyes, cream patches, and a scar on her chest between her forelegs
    2. Early Settler Names
    ? – dark brown tom with orange eyes and one white paw
    ? – ginger tabby tom with green eyes
    ? – large, thick and sleek-furred, plump, dark reddish-brown tom with a broad head and shoulders, and clear amber eyes
    3. Warrior Names
    Stonepaw – big, skinny gray tom with a torn and ragged ear
    Mistpaw – short-furred, light gray she-cat with a white chest, muzzle, a white drop on her forehead, and green eyes
    Patchpaw – long-furred tortoiseshell-and-white tom with yellow eyes, a torn ear, and a scarred pelt

    • Dewy Branch, Snowy Hawk, Frosted Ground, Dusk Fire
      Dappled Ferns, Sunlit Dawn, Golden Leaves, Sunny Sky
      Cedar Song, Pine Dusk, Hunting Fox, Running Mouse
      Stonefrost, Stonepool, Stoneshadow, Stonewind
      Mistflower, Mistsky, Mistwing, Mistpetal
      Patchscar, Patchfeather, Patchwing, Patchwillow

      The theme is 1. cats with not-clan mates? 2. kittypet Clan cats? 3. Half ThunderClan-RiverClan cats?

      Oh and before you start wondering, I suck and have no time on tribe names.

    • Um… I might be mistaken, but I think I got the theme as well.

      1. Tribe Names
      Hawk Flying Through Storm (Hawk) – sleek, dark gray tom with piercing yellow eyes
      Soft Snow Falling From Sky (Soft) – snowy-white she-cat with stormy, bright green eyes and soft, short, fur
      Leaf Drifting On Moonlit Stream (Leaf) – mottled, pale brown-and-cream tabby she-cat with amber eyes, cream patches, and a scar on her chest between her forelegs
      2. Early Settler Names
      Jagged Owl – dark brown tom with orange eyes and one white paw
      Flaming Branch – ginger tabby tom with green eyes
      Fox’s Gaze – large, thick and sleek-furred, plump, dark reddish-brown tom with a broad head and shoulders, and clear amber eyes
      3. Warrior Names
      Stonebelly – big, skinny gray tom with a torn and ragged ear
      Mistraven – short-furred, light gray she-cat with a white chest, muzzle, a white drop on her forehead, and green eyes
      Patchscar– long-furred tortoiseshell-and-white tom with yellow eyes, a torn ear, and a scarred pelt

      Hint for all three themes?

    • Raven Soaring Through Night Sky (Raven), Lightning Flashing on Stormy Night (Lightning), Sleet Falling Onto Mountain Peak (Sleet)
      Snowstorm Blurring the White Sky (Snowstorm), Pawprints in Fresh Snow (Snow), Single Leaf Fallen on Sparkling Snow (Leaf)
      Hawk Tearing Through Clear Sky (Hawk), Mottled Branches Clattering Down Rocks (Branches), Fire of Rising Sun (Fire)
      Flaming Log, Splashing Mud, Frosted Petals
      Sun Flare, Lightning Flash, Burning Sky
      Splashing Fish, Squishy Mud, Rippling Flames
      Stonefeather, Stonefall, Stonebreeze
      Mistbreeze, Mistdrop, Mistsplash, Mistsky
      Patchfire, Patchfeather, Patchsky, Patchshade


    • 1. Tribe Names: Theme is reluctant leaders? (Gray Wing, Half Moon, and Leafstar)?

      Pebble Under Rushing Stream (Pebble): Sleek, dark gray tom with piercing yellow eyes.

      Snow That Falls Slowly (Snow): Snowy-white she-cat with stormy, bright green eyes and soft, short, fur.

      Deer That Walks Across Meadow (Deer): Mottled, pale brown-and-cream tabby she-cat with amber eyes, cream patches, and a scar on her chest between her forelegs.

      2. Early Settler Names: Hint for theme?

      Sharp Briar: Dark brown tom with orange eyes and one white paw.

      Ember’s Flame: Ginger tabby tom with green eyes.

      Fox Pounce: Large, thick and sleek-furred, plump, dark reddish-brown tom with a broad head and shoulders, and clear amber eyes.

      3. Warrior Names: Hint for theme?

      Stoneshade: Big, skinny gray tom with a torn and ragged ear.

      Mistflower: Short-furred, light gray she-cat with a white chest, muzzle, a white drop on her forehead, and green eyes.

      Patchcloud: Long-furred tortoiseshell-and-white tom with yellow eyes, a torn ear, and a scarred pelt.

    • i suck at tribe names sooo i’ll just skip them (and sorry for being late)

      Leaping Tiger, Fire Gaze, Oak Thorn
      Sun Sky, Rye Feather, Blaze Tuft
      Fox Whisker, Pine Step

      Stonestrike, Stonepool, Stoneflight
      Mistwillow, Mistfern, Mistberry
      Patchflame, Patchfern, Patchwing

  • Results!

    The acronym was actually


    Minkit/feather 4 points
    Owlheart 3 points
    Moonpaw 4 points

    The next one might be harder but it DOES have something to do with Warriors

    Hint: It DOES have something to do with a song (that isn’t TobyMac) 😉

    • Snowfur

      I can’t think of anything right now, will do more later. 😛

    • Squirrelflight



  • ROUND 2 RESULTS (exactly a week late too 😉) FOR BUILD THAT CLAN!

    Thanks to everyone who participated this round for their awesome creativity 😸💟🎊🎉😽

    We had some newcomers this round so let’s all give a warm welcome to 🦁LIONPAW🦁 and 🌙MOONPAW🌙!!!!!

    We had another book theme last round that was hidden in our high ranking cats section and it was……

    CROOKEDSTAR’S PROMISE!!!!!!!!! (My favorite Super Edition btw).

    The cats were Brambleberry (leader), Mapleshade (deputy), and Crookedstar and Willowbreeze (medicine cats).

    Congrats to all our correct guessers!!!

    So then, let’s take a look at the ShadowClan you guys created:



    Blizzardstar: Small, lithe snowy white she-cat with black spots across her pelt, a bright pink nose, black ears and tail tip, and blue eyes. She is on her first life, her warrior name was Blizzardwind, and the leader before her was a she-cat named Birdstar. (Named by Shiverfur and Moonpaw).


    Tawnytail: Mostly ginger tortoiseshell (also black and pale ginger) and white she-cat with a white underside, a thick furred fluffy tail, and yellow eyes. (Named by Lionpaw). APPRENTICE, Flowerpaw.


    Toadfang: Large, sleek, thick furred light brown tabby tom with green eyes, paler brown legs and underbelly, a nicked ear, and a one fang that sticks out of his lip. (Named by Willowpaw).

    Plumfeather: Soft thick furred silver gray tabby she-cat with thin darker stripes, a plumy tail, and dark amber eyes. (Named by Owlheart).


    Darknose: Sleek white tom with a long tail, thick fur, and sharp claws. He has black patches on his head, ears and back, and a black splotch on his muzzle. He has pale, clear yellow eyes. (Described by Iceflower). APPRENTICE, Brackenpaw.

    Icepounce: Glossy-furred silvery-white tom with white legs and chest, a smoky gray patch on his muzzle, a gray ear and pale green eyes. (Described by Mistypaw).

    Cricketleap: Dark brown tabby she-cat with white paws, big ears, long legs, and amber eyes. (Described by Owlheart).

    Tanglewhisker: Long-haired dark gray-and-white tom with long whiskers, pale gray paws, and light green eyes. (Described by Mistypaw).

    Elmheart: Reddish-brown tom with darker streaks, a black tail-tip, and pale green eyes. (Described by Willowpaw). APPRENTICE, Hailpaw.

    Smokefur: Dark grey tabby tom with silver-grey stripes, a long, silky, pelt, and dark blue eyes. (Described by Owlheart). Brother of Plumfeather.

    Fawnflower: Fawn-and-reddish-brown she-cat with white ears, muzzle, and chest, a long, feathery tail, and dark icy-blue eyes. (Described by Mistypaw). APPRENTICE, Mudpaw.

    Squirrelbriar: Thick-furred dark ginger tom with white paws, underbelly, muzzle, tail-tip, and ear-tips. He has dark green eyes, and long fur that is always getting tangled. (Described by Wavesplash). APPRENTICE, Dovepaw.


    Flowerpaw: Fawn-and-cream tabby she-cat with reddish brown stripes, a cream belly, face, and paws, and pale blue eyes. Daughter of Icepounce and Fawnflower and her warrior name will be Flowershine. (Named by Owlheart).

    Brackenpaw: Large, muscular white tom with reddish brown patches on his back legs and flanks and leaf green eyes. Son of Icepounce and Fawnflower and his warrior name will be Brackenflame. (Named by Mintfeather).

    Mudpaw: Thick, shaggy furred dark brown tabby tom with a white muzzle, legs, and tail tip and bright green eyes. Son of Tanglewhisker and Cricketleap and his warrior name will be Mudfeather. (Named by Iceflower and Wavesplash).

    Dovepaw: Pale gray she-cat with long tabby striped legs, white paws and ear tips, and amber eyes. Daughter of Tanglewhisker and Cricketleap and her warrior name will be Dovesplash. (Named by Mistypaw).

    Hailpaw: Mostly gray tortoiseshell (also pale ginger and dark brown) she-cat with dark brown patches across her back and pale green eyes. Daughter of Tanglewhisker and Cricketleap and her warrior name will be Hailstorm. (Named by Moonpaw).


    Frostpetal: Small fluffy white she-cat with a black patch over her ears to the middle of her back and pale blue eyes. Daughter of Nightstar and Darknose. (Named by Mintfeather). Mates with Squirrelbriar and mother of his kits: Mintkit, Ferretkit, and Blazekit.

    Dawnpounce: Thick furred ginger tabby she-cat with dark ginger stripes, brown ear tips, and dark green eyes. (Named by Lionpaw). Mates with Smokefur and mother of his kits: Stonekit, Poppykit, and Streamkit.


    Hawkpoppy: Once-muscular skinny tortoiseshell she-cat (brown, ginger and reddish-brown) with small white paws, tufted ear-tips, and dark green eyes. Mother of Tanglewhisker and Elmheart and retired due to failing vision. (Described by Iceflower).

    Snowclaw: Snowy-white tom with a scar on his cheek, black paws, long claws, and dark blue eyes. Father of Blizzardstar and Icepounce and retired due to old age. (Described by Willowpaw).


    Mintkit, a tiny, slender soft-furred white she-cat with black patches, fluffy fur, and small paws. She has a long, fluffy tail and stunning green eyes. (Described by Iceflower).

    Stonekit, a dark grey tom with white paws, flecks along his back, and has dazzling blue eyes. (Described by Lionpaw).

    Poppykit, a fluffy light ginger she-kit with green eyes. (Described by Mintfeather).

    Ferretkit, a dark reddish brown tom with white paws and green eyes. (Described by Shiverfur).

    Blazekit, a small, fluffy dark ginger she-cat with small ears, golden eyes, large paws, a long, fluffy tail, and darker patches. (Described by Wavesplash).

    Streamkit, a light gray and dark gray tabby tom-kit with blue eyes. (Described by Mintfeather).


    Owlheart: 34 points.
    Shiverfur: 34 points.
    Willowpaw: 33 points.
    Mintfeather: 33 points.
    Iceflower: 29 points.
    Mistypaw: 28 points.
    Wavesplash: 28 points.
    Russetfeather: 16 points.
    Frostflower: 15 points.
    Lionpaw: 12 points.
    Moonpaw: 6 points.

    🦉OWLHEART🦉is now tied for the lead with 🌬❄️SHIVERFUR❄️🌬 alongwith a tie for 2nd place between 🌿🐾WILLOWPAW🐾🌿 and 🌱🕊MINTFEATHER🕊🌱! But ❄️🌻ICEFLOWER🌻❄️, 🌬MISTYPAW 🌬, and 🌊WAVESPLASH🌊 are close behind. It’s still anyone’s game though!

    Here’s the rules for any newbies or those that just was a refresher:

    -Cats that are named need to be physically described.

    -Cats that are physically described need names.

    -You can only give ONE entry per cat (a ginger tabby she-cat cannot be Firestorm, Brightfern, and Sunpetal. You have to pick one). If you put more than one, only the first one listed will be judged.

    -THEMES THIS TOURNAMENT WILL BE BASED ON BOOKS (main series, novellas, and Super Editions are all up for grabs)! For each round, look at a group of DESCRIBED CATS (I’ll tell you which to look at), they are all BASED ON IMPORTANT CHARACTERS* FROM THE BOOK THE THEME IS.

    *Warriors Wikia will be helpful for guessing these themes.

    -THERE WILL BE ONLY 5 ROUNDS, one round for each Clan.

    -Winning names/descriptions for high ranking cats (leader, deputy, and medicine cat) are worth 4 POINTS each.

    -Winning names/descriptions for Queens and Warriors are worth 3 POINTS each.

    -Winning names/descriptions for Apprentices and Elders are worth 2 POINTS each.

    -Winning names/descriptions for Kits are worth 5 POINTS each.

    As stated above we have a book theme this round and the cats to look at for clues are in the APPRENTICES SECTION this time!

    Here’s a hint (or three) for this round’s book: It’s a main series book, two of these characters die, and one isn’t based on a cat at all!

    Happy guessing 😉

    So then, let’s head over to the territory of………..



    -A lean white tom with bright orange splotches across his pelt, scars across his muzzle, and dark green eyes. He is on his sixth life and the leader before him was a tom named Pigeonstar.


    -A fluffy light gray tom with silvery flecks across his pelt, a long whip-like tail, and pale yellow eyes. He is the first deputy under the current leader and his favorite prey is squirrel.


    -A small, glossy dark brown she-cat with a pink nose and bright, luminous green eyes. Her mentor’s name was Specklewing and her favorite prey is blackbird. APPRENTICE, apprentice #4.


    Bluecloud: A she-cat. Strong in body and in spirit, she leaps from tree to tree chasing prey without fear. She is empathetic, quick-thinking, and holds great pride in her Clan. Though she may not know it, she’s been chosen as the successor for current leader and will become deputy when the current one retires in the coming seasons.

    Fleetstorm: A tom. Son of the current deputy. A calm and capable warrior like his father, but with a passion all his own. He is the best fighter in the Clan and always heads battle patrols. Despite his talent for warfare, he is gentle and loving to his mate and kits.

    Timberclaw: A tom. Stern and practical, the apprentices all think he’s mean but realize as they grow the valuable lessons he teaches them. He has a crush on Daisystem, but can’t figure out how to express his feelings. APPRENTICE, apprentice #5.

    Mistlebranch: A tom. A bit jumpy, he tends to overthink things and sometimes loses prey or is knocked off his feet in battle as a result. However, he always gives 100% to his Clan and comes through when they need him the most.

    Poppytuft: A she-cat. Fiery and bold, she speaks her mind, even when her opinion wasn’t asked for, and as the leader’s daughter she feels a sense of entitlement to do so without consequences. However, she is passionate and cares for her Clan.

    Shrewnose: A tom. Opposite to his mate Poppytuft, he is a quiet and observant cat who can see all angles of a situation quickly, making him a great asset in battle. He sometimes fears speaking up, but his mate encourages him to do so, and he encourages patience in her. APPRENTICE, apprentice #2.

    Daisystem: A she-cat. Kind and always is there for her Clanmates when they’re in distress, she is empathetic and can read cats very well whether it be on the battle field or in camp. APPRENTICE, apprentice #1.

    Thrushflight: A tom. A responsible and hard working young tom who strives to be the warrior best he can be. He dreams of becoming leader one day, but for now is enjoying being a mate and father. APPRENTICE, apprentice #3.


    1 – A smokey dark gray she-cat with clear pale blue eyes, a thick fluffy pelt, and a paler gray muzzle, underbelly, and paws. Daughter of Fleetstorm and Bluecloud.

    2 – A small very dark gray, almost black, smokey colored tom with long legs and dark blue eyes. Son of Fleetstorm and Bluecloud.

    3 – A light gray tom with amber eyes, a sleek short pelt, and tufted ears. Son of Fleetstorm and Bluecloud.

    4 – A black and white tuxedo tom with a thin sleek pelt, a long muzzle, and bright green eyes. Son of Shrewnose and Poppytuft.

    5 – A slender dappled light tortoiseshell (ginger and black) and white she-cat with a white underbelly, paws, and face, and warm amber eyes. Daughter of Shrewnose and Poppytuft.


    Yellowpetal: A she-cat. A quiet and gentle cat who loves helping in the nursery, but is very fierce when it comes to protecting the camp. She was thrilled when she finally had a litter of her own and the whole Clan appreciates her greatly. Mates with Thrushflight and has two kits.

    Featherfall: A she-cat. Daughter of the current leader. A somewhat less intense version of her sister, she never backs down from a challenge, even motherhood. She loves her kits dearly but can’t wait to return to her warrior duties. Mates with Mistlebranch and has four kits.


    1 – A dappled dark ginger she-cat with a white underside, ears, and face, pale gray dapples, a limp hind leg, and amber eyes. Mates with the current leader and mother to Poppytuft and Featherfall. Retired early to a broken leg that didn’t heal properly.

    2 – A skinny gray tabby tom with black stripes and paws, a cracked dry nose, and rheumy green eyes. Father of Mistlebranch and Timberclaw. Retired due to old age.

    3 – A long furred dark brown tom with a pale brown underbelly and chest, a thick knotted pelt, and dark amber eyes. Father of Thrushflight and the current medicine cat. Retired recently due to old age.


    Hickorykit, a tom.

    Tigerkit, a she-cat.

    Foxkit, a tom.

    Goldenkit, a she-cat.

    Ravenkit, a tom.

    Blossomkit, a she-cat.

    Please ask any questions if you have any! Good luck and have fun!

    • SKYCLAN:


      Brightstar -A lean white tom with bright orange splotches across his pelt, scars across his muzzle, and dark green eyes. He is on his sixth life and the leader before him was a tom named Pigeonstar.


      Featherclaw -A fluffy light gray tom with silvery flecks across his pelt, a long whip-like tail, and pale yellow eyes. He is the first deputy under the current leader and his favorite prey is squirrel.


      Roseshine -A small, glossy dark brown she-cat with a pink nose and bright, luminous green eyes. Her mentor’s name was Specklewing and her favorite prey is blackbird. APPRENTICE, Badgerpaw.


      Bluecloud: A tall, lean, blue-grey she-cat with strong, muscular, legs, big ears, and stormy blue eyes. Strong in body and in spirit, she leaps from tree to tree chasing prey without fear. She is empathetic, quick-thinking, and holds great pride in her Clan. Though she may not know it, she’s been chosen as the successor for current leader and will become deputy when the current one retires in the coming seasons.

      Fleetstorm: A thick furred, grey tabby tom with silver paws, ear-tips, and tail-tip, a long tail, and piercing yellow eyes. Son of the current deputy. A calm and capable warrior like his father, but with a passion all his own. He is the best fighter in the Clan and always heads battle patrols. Despite his talent for warfare, he is gentle and loving to his mate and kits.

      Timberclaw: A big, bulky, dark brown tom with pale green eyes.Stern and practical, the apprentices all think he’s mean but realize as they grow the valuable lessons he teaches them. He has a crush on Daisystem, but can’t figure out how to express his feelings. APPRENTICE, Maplepaw.

      Mistlebranch: A skinny, silver-grey tabby tom with long legs, white paws, and leaf green eyes. A bit jumpy, he tends to overthink things and sometimes loses prey or is knocked off his feet in battle as a result. However, he always gives 100% to his Clan and comes through when they need him the most.

      Poppytuft: A broad shouldered, black she-cat with tufted ears, short fur, and dark green eyes. Fiery and bold, she speaks her mind, even when her opinion wasn’t asked for, and as the leader’s daughter she feels a sense of entitlement to do so without consequences. However, she is passionate and cares for her Clan.

      Shrewnose: A small, light brown tom with darker flecks and amber eyes. Opposite to his mate Poppytuft, he is a quiet and observant cat who can see all angles of a situation quickly, making him a great asset in battle. He sometimes fears speaking up, but his mate encourages him to do so, and he encourages patience in her. APPRENTICE, Smokepaw.

      Daisystem: A black and white she-cat with small paws and blue eyes. Kind and always is there for her Clanmates when they’re in distress, she is empathetic and can read cats very well whether it be on the battle field or in camp. APPRENTICE, Jaypaw.

      Thrushflight: A brown spotted tabby tom with ginger paws and amber eyes. A responsible and hard working young tom who strives to be the warrior best he can be. He dreams of becoming leader one day, but for now is enjoying being a mate and father. APPRENTICE, Stormpaw.


      Jaypaw – A smokey dark gray she-cat with clear pale blue eyes, a thick fluffy pelt, and a paler gray muzzle, underbelly, and paws. Daughter of Fleetstorm and Bluecloud.

      Smokepaw – A small very dark gray, almost black, smokey colored tom with long legs and dark blue eyes. Son of Fleetstorm and Bluecloud.

      Stormpaw – A light gray tom with amber eyes, a sleek short pelt, and tufted ears. Son of Fleetstorm and Bluecloud.

      Badgerpaw – A black and white tuxedo tom with a thin sleek pelt, a long muzzle, and bright green eyes. Son of Shrewnose and Poppytuft.

      Maplepaw – A slender dappled light tortoiseshell (ginger and black) and white she-cat with a white underbelly, paws, and face, and warm amber eyes. Daughter of Shrewnose and Poppytuft.


      Yellowpetal: A long, silky furred, dark grey she-cat with pale yellow eyes. A quiet and gentle cat who loves helping in the nursery, but is very fierce when it comes to protecting the camp. She was thrilled when she finally had a litter of her own and the whole Clan appreciates her greatly. Mates with Thrushflight and has two kits. Hickorykit and Tigerkit.

      Featherfall: A lean, light grey almost white she-cat with thin black tabby stripes and piercing amber eyes. Daughter of the current leader. A somewhat less intense version of her sister, she never backs down from a challenge, even motherhood. She loves her kits dearly but can’t wait to return to her warrior duties. Mates with Mistlebranch and has four kits. Foxkit, Goldenkit, Ravenkit, and Blossomkit.


      Flamewhisper – A dappled dark ginger she-cat with a white underside, ears, and face, pale gray dapples, a limp hind leg, and amber eyes. Mates with the current leader and mother to Poppytuft and Featherfall. Retired early to a broken leg that didn’t heal properly.

      Runningheart – A skinny gray tabby tom with black stripes and paws, a cracked dry nose, and rheumy green eyes. Father of Mistlebranch and Timberclaw. Retired due to old age.

      Burrbelly – A long furred dark brown tom with a pale brown underbelly and chest, a thick knotted pelt, and dark amber eyes. Father of Thrushflight and the current medicine cat. Retired recently due to old age.


      Hickorykit, a dark grey tabby tom with a fluffy tail and bright amber eyes.

      Tigerkit, a bright ginger spotted tabby she-cat with dark grey almost black stripes, wide paws, and piercing amber eyes.

      Foxkit, a dark ginger tom with thick fur, a narrow muzzle, and amber eyes.

      Goldenkit, a pale ginger and white she-cat with small black flecks along her spine and leaf green eyes.

      Ravenkit, a skinny, black tom with long legs and dark green eyes.

      Blossomkit, a small, tortoiseshell (black, white,silver, grey, and ginger) she-cat with leaf green eyes.

      Is it The Last Hope? I think I see: Jayfeather, Breezepelt, Midnight, Mapleshade/Spottedstalker, and someone else.

        • Uh, I can’t find Runningheart or Running Heart anywhere on the Warriors Wiki, so I’m pretty sure it’s not canon.

          • I don’t know if it would be a page, because it was the warrior name of Runningkit, the kit who died in one of the field guides I believe. The three kits who got warrior names? Brother/sister of Smallstar?

    • Misty’s entry part 1:
      Froststar, warrior name Frostblaze
      Blue: a fluffy, smoky gray she-cat with blue-gray patches on her back and a large one on her chest, dark gray ears, and sky-blue eyes
      Fleet: a short-furred, dark gray tabby tom with pale gray stripes, white front legs, a cheek scar, and dark amber eyes
      Timber: a mottled pale brown tom with unusual long, white claws, black stripes on his legs, and dark green eyes
      Mistle: a pale gray-and-black tom with white spots on his muzzle, a long, silvery-gray tail, and pale yellow eyes
      Poppy: a mottled gray, ginger, and white tortoiseshell with ginger paws, ears, and belly, gray tufty ears, and leaf-green eyes
      Shrew: a sleek black tom with a short white tail, a sharp,dark ginger muzzle, golden-brown stripes, and amber eyes
      Daisy: a cream-and-ginger she-cat with yellow tabby patches on her face, legs, and her fluffy tail, a long, jagged scar on her back, and dark blue eyes
      Thrush: golden-brown tom with dark brown paws, chest, and tail-tip, a torn ear, several crisscrossed scars on his muzzle, and sunny amber eyes

      • Misty’s entry part 2:
        Shadowpaw, warrior name Shadowsky
        Smokepaw, warrior name Smokesplash
        Thistlepaw, warrior name Thistletuft
        Swallowpaw, warrior name Swallowbreeze
        Sunpaw, warrior name Sundapple
        Yellow: white she-cat with yellow swirled tabby patches, a long, thin golden tail, brown ears and muzzle, and dark green eyes
        Kits: Hickorykit, a pale brown tabby tom-kit with golden brown spots, a yellow paw and three white paws, tufted ears, and pale green eyes, and Goldenkit, a fluffy golden she-kit with yellow paws, a bushy golden-brown tail, brown ears, and dark amber eyes
        Feather: sleek, well-muscled, silvery-gray she-cat with dark gray, almost black stripes, a smoky gray paw, a ginger chest, and brilliant blue eyes
        Kits: Tigerkit, a mottled gray-and-black she-kit with a soft white belly, silver tabby legs, and sunny yellow eyes, Foxkit, a pale gray tom-kit with a ginger tabby tail,

        • Misty’s entry part 3:
          change: Feather: sleek, well-muscled white she-cat with pale ginger stripes, a dark gray nose, ginger legs and chest, and dark amber eyes
          (continuing on Foxkit) a white chest, and amber eyes, Ravenkit, a black-and-silver tom-kit with dark gray ears and legs, a pink nose, and yellow eyes, and Blossomkit, a small tortoiseshell (silver, ginger, and white) she-kit with dark gray splotches, a pale nose, and pale amber eyes

          The theme is Moonrise? (Feathertail, Crowfeather, Stormfur, Midnight, Spottedstalker)

          • No, but you’re in the right arc. Apprentice #3 is an honorary mention because he died in this book but wasn’t a main character and remember that #4 isn’t a cat at all.

    • SkyClan
      Leader: Emberstar
      Deputy: Ashfall (makes note not to use OC’s again..)
      Medicine cat: Irisheart
      Bluecloud- large fluffy blue-grey she-cat with a long plumy tail and pale bluish green eyes.
      Fleetstorm- dark grey tom with white paws and muzzle, a black tail tip and ice blue eyes
      Timberclaw- strong muscular dark ginger and russet tom with deep green eyes and a white underbelly
      Mistlebranch- lithe brown and white mottled tom with short fur and pale green eyes
      Poppytuft- dainty tortoiseshell and white she-cat with unusually thick fur around her neck and underbelly with dark amber eyes
      Shrewnose- handsome pale brown tabby tom with silky fur and blue eyes
      Daisystem- pretty black and white she-cat with long whiskers and large leaf green eyes
      Thrushflight- golden brown tom with white paws and amber eyes
      Yellowpetal- dark cream coloured she-cat with yellowish amber eyes and one black paw
      Featherfall: Pale silver she-cat with white
      and sky blue eyes
      Hickorykit- small fluffy pale brown tom with dark green eyes
      Tigerkit- large tortoiseshell striped she-cat with dark amber eyes and long fur
      Foxkit- dark reddish brown tom with small white patches and paws and pale amber eyes
      Goldenkit- silky furred golden brown she-kit with darker streaks and amber eyes
      Ravenkit- dark grey tom with black whorls and and dark blue eyes
      Blossomkit- pretty dark tortoiseshell she-kit with white paws and underbelly and dark green eyes
      I’ll do theme later..

    • SKYCLAN:
      Blazestar -A lean white tom with bright orange splotches across his pelt, scars across his muzzle, and dark green eyes. He is on his sixth life and the leader before him was a tom named Pigeonstar.
      Silverspots -A fluffy light gray tom with silvery flecks across his pelt, a long whip-like tail, and pale yellow eyes. He is the first deputy under the current leader and his favorite prey is squirrel.
      Hawksong -A small, glossy dark brown she-cat with a pink nose and bright, luminous green eyes. Her mentor’s name was Specklewing and her favorite prey is blackbird. APPRENTICE, apprentice #4.
      Bluecloud: Lithe, snowy-white she-cat with gray ear-tips and dark blue eyes.
      Fleetstorm: Mottled, smoky gray tabby tom with lighter stripes, a scarred chest, and sharp green eyes.
      Timberclaw: Thick-furred, sleek brown tabby tom with black stripes, a white chest, tail-tip, and dark amber eyes. APPRENTICE, apprentice #5.
      Mistlebranch: Tall, lean gray tom with splashes of white on his pelt, silver-tipped ears, and dark blue-gray eyes.
      Poppytuft: Sleek, jet-black she-cat with long hind-legs, a white tipped tail, and dark, fiery blue eyes.
      Shrewnose: Small brown tom with a tabby-striped tail and bright green eyes. APPRENTICE, apprentice #2.
      Daisystem: Long-furred, pale brown-and-cream she-cat with white paws, white splotches, and brilliant green eyes. APPRENTICE, Smokepaw.
      Thrushflight: Tall brown tom with reddish-brown ear-tips and pale amber eyes.. APPRENTICE, apprentice #3
      Stormpaw – A smoky dark gray she-cat with clear pale blue eyes, a thick fluffy pelt, and a paler gray muzzle, underbelly, and paws. Daughter of Fleetstorm and Bluecloud.
      Smokepaw – A small very dark gray, almost black, smoky colored tom with long legs and dark blue eyes. Son of Fleetstorm and Bluecloud.
      Fogpaw – A light gray tom with amber eyes, a sleek short pelt, and tufted ears. Son of Fleetstorm and Bluecloud.
      Grasspaw – A black and white tuxedo tom with a thin sleek pelt, a long muzzle, and bright green eyes. Son of Shrewnose and Poppytuft.
      Dapplepaw – A slender dappled light tortoiseshell (ginger and black) and white she-cat with a white underbelly, paws, and face, and warm amber eyes. Daughter of Shrewnose and Poppytuft.
      Yellowpetal: Tall golden she-cat with white petal-shaped patterns on her pelt and dark green eyes. Mates with Thrushflight and has two kits.
      Featherfall: Fluffy, silver-gray tabby she-cat with white paws and blue eyes. Mates with Mistlebranch and has four kits.
      Sparkleap – A dappled dark ginger she-cat with a white underside, ears, and face, pale gray dapples, a limp hind leg, and amber eyes. Mates with the current leader and mother to Poppytuft and Featherfall. Retired early to a broken leg that didn’t heal properly.
      Stripenose – A skinny gray tabby tom with black stripes and paws, a cracked dry nose, and rheumy green eyes. Father of Mistlebranch and Timberclaw. Retired due to old age.
      Tanglestorm – A long furred dark brown tom with a pale brown underbelly and chest, a thick knotted pelt, and dark amber eyes. Father of Thrushflight and the current medicine cat. Retired recently due to old age.
      Hickorykit, a tall brown tabby tom with black stripes and pale green eyes. (Featherfall)
      Tigerkit, a orange tabby she-cat with thin black stripes and sharp, icy-blue eyes. (Featherfall)
      Foxkit, a fluffy ginger tom with black markings, black-tipped ears, and dark yellow eyes. (Featherfall)
      Goldenkit, a pale golden she-cat with bright green eyes. (Yellowpetal)
      Ravenkit, a sleek black tom with a white paw and dark blue eyes. (Featherfall)
      Blossomkit, a fluffy golden tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with white paws and amber eyes. (Yellowpetal)
      Is the theme from Starlight? (Spottedleaf, Crowfeather, Cinderpelt, and ??? because I can’t identify who that is)

      • You’re in the right arc…….remember apprentice #4 isn’t a cat at all. #3 is honorary because he died in this book, though he wasn’t really a main character.

    • SKYCLAN:


      Blazestar-A lean white tom with bright orange splotches across his pelt, scars across his muzzle, and dark green eyes. He is on his sixth life and the leader before him was a tom named Pigeonstar.


      Icetalon-A fluffy light gray tom with silvery flecks across his pelt, a long whip-like tail, and pale yellow eyes. He is the first deputy under the current leader and his favorite prey is squirrel.


      Brightglow-A small, glossy dark brown she-cat with a pink nose and bright, luminous green eyes. Her mentor’s name was Specklewing and her favorite prey is blackbird. APPRENTICE, apprentice #4.


      Bluecloud: A blue-black she-cat with white paws, chest, and tail-tip. She has jade-colored eyes. Strong in body and in spirit, she leaps from tree to tree chasing prey without fear. She is empathetic, quick-thinking, and holds great pride in her Clan. Though she may not know it, she’s been chosen as the successor for current leader and will become deputy when the current one retires in the coming seasons.

      Fleetstorm: Long-legged light gray tabby tom with hail-colored spots and yellow eyes. A tom. Son of the current deputy. A calm and capable warrior like his father, but with a passion all his own. He is the best fighter in the Clan and always heads battle patrols. Despite his talent for warfare, he is gentle and loving to his mate and kits.

      Timberclaw: A light brown tabby tom with a black chest and white “mask” on his face, and he has sky-colored eyes. Stern and practical, the apprentices all think he’s mean but realize as they grow the valuable lessons he teaches them. He has a crush on Daisystem, but can’t figure out how to express his feelings. APPRENTICE, apprentice #5.

      Mistlebranch: A spiky-furred black tom. The tips of the “spikes” on his fur are silver, and he has almond-shaped amber eyes. A bit jumpy, he tends to overthink things and sometimes loses prey or is knocked off his feet in battle as a result. However, he always gives 100% to his Clan and comes through when they need him the most.

      Poppytuft: A bright ginger she-cat with a white tuft of fur on head, and she has dark green eyes.. Fiery and bold, she speaks her mind, even when her opinion wasn’t asked for, and as the leader’s daughter she feels a sense of entitlement to do so without consequences. However, she is passionate and cares for her Clan.

      Shrewnose: A small, pale ginger tom with slightly darker ginger tabby stripes. He has small, sun-colored eyes. Opposite to his mate Poppytuft, he is a quiet and observant cat who can see all angles of a situation quickly, making him a great asset in battle. He sometimes fears speaking up, but his mate encourages him to do so, and he encourages patience in her. APPRENTICE, apprentice #2.

      Daisystem: A tortoiseshell(cream, golden, brown) she-cat with grass-colored eyes.. Kind and always is there for her Clanmates when they’re in distress, she is empathetic and can read cats very well whether it be on the battle field or in camp. APPRENTICE, apprentice #1.

      Thrushflight: A dark gray tabby tom with white-tipped ears and blue-green eyes. A responsible and hard working young tom who strives to be the warrior best he can be. He dreams of becoming leader one day, but for now is enjoying being a mate and father. APPRENTICE, apprentice #3.


      1 Stormpaw – A smokey dark gray she-cat with clear pale blue eyes, a thick fluffy pelt, and a paler gray muzzle, underbelly, and paws. Daughter of Fleetstorm and Bluecloud.

      2 Cloudpaw– A small very dark gray, almost black, smokey colored tom with long legs and dark blue eyes. Son of Fleetstorm and Bluecloud.

      3 Burrpaw– A light gray tom with amber eyes, a sleek short pelt, and tufted ears. Son of Fleetstorm and Bluecloud.

      4 Sharppaw– A black and white tuxedo tom with a thin sleek pelt, a long muzzle, and bright green eyes. Son of Shrewnose and Poppytuft.

      5 Honeypaw– A slender dappled light tortoiseshell (ginger and black) and white she-cat with a white underbelly, paws, and face, and warm amber eyes. Daughter of Shrewnose and Poppytuft.


      Yellowpetal: A ginger she-cat with white patches, ears that gently point, and leaf-green eyes. A quiet and gentle cat who loves helping in the nursery, but is very fierce when it comes to protecting the camp. She was thrilled when she finally had a litter of her own and the whole Clan appreciates her greatly. Mates with Thrushflight and has two kits.

      Featherfall: A long-furred white she-cat with small ginger patches that resemble falling feathers, and she has dark green eyes. Daughter of the current leader. A somewhat less intense version of her sister, she never backs down from a challenge, even motherhood. She loves her kits dearly but can’t wait to return to her warrior duties. Mates with Mistlebranch and has four kits.


      1 Fallencloud– A dappled dark ginger she-cat with a white underside, ears, and face, pale gray dapples, a limp hind leg, and amber eyes. Mates with the current leader and mother to Poppytuft and Featherfall. Retired early to a broken leg that didn’t heal properly.

      2 Grayshadows– A skinny gray tabby tom with black stripes and paws, a cracked dry nose, and rheumy green eyes. Father of Mistlebranch and Timberclaw. Retired due to old age.

      3Oaklight – A long furred dark brown tom with a pale brown underbelly and chest, a thick knotted pelt, and dark amber eyes. Father of Thrushflight and the current medicine cat. Retired recently due to old age.


      Hickorykit, a ginger tom-kit with gently pointed ears and blue-green eyes that look just like his father’s. (Mother: Yellowpetal)

      Tigerkit, a dark gray she-cat with white patches and leaf-green eyes. (Mother: Yellowpetal)

      Foxkit, a spiky-furred ginger tom with dark green eyes. (Mother: Featherfall)

      Goldenkit, a light ginger she-cat with white patches that resemble falling feathers and almond-shaped green eyes. (Mother: Featherfall)

      Ravenkit, a black tom with almond-shaped amber eyes. (Mother: Featherfall

      Blossomkit, a long-furred white she-cat with small ginger patches that resemble falling feathers. She has amber eyes. (Mother: Featherfall)

    Poem Gamey Thingy
    Pick random numbers and you have a poem!

    1 Under the shade of a willow tree

    2 The two destined for the prophecy

    3 A violet and a twig meet

    4 Maybe just maybe will they see

    5 Life wasn’t as it was ment to be

    6 Things are sometimes calm or crazy

    7 We just have to see

    8 Are they the ones in the prophecy?

    9 Will the Shadow fall next?

    • We just have to see
      Under the shade of the willow tree
      Will the Shadow fall next?
      Things are sometimes calm or crazy


    • Maybe just maybe will they see
      Are they the ones in the prophecy?
      Life wasn’t as it was meant to be
      Things are sometimes calm or crazy.

    • We just have to see
      Maybe just maybe will they see
      Under the shade of a willow tree
      Life wasn’t as it was meant to be

    • Things are sometimes calm or crazy
      Maybe just maybe will they see
      The two destined for the prophecy
      Life wasn’t as it was ment to be

    • Are they the ones in the prophecy?

      Maybe just maybe will they see,

      A violet and a twig meet,

      Under the shade of a willow tree.

      We just have to see.

    • Life wasn’t as it meant to be
      Are they the ones in the prophecy?
      Maybe just maybe they will see
      A violet and a twig meet
      Things are sometimes calm and crazy.

    • Life wasn’t as it was meant to be
      The two destined for the prophecy
      Under the shade of a willow tree
      A violet and a twig meet
      Are they the ones in the prophecy?
      We just have to see.

  • Okay, I decided to make a game, which as of right now has no name. (Ooh, some rhyming going on here)
    So, the rules are that I present you with the prefix (beginning part of a name, like Silver-) and personality of a she-cat, and then give you three choices of a mate for her. You then then you give them suffixes (end part of a name, like -tail). You then decide ho many kits they have (if they have kits) and the names/descriptions for them. And finally, I choose the family that seemes the best, such as one with good genealogy with the kits, or one with the best names and descriptions. Now let’s begin!

    The she-cat:
    A strict yet caring cat with a sense of responsibility. She likes kits, but not many.

    The mates-
    A shy and cautious tom with a love for kits and his clan, but dislikes fighting.

    A bold and daring tom who takes a liking to settling conflicts with his claws and teeth.

    A responsible tom who cares for his clan and not so much for kits.

    The kits:

    • The she-cat:
      Daisyflower, a thick-furred light brown tabby she-cat with white paws and ears, with green eyes.

      The tom:
      Quailflight- a large dark gray tabby tom with a white right paw, tail tip and muzzle, with blue eyes

      The kit:
      Darkkit- a large dark gray tom with green eyes

      • Daisyfoot


        Moonkit, a thick-furred gray tabby tom with green eyes

        Meadowkit, a light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes

    • Daisydawn and Windwhisper

      Larkkit, a lithe, dark smoky grey she-cat with soft, fuzzy fur and brilliant yellow eyes.

      Otterkit, a dark brown tom with thick, glossy fur and bright amber eyes.

    • Daisynose, a white she-cat with yellow splotches across her pelt, glossy fur, and dark green eyes.

      Windstorm, a long furred gray tabby tom with jagged darker stripes, white paws, and pale blue eyes.

      Fernkit, a long furred dark gray she-cat with sky blue eyes and a glossy pelt. Warrior name will be Fernpool.

      Beekit, a yellow tabby tom with three white paws, slightly darker stripes and underbelly, and leafy green eyes. Warrior name will be Beestripe.

      Streamkit, a pale gray tabby tom with white splotches across his back, stormy gray stripes, and dark green eyes. Warrior name will be Streamfur.

    • Daisyheart- a tall, sleek, black and white she-cat with pale blue eyes.
      Quailwhisker- a silver-grey tabby tom with black flecks and dark green eyes.
      Badgerkit- a sleek, silver tabby she-cat with black stripes and pale blue eyes.

    • Daisysky
      Very pale grey she-cat with stunning amber eyes and white paws

      Handsome white tom with grey splotches and bright blue eyes

      Pale grey she-cat with pale blue eyes and white on her face and legs

      Small white she-cat with amber eyes and grey paws

    • Daisynose (why do I always use this name for every game?!)- pretty black and white she-cat with leaf-green eyes, a strikingly pink nose and a long plumy tail
      Quailfeather- lithe dark brown tom with white streaks and dark amber eyes
      Sweetkit- small fluffy white she-kit with brown splodges and pale amber eyes
      Yewkit- black tom-kit with white flecks across his spine and legs with a white-streaked tail and dark green eyes

    • Daisyshine
      Cherrykit, a cream she-kit with dark ginger dapples, a fluffy white tail, and dark green eyes
      Hailkit, a long-haired white tom-kit with pale gray spots, silver legs, a bent tail, and pale blue eyes
      Cypresskit, a tortoiseshell (dark ginger, gray, and white) she-kit with orange paws and pale green eyes

    • Daisypetal- Cream colored she-cat with plumy tail and blue eyes

      Windfeather- Light gray tom with light amber eyes and long whiskers

      Kits- they have three

      Maplekit- Dark gray she-kit with light blue eyes

      Larchkit- Cream colored tom with amber eyes

      Stormkit- Light gray tom with light amber eyes

    • The she-cat
      Daisystem- a brown and white she-cat with dark blue eyes

      The tom-
      Quailfeather- a gray tabby tom with amber eyes

      The kits-
      Applekit- a brown tom with blue eyes

    • The She-cat
      Daisyshadow- a midnight-black she-cat with white ear-tips, tail-tip, paws, and almond-shaped sky-blue eyes.

      Her Mate: Windleap- a very pale ginger tom with light brown tabby stripes, paws, and tail. He has leaf-green eyes.

      The Kits:
      Stagkit- light brown tabby she-cat with white ear-tips and paws. She has almond-shaped leaf-green eyes.
      Stormkit- midnight black tom-kit with light brown tabby stripes and sky-blue eyes.
      Nightkit- calico(white with black and light brown) she-kit with a light-brown tail, black ear-tips, one almond-shaped sky-blue eye, and one leaf-green eye.

    • She cat, Daisystorm- golden yellow tabby she-cat with white socks and deep green eyes.
      Tom, Windstreak- Long haired, thin white tom with a gray streak on his tail and pale green eyes.
      The kits-
      Flowerkit- tiny,thin pale yellow she-cat with pale green eyes
      Leafkit- short haired, thin, white tom with pale green eyes.
      Congrats to the winners!

    • Daisyflight, a russet tabby she-cat with golden eyes.
      Windsong, a white tom with black socks and green eyes.

      Petalkit, a russet tabby she-kit with bright green eyes.
      Echokit, a white she-kit with green eyes.
      Oakkit, a russet tom-kit with golden eyes.

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