• I’m going to host another Name Game (that’s what I’m gonna call it) because why not.

    For instructions and examples, click here!

    Combine Emberfoot’s first apprentice’s suffix (as prefix) and Bluestar’s first mentor’s prefix (as suffix). Change the prefix into this cat’s brother’s prefix. Change the suffix to “kit”. Now, change the suffix into this cat’s father’s suffix. Change the prefix into this cat’s mother’s prefix. Change the suffix into this cat’s med cat brother’s current suffix. What name do you have?

    • Emberfoot first apprentice was Sunstrike so we have Strike at the prefix. Bluestar’s first mentor was Stonepelt so we get Strikestone. Strikestone’s brother is Juniperclaw so we get Juniperstone and then it becomes Juniperkit. His father is Bramblestar (claw) so the suffix is now either claw or star. Probably claw though. Juniperclaw’s mother is Dawnpelt so we get Dawnclaw. I don’t think there’s anyone called Dawnclaw though… so did I do something wrong or did you do it wrong?

      Emberfoot -> Sunstrike
      Bluestar -> Stonepelt
      Strikestone -> Juniperstone -> Juniperkit -> Juniperclaw -> Dawnclaw -> ???

    • Combine Emberfootโ€™s first apprenticeโ€™s suffix (as prefix)

      and Bluestarโ€™s first mentorโ€™s prefix (as suffix)

      Change the prefix into this catโ€™s brotherโ€™s prefix

      Change the suffix to โ€œkitโ€.
      Okay. Juniperkit

      Now, change the suffix into this catโ€™s fatherโ€™s suffix.
      Uhhh, Juniperclaw again???

      Change the prefix into this catโ€™s motherโ€™s prefix.

      Change the suffix into this catโ€™s med cat brotherโ€™s current suffix.

      What name do you have?

    • Sunstrike + Stonepelt = Strikestone.
      Strikestone = Juniperclaw = Juniperkit.
      Juniperkit + Bramblestar = Juniperclaw or Juniperstar??
      Juniperclaw = Dawnclaw?? Does Dawnclaw even exist??

  • Name That Octopus!

    Last round was to name the Atlantic pygmy octopus, and the winner is… Whisperdapple by Icepelt!

    L E A D E R B O A R D

    1. Mistpaw (2 pts)
    2. Echostream, Cindy, Bloomie, Icepelt (1 pt)
    3. Everyone else (0 pts)

    16 Rounds

    ROUND 5


    Octopus Briareus
    Also called the Caribbean Reef Octopus, they’re super pretty and can have many colors on them! Their tentacles seem to be more connected like an umbrella than people usually see, and in this image you can see the “umbrella-ness” of the tentacles ๐Ÿ™‚
    They’re super good at camouflage, because as you can see, their environment is more of a bright, tan-colored reef. Their light blues and tans fit right in, and the reds or other colors seem to be plants or growth.

    Good luck!

  • I know this is the warriors games page, but I don’t know if Cedarstripe will go check the allegiances chat page

    does u actually
    want to be my mentor
    if you do

    แ••( แ› )แ•—
    แ••( แ› )แ•—
    แ••( แ› )แ•—
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    the slatepaw will be very happy!

  • Streakyโ€™s NTA
    Round 13 Results
    Wrensong – Silvershadow
    Leafdrift – Whitepaw (Whiterabbit)
    Ivystorm – Poppyspider (Poppypaw)
    Heathheart – Leafypaw (Leafyshadow)
    Stonebrook – Rabbitflame
    Rosethorn – Whitepaw (Whiterabbit)
    Rowanbark – Star (Mistpaw)
    Daffodildawn – Kestry
    Violetclaw – Loneheart
    Foxglovestem – Windstorm
    Leader board
    Midnight & Kestry 16pts
    Windpaw/storm 12pts
    Poppypaw 10pts
    Whitepaw (Whiterabbit) & Star (Mistpaw) 9pts
    Rabbitflame 8pts
    Slatepaw & Silvershadow 7pts
    Ravenpaw/thorn 6pts
    Echostream 5pts
    Coldheart 3pts
    Waffles (Waffleheart) & Leafypaw (Leafyshadow) 2pts
    Nightpaw, Flameflower, Moonsi, Rainypaw, Monkeypaw, Pinestripe & Loneheart 1pt
    Everyone else 0pts
    Round 14: Random Names (Catch-up Round)
    This is a round for anyone who is new and would like to catch up with everyone else
    No canonical names!

  • 1.Cloudrunner’s mate’s sister’s mate’s son
    2.Stonestream’s mentor’s mentor’s sister’s mother

    No looking it up (except in the books)

  • My NTA

    Last round’s winners:
    Troutstream by Tinypaw
    Carpriver by Coldheart
    Salmonlight by Leafyshadow
    Anglerfish by Star


  • So, I decided that I was going to end my combining cat names because it is a lot to keep up with but you guys all did really well with great name combinations, but now I’m going to put up the leaderboard.
    Icepelt, Kestrelfeather 5pts
    Leafypaw 4pts
    Mistpaw, Windstorm 3.5pts
    Poppypaw 3pts
    Flamepaw, Silvershadow 2.5pts
    Rainsong 2pts
    Nightpaw, Slatepaw 1.5pts
    Stripekit, Thieftail, Ravenpaw, Rabbitflame, Dovepaw, Shimmersplash 1pt

    So the final winners are Icepelt and Kestrelfeather! What would you like your prize to be? I guess you guys are in Whitepaw’s Game Page Hall of Fame now because you guys won a game!

    Hall of Fame
    Midnight-for winning Whitepaw’s NTA!
    Icepelt-for winning combining cat names!
    Kestrelfeather-for winning combining cat names!

  • Quote game

    Silver Shadow with 1 point for โ€œYou would have died for us, WindClan will never forget that”
    Ceaderstripe with 2 points for โ€œWhatever you decide to do, Graystripe, I will always be your friend.โ€   
    Minktail with 3 points for  โ€œI am proud of you, Moth Flight. You are ready to fight for what you believe in.โ€

    My wholesome quote- “Ivypool is my littermate, just as Blossomfall is yours. I would trust my sister with my life. Donยดt you feel the same way?ยจ

    Next round is….

    • “Hollyleaf,I have lost my kits,the one cat I loved,and my calling as a medicine cat. Which do you think would be easier for me,to die,or to go on living?” Leafpool to Hollyleaf. Sunrise,pg.310.

    • “Hollyleaf, I have lost my kits, the one cat I loved, and my calling as a medicine cat. Which do you think would be easier for me, to die or to go on living?”
      -Leafpool to Hollyleaf, Sunrise, pg. 310

        • Whoops! Here’s a different one-
          “You mean nothing to me, Leafpool. That moon has passed. My loyalty is only to WindClan, and I have no kits other than Breezepelt.”
          โ€”Crowfeather to Leafpool, Sunrise, pg. 306

    • Tigerstar’s death hurts me. It feels as if a part of me just died with him. And yet…I’m relieved, too. I don’t have to lie to myself anymore. Pretend I didn’t love him with all my heart. That was so hard…and now I can just remember. Remember how kind and brave he was. And how much he taught me. Oh, Tigerstar…I’ll miss you. Always.

      ~ Sasha

    • “When I left to go on a journey, when you were a newly made warrior, Graystripe said, “I will wait for you, as long as it takes.” Don’t you think I should do the same for him?”
      Firestar, Sunset.
      I don’t remember what exactly if this is the quote, but it’s close enough.

    • “Thank you for bringing me to ThunderClan. Tell Bluestar I have always been grateful for the home she gave me. This is a good place to die. I only regret that I will miss watching you become what StarClan has destined you to be.”
      -Yellowfang to Fireheart. Rising Storm, pg. 282

    • “I know I did the right thing, but no one will ever understand.”
      — Hollyleaf thinking about Ashfur’s murder

    • โ€œNo, Silverstream, no.โ€ Graystripeโ€™s mew was very soft. โ€œDonโ€™t go. Donโ€™t leave me.โ€ He bent over the limp body, nuzzling her gently. She did not move. -Forest of Secrets page I don’t know.

    • Sorry doesn’t bring cats back from the dead! WindClan would be better off without you!”
      -Wind Runner to Moth Flight in Moth Flight’s Vision, page 42

    • Hey moddo! I posted a comment at 11:00 in the morning. It’s been 3 hours and it still hasn’t been approved. What happened?

    (Results and leaderboard are on last page)

    Bunnystar needs help naming these apprentices


    Give them the cutest suffix ever and you just may became cute clans next leader! Good luck

  • I want to do a warriors bingo game and I found a website that does bingo cards and so I want to do a bingo thing where I ask questions like who is firestar’s father’s mate’s kit’s mate’s kit’s apprentice’s… and you guys try and figure it out and there are four by four bingo cards and the first cat to get five cats in a row wins. Your card will not have all of the cats on it. I need to make sure that everybody has a different card. If you want to participate, then reply to this comment and I will give you your link to your bingo card.

  • Rabbitflame (Flameo’s) NTA
    Sponsered by: Nationwide is on MY SIDE (not yours get your own insurance)
    Aphidbreeze buy Viper in the Box!
    Beesting buy Tinypaw!
    Cicadabuzz buy Mistpaw!
    Caterpillarflash buy Silvershadow!
    Flythunder buy Midnight!
    Mantisripple buy Viper in the Box!
    Leaderboard (please tell me if I miss anyone)
    Midnight – 8 pts
    Kestrelfeather – 7 pts
    Windstorm and Mistpaw – 3 pts
    Tinypaw, Whiterabbit, Coldheart, Echostream, Viper in the Box, and Flamepaw โ€“ 2 pts
    Leafyshadow and Silvershadow โ€“ 1 pt
    Everybody else โ€“ 0 pts
    Round 7: Snakes
    Good luck! No canon names!

  • Count Lonafโ€™s NTA
    Instructions: Name an apprentice and you get a point. But thereโ€™s a catch-your restricted to these suffixes-dash, dart, pearl, amethyst, spire, sight, vision, twig, stalker, and flame.
    Round 2 Results
    Panthersky by Slatepaw
    Jaguarfrost by Poppypaw
    Cheetahwing by Leafpaw
    Margaytail by Windstorm
    Marbledfleaf by Poppypaw

    I noticed that some submissions used suffixes other then the ones given. While, I do appreciate the afore mentioned submissions (you had some gorgeous names), you are only allowed to use the suffixes provided in the instructions so I couldn’t consider them. Please remember to follow instructions ye’all ^^
    Midnight-2 points
    Poppypaw-2 points
    Leafpaw-2 points
    Slatepaw-1 points
    Kesteral-1 point
    Pinestripe-1 point
    Icepelt-1 point
    Mistpaw-1 point
    Windstorm-1 point
    Round 3