• Warriors quiz game


    • I give you six random warriors questions, you try to answer them
    • No looking answers up (you can reread the books though)
    • Please put your answers in a spoiler tag to aviod spoilers. If you don’t know how to, it’s the plus sign with square brackets around it.
    • Points will be judged on how accurate your answer is, or how quickly you can get the correct answer
    • Have fun!

    (none yet)

    [spoiler title=”Questions: Spoilers ahead”]

    1. What was the color of Bumblestripe’s eyes?
    2. What is redcough
    3. In which book did Cinderpelt get her warrior name?
    4. Who was Frecklewish’s first mentor, the warrior one?
    5. How did Sunstar lose his last life?
    6. How did Firestar lose his fourth life? [/spoiler]
  • Appledapples and Applefire- Kestry and Rainypaw
    Orangedusk and Orangedawn- Rabbitflame and Stormpaw
    Peachwail and Peachplum- Loyalfire and Kestry
    Mangotwist- Kestry
    Plumflame and Plumrose- Rainypaw and Stormpaw

    1: Kestry: 8
    2: Duskblaze: 6
    3: Poppypaw: 4
    3: Raventhorn: 4
    4: Loyalfire: 3
    4: Leafypaw: 2
    4: Stormpaw: 2
    4: Rainypaw: 2
    4: Midnight: 2
    4: Minktail: 2
    5: Starpaw: 1
    5: Rabbitflame: 1

    Masters At NTA Today:


    Next round! Storm related!


  • Murder mystery
    This is my take on a murder mystery. It happens directly after the battle with BloodClan

    • Each round is a dawn. In a dawn, you can do one of these 3 things:
    • Stalk a suspect- Spend a dawn tracking a suspect. You will obtain one piece of evidence.
    • Investigate the crime scene- Spend a dawn looking around the crime scene. You will obtain one piece of evidence.
    • Ask questions- Spend a dawn asking questions. You may ask 3 in a round.
    • Every few dawns, another murder will occur, getting you more clues.

    Leader- Firestar
    Apprentice, Bramblepaw
    Deputy- Greystripe
    Medicine cat- Cinderpelt
    Warriors- Longtail
    Apprentice, Fernpaw
    Apprentice, Ashpaw
    Queen- Willowpelt, mother to Sorrelkit, Rainkit, and Sootkit
    Elders- One-eye
    Leader- Leopardstar
    Deputy- Mistyfoot
    Medicine cat- Mudfur
    Warriors- Blackclaw
    Apprentice, Dawnpaw
    Queen- Mosspelt
    Willowpelt has been found at sunningrocks!
    The patrols were- Heavystep with Dawnpaw and Loudbelly, Sandstorm with Goldenflower and Mousefur. Mousefur found the body.
    The first dawn, Whitepaw investigated the crime scene, finding an oak branch under the corpse.
    No one else did anything, because no one cares about Willowpelt.
    Whitepaw spent more time gazing into soulless eyes, finding a well-hidden tuft of brown fur
    No one else did anything, so I upped the ante.
    Mousefur is dead by the thunderpath, found by Firestar
    The patrols were- Firestar with Bramblepaw and Brackenfur, Loudbelly with Shadepelt and Blackclaw
    Whitepaw asked some questions, learning…

    • In ThunderClan, The brown cats are Bramblepaw, Mousefur, Dustpelt. Partially Thornclaw and Brackenfur
    • In RiverClan, the brown cats are Loudbelly and Mudfur.
    • The fur was too scuffed up to determine extra detail.

    Loyalfire also asked some questions, learning…

    • Bramblepaw went on a walk with Goldenflower in the morning and trained with Firestar in the afternoon on the first dawn.
    • On the third dawn, Greystripe sent out a border patrol with Firestar, Bramblepaw and Brackenfur, and a hunting patrol with Thornclaw, Dustpelt, and Cloudtail.
    • Loudbelly went patrolling on both the first and third dawns. He had free time in the early morning and late afternoon.


  • Magic 8 cat!
    You ask me a question based on a category I give you and I randomly generator if I hiss at you which means you loose a point or say the correct or wrong answer and you got to say if it’s right or wrong

    Ask questions related to prefixes and suffixes

    So ask away!

  • Warrior Cats Trivia Questions:

    1. What was Hailstar’s warrior name?
    2. Who was Yellowfang’s first mentor?
    3. Why was Leafpaw named Leafpool?
    4. Who is Brightspirit’s mother?
    5. Who was Moonlight’s predeccessor?
    6. Who was Crowfeather’s mentor?
    7. Who was Dove’s Wing’s father?
    8. Who is Lionblaze a recarnation of?
    9. Which 3 cats are banished by Mistystar at the end of Veil of Shadows?
    10. In which book does Mistystar become leader?
  • Welcome to Duskblaze’s second round of NTA!
    Notes and stuff: I was busy yesterday, so uH yeaH
    Don’t copy others
    No names from the books (Ex: Fireheart)
    I think I’ll give 3 days for you to submit your answers, If I only get 1 or 2 submissions, I’ll repost
    I’ll choose two winners for each name
    Second Round!
    Herb Names! 😛
    Winners Of Last Round!
    Mosskit – Mosstuft (Whitepaw) Mossball (Starpaw)
    Flickerkit – Flickersurge (Viper) Flickerfrost (Stormpaw)
    Dandelionkit – Dandelionwisp(whisp) (Whitepaw and Rabbitflame) Dandeliondrift (Starpaw)
    Juniperkit – Juniperlight (Loyalfire) Juniperberry (Leafypaw)
    1 – Whitepaw, Starpaw (2 points)
    2 – Viper, Stormpaw, Rabbitflame, Loyalfire, Leafypaw (1)

  • Ok so I’m going to start my bingo if you want to join just tell me and I’ll give you a card and the previous questions so yeah

    Onestars sisters sons mates mothers fathers young warrior sisters sons mates fathers fathers fathers fathers ex mates daughters

    What is the answer DO NOT SAY ANSWER OUT LOUD just say got it


  • Who is….

    Sagenose’s father’s name-double’s mate’s other-mate’s son’s mate’s mother’s killer’s apprentice’s brother’s mentor’s son’s mate’s mother’s first-son’s apprentice’s successor’s name-double’s daughter’s mentor’s mentor’s daughter’s rival’s successor’s mentor’s predecessor’s name-double (for warrior name)’s apprentice’s successor’s successor’s father’s successor’s sister’s successor’s father’s apprentice?

    • Sagenose -> Rainfur (SkC) -> Rainfur (TC) -> Windflight -> Poppydawn -> Thistleclaw -> Snowfur -> Moonflower -> Hawkheart -> Barkface -> Shrewclaw -> Hareflight -> Stagleap -> Wrenflight -> Palebird -> Tallstar -> Deadfoot -> Mudclaw (WC) -> Mudclaw (ShC) -> Tangleburr -> Wolfstep -> Brightflower -> Yellowfang -> Foxheart -> Cloudpelt -> Raggedstar -> Cedarstar -> Cedarpelt -> Crookedstar -> Leopardstar -> Mistystar -> Oakheart -> Leopardstar -> Skyheart -> wh aT I am lost XD I think I messed up somewhere

    • Rainfur-rainfur-windflight-poppydawn-thistleclaw-moonflower-hawk heart-barkface-shrewclaw-hareflight-stagleap-wrenflight-palebird-tallstar-deadfoot-mudclaw-mudclaw-tangledburr-wolfstep-brightflower-yellowfang-fox heart-cloudpelt-raggedstar-cedar star-cedarpelt-Crookedstars-timberfur-oakheart-shellheart-crookedjaw-ummmmmmmmmmm

    • Sagenose – Rainfur-Rainfur-Windflight-Poppydawn-Thistleclaw-Snowfur-Moonflower-Hawkheart-Barkface-Shrewclaw-Hareflight-Stagleap-Wrenflight-Palebird-Tallstar-Deadfoot-Mudclaw-Mudclaw-Tangleburr-Wolfstep-Brightflower-Yellowfang-Foxheart-Cloudpelt-Raggedstar-Cedarpelt-Cedarpelt-Crookedstar-Timberfur or Leopardstar-Oakheart or Mistystar- Shellheart or Oakheart- Crookedstar or Leopardstar-Skyheart or no one-uh…

      • redo from crookedstar:

        Crookedstar-Leopardstar-Mistystar-Feathertail-Graystripe-Brambleclaw-Tawnypelt-Tigerheart-Rowanstar-Talonpaw or Ivytail

  • Family branches
    Who is…

    Scourges successors sisters daughters mates brothers mates brothers mates brothers tc sons mates apprentices little sisters mates fathers mothers fathers mothers?

    • Wait sorry this makes no sense

      Scourges fathers other mates tc sons second best friends mates sisters daughters mates brothers mates brothers mates brothers tc sons mates apprentices little sisters mates fathers mothers fathers mothers

      • Scourge-Jake-Nutmeg-Firestar-Ravenpaw-Barley-Violet-Bellaleaf-Rabbitleap-Nettlesplash-Mintfur-Sagenose-Birdwing-Sandynose-Finleap-Twigbranch-Flywhisker-Spotfur?-Stemleaf?-Thornclaw?-Frostfur?-Fuzzypelt?-Uh

  • I’m sorry Kestry and Windstorm, but I think my warriors bingo has to end now because I lost track of the names I’ve done and everything, but now at least Kestry has a bingo going on. So, Whitepaw’s warriors bingo has ended.