• Magic 8 cat!

    1-star and tinypaw(1)
    2-rabbitflame (-1)

    So basically you ask me a warrior cats related question that is say and I tell you the right wrong or hiss answer if wrong say it’s wrong if right say it’s right and for hiss you loose a point

    Ok ask shadowclan related questions

    So ask away!

  • QuIzZy CaTs!

    1-icepelt and rabbitflame (ice you missed the last one I think but did firestar and that gives extra point and rabbitflame you got them all correct except all the clouds and did firestar so 5)

    2-poppypaw frost and tinypaw(4) (you got most correct except cloud and for the ones who did firestar ragged stars last life person)

    3-whiterabbit(2) (you got the cloud correct and buzzardstars mate but the rest were wrong)

    1-sandyfrost(1) (you got the riverclan one correct)

    Cloud, cloudpelt, cloudtail, cloudmist, cloud with star and storm in belly, cloud spots, cloud runner, 2 cloudberries, cloudstar, cloudy, cloudy sun (the ones with the most of these got a point)



    4 fake-firestar

    5-dawnstar (I learned this from the 10 worst leaders by quiet rage on YouTube)


    1-who’s the new stoneteller
    2-who are all of oakstars children
    3-connect fallowtail with mapleshade
    4-who are brooks siblings
    5-who are stormfurs and brooks kits
    6-who’s sun stars brother mother and father
    7-who were all of goose feathers mentors
    8-what book did bad cats invaded tribes territory
    9-what is the tribes starclan called
    10-how do you cure red cough

    Please no searching it up can only can use the books

    Good luck

    • [spoiler title=”answers”] 1: Crag where Eagles Nest
      2: Birchface and Pinestar
      3: I dunno
      4: Talon and Crag
      5: Pine and Feather
      6: Brother- Featherwhisker mother- Larksong father: Flamenose
      7: Cloudberry, Mapleshade, Pearnose
      8: Outcasts
      9: Tribe of Endless Huntng
      10: Catmint [/spoiler]

    • [spoiler title=”Answers”]
      1. Crag
      2.birchface, frecklewish, pinestar
      3.fallowtail-willowbreeze-silverstream-crookedstar-shellheart-more generations-appledusk-mapleshade
      4.talon and crag
      5.lark and pine and a second litter i thought
      6.featherwhisker, larksong, flamenose
      9.the tribe of endless hunting
      10.the special bark stuff that was on that tree where micah died (hope that sspecific enough) [/spoiler]

  • Kestrys BINGO join anytime just tell me and I’ll give you the questions and a bingo card also you can search up the answer if you are truly lost

    Nettlebreezes apprentices sisters daughters white daughters sons tortishell daughters first gray daughters mates daughter in second litters, mentors mates mothers

    Who is it!

  • Murder Mystery in ReedClan – Round 3
    Leader: Thriftstar – Thick-furred, silvery dark gray she-cat with amber eyes and small ears
    Apprentice, Cloudpaw (Very fluffy white she-cat with soft, fluffy, black ears and pale blue eyes) (Shiverpaw’s sister)
    Deputy: Ivynose – Long-furred, silky white tom with copper eyes and brown and black patches
    Medicine cat: Redleaf – Well-muscled snow-white tom with dark red patches and copper eyes (Sweetbubble’s mentor)
    Sweetbubble – Brown and white she-cat with amber eyes
    Shadeleaf – Long-furred patchy black and brown she-cat
    Fernshiver – Yellow tabby tom with green eyes (Sweetbubble’s brother)
    Willowslash – Brown and white she-cat with gray splotches and green eyes
    Thistlestream – Spiky-furred white tom with yellow eyes 
    Apprentice, Lilypaw (Short-furred pale ginger tabby and white she-cat with white paws and lilac-blue eyes) (Shiverpaw’s sister)
    Yellowreed – Yellow tabby she-cat with white muzzle and one shredded ear
    Mistfire – Long-legged slender pale gray she-cat with amber eyes (Shiverpaw’s mentor) 
    Apprentice, Shiverpaw (Thick-furred light gray tom with piercing dark blue eyes)  
    Hollybramble – Spiky-furred dark tabby she-cat with gray striped legs
    Brightcloud – Pale gray she-cat with white patches and bright blue eyes 
    Stoneshadow – Silvery dark-furred she-cat with amber eyes (Sweetbubble’s mother)
    Apprentice, Slightpaw (Slender black tom with white paws and amber eyes) (Shiverpaw’s brother)
    Cloudclaw – Very fluffy white cat with soft, fluffy, black ears and pale blue eyes, and a shredded ear (Shiverpaw’s parent)
    Shifty – Slender black tom with white paws and amber eyes (Shiverpaw’s father)
    Songbird – White she-cat with dark ginger patches and ice blue eyes (mother to Yarrowkit, spiky-furred dark gray she-kit with yellow eyes, Kinkkit, spiky-furred dark gray tabby tom with blue eyes)
    Duskstorm – White tom with black patches and dark blue eyes
    Flamewing – Magnificent flame-colored she-cat with amber eyes

    Bloomshade – Short-furred light gray tabby tom with paler underbelly and muzzle; murderer of Specklepaw (Sweetbubble’s father)
    Bubbledust – Mottled pale blue-gray tom with white speckles and water-blue eyes; murderer of Bumbleflight

    – Bubbledust was exiled. He quickly ran out of camp to join IvyClan, but after Featherfang heard that he killed Bumbleflight to keep their relationship secret, Featherfang quickly dumped him and he swore revenge against her and her kin, but we won’t talk about that now.
    – Blazefoot, Duskstorm, and Flamewing become elders, because apparently they are older than Bumbleflight at his death so they should be elders by now.  
    – Prey becomes tainted by twoleg poisoning, but the twolegs leave soon after. Unfortunately Blazefoot and Trouttail were killed. 
    – All the ‘paws become warriors. 
    – A family of rogues were found at the border. The family joins the clan for whatever reason. 
    – Songbird and Thistlestream have another litter of kits. 

    – Join anytime
    – Two questions per post
    – Accuse anyone anytime
    – You can only accuse once–one wrong accusation and you’re out of the game, unable to ask questions. 

    Oh no! Sweetbubble and Shiverpaw have been targeted by the murderer!

    – This is a survive round, but since it is also double murder, only one of them remains alive. That cat is Sweetbubble. You can ask her questions, but not all of them will be answered. 
    – Thistlestream found them on the OwlClan border. 
    – Shiverpaw’s belly was cut open; there seems to be no signs of struggle. 
    – A small tuft of fur was found in Sweetbubble’s claws. 
    – Shifty, Stoneshadow, Slightpaw, and Shadeleaf were at the IvyClan border.
    – Thistlestream, Lilypaw, Fernshiver, and Brightcloud were at the OwlClan border. 
    – Sweetbubble was with Redleaf, and Shiverpaw was with Mistfire, before they left to the OwlClan border. 
    – Thistlestream thought the fur was kind of whitish. 
    – Mistfire was upset and angry at Shiverpaw’s murder. 
    – Sweetbubble and Shiverpaw passed by Thistlestream’s patrol before they went to pick herbs.
    – Shiverpaw bailed out on battle training because he didn’t want to do it. 
    – Redleaf was in camp sorting herbs during the murder. 
    – Shiverpaw was found openly on the OwlClan side of the border, while Sweetbubble was found in a bush on the ReedClan side of the border. 
    – Fernshiver is slightly indignant about Sweetbubble becoming a medicine cat instead of a warrior.
    – Shiverpaw’s littermates frequently tease him and say he should be a medicine cat instead.

    The decent people: 
    1: Kestry, Tinypaw

  • Whitepaw’s NTA, round 2!
    6 out of 11 of you guys that responded did not follow the instructions. I will repost them every time and I understand if you guys saw other peeps who weren’t following the directions, but just please try and follow them next time, kay? Only five of you will be getting points this round +2 extra bonus points for reading the directions. And I realized that I made a mistake in the last round because I put Tawnypelt instead of Tawnyspots so whoops!

    In the rounds next to the apprentice names, there will be suffixes in parentheses. Those are the suffixes that you can use to name the other cats. For example if there is one that says Tigerpaw(claw) Tawnypaw(pelt), then Tigerpelt would be a valid name but Tgerstripe would not because stripe isn’t in parentheses. However if you had Tigerpaw(claw) and Graypaw(stripe) then Tigerstripe would be a valid name. The additional rules are no copying other blogclanners and no canon names.

    Last round’s winners
    Swiftwing by Tinypaw (two cats did this, but Tinypaw posted first)
    Adderstorm by Starpaw
    Patchflower by Kestrelfeather
    Robinbreeze by Kestrelfeather
    Goldenheart by Tinypaw
    Leopardfang by Minktail
    Pinestorm by Starpaw
    Willowleaf by Tinypaw (Tinypaw got it first again)
    Tawnyflower by Minktail
    Whiteflower by Tinypaw
    Spottedflower by Tinypaw (the flowers are just so pretty)
    Redface by Leafykit
    Brindleflower by Starpaw


    Next round: Crookedstar’s family

    And this round not everybody has a different suffix so its okay if you give more than tow cats the same suffix, just make sure its one of the choices.

  • Murder mystery
    This is my take on a murder mystery. It happens directly after the battle with BloodClan

    • Each round is a dawn. In a dawn, you can do one of these 3 things:
    • Stalk a suspect- Spend a dawn tracking a suspect. You will obtain one piece of evidence.
    • Investigate the crime scene- Spend a dawn looking around the crime scene. You will obtain one piece of evidence.
    • Ask questions- Spend a dawn asking questions. You may ask 3 in a round.
    • Every few dawns, another murder will occur, getting you more clues.

    Leader- Firestar
    Apprentice, Bramblepaw
    Deputy- Greystripe
    Medicine cat- Cinderpelt
    Warriors- Longtail
    Apprentice, Fernpaw
    Apprentice, Ashpaw
    Queen- Willowpelt, mother to Sorrelkit, Rainkit, and Sootkit
    Elders- One-eye
    Leader- Leopardstar
    Deputy- Mistyfoot
    Medicine cat- Mudfur
    Warriors- Blackclaw
    Apprentice, Dawnpaw
    Queen- Mosspelt
    Willowpelt has been found at sunningrocks!
    The patrols were- Heavystep with Dawnpaw and Loudbelly, Sandstorm with Goldenflower and Mousefur. Mousefur found the body.
    The first dawn, Whitepaw investigated the crime scene, finding an oak branch under the corpse.
    No one else did anything, because no one cares about Willowpelt.
    Whitepaw spent more time gazing into soulless eyes, finding a well-hidden tuft of brown fur
    No one else did anything, so I upped the ante.
    Mousefur is dead by the thunderpath, found by Firestar
    The patrols were- Firestar with Bramblepaw and Brackenfur, Loudbelly with Shadepelt and Blackclaw
    Whitepaw asked some questions, learning…

    • In ThunderClan, The brown cats are Bramblepaw, Mousefur, Dustpelt. Partially Thornclaw and Brackenfur
    • In RiverClan, the brown cats are Loudbelly and Mudfur.
    • The fur was too scuffed up to determine extra detail.

    Loyalfire also asked some questions, learning…

    • Bramblepaw went on a walk with Goldenflower in the morning and trained with Firestar in the afternoon on the first dawn.
    • On the third dawn, Greystripe sent out a border patrol with Firestar, Bramblepaw and Brackenfur, and a hunting patrol with Thornclaw, Dustpelt, and Cloudtail.
    • Loudbelly went patrolling on both the first and third dawns. He had free time in the early morning and late afternoon.

    Loyalfire stalked Loudbelly. While doing this, you and Loudbelly discovered the dead body of Mistyfoot. This interrupted your stalking and you didn’t discover anything.
    Kestry accused Loudbelly. This was wrong. You cannot do anything on RiverClan territory or talk to RiverClan cats now.
    To recap, Mistyfoot, Willowpelt, and Mousefur are dead. The new RiverClan deputy is Heavystep .
    *There can be multiple murderers*
    Loyalfire asked some questions, learning…

    • Goldenflower has been antsy, but Firestar says she’s just worried about Tawnypelt.
    • There was a trail of fox scent masking a faint bit of ThunderClan leading to Mistyfoots body.
    • Dustpelt was training Ashpaw both days. He was on a hunting patrol on the third dawn, and was training Ashpaw on the first and fourth.

    Rabbitflame stalked Thornclaw on a border patrol, finding goldish fur on the RiverClan border. Thornclaw was sniffing around the border, but this was to catch a plump vole.
    Loyalfire stalked Dustpelt, who was training Fernpaw. He left for a brief break to make dirt as you stalked him, you both heard a yowl. Running back, Fernpaw was lying on the ground with her throat slit.
    Loyalfire asked some questions, learning…
    Cloudtail, Brightheart,and Frostfur were hunting. Thornclaw, Brackenfur, and Greystripe were patrolling. Cinderpelt was getting herbs. Firestar and Sandstorm were walking.
    There were no scents, the killer had disguised their scent.
    Bramblepaw was at the Owl Tree with Goldenflower.
    Rabbitflame stalked Bramblepaw. He witnessed a heated argument with Goldenflower, after which Bramblepaw stormed away.
    Whitepaw, Fernpaw was training with Dustpelt for plot convenience.

  • timeline fixer

    Icepaw and Loyalfire each have 1 point! The correct order was:
    Cloudpaw is captured
    Runningwind is killed
    Cloudpaw is rescued

    The new events are…
    Ivypaw meets Mapleshade
    Ivypaw gets captured
    Jayfeather realizes Ivypool is training n the Dark Forest
    Ivypaw does water training in the Dark Forest

  • 🧇Waffles’ NTA🧇
    Hey hey heeeey! I’m continuing my NTA because it’s fun :3
    The results from Round 1 (First series main cast – part I) are in! Congratulations to… *drumroll please*

    Fireblitz – by Kestry
    Graybird – by Frost
    Ravenfright – by Midnight
    Bluefire – by Whitepaw
    Tigergrowl – by Frost
    Yellowstreak – by Whitepaw

    1. Frost and Whitepaw (2 points each)
    2. Kestry and Midnight (1 point each)
    I decided not to do a part II of the first series main cast because I felt like we covered all the most important characters from TBP in the last round, so now onto…

    Round 2: The New Prophecy main cast
    Give these cats a new warrior name!


    Come back next Sunday for results!

  • The Coldpages

    The first cat to say Claim! I found it! on the secret page will receive the secret page.

    The instructions are that I give you a riddle, you figure it out and the first letter of the answer will be another letter for the secret page. For example, if I say
    The first letter clue.
    I am a fruit. I am yellow and have a black top. Monkeys eat me. What am I? Then you guess what it is(it’s a banana) and that letter is the first letter for the secret page. So https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/b. If you don’t understand, please ask!

    https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/  it starts like this.

    The first letter clue.
    I make noises. I eat mouse’s, rabbit’s, fish, rat’s and sometimes toads(in ShadowClan). I follow a code(in the books) and have a certain rank(in the books). What am I? This one’s pretty easy.