• Welcome, guys, gals, and non-binary pals, to the first ever official introduction to…

    *~*~Trickity Fox’s Tricky Trivia Trials!!!~*~*

    Oh, my good friends, how nice it is to see you all! I’ve appeared briefly before, but I doubt any of you remember me. Allow me to introduce myself- I am the one-and-only Trickity Fox, but you may call me Tricki. I’m your resident sly fox, here to play a little game with you BlogClan kitties! Here’s how it works:

    The Game

    Each round, I will ask five random Warrior Cats trivia questions. You may not use the Warriors Wiki, nor the internet to find your answers- you must rely on only articles that can be found here on BlogClan, the Warriors books, and a single hint that you may ask me for at any time. Of course, you may discuss trivia questions with your Clanmates outside of the Games page (use the Hazelpage, the Tavern, secret pages- just not here! You don’t want to be giving out answers, hm?) Each right answer earns you a point (you can earn up to five points maximum per round). The cat with the most points at the end of five rounds will earn a prize of their choosing, whether that be a drawing from me, a cute cat picture, a short story- anything you like!

    Now, let the games begin!!!

    1. How many kits did Ferncloud have?
    2. Who introduced the code, “a leader’s word is law?”
    3. What were the names of Daisy’s barn-mates when she was a barn cat?
    4. True or False: Jayfeather is a reincarnation of the first Stoneteller.
    5. Did Deadfoot take offense to being named Deadpaw when he became an apprentice?

    Good luck, my friends!!!

    Your resident sly fox,

  • So yeah, I have a NTA game and I started a new game


    • Who is Ferncloud’s mother?
    • Why did Hollyleaf kill Ashfur?
    • How did Firestar’s father die?
    • Who is Thunderstar’s father?
    • What is Tigerclawstar’s parents?
    • [spoiler title=”Answers”]

      1. Brindleface
      2. So that he wouldn’t tell everyone at the gathering Squirrelflight had lied, the Thunderclan med. cat had kits, and that they were half clans.
      3. Idk, in the book it says that he died from a meteorite but one of the authors says that was a joke. I think…
      4. Clear Sky?
      5. Pinestar, Leopardfoot
      6. [/spoiler]
    • [spoiler title=”Answers”] Brindleface
      He was going to reveal that the three were half clan,that Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw weren’t their parents,and that Leafpool was their mother
      A meteor?
      I haven’t read DotC
      Pinestar and Leopardfoot [/spoiler]

    • I don’t remember
      Because Ashfur was going to tell everyone that Squirrelflight wasn’t their mother
      Jake…? I don’t know.
      Clear Sky aka Skystar
      Pinestar and Leopardfoot


    Cloudstar- A gray she-cat,with a white tail, and blue eyes.
    Thunderhawk- A gray tom with golden markings, and orange eyes.
     Medicine cat-
    Rivershine- A blueish gray she-cat, with yellow eyes.
    Creamtail- White she-cat, with a cream colored tail, and blue eyes.
    Gingerfoot- Cream colored tom, with one ginger colored foot, and amber eyes.
    Blackclaw- Black pelted tom, with silver eyes.
    Swiftclaw- Dark brown she-cat, with gray eyes.
    Goldencloud- Golden pelted tom, with silver eyes.
    Streampool- Silver she-cat, with green eyes.
    Creekflame- Cream colored she cat, with red belly fur, and red eyes.
    Graypelt- Gray colored tom, with blue eyes.
    Bluestorm- Blue/Gray she-cat, with silver eyes.
    Acornfur- Light brown she-cat, with amber eyes.
    Spottedcoat- Tortoiseshell she-cat, with green eyes.
    Ravenpelt- Black and Gray tom, with amber eyes.
    Whitefur- White tom, with amber eyes.
    Bluebellpaw- Blue/Gray she-cat, with yellow eyes.
    Honeypaw- Light brown she-cat, with a honey colored paw, and amber eyes.
    Creampaw- Cream colored she-cat, with yellow eyes.
    Sparrowpaw- Dark brown tom, with orange eyes.
    Lemonpaw- Yellow she-cat, with green eyes.
     Queens and kits-
    Cherrytail- White she-cat, with a red tail, and hazel eyes.
    Crowkit- Black tom, with hazel eyes.
    Stonekit- Gray she-cat, with amber eyes.
    Silverkit- Silver tom, with hazel eyes.
    Spottedpelt- Tortoishell she-cat with green eyes.
    Swifkit- Tortoiseshell tom, with amber eyes.
    Moonkit- White she-cat, with amber eyes, and is blind.
    Flamewing- Red pelted she-cat, with yellow eyes. Is expecting kits.
    Badgerpelt- Black she-cat with alternating badger stripes, and brown eyes. 
    Patchcoat- Red tom, with yellow eyes, a and is deaf.
    Silvercreek- Blue/Gray she-cat, with blue eyes.
    Oh no! Gingerfoot is DEAD!

    • Rounds are counted in days
    • You can do only one of these actions per day-
    • You can accuse someone only after the 5th day
    • You can visit other clans (If you do this action, you can pick one more action)
    • Study the crime scene once per day (that is the only thing you will do the whole day.
    • You can interview anyone in any clan, 3 questions per interview

    Good Luck!
    p.s. I might use this- [+] to give you an answer to a question, or what you find if you follow someone. Please, if the spoiler title does not have your name, DO NOT OPEN IT, it ruins the fun and secrecy of the game, I want this game to last as long as possible. I think that the game will be more fun if its this way, because then if the murderer lies, no one will know who it is on the 1st or 2nd round.
    Thank you, and have fun!

  • Guess that cat!

    I’m thinking of a pale orange she-cat with green eyes. She has long legs and a chin that tapers to a point. She was a kittypet, then became a member of a Clan. She has a mate.

  • Mystery in ClawClan


    CLAWSTAR – Reddish-brown tabby she-cat with black stripes, a bushy tail, and yellow-amber eyes and very long,curved claws.

    FANGSNARL – Black tabby she-cat with orange stripes, long, curved, razor-sharp fangs, and orange eyes.

    SILVERFEATHER – Silver she-cat with white patches, a feathery tail and green eyes.

    PINKSPOTS – Dark ginger she-cat with pink orange spots and light brown eyes.
    REDDAWN – Red tabby she-cat with pink orange stripes, ginger spots around her face and yellow eyes.
    RAINSONG – Gray she-cat with blue-grey markings and blue eyes.
    FLAMEHEART – Flame-colored tabby tom with yellow stripes and green eyes.
    LIGHTWING – Yellow tom with white markings and light yellow eyes.
    MAPLEMIST – Sleek maple colored she-cat with a blue-grey underbelly and white ears and blue eyes.
    DUSTSTRIPE – Dusty colored tom with dark tan stripes and brown eyes.
    GRAYSWIRL – Gray tom with dark gray swirls and amber eyes.
    PATCHFUR – Small black and white tom with yellow-amber eyes.
    SKYFLOWER – Light brown tom with yellow stripes and clear, sky blue eyes.
    BLOSSOMSASH – Pink orange she-cat with tan spots and light orange eyes.
    WINTERSKY – White tom with silver spots and turquoise colored eyes.
    RIVERDRIZZLE – Long furred silver tom with amber eyes.
    SWEETLIGHT – Tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes.
    FAWNYSPOTS – Ginger she-cat with pale yellow speckles and green eyes.
    TURTLEDAPPLE – Green-grey she-cat with black-brown patches and blue-grey speckles and emerald eyes.
    BIRCHSTORM – White tom with black patches and blue eyes.
    FALLENSHADOW – Golden brown spotted tabby she-cat with dark brown stripes and green eyes.
    LEAFSTREAM – Fluffy orange tabby tom with white splotches and dark blue-grey ears and blue eyes.
    WILLOWFANG – Lithe short-furred white she-cat with dark silver paws and yellow eyes flecked with amber.
    BLUEBELLSONG – Pale cream tabby she-cat with a white underbelly and striking pale blue eyes.
    RAVENCALL – Fluffy purple-black she-cat with a white paw and tail tip and ice-blue eyes.

    SWANFEATHER – White tabby she-cat with silver markings and black stripes and blue eyes.
    CINDERPAW – Ash colored she-cat with dark grey paws and light amber eyes.
    SONGPAW – Striking red, yellow and orange she-cat with orange eyes.
    APPLEPAW – Red she-cat with green-grey splotches, a brown tail tip and green eyes.
    ROSEPAW – Pinkish-orange she-cat with white paws and a grey tail.
    DAPPLEDPAW – Dappled tortoiseshell and white she-cat with yellow-white patches and amber eyes.
    BLOOMPAW – Gray she-cat with white patches and silver eyes.
    SPLASHPAW – Gray tom with blue-grey patches and sunny yellow eyes.
    MOSSPAW – Gray and white tom with a pink nose and green eyes.

    SUNFUR – Sun colored tabby she-cat with white stripes and yellow eyes. Mother to Grasskit, Shardkit, Snowkit, and Yellowkit.
    DUSKDAWN – Dusky brown tabby she-cat with yellow and red stripes and orange eyes. Mother to Cloudkit, Lightkit, Redkit and Icekit.

    CROOKED-EYE – Large dark brown tom with a big black patch over his one black eye, making it look crooked.
    FALCONSWOOP – Brown she-cat with gold stripes and yellow eyes.

    Oh no! Willowfang is found dead by a river! Who, or what, was it?


    • You have only 2 questions.
    • Join anytime.
    • One wrong accusation and you can’t ask any more questions.
    • Accuse anyone anytime.
    • I will give one clue when everyone is stuck.


    Questions so far

    [spoiler title=Leaderboard!””] 1. Shimmerpaw! [/spoiler]

    • Silverfeather-How did she die?

      If she was murdered

      Silverfeather– Can you find any fur between her claws, or anything that might show who killed her?

      If she was not murdered

      Clawstar– Why was Willowfang at the river, was she on a patrol or did she go by herself?

      • Silverfeather: I do not know, unfortuanntly.

        Silverfeather: She had a long red gash on her neck, and when a patrol came, she was still spilling blood. This is a little gruesome.

        Clawstar: She went to the river to take a drink. She went by herself.

  • Coldheart’s NTA

    Round 3 Results
    Graniteclaw by Tinypaw!
    Ironspire by Stormpaw!
    Slatespeck (Long-furred gray she-cat with lighter speckles) by Moonpaw!
    Crystalshine by Starpaw!
    Coraltide by Midnight!
    Goldendawn by Viperfrost!


    1. Starpaw/ 5 points
    2. Kestrelfeather/ 4 points
    3. Moonpaw(my apprentice!)/ 4 points
    4. Poppypaw/ 3 points
    5. Leafypaw/ 3 points
    6. Rabbitflame/ 2 points
    7. Smoke That Fills The Air/ 2 points
    8. Tinypaw/ 2 points
    9. Windpaw/ 2 points
    10. Stormpaw/ 2 points
    11. Midnight/ 2 points
    12. Windstorm/ 1 point
    13. Whitepaw/ 1 point
    14. Pinestripe/ 1 point
    15. Mapledrift/ 1 point
    16. Flamepaw/ 1 point
    17. Viperfrost/ 1 point


    Path of Endless Fun! (Hall of Fame)

    1. Poppypaw!
    2. Kestrelfeather!
    3. Mistpaw!


    Instructions: Name the apprentices I give you for a point. For a good backstory and/or description, you will get another point. Have fun!

    Round 4: Royalty!

    I just want to quickly thank everyone for playing. You made my day! And if you don’t get a point, no worries! You’ll get one next time! Good luck and have fun!

    • Castlebreeze-
      Gray tom, with long flowy fur, and leaf green eyes.
      Brave and loyal, he is kind and responsible. Deputy
      Short haired silver tom-cat, with patches of cream-gold spots, and dull gray eyes.
      Loner and mysterious tom, prefers to not be noticed, but is really kind once you get to know him. Med. cat
      Cinnamon colored short coated she-cat, with ocean blue sparkling eyes.
      Brave and kind, she is very sweet and is the role model for many young kits and apprentices. Warrior
      White furred she-cat, with long fluffy hair covering her golden eyes.
      Shy and loyal, she-cat, is scared of crowds and hates attention. Warrior
      Golden she-cat, with silver blue water like eyes.
      Kind and friendly she-cat, loves making friends, and is nice to everyone. Queen
      Reddish brown tom, with one green and one gold eye.
      Rude and know-it-all tom, has a I’m-better-than-you attitude, loves getting attention and getting complimented/praised. Warrior

    • Castlestone gray tom with blue eyes and dark gray markings
      Crownsparkle black she-cat with green eyes and has a crown-like marking
      Royalheart brown tom with amber eyes and has royalty towards his kings and queens
      Gownbeauty beautiful black she-cat with bright green eyes
      Golddream golden she-cat with amber eyes
      Richcoat brown tom with amber eyes and has the richiest coat

    • Castleturrent

      BTW, can u change my name in the Path of Endless Fun from Mistpaw to Starpaw? Thanks!

    • Coldheart’s NTA

      Round 4 Results
      Castleturrent by Starpaw!
      Crownsparkle black she-cat with green eyes and has a crown-like marking
      Royalsmirk by Rabbitflame!(I have no idea why I like this soo much.)


      1. Starpaw/ 5 points
      2. Kestrelfeather/ 4 points
      3. Moonpaw(my apprentice!)/ 4 points
      4. Poppypaw/ 3 points
      5. Leafypaw/ 3 points
      6. Rabbitflame/ 2 points
      7. Smoke That Fills The Air/ 2 points
      8. Tinypaw/ 2 points
      9. Windpaw/ 2 points
      10. Stormpaw/ 2 points
      11. Midnight/ 2 points
      12. Windstorm/ 1 point
      13. Whitepaw/ 1 point
      14. Pinestripe/ 1 point
      15. Mapledrift/ 1 point
      16. Flamepaw/ 1 point
      17. Viperfrost/ 1 point


      Path of Endless Fun! (Hall of Fame)

      1. Poppypaw!
      2. Kestrelfeather!
      3. Starpaw!


      Instructions: Name the apprentices I give you for a point. For a good backstory and/or description, you will get another point. Have fun!

      Round 5: How to make a pizza!(kind of.)

      I just want to quickly thank everyone for playing. You made my day! And if you don’t get a point, no worries! You’ll get one next time! Good luck and have fun!

  • Name That Cat!

    So last rounds winner is…… Silverripple by Leafykit! It is silver, and it’s stripes look like ripples(a bit). Purrfect!
    Leafypaw/ 2 points
    Windpaw/ 1 point
    Kestrelfeather/ 1 point
    Mistpaw/ 1 point
    Flamepaw/ 1 point
    Moonpaw(my apprentice!)/ 1 point
    ROUND 7
    Name this one with a Warrior name please!
    Fun Fact: The first year of a cat’s life is roughly equal to the first 15 years of human life.

    • Your cat’s second year is roughly equal to the first 25 of a human’s. After that, your cat tends to develop more slowly and ages about four to five human years every 12 months.

    Make sure you do a Warrior name thanks and good luck! Have fun!

  • Welcome to Duskblaze’s Tenth round of NTA!
    Notes and stuff: I’m sorry I didn’t do this, I was working on my fanfic thing, that I still need characters for. yes, this is me hinting at you to go and make a character or two
    ALSO: Thanks very much for telling me if you used a OC’s name! I really needed to know that!! :3
    ~Don’t copy others
    ~No names from the books (Ex: Fireheart)
    ~If I only get 1 or 2 submissions, I’ll repost
    ~I’ll choose two winners for each name (most of the time; two winners is the max)
    ~If you had one of the winner’s names, but I didn’t give credit to you, just tell me 
    ~If your name has a Question Mark (?) by it, it means I’m not sure if this is the right name
    Tenth Round!
    Wings of Fire Character Names!
    Winners Of Last Round!
    Echopaw – Echobounce (Moonpelt) Echosight (Starpaw)
    Soundpaw – Soundshimmer (Moonpelt) Soundcry (Poppypaw)
    Loudpaw – Loudfrost (Leafypaw) Loudnoise (Midnight)
    Softpaw – Softwhisper (Poppypaw) Softgaze (Moonpelt)
    Quietpaw – Quietsong (Starpaw) Quietbird (Silverfeather)
    Songpaw – Songbird (Frost) Songmelody (Rabbitflame)
    Leaderboard (I’m sorry I didn’t update this, I’m really tired and need to go to bed 😛 I’ll update it next round I promise)

    1. Moonpelt (6) 
    2. Poppypaw, Loyalfire (5)
    3. Midnight, Raven (4)
    4. Starpaw, Frost, Silverfeather, Rainypaw (3)
    5. Willowcloud, Kestry, (2)
    6. Moonleap, Leafy, Ravenflight, Creamblossom, Cindy, Shimmerpaw (1)
    • Tsunamiwave

    • Tsunamiwhirl
      Clay clog
      Glory gold

    • Tsunamisand

    So this won’t be the same as a normal murder mystery you can spend a day either asking questions stalking someone looking at the crime scene or talk to starclan which takes 2 days and it comes in vague messages.
    And every 2 days someone is murdered their will also be a gathering between the 2 clans I have that can give hints to it after 5 days(rounds) have taken place. But the way this is different is we still kind of do a roleplay so every round someone can go hunting that night give a clue or train an apprentice gather herbs or do battle training which will also tell who’s good at battle. And sometimes when your doing these things you will get murdered. When your murdered you get an extra clue and help the clans as a starclan cat. And go on border patrols just roleplay as doing a border patrol or hunting and you could find clues in the process. But be careful cause you could get murdered! So just tell me if you want to join this I’ll add you to the allegiance and you can even roleplay as some of those cats to. So yeah tell my if you want to join and if you have any questions or suggestions just tell me and I’ll help


    Medicine cat-creamfern-she(right?)
    Med app-skypaw-tom

    Hollyspring -she
    Roottooth -tom(mate)
    Spiralcone -tom(mentor)
    Blackmole -tom(brother)
    Bluepaw -she
    Lilacpaw -she




    So here med and deputy are open and the rest are two but only one queen please and creekshine can have more kits

    Here the first victim has died it was speckleddream one of the queens about to give birth she was young to

    -hollyspring and bluepaw found her by the darkclan border
    -her mate and her we not getting along
    -windstorm has been avoiding her before this
    -she was found with brutal slashes and torture before the killing blow
    -she was a kind soft she cat and a easy target but she doesn’t like to argue

    Or you could be in darkclan which could have been killers to


    leader-loyalstar/fire-(I don’t know gender also tell me if this is ok)
    Medicine cat-starlingsprout
    Med app-

    Nettlerunner-tom(other brother)
    Rockystep-tom(ex mate)



    One kit was found by border


    Bumble frost-tom

    LIGHTCLAN territory-forest

    Darkclan territory-swamp

    Ok so just say if you want to join and tell me if you have any questions, p.s please tell me your clan and rank


    -you can spend a day stalking a cat looking at the crime scene asking questions or spend 2 days speaking to starclan

    -you also roleplay hunting border patrol and all those things. Those could give clues to

    -you can get murdered so be careful

    -when you are murdered you go to starclan and give little clues to your clan if you die go to the blogclan art page to see who killed you this does mean your out but you can still help people solve it

    -you go to the gathering after 5 days and get more clues

    -every 2 days another cat dies

    -tell my if you want to join and your added to allegiance and can do stuff when we start playing

    -tell my if your confused or have any suggestions

    -speckle dream is the dead queen cat who was about to give birth

    -you can be in either clan just tell me

    -some leader med and deputy positions are open but the rest are open to

    -starclan speaks in vague messages sometimes they don’t respond

    -have fun

    Ok that’s all so just tell me if you want to play and if your confused I can help you out just say help and what you need help understanding because I’m very confusing sometim

    NOW START!!!!! 😺

  • Moi is making an NTA!!!

    First Round: Trees!


    Good Luck and Happy Naming! 😉

  • Warriors Trivia Questions Round 7!

    Last Round’s Answers:

    1. Lark, Pine, Breeze, Feather
    2. Dewy Leaf
    3. Shadepelt
    4. Dewtail
    5. Specklepaw
    6. Softpaw (pelt)
    7. His clanmates convinced him to play preystone on the ice because he was so stressed (I will count anyone who said anything related to playing on the ice correct)
    8. Storm Pelt, Eagle Feather, Dew Nose
    9. Fallowpaw
    10. Sandynose

    Rabbitflame – 10 pts!
    Icepaw – 8.5 pts
    Poppypaw – 8 pts
    Ravenpaw – 6.5 pts
    Frostcrystal – 6 pts
    Windstorm – 5 pts
    Duskblaze – 4 pts
    Starpaw – 2 pts


    1. Rabbitflame/46 pts
    2. Poppypaw/32 pts
    3. Minktail/25 pts
    4. Whiterabbit/21 pts
    5. Icepaw, Windstorm/18.5 pts
    6. Starpaw/15 pts
    7. Frostcrystal/14.5 pts
    8. Kestrelfeather/13.5 pts
    9. Stormpaw/10 pts
    10. Loneheart, Cinderwhisker/paw/8 pts
    11. Shimmerpaw/7 pts
    12. Ravenpaw, Duskblaze/6.5 pts
    13. Cinderpaw/4.5 pts

    This Round’s Questions:

    1. Who was Pinestar’s mentor?
    2. Which type of prey did Bluestar get “defeated” by when she was a kit in Bluestar’s Prophecy?
    3. What was the name of Daisy’s first mate?
    4. Why did Jayfeather break his Stick?
    5. Who is the cat on the official reprint of Fading Echoes?
    6. Who was Stormcloud’s brother?
    7. What did Brambleberry joke that she should be named to cheer Crookedkit up in Crookedstar’s Promise?
    8. Who was Nettlebreeze’s mother?
    9. What Clan is Nightsky in?
    10. In what book did Graystripe return to the Clans?
    • 1. N/A
      2. A squirrel?
      3. Smoky?
      4. He was mad that Rock wouldn’t talk to him
      5. Flametail
      6. Benny
      7. Herbeatter or something like that
      8. N/A
      9. N/A
      10. Dark River or The Sight

      1. Ugh, I don’t remember!!!
      2. Squirrel
      3. Smoky?
      4. He was angry (for Rock not giving him answers I think)
      5. idk
      6. Benny
      7. I don’t remember
      8. idk
      9. ShadowClan
      10. Like, after he got captured my twolegs? Was it… Sunset?
      1. Mistpelt
      2. Squirrel
      3. Smoky
      4. He was mad at Rock
      5. Ivypaw
      6. Benny
      7. Swallowherb
      8. Dawnfeather
      9. RiverClan
      10. The Sight
    • Don’t know
      Reasons us mere mortals fail to understand
      Don’t Know
      Warrior’s Return no I’m not sad it’s not Return to the Clans

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