• Guess that Quote! (GTQ)
    Round #1
    Guess who said that Quote!

    You both need to think long and hard about what you want to do now. Leafstar, the leader of SkyClan, is in charge, and I’m not sure what she’ll say about allowing you into the Clan. If it was ShadowClan you wanted…perhaps you should think again.– _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Never come near the moor again. You’ll regret it. Your kits will remember you as the cat who killed their mother. They won’t follow you next time, and if any of us see you again, we’ll shred you.” – _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    “Yes. We can’t let one Clan be driven out. There have always been four Clans. Onestar seems to have forgotten that. We will all be more vulnerable if one disappears. But should ShadowClan risk its warriors to fight ThunderClan’s battle?” – _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Correct Answer- 1 point
    Correct Answer & Book- 2 points
    Correct Answer & Who it is being said too- 2 points
    All Of The Above- 5 points

    Art Request- 2 points
    Secret Page- 10 points
    More Coming Soon.

    Everyone: 0 points

    • Number three is said by blackstar in arc 3 book 4 eclipse? He says it to hollypaw or firestar (hollypaw i think)

      1. someone to twigpaw and violetpaw? in avos
      2. thunder or lightning tail to tom, the first battle
      3. said in eclipse
    • Just a quick question: does the _ mean how many letters are in their name?

      1. Tawnypelt to Tigerheart? In Darkest Night, the fourth book in A Vision of Shadows?
      2. Is it Crowfeather?
      3. idk
    • Ok em [spoiler title=”1st quote”] I know it’s too Sleekwhisker and Yarrowleaf in River of Fire from Violetshine? [/spoiler]
      [spoiler title=”2nd Quote”] From Gray Wing to Tom. I know that. Second book of DotC idk. [/spoiler]
      [spoiler title=”3rd Quote”] Somewhere in TBC? I haven’t gotten that far. [/spoiler]

    • 1: no idea
      2: uhhhh Onestar, Crowfeather’s Trial, to Crowfeather? Idk
      3: Blackstar, Eclipse, to um, Hollypaw and Lionpaw right?

  • Hi guys! Here are the results for Replace and that game where you guess my fanfic names which I shall call Name It! It’s kinda like NTA but it’s not always apprentices and it’s from my fanfic!
    Anyway for Replace. . .

    IT WAS ANOTHER 100% WIN! BERRYNOSE BE THE MOST HATED BY JAY JAY! And. . . Idk if i should you’re welcome or thank you to Creekkit ’cause I made you laugh 😀 That doesn’t happen a lot so I’m happy 😀

    And for name it, congrats to. . . . . . . . .

    Silverfather for guessing Hailshade!
    Midnight for guessing Wolfheart AND Wishflake!
    And Flowermistle for guessing Rosewing!

    Thanks for playing my games! Replace or Name it will come tomorrow and I ope you guys EnJoY! (Sorry guys if I don’t say any of your tribe names. I just think it’s easier to remember warrior names)

    • I use a site called freeimage.host! If u put the image in a comment using the freeimage.host domain, it will appear as a link. But it’ll hopefully let u use an alternative domain called iili.io, which will make an image appear in a comment when linked!

    • Imgur also works well too, you can upload a pic and then drag it from the website to here, in a comment!

  • Among Us Warriors: Round 2: Part 1

    Brown- Bramblestar

    A dead body has been reported (dont worry, this game’s normal)

    Bramblestar: SQUIRRELFLIGHT!
    Crowfeather: Oh SHUT UP! Your gonna turn us all deaf!
    Willowshine: For once can we not fight? This is how most of the others died AND before we got here Squirrel told me you all fight a lot
    Tigerclaw: You’re just sad that your boyfriend died
    Princess: Oooooo who? Wait, why am i even here?
    Willowshine: Jay was NOT my boyfriend!
    Tigerclaw: *eyebrow raise*
    Willowshine: Uhhhhhhhhh (yes i do ship Willow x Jay)
    Crowfeather: That’s sweet but who cares really?
    Ferncloud: Isn’t Tiger a full on killer?
    Blackstar: Yeah but in this world, everything is super crazy
    Lionheart: Honestly, lots of cats here are supposed to be dead
    Princess: Bramble stop. You’re gonna make everyone think your the imposter
    Crowfeather: Don’t blame him, he’s driven mad with grief…
    Silverstream: Crow would know about that
    Bramblestar: *cries a lot*
    Tigerclaw: Let the dang child weep. He needs to be strong like Hawkfrost
    Silverstream: I SWEAR YOU ARE THE MOST STONE HEARTED CAT EVER! Can’t you see your own SON has gone mad with GREIF?!
    Tigerclaw: Meh

    Vote A: Skip
    Vote B: Choose someone and give reason for choice

    Yes this is a normal one and yes i ship Jay X Willow (ha) have fun! I’m opening a points shop for my games soon so look forward to that! Enjoy the mystery!

  • Whitepaw’s Connect the Cats! Round 8!
    1: Starpaw, with 11 cats!
    2: Starpaw, with 11 cats!
    3: Starpaw, with 8 cats!
    4: Brightshine, Starpaw, and Flowermistle!
    5: Starpaw with 19 cats!

    Starpaw 24
    Kestrelfeather 9
    Raventhorn 7
    Cinderwhisker 4
    Hollyfern 4
    Flowermistle 3
    Springtail 2
    Rainypaw 1
    Rabbitflame 1
    Brightshine 1

    Starpaw is crushing everybody else.

    Anyway, for next round, the cats are

    1. Shrewpaw and Millie
    2. Barley and Sweetbriar
    3. Crowfeather and Creekfeather
    4. Dappletail and Brackenfur
    5. Windflight, Frogtail, and Oakheart

    Good luck!

    • [spoiler title=”Answers”] Shrewpaw -> Birchfall -> Dovewing -> Bumblestripe -> Millie

      Barley -> Ravenpaw -> Robinwing -> Patchpelt -> Leopardfoot -> Pinestar -> Sweetbriar

      Crowfeather -> Lionblaze -> Fernsong -> Bristlefrost -> Rootspring -> Violetshine -> Twigbranch -> Finleap -> Plumwillow -> Creekfeather

      Dappletail -> Windflight -> Thistleclaw -> Whitestorm -> Sorreltail -> Brackenfur

      Windflight -> Thistleclaw -> Snowfur -> Bluestar -> Oakheart -> Crookedstar -> Silverstream -> Graystripe -> Bumblestripe -> Dovewing -> Tigerheart -> Rowanclaw -> Scorchwind -> Raggedstar -> Yellowfang -> Rowanberry -> Cinderfur -> Ashheart -> Frogtail

    • [spoiler title=”Answers”]

      1. Shrewpaw – Ferncloud – Whitestorm – Willowpelt – Graystripe – Millie
      2. Barley – Violet – Bellaleaf – Rabbitleap – Plumwillow – Finleap – Twigbranch – Violetshine – Rootspring – Bristlefrost – Ivypool – Whitewing – Cloudtail – Princess – Firestar – Squirrelflight – Bramblestar – Tigerstar – Pinestar – Sweetbriar
      3. Crowfeather – Leafpool – Firestar – Princess – Cloudtail – Whitewing – Ivypool – Bristlefrost – Rootspring – Violetshine – Twigbranch – Finleap – Plumwillow – Creekfeather (almost same as the last one :P)
      4. Dappletail – Speckletail – Lionheart – Brackenfur
      5. Windflight – Thistleclaw – Snowfur – Bluestar – Oakheart and then idk


  • i made a game called “guess that warrior cat” the rules are, the first cat that comes to my mind,im,going to give you 3 to 4 clues to who it could be,you have 3 guesses to find out who it is! each round you win,you get a point! points will last until the end of the season. so here we go with season one!

    1.its a she-cat
    2.she’s in thunderclan
    3.she has one white paw
    4.she has a mate

    who do you think it is? goodluck!

  • Here are my games!
    Warriors Family Trees has new rounds on Sundays, my Name That Apprentice has new rounds on Fridays, and my Blixemi Trivia Game has new rounds on Mondays.

    Warriors Family Trees:


    Name That Apprentice:


    Blixemi Trivia Game:


    Squirrelflight lover

  • This is basically a link to a secret page which links to all my games (there’s 4 currently) plus one secret page that isn’t a game but feel free to check out anyway!


    Reminder that I’m giving out a secret page to a random participant of my games. Last page Raventhornpaw won two secret pages but Crystalglow claimed them… so if someone could clear that up for me, that would be appreciated.

  • for round 1 of guess that warrior cat results!
    it was squirrelflight!
    shimmerpaw/storm: 5 points
    brightshine : 5 points
    silverfeather: 5 points
    starpaw/mist:5 points.

    round 2!
    1.its a tom
    2.he’s a calico i think
    3.he’s not really in a clan
    4.he doesn’t have a mate from what i know of

    who is it?! goodluck!

  • Coldheart’s NTA

    Round 1 Results
    Spottedflower by Starpaw!
    Bluelily- A tiny fluffy bluish gray she-cat with small yellow eyes. She’s stubborn, adorable and loud. by Silverfeather!
    Silverdream by Hopesparkle!
    Jayflash-light bluish color with white marks and paws streaking up to the legs and muzzle and a faint flecked pelt of darker blue and cold icy blue eyes with blue tipped ears and short fur with long build and fast nimble paws and a unreadable expression. by Kestrelfeather!
    Halfsun by Silverwolf!
    Fallenberry by Turtlepaw!


    1. Silverfeather/ 2 points
    2. Kestrelfeather/ 2 points
    3. Moonpaw/ 1 point
    4. Kestrelfeather/ 1 point
    5. Starpaw/ 1 point
    6. Hopesparkle/ 1 point
    7. Silverwolf/ 1 point
    8. Turtlepaw/ 1 point


    The Cold Hall of Fame!

    1. Poppypaw(first game)/Starpaw(second game)!
    2. Kestrelfeather(first game)/Lillypaw(second game)!
    3. Starpaw(first game)/Midnight(second game)!


    Instructions: Name the apprentices I give you for a point. For a description or personality, you will get another point. For a backstory, you will get 3 points. Have fun!

    Round 2: Cold! 😉

    I just want to quickly thank everyone for playing. You made my day! And if you don’t get a point, no worries! You’ll get one next time! Good luck and have fun!

    Starpaw’s prize(still working on the drawings!): https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/2019/04/14/my-opinion-on-palebird-by-honeykit/palebird___warriors_by_dancinqskies_d9wemvo-fullview/

    Lillypaw’s prize: The answer is on this secret page! https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/SNxPr/

    Midnight’s prize: The answer is on this secret page! https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/SNxPr/