I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Hey Kate do you by any chance know what Dandelionkit and Juniperkit look like? If not, what are your head cannon designs for them? 😄
I have no idea but I like to imagine them as Dendelionkit being a golden tabby, and Juniperkit being a Tigerstar clone.
I’m so excited for September 5th! Since I have no school, I can pre-order TaS the day before, then wake up early on the 5th and stay in bed until I finish it! 😛
TaS comes out the day before I start school.
Same, except my preorder comes at 8 on Monday, so I’ll be staying up till 11 😛
I already read it, hah.
Wait WHAT!?! I thought TaS came out on the 5th! My kindle says it’s the 6th, when I have school! NOOOOOOOOOO! >:(
I thought it was released on the 2nd. Then I checked the date on Amazon on Sept 1 and literally screamed.
I’m getting it tommorow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kate, are you and everyone else going to make Bramblestar’s leadership shorter than Firestar’s? Firestar’s lasted for nineteen books. (I got really bored with after awhile and so did a lot of other people). I was thinking maybe Bramblestar’s leadership could end at the end of the (if there is one) seventh series? Or is that a bad idea? I’m bad a writing!
I like the continuity of a long-term leader. It allows other storylines to flourish in the foreground if the background remains stable….
But that6 just seems boring. Wouldn’t it be interesting if Bramblestar died suddenly due to his age. I mean, look at Tallstar! He died of old age at 10, at least according to the wiki. Bramblestar is 9 years. He should be feeling his age. And don’t get started on cats like Mistystar, who is 12 years old, or Purdy who is around the same age if not older! Meanwhile, Brightheart, Brackenfur, Thornclaw and Graystripe are all 10 years according to the wiki and Cloudtail is not far behind. Honestly, as much as I love the older cast, it’s better to kill them off rather than 95% of all the younger warriors who weren’t related to Firestar. Seriously, between Dovewing’s Silence and TAQ, did any one of Firestar’s kin beside Dandelionkit and Juniperkit die? Of course, that isn’t Kate’s fault but Vicky’s. Great, I’m rambling again, sorry about that.
Hehe. I’m a big fan of older cats. They should all live to 20. 😛
Sadly, that’s not the case for our cats. Feral cats should live to be 6 years at the most in the wild. I’d say a few years longer with medicine and their advanced knowledge of healing themselves. But they’re pushing it expect Mistystar who should be dead by now.
“should” Who says? 😛
Research and science XD
Though it always nice to hang on to old characters
“Research and Science” sounds like another name for the ubiquitous “They”. Always identify your sources. If you can’t provide named sources, you are powerless against my vague guess-ery. Mwahahahahahahaha! “Feral cats live longer than domestic cats owing to a natural diet and greater amounts of exercise.” Kate Cary, 7 Sept 2016.
I just want to say….. Hi Kate!!!!!!!!!
Hey, Petalfrost! 🙂
This is honestly one of my favorite regular warriors books. I feel like Sparkpaw was a bit too prodigious (makes me long for the days when Bluepaw was talented for catching a squirrel on her 2nd day out of camp). People say Alderpaw was forced to become a medicine cat, but I feel like if his personality were more like Sparkpaw he would have gone for it. He just doubted himself so much he didn’t think he could ever go down such a special path. I loved seeing his personality develop, and although Sandstorm died, she died doing something that mattered to her (not that I was happy! It was much to sudden-more cuts, she dies a few hours later).
Kate, I’ve already read TAS and it was awesome! Loved it! Though I do have a question to ask, but I’ll wait until the spoiler page.
Spoiler page incoming….
The day after (TAS releases) or the month after?
How is everyone reading it? It doesn’t get released until the sixth…
I have no idea. Even I haven’t see a copy yet….
Thank you, Kate! 😀
I’ll help answer some questions about the book there too, if you like. Just to help out some more.
Kate, I know I said I wouldn’t ask any questions until the spoiler page, but this isn’t a spoiler. So I think it’s safe to ask.
In TAQ Yarrowpaw is mentioned as being a tom. In the original allegiances listed on your old Blog, Yarrowpaw is also listed as a tom. But throughout TAS he is listed as a she-cat. So is Yarrowpaw actually a tom or she-cat?
She-cat. Definitely. It was totally not my error. Totally. Not. (OK, I might have switched her accidentally, but gender identities are looser these days, right?)
Just to be shure, her sister Beepaw is and stays a she-cat?
I hope so….will have to double-check…
Hahaha 😛
Ooo, possibly trans Yarrowpaw. I like it… ^^
Hehe 🙂 yes!
Kate, I’m in about the middle of TAQ and I want to know, is Needlepaw X Alderpaw a thing, to YOU?
To me, I think Alderpaw could do better…but that’s just me.
Alderpaw x Mistystar, maybe? 😛
Understandable. I looked on the spoiler page for TAS out of curiosity and my hope for the relationship’s been shattered. Eh could do way better, that lying little slug left for Rain I bet! Is that true? Did Needletail leave for Rain?
(I really think that she did, because in TAQ it’s so clear to me.)
No spoilers for me! 🙂
Awwwww, well just know if it happens, I’ll be here to celebrate if it happens, not because I’d like it, but because I’d have called it. 😁
I don’t mean to bother you, but I responded to you. 😀
I finished TAQ! I’ll have to ask my dad to order TAS for me and gove him the money as soon as he gets back, I’m underage so can’t just get them for myself! 🙁
Awesome book to Cherith! (I don’t know how to contact her. XD)
Does anyone else hate Rowanstar?
I’ve hated him for years 😛
I’ve always hated him but my hatred grew when Russetfur died because he seemed like a replacement for her. I WANT A RUSSETSTAR
I didn’t hate Rowanstar (probably because I LOVE Tawnypelt and he’s her mate) but I wanted Russetstar SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO badly. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
I’ve always hated him but when Onestar became a bigger jerk-face in TAS I decided Onestar made Rowanstar look nice.
I actually do though.
Hi Kate! I was thinking about Juniperkit and Dandelionkit, Squirrelflight and Bramblestar’s dead kits, and I want ask about they descriptions. What did they looke like? Thank you! 🙂
Kate a lot of people (including myself) are asking questions on the TaS spoiler page. I’ve actually been noticing lots of questions on most of the spoiler pages. Maybe you can turn the ask Jaysnow page into a Ask Jaysnow and Kate page. Jaysnow can answer the canon stuff and you can do all the other stuff (such as name suggestions)? Maybe? Then the spoiler pages will be spoiler pages and not “ask Kate a bunch of questions” pages.
I wish I had time to answer everyone’s question, but there just so much other stuff to do. I’m going to stop answering questions now so I can focus on Darkest Night, but next time I get a break I will answer what I can.
Take your time, Kate! I answered what I could (which was most of them, I just couldn’t answer the SE question so many people are asking) on the TAS spoiler page. 😀
I just wish I could help more.
Thank, Jaysnow! 🙂 A lot of times, W.A.S. is the only possible answer.
Hi, Kate…
I’m aware that you’re busy, but could you please take some time to respond to my email about DN?
You don’t have to moderate that comment or this one when you see that, just discard it, please. I don’t want to draw a crowd, Kate.
You should have all the information you need in the final message I sent you. If you have any further questions, please ask here! thank you 🙂
Ah, I would, but spoilers.
However, the only thing I really need to see is the updated version, to rid of any last spare mistakes. It would be great if you could send that.
I would have only updated the list using the notes I made on the bottom of the one I returned to you. Can you use my notes to update it yourself. please? I am very busy at the moment. Deadline looming!
Oh, yes, of course, sorry Kate!
There are just little things I wouldn’t know, such as where to place Twigpaw. He’s in two Clans.
But you can contact me after you’re deadline’s passed. So so sorry!
I’m just realising that it would be much better to send you a list when I’ve finished writing the book – as I write, I’m spotting so many errors and inconsistencies and, hopefully, correcting them as I go. I realise you are handicapped by your lack of access to Shattered Sky. But I simply can’t give spoilers – it would not be fair on Cherith and the editorial team who worked so hard on it. But I’m sure you are smart enough to be able to work with the information you have. You are the Sherlock Holmes of Warriors. 🙂
Oh, so you want me to update it for you and send it? Okay, I can do that.
I just want to see it after you’ve updated it to check for any last mistakes. But you can wait until once your deadline has passed.
Ack, I just realized I called Twigpaw a male…
Hi, Kate! Did you get my email I sent you? I am kinda eager for your reply. No offense!
I got your message! We’re a little behind on articles at the moment – our article Snakepaw is busy and so am I (Darkest Night rewrites) – so there may be a delay. I’ll have a peek later when I have a spare moment.
Will u release the cover soon?
Hi, Ivypoool.
That’s up to HarperCollins, not the authors.
What gave Sandstorm the wound, Leading her to die? I have Seen spoilers all ofer the internet 🙁
She was climbing over a fence to get away from a tractor or something and one of the spikes dug into her shoulder. 😿
um a fox then a fence I think
I would ask questions here for sure, but I would spoil some of the moderators.
No problem. I can wait until after you’re done writing it, Kate.
I totally understand deadlines. *glares at old homework assignments*
😀 IKR?
So, will you let me know when you’re done?
I doubt you’ll let me forget.
So, Kate, have you finished Darkest Night draft 1?