Music Discussion Page

What was once the Hamilton Discussion Page and the Musical Discussion Page has now evolved into its final form: the Music Discussion Page! 🎉 Feel free to chat about all your favorite music here (but don’t forget to give musicals a little love as well 😉 ).

UPDATE: We’re launching a BlogClan playlist!

Do you want to add a song to the playlist? Fill out this form!

Link to the playlist:


    • Mine (probably)

      We signed a treaty with a king
      Whose head is now in a basket
      Would you like to take it out
      And ask it?

      “Hey, should we honor our treaty
      King Louie’s head?”
      “Uh, do whatever you want,
      I’m super dead!”

      • I laughed for a solid ten minutes after listening to that. My favorite line is in the Reynold’s Pamphlet when Angelica says:
        “I love my sister more than anything in this life I will choose her happiness over mine every time. Put what we had aside, I’m standing at her side. You could never be satisfied, God I hope you’re satisfied!”

        Just the way she roasts him and he was there expecting back-up was just the best.

        • Me too. XD And that’s a good line too. Have you listened to Congratulations? It’s a cut song that is pretty much the extended version of this bit from The Reynolds Pamphlet, and it’s basically Angelica roasting Hamilton for two minutes. XD My favorite part is probably the first bit.

          (soft and pretty)
          You have invented a new kind of stupid
          A “damage you can never undo” kind of stupid
          An “open all the cages at the zoo” kind of stupid
          “Truly, you didn’t think this through?” kind of stupid

      • My favorite line is Alex’s line at the beginning of his rap in this song, though that’s not exactly appropriate to put on BlogClan. 😛

        Either that or when Jefferson asks “Who provided those funds?” and Madison replies with the smallest, most quietly resigned “france.”

        Basically, the entirety of Cabinet Battle #2 is GOLD.

    • My favorite line: I don’t wanna fight, but I won’t apologize for doing what’s right OR Yeah keep ranting, we know who’s really doing the planting.

      Icepaw’s favorite line: I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love.

  • Anyone else get really emotional when listening to Satisfied at the part with Angelica’s starter line “I know my sister like I know my own mind” (and “you will never find anyone as trusting or as kind” is also emotional)

    Satisfied was playing in the car and my sister and I were singing it together and at this part I was looking at her and just Angelica’s voice sounds so emotional and desperate aaahh I can’t even describe it.

    • I don’t, but then again I’m an only child, so I’m unable to fully comprehend the relationship siblings have with each other.

  • What if I get Assassins Creed Unity, and I see Alexander Hamilton there,


    • I’m not sure why Hamilton would be in Unity – doesn’t Unity cover the French Revolution? I don’t think Hamilton was involved in that at all.

      However, Assassin’s Creed III covers the American Revolution, and I did play that game. I don’t recall ever running into Hamilton during that game (though I played the game long before becoming interested in Hamilton, so I may just not have cared enough about seeing him in the game to remember). However, you do get to interact with George Washington, and the main villain is Charles Lee (I’m a general, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!). Which to me is hilarious in hindsight. XD

        • Assassin’s Creed is a series of video games. It’s a bit complicated but I’ll do my best to explain.

          The gist is that there’s this company, Abstergo Industries, which has this technology that can access the memories of a person’s ancestors through their DNA (just go with it). So part of the game is played with a character named Desmond in modern times, and part of the game is played with one of his ancestors (usually a different ancestor for each game) when they’re accessing his ancestor’s memories. So one game explores an ancestor from the First Crusade, a couple games focus on an ancestor from the Italian Renaissance, one game focuses on the golden age of piracy, one on the American Revolution, and so on.

          In addition, there are two secret societies that have existed for centuries, which still exist into modern times – the Assassins and the Templars. The Templars want to create a perfect world through rules and control at the cost of free will, and they want to use this super powerful ancient artifact to mind-control people into submission. The Assassins are the champions of free will, and they have fought against the Templars for years beyond count to keep them from taking over the world. Abstergo is a modern facet of the Templars, and they want to view the memories of ancient Assassins in order to learn where they hid powerful artifacts years and years ago. The modern day Assassins including Desmond are trying to stop them and keep people free.

          There’s also something about another species of ancient, powerful beings, and they’re the ones who created these artifacts that the Templars want, but honestly it’s been a while since I played the games and I can’t remember how all of that went.

          I hope I explained that well and it wasn’t too complicated?

            • Yeah, I really like the games. 🙂 Though my roommate played the newest (I think) game Unity and said it wasn’t as good. I really liked Assassins’ Creed, the Ezio Trilogy, Assassin’s Creed III, and Black Flag. ^^ And like I said, Assassin’s Creed III takes place during the American Revolution, and the main villain of the game is Charles “I’m a general, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Lee.

      • Well, if Unity is about the French Revolution as Jayie says, there is a possibility you’ll run into Lafayette. He was a pretty big figure in the French Revolution as well as the American, known as “The Hero of Two Worlds.” He was even offered the dictatorship of France during the June Rebellion (which is the rebellion Les Mis is set in), but turned it down.

      • Alexander himself never appears in the game, but I do believe there might be some reference to him. Washington is a crucial point to the plot and ally and also appears in one of the DLCs as a villain.

        Fun fact: Charles Lee, in game, is killed several years before he actually died in real life and in a different location, which is the only exception to Ubisoft’s rule of keeping the deaths as historically accurate as possible.

  • I have a correction to make. My favorite line is a cut line from Cabinet Battle #2.
    Jefferson: Can you do me a favor?
    Hamilton: Depends. I can try.
    Jefferson: Tell Angelica I said hi.
    Hamilton: She’s never mentioned you.
    Jefferson: She’s not the type to share but since your so interested in foreign affairs.
    *screams of the entire fandom*

  • When I have to write college essays I’m prolly just gonna copy and paste the entirety of “My Shot” and put it in quotes and just say “you get the idea.”

  • I’m purposely postponing my history credit until next semester so that I can get into a class about the American Revolution that was full this semester, JUST because I know I’ll already know half the material thanks to this musical. I guess you can say:

    I’m willing to

    wait for it.

    *ba dum tssh*

  • That moment when you know everything that happened during the American Revolution because of Hamilton…

    And the American Revolution isn’t covered in Canadian history.

  • My favorite songs (basically anything with Aaron Burr):

    1. Wait For It (10000000% THE BEST)
    2. Non-Stop
    3. The Room Where it Happens
    4. Dear Theodosia
    5. Satisfied

      • I love Non-Stop! It is definitely my favorite song too! It makes me feel so many emotions in such a short time frame!

        *punches wall* “John Jay got sick after writing five” *kicks chair over* “James Madison wrote twenty-nine” *jumps on table and scream at top of lungs* “Hamilton wrote…THE OTHER FIFTY-ONE!!!!!”

        • *music builds*
          How do you write like you’re running out of time?
          Write day and night like you’re running out of time?
          Every day you fight like you’re running out of time
          Like you’re running out of time
          Are you running out of time?

          *music builds more*

    • I agree, I love Wait For It, but it’s not 10000000% best! It’s 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% best! 😛 And oops I accidently pressed the screen shot button XD

      • YOU’RE TOTALLY RIGHT!!!!!! IT’S 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000*takes deep breath*0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% best. 😉

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