Russetfeather’s Top 5 Favorites and Least Favourites by Russetfeather

2__sandgorse_by_jadepaw13-d78jxgeWho are your most and least favourite cats? Russefeather shares. (Beware. SPOILERS)

Big spoilers for most books so be warned!

So recently I’ve seen lots of articles about either people’s favorite or least favorite cats. I’m nothing if not efficient so I decided I would do my top 5 favorite and least favorite in one article! So let’s go!

First let’s start with least favorite…

5. Sandgorse – The main reason I hate him is because of how he treated Tallstar after he was named a moor runner. He was horrible to him. He ignored him and made Tallstar feel like it was his fault that Heatherstar named him a moor runner. All he wanted to do was make his father proud. All he wanted to do was make his father proud of him. He had such a need to satisfy his father he was willing to commit murder to “make him proud” or avenge him. I don’t know why he bugs me so much but…ugh!!!!!

4. Tom – This cat is an idiot. He took his kits from Turtle Tail and believed he could care for them by getting his Twolegs to give him more food. He joined One Eye’s group because he thought it would be fun. He thought he could fight One Eye! And win! He’s just an idiot. I can’t even express how stupid he is. My least favorite character flaw in someone is just blatant stupidity and Tom is the very definition of that. I’m surprised he didn’t die by going up to a badger and trying to play with it. Natural selection at its finest. Thank StarClan that his kits were not as dumb as him.

3. Frecklewish (ThunderClan) – She is so two-faced. She said she would help raise Mapleshade’s kits and that she would love them but the moment she found out they weren’t her brother’s, (which Mapleshade never said they were in the first place) she lets them drown in the river. I can see being upset with Mapleshade because she didn’t lie to her but she didn’t tell her the truth either, but you don’t let three innocent kits drown in a river. I don’t care if she thought they were going to be saved, the warrior code says you need to save any kit in danger, whether it be from your Clan or another. Okay…deep breaths, Russetfeather.

2. Stormtail – Oh man. Oh man, do I hate this cat. Not only was he a horrible mouse brained bully to my Goosey-baby, but he only like Moonflower because of her looks, and dumped her the moment some other pretty she-cat came along. He didn’t care about Bluestar and Snowfur, and showed little to know emotion when Moonflower died. He acted like he was StarClan’s gift to the Clans and he left Goosefeather, a medicine cat with little to no battle training, to fight a badger. This little stunt almost killed Goosefeather and Moonflower! Gosh…I wish I could just punch him in his stupid conceited mouse brained little face. (If you think I’m mad know just wait for #1)

1. Millie – AAACCKKK!!!! *punches wall* *screams into pillow* *throws Millie into the lake* She is sooooooo infuriating. People defend her and try to say she was just upset that Briarlight was hurt but she completely ignored her other kits, so much so that Blossomfall didn’t even know if she would care if she died. She was constantly all over Briarlight and would freak out on the medicine cats if Briarlight so much as birthed to slowly. And she ignored her other children and didn’t seem to care about them at all. Just because one child is hurt/sick doesn’t mean the other ones don’t matter. I’m going to end this because I can’t even begin to explain how much she frustrates me without screaming and using explicatives. 👍

Honorable Mentions
– Breezepelt
– Reedshine
– Clear Sky
– Red Claw

So moving on to my top 5 favorites…

5. Jayfeather – I don’t think this one needs a lot of explanation and I don’t really have a good one either. I think I just love how he is so quick-witted (Alas, I admit it. 😜) and so persistent and determined in everything he does.

4. Russetfur – I love Russetfur so much. She went through so much when she was young but she was still able to become ShadowClan’s deputy and I know she would have been the best leader. I think I actually cried when Lionblaze killed her. From the moment we met her I instantly fell in love with her. She was a great deputy and would have made an even better leader.

3. Goosefeather – I know, I know…but he’s just so misunderstood and he was bullied by Stupidtail and rejected by all of his nursery mates for being different. I don’t agree with how he handled being different and how he acted later in his life but I still love him and it makes me sad when people say they hate him. I think he’s a really complex character and had a lot a weight to bear, and it just got to be too much for him. Again, not condoning his actions but I can see what made him believe the things he did were right.

2. Blossomfall – Again this one doesn’t really have a good explanation. Some of my liking of her might come from my dislike of Millie but Blossomfall was also a great character. I think was majorly misunderstood. She joined the Dark Forest because she felt neglected and these cats told her she was great and she hadn’t got that attention from anyone in who knows how long! And when she realized that these cats weren’t the “good guys” she fought on the side of the Clans with the rest of ThunderClan. And after she re-pledged her loyalty she was looked down on by her Clanmates, whispered about, and rejected, yet she still went in search of catmint to save those same Clanmates who looked down on her. You know why? Because that’s what good cats do. And she was a good cat that was just led astray by promises of glory.

1. Yellowfang – Ah, yes. How does one begin to describe Yellowfang? She’s just the best cat. She was so brave, compassionate, and had a tongue that could slice your ears of. Not to mention, she went through so much. She had a terrible burden, and was somewhat forced into being a medicine cat. She had to give birth to three kits alone, two of which died, and had to watch her surviving kit grow up being taken care of by an abusive queen who didn’t want her own kits in the first place. She watched as her son became leader by killing others who got in his way, and then sending kits into battle that shouldn’t have even left the nursery. Then, she was accused of murdering her own siblings by her parents! Then she was kicked out of her home but she never gave up. She became ThunderClan’s medicine cat and gave her life to save elders of a Clan that was once not her own. She was a great character and was so brave. Why did she have to die?

Honorable Mentions
– Mousefur
– Thornclaw
– Brackenfur
– Icecloud

So that’s that. How did I do? Do you agree with me or not? Thanks for reading!

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  • Great article, Russetfeather! I really agree with Tom, but I haven’t read Tallstar’s Revenge, so I can’t say about Sandgorse (but he sounds bad). Also Yellowfang and Goosefeather, because they both had such a responsibility as medicine cats, and a hard life besides that as well.

  • Nice article! One I would have put on the least favorite cats would be Rainflower. She cast Crookedstar aside when he broke his jaw and began to give Oakheart special treatment, leaving Crookedstar hurt and alone. But that’s just my opinion. 🙂 Also, I thought Frecklewish was from Skyclan?

  • I agree with everything but Red Claw and Goosefeather.

    • Lol. Red Claw just rubbed me the wrong way. He made me really mad for some reason and he’s just one of those characters that I’m like, “Look at him breathing over there. Who does he think he is? Clan leader?”

  • I agree with you on most of these, though Tom would be at the top of the dislike list for me, because he isn’t just stupid, he abused Turtle Tail and would’ve abused the kits, so he’s completely evil in my eyes. 😛

    I definitely get disliking Millie for how she treated Blossomfall while Briarlight’s was injured. I do believe it was unintentional, which definitely doesn’t make it right to neglect her other kits, but I really think she didn’t see how much she was hurting Blossomfall, which again doesn’t make it right and she should have seen. I just hold out hope that learning she had alienated her daughter so much that Blossomfall had started training in the Dark Forest makes Millie realize how much she had failed Blossomfall, and that she apologizes and starts being a better mother for her.

    And you know where I stand on Goosefeather. XD

    • I agree that Tom was more than just stupid. He was abusive to Turtle Tail and Bumble and I agree he probably would have done the same with his kits. As for Millie, I agree that some of it was unintentional but if I remember correctly she did snap at Blossomfall a few times, which obviously was intentional.

      *squeezes Goosefeather* “It’s ok Goosey-baby. Don’t listen to the mean moderator. She’s crazy.” 😜

      • I have a lot of hatred for Tom. XD And true. I agree that she wasn’t being a good mother to Blossomfall, but I still hope she sees what she’s done is wrong and tries to make up for it. I really liked her in the Graystripe mangas, and I miss seeing her like that.


        • I agree. I liked her until after Briarlight got hurt. And I know how hard it must be to take care of a sick child, but she didn’t seem to understand that everyone else in the Clan wanted what was best for Briarlight.

  • I agree with Jayie, Tom was blatantly abusive towards Turtle Tail. Frecklewish was terrible, and so was Stormtail. So far, I agree with you on Millie, although I’m hoping for a redemption arc with her.

    • I don’t really know what could be done for her to redeem herself but I wouldn’t be opposed to it. And thanks for reading!

  • I hadn’t really read TR since I love spoiling myself, but I definitely agree Tom, Stormtail, Frecklewish, and Millie! Also with Yellowfang, Russetfur, and Goosefeather (Don’t narrow eyes at this 😛 ) I don’t really remember Blossomfall too much, and I’m not really a Jayfeather fan. Lovely article! 😀

    • Jayfeather is a great character but I like others more/feel they have a better backstory. And thanks for reading!

  • It’s great that you didn’t use Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, orBrokenstar. That’s what most people would think of.

    • Yeah. I feel like most people dislike the “evil” cats but there are lots of other cats that have bad personalities and have done bad things but aren’t “evil”

  • I totally agree with you on Stormtail. He doesn’t get enough hate at all >:( Almost as much as Russetfur doesn’t get enough love! Great article, I really enjoyed it 👏

  • Aww man, Stormtail sucks? I didn’t know that. I remember a scene in Tallstar’s Revenge with Stormtail and Moonpaw at a gathering that showcased their relationship a little, and I thought it was cute. 😛 Does Goosefeather’s Curse show how much of a mousebrain he is? Darn. I guess I’ll add him to the “horrible warriors cats” list. >:3 I don’t hate Sandgorse, really, though, or Millie.

    • I dont agree with stormtail idk what there talking about like it’s ok for mates to seperate i dont even know if they did. Dont believe it, but do read goosefeather’s curse!

      • I dislike Stormtail because it was very clear he chose Moonflower because of her looks. Then the moment a “prettier” she-cat came along he dumped her. (When she had just had two kits, I might add) He also was a bully to Goosefeather and showed little to no emotion when Moonflower died. That is why I dislike him, not because he and Moonflower “separated”