Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Violetpaw: “You can’t take an apprentice hostage!”
Scorchfur: That’s where you’re wrong kiddo
I hate the ShadowClan apprentices. They’re so direspectful.
Hi Kate! I was wondering if I could ask a few questions; it’s for the Warriors Wiki actually. I’m one of the active users there, I go by the name Minkclaw, anyway I was wondering if I could ask about a small list of characters that died in Thunder and Shadow, we just need to know whether these characters went to StarClan or not. If I’m allowed to ask I’ll list the characters below:
Briarlight, Spikefur, Wasptail, Furzepelt, Shadepelt (VS), Petalfur, Heronwing, Foxnose, and Perchwing.
It’d really help out the wiki if we could lay these amazing guys to rest!
I’m afraid I don’t know until we see them there…sorry I can’t be more help!
Can you reveal what Quailkit (son of Tinycloud and Sparrowpelt’s) pelt color is?
hi,it’s sooo nice to finaly talk,or text,or something with you,i love your warrior cats!
Hey, kittycat! Welcome to BlogClan 😀
It’s quite alright!
Despite being told in the Sight that she’d get another apprentice after Jaypaw/feather will Brightheart really get another apprentice?
Hello I am new here and I have a question made for Kate Cary but I would be satisfied if someone who already knows the answer can reply. I am not sure where to put it yet I would be glad if someone could tell me where to go. It is based off of Bluestar’s prophecy. In it it says Pinestar and Poppydawn are mates and they named Sweetpaw after Pinestar’s mother. Yet it shows later that Pinestar and Lepoardfoot are mates and she kits Tigerstar. Doesn’t that mean Thistleclaw and Tigerstar were half brothers? It says nowhere that they are for it says Windflight was Poppydawn’s mate.
I don’t think Pinestar and Poppydawn were ever mates. I think it was Windflight and Poppydawn.
Hey Kate,what is Violetshine’s canon desgin?White with black or black with a white muzzle,paws and tail tip?
I don’t know. I can’t say this often enough, but I don’t picture our cats literally. In fact I can’t. The moment I reduce them to fur-colour, they stop being real and become Other. In my mind Violet is a kind of purply-blue-black, with her heart way out in front and a sense that she’s always hurrying to keep up with the others. The colour of her fur is entirely irrelevant to me.
hi Kate,i love your warriors seires,i hope i’m your number oneish fan,but it’s nice to fifnaly get to talk to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Hey, Kaitlyn 🙂 It’s always lovely to hear from a new fan!
Warriors is my fav sieries too! 🙂
😀 💖
Me too!
Unrelated but it is against BlogClan’s rules to use your real name (unless Kaitlyn is an online name of yours).
Hi, Sunny. Please leave the moderating to the moderators 🙂 If something is let through, more often than not, it’s because we chose to let it through. That was the case with this comment.
Oh sugar. I only just saw this, so sorry. I hope you can forgive me!
So, I think Violetpaw was awesome, but she and Twigpaw have to understand that they love their own Clans, and that Violetpaw would never fit in ThunderClan anymore, and that Twigpaw would never like it in ShadowClan. Okay, for the list of cats who died:
A few of Rowanstar’s lives
Nobody else. SERIOUSLY. 😛
Hope u liked it! Bye!
Also, a point of view from the RiverClan kit that had this happen to her.
I beat up the other kits, ate mice and fish, and slept. THAT’S IT!
P.S. I’ve changed my name to Briarkit. So u can keep that the same, just with Briarkit as the name. Whoa, that rymed. 😛
Ivypool is a great mentor- she’s so kind to Twigpaw, being patient and understanding with her! I think maybe the reason she’s so understanding is that she remembers comparing herself to Dovewing when she was an apprentice, so she knows how it feels and wants to help Twigpaw feel good about herself.
I’ve always liked Ivypool, but Thunder and Shadow has made me love her even more! <3
I love Ivypool and Twigpaw’s relationship, too! 💜
And He Runs
I have not read this book yet and I am still waiting for it to ship, but I have no patience and am thirsty for spoilers. So if anyone would be nice enough to answer my questions for me, that would be very much appreciated.
Did Darktail kill any important/well known cats? (If yes, do not tell me the names I still want some surprise)
And does the real Skyclan come in?
Also does Needletail do anything stupid?
TYSM and very sorry If I’m wasting someone’s time.
1. Yes, he killed a really well known and loved cat whilst being assisted by Sleekwhisker and Roach. This scene took place in Shattered Sky (book 3).
2. Yes, the real SkyClan does eventually move into the lake territories, but not until book 3 (Shattered Sky).
3. Hmm… not that I can think of rn.
PS: Don’t worry, you didn’t make me waste any of my time at all!
Можно вопрос? Что случается с котами в Звёздном племени, когда они исчезают? Перерождаются?
Mod edit: Google Translated from Russian: Can I ask a question? What happens to the cats in StarClan when they disappear? Reborn?