Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
NO!!!!!!!!! Needlepaw (tail) turned to the dark side, WHY???????????
ALSO SNAKEPAW, WHORLPAW, FLAOWERPAW AND FERNPAW ARE CANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and though she was ok in TAQ, Needletail sort of sucks in this one,,,,,,,, and Twigpaw and Violetpaw are awesome!!!!!!!!!!
We just need another Jaypaw, and we’re good. ; )
We also need a Darkshine in a book. I would literally scream, and then die a happy death knowing my life goal is complete.
Totally! and a Petalfrost…….
We also need an Asterpaw, of course 😀
But of course!
I liked Needletail. She’s an interesting character.
Yay! Same here 😛
She’s interesting, but I still don’t like her.
Will those traitorous ShadowClan apprentices realizes theirs mistake for joining the rogues before they died and go to the DarkForest?
Where will Darktail go after his dead? DarkForest or with Scourge
Lastly, could Needletail be redeem for betraying her clan and the Warrior Code?
Kate, I knew you are going to say that but…
could you just tell me one thing, on my 2nd question where will Darktail go after his dead? (I am think not in the Dark Forest b/c his only a rouge & not a warrior at all)
Rogue Hell? I have no idea…it’s the old Do ALL Dogs Go To heaven question. What happens to animals after they die? I am not qualified to answer.
Uh, you’re the author. You can answer this however you want. You helped create this world and the story. You’re perfectly qualified to answer. That doesn’t mean you have to, but you can.
Personally, I think StarClan and the Dark Forest only exist because the warriors invented them. All other cats just die. There’s nothing afterward for them.
What if the other cats made their own afterlife, like the clans? We know about the Tribe of Endless Hunting. If another group of cats created a religion and afterlife would it be legitimate? If not, why?
Ru saying that you belive That Starclan isn’t real only a tale wariors actually invented? And if you think that non-clan cats don’t go to after life then why don’t you think the tribal cats of the motuns go to the tribe of endless hunting?
They exist but only because warriors invented them. It’s not a terribly concrete concept. Just a hazy idea that in an imagined world, what the imaginary characters imagine together becomes real.
ok thx for your answer.
-Kate Cary, 2016 😛
And 2015. And 2014. And 2013. Okay, I think you get the point 😛
My goodness gracious!!1! Fifth or sixth book of AVOS confirmed!1!!1 Wind and Sky!1!! Or maybe Wacky Apple Shadow, either one works.
Sincerely sorry.
WAS stands for Wind and Sky
You probably know by now how much I love Brackenfur, so I just wanted to ask if you could do a little special scene when he dies or something like having his remaining kits with him at his deathbed (Cinderheart, Poppyfrost, Lilyheart) before being reunited with Sorreltail in Starclan. That would make my heart break, but I would also be really happy if he got this much deserved scene. c:
Brackenfur is an amazing character, I’m sad that he has been such a minor character these days. Sometimes I do wish Firestar chose Brackenfur as deputy… stupid Leafpool.
stupid Leafpool…??????
no comprehendo.
Pantherpaw is referring to the fact that Leafpool received a sign from Starclan that led her to believe that Brambleclaw was the rightful deputy of Thunderclan.
Also, Leafpool is one of my least favorite characters, along with Mapleshade.
I don’t mind Leafpool, but she’s not my favourite. Mapleshade is a very interesting villain though
I like Mapleshade, but don’t like Leafpool that much.
She didn’t make up the omen… unless I skipped a line implying that.
Hi, Rosefur!
She’s writing Darkest Night currently (No spoilers from me, no sirree buster) and after that she’s going to be writing Super Edition 10, and once Cherith’s done with AVOS5, she’ll write AVOS 6.
Wait! You know whats going to happen in the books? How!? Will there be another series after AVOS?
Kate, are Needletail and Rain mates? It was implied at the end of TAS, but wasn’t confirmed.
I think that we’ll have to wait a little longer to see.
“WAS”- Kate Cary 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
Woah, congrats to Cypresspaw and Wavepaw on getting in the books!! ;v; Kate, keep them alive and let them have kits of their own and lead good lives, don’t kill them TOO fast! 😉
Headcanon that if Needletail stayed in ShadowClan and wasn’t named by the rogues, her warrior name would be Needlefang.
Kate, can you tell us what Super Edition 10 is going to be about? (
OK Thanks 😛
It would be interesting if it was a DovexTiger SE…but I kind of want it to be about Half Moon.
I’m hoping for Tigerheart! It would be awesome to see something is his perspective (That’s not just four pages long like in COTC (which was hilarious))
I meant BOTC
whats TBC?
To be decided
At least it’s not WAS 😛
What is TBC? I want to know so I can post it on the wiki.
To be confirmed
Hey Kate sorry if I’m bugging you… Just two quick questions. If you can’t answer them then can Jaysnow or someone else? (:
So I always look at Warriors wiki usually about family relations, and I was wondering if you could confirm that Mintfur was the father to Icewing’s 1st litter. He’s been confirmed to be the dad of the 2nd litter (Breezepaw, Nightpaw) and although he wasn’t in the book when Icewing had her 1st litter (Petalfur, Grasspelt, Bettlewhisker, Pricklekit) he was in the allegiance as a warrior in the next book with an apprentice, so it’s more than likely that he has been a warrior for a while. It probably seems silly, but I was just hoping you could confirm or deny that.
Also on Snowbird’s page it says she had two litters. She was mentioned to have her second litter in Bramblestar’s Storm. There were apparently three she-kits. Yarrowleaf and Beenose were introduced in TAQ so obviously they had to have been two of those three kits. What happened to the third kit? Also she’s confirmed to be the mother of Berryheart, Rippletail, and Cloverfoot. They’re all new to the allegiance in TAQ like they’re younger siblings so I’m wondering if they were recently just born even though that’s a short amount of time between pregnancies or were they the litter she was expecting in Eclipse that was never heard of again? If that’s so then they’re older than I expected.
I know I’m probably confusing you with all this information, but I’m legit curious about this. It would be really nice if you could look back on your notes if you have any or something. If you read this then thank you! 🙂 I promise I’ll be back soon with more questions hehe. c:
Yes and the third she-kit died young and they were the litter she was expecting in Eclipse.
Could you maybe give the deceased she-kit a name and look :c So it can rest in peace in StarClan?
Bluebellkit – she looked like her other – white fur, green eyes.
That’s a cute name!!! 😀
Ooh, Bluebellkit! That’s pretty!
Is Bluebellkit in StarClan?
Cause Of Death? I Think She Died Of Weakness.
Aaaa I love the prefix Kate!
Oh and little Pricklekit, that was mentioned above, also doesn’t have a look and gender D:
Also, it dissapears after “Sunrise”, is it dead?
Yes. Greencough.
No look and gender D:?
Is Prickekit in Starclan?
Thank you so much! Greatly appreciated, Kate! ^_^ Also I’m really looking forward to Hawkwing’s Journey. c:
Poor Scorchfur. 🙁
To be honest, I kinda agreed with the ShadowClan cats. They don’t deserve a rogue leader for sure, but Rowanstar needs to get his cats together. Yes, I understand yellowcough hit the camp and he got sick, but still. Rowanstar should’ve clawed one of the apprentice’s ears for such disrespectful behavior. Now, the whole ShadowClan is being led by rogues because they are all now against Rowanstar. I honestly want Rowanstar to kinda loose all his lives so Tigerheart can lead. He would make a fit leader for ShadowClan instead of Rowanstar, honestly.
I think he was just trying to be patient with his Clanmates, but it wasn’t the right scenario to be patient.
I have to disagree. We really haven’t seen much of Rowanstar’s leadership, since he’s only been leader for, what, 3 books? One of them he wasn’t the focus, and in the second, he was sick, so we really don’t know how good of a leader he is. Also, it’s not his fault most of ShadowClan went with the rogues. It means that most of ShadowClan is either too scared to join Rowanstar, or is disloyal to the clan, not that he’s a bad leader.
I think Tigerheart would be an alright leader, but I don’t think it would be good to have Rowanstar lose (at the most) 9 lives in a short span of time.