Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Thanks, Kate, for an awesome book! Probably my favourite Warriors book in awhile even though it took me days longer to read it than usual. 😛
Some of my thoughts:
– Don’t really like Violetpaw, and Needletail for that matter, but ShadowClan being featured in a PoV was great. <For me, Violetpaw was too gullible to keep believing Needletail, who was clearly using her, & Needletail started having a 2-face personality with Rain (dislike, also) & everyone else, which I'd rather have her on her own as a strong female character & Rain's pretty dire in my opinion anyhow.
– Alderheart's still great. I'm undecided w/Twigpaw.
– My opinion of Darktail's gone up as a villain. <Just glad that Rowanstar didn't die.
– Onto, I thought Rowanstar, Crowfrost, Puddleshine, Tawnypelt, and Tigerheart were great in this. The others not so much, but there had to be a large enough number to perform the coup anyway, so I'm not that bothered. <The Gathering scene was awesome at the end & the takeover.
– I presume people still dislike Onestar with a passion, but I like him a lot more now. Its been 8 lives in the making, and I'm happy that Onestar has an insane type character now. It makes him more of a villainous character and gave him more of a role to fill.
– Good to see some of the deputies involved more, was wanting them to be featured more.
– Also, Graystripe didn’t say much, but it was nice to have him saying some impact stuff (great comeback against Crowfrost & I’m pretty sure, was it Sparkfire? He thought the name should be was a possibly shot at her name makers. Harper . . .
– The constant tease of SkyClan and especially the slight cliffhanger at the end makes me hope they'll show up in TSS, at least there's Hawkwing's Journey next.
– And I’m glad as, to be honest, I said at the time and say the same now that I thought TAQ was fairly lacklustre, but this has recovered things very, very nicely. 😀
I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for your thoughts! You’ll find more out about Onestar in the next book. And SkyClan. 🙂
You’re very welcome & thanks for responding! 😀 And for the additional HYPE! 😛
Hah. I don’t like Onestar at all.
I mainly just like him now as he’s a stronger villain in the crazy type role he’s doing and should be more interesting than before. Previously, I felt like he didn’t stand out much and didn’t have a reason for being more of an antagonist. Plus, I only really hate poor characters, and I’m a big fan of villains.
More about Onestar? Hmmm….is he finally going to die? I hope so…
I don’t think Dawnpelt was too bad, either.
And Pinenose meant well.
She was alright, but I would have preferred her not to stay with the other ShadowClan cats. Though, yeah, she definitely wasn’t as bad as some of the other cats. 😛
Hmm . . . hard to say. I feel like she wasn’t as bad as some of the previous neglectful mothers in the series. Yet I didn’t feel like she really cared too much, though I don’t really blame her that much. She was probably better than a lot of the apprentices, to be fair.
I’m about to read Thunder and Shadow!! :D:D
And which Erin wrote this one?
Kate wrote it. Cherith’s on Hawkwing’s Journey & Shattered Sky. 😀 Hope you enjoy reading it! 🙂
Thanks! I liked it a lot!
Kate 🙂
Kate, do you ever listen to music while writing or is it too distracting? If you do, does it usually have to match the music of the scene you’re writing? For example, soft, pretty music for a StarClan scene, and intense music for a battle.
I have no idea if you still recognize me but I was there for a while in the old camp 😀
You’re so nice. :3
I’m sorry to say I don’t recognize you, [so many ‘paws] unless you had a different name then? But I’d love to talk more, I’ll never leave BlogClan, even though I have
been gone for periods of time.
I really like listening to music when I write, especially this soundtrack (I am Shiloh Kinz2013 btw :P) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtSjrd7OJ7IK2hfNcA0DMdYYSsGOSglYv
Hi, Kate. I’m from Chinese Warriors Wiki that is not on Wikia 😉
We bumped into a problem when translating the page “Roach” on English Warriors Wiki. However, there’re two meanings for the word Roach. One is cockroach, the other is a type of European fish. We just couldn’t decide which one should be used, so I guess we should inquire you about it.
According to the consensus we have reached before, all the cats’ name except kittypets’ should be translated by their English meanings (rather than English pronunciations).
Hi, Cedarsong. 🙂 Lovely to meet a Chinese reader! He’s named after a cockroach. His mother didn’t give him that name, though. It’s a nickname he picked up as a rogue. (His mother called him Cricket)
Oh, so he was a kittypet named Cricket and then left to be a rogue?
How cool!
Wow that’s a bunch of insects 😏 Thank you, Kate!
I actually had a Riverclan OC named Roachwhisker (after the fish XD) so I understand the confusion. But Cricket is so cute!
We have a cockroach problem where I live! 😛 They’re everywhere!
Spray will help, perhaps? 😂
Where is the Chinese warriors wiki?
It’s on warriors.huiji.wiki . If you’re interested in it, welcome to join us!
It’s currently Simplified Chinese, and we’re still working on the convertion table so that it could also be Traditional Chinese.
Thanks for the link! I’ve shared it on my Facebook page – I keep forgetting how global Warriors has become! 😀 😀
Uhmm… well, that’s simply AMAZING! Thank you, Kate!
It’s a pleasure 🙂
Same 😛
So do we because, well, Florida. They are gigantic, like they can get as long as my dad’s index finger, and as wide a large stone.
Taiwan books translated Havenpaw by her pronunciation.
I think it’s difficult to choose a character/word in Chinese for haven by meaning, elegantly. In fact, as zh-CN readers, we can choose from 港 and 湾. However, the former may give a hint of dock, which the cats are not supposed to know, so we had to choose the latter (湾皮, Wān-pí). There seems no precedent for a clan cat to be translated by pronunciation in Simplified Chinese. (Except for Millie, who wasn’t clan-born but joined the clan later.)
I guess zh-TW edition of Bramblestar’s Storm has been released, right? So envy 😒 FYI zh-CN edition of BS hasn’t released yet, so we are actually deciding the name and making an attempt to suggest it to the publisher.
By the way, I’m curious how is Havenpaw translated in zh-TW/Traditional Chinese? *oops* She’s not Havenpelt but Havenpaw in BS. So in zh-CN/Simplified Chinese, it should be 湾爪(Wān-zhuǎ).
Actually, it’s well-known that zh-CN books has translated “claw” as “paw”, while “paw” as “claw”. The mistake has been there since the first Arc, so later translations just follow this way, to avoid sudden changes of names. I have to say, this indeed causes trouble when we, wiki contributors, trying to build convertion rules for zh-CN and zh-TW 😖
They translated Havenpaw into 黑文掌
Got it. So, there would be another convertion rule. Thank you ~
Oh my god Puddleshine and Alderheart are such sweet children. They’re giving Brambleberry good competition in the best medicine cat spot.
I’m fairly dissappointed in Violetpaw, honestly. The fact that she expected Twigpaw to just abandon ThunderClan because she stayed with ShadowClan for a little while and her sister is there is kinda. I dunno the word I’m looking for.
Even worse is her immediate assumption that Twigpaw doesn’t love her anymore and Needletail was her best friend despite the latter having flat out mocked her in her last encounter.
Oh, yeah, Needletail. I didn’t like her in TAQ and I like her even less now. I’m not a fan of manipulative characters (and what she’s doing with Violetpaw? Def manipulation.), and while I don’t mind sass, Needletail was just disrespectful. Her and the other apprentices. I feel like Rowanstar and their mentors could have been a little stricter with punishing them when they disobeyed the code or refused to respect the warriors, but I’m not going to place all the blame for ShadowClan going to the rogues on Rowanstar. Still, it could have been handled better by him.
Twigpaw is really meh to me. Seems like yet another generic protagonist, hopefully she gets a little more personality later.
I can see why people hate Onestar now. Good lord, Onestar, you can’t just let half of ShadowClan and /kits/ die just because you’re paranoid. Letting them stick around outside their territory =/= sheltering them. Credit to Kestrelflight and Harespring for letting them gather some medicine behind his back.
I really liked this book, though. Looking forward to the next.
hello kate
im a german reader..i hope my enlgish is fine.
is skyclan appearing in the next novel?
No spoilers! 🙂 And hello, Shadowstorm. Your English is much better than my German, so thanks for translating! 😀
Excuse me- Kate. I noticed that Scorchfur had kits as an apprentice.
When I found out about that, I was so disappointed. Personally, I’d hope for Dawnpelt to become leader after what I’ve heard about her. I mean, last time there was a ShadowClan female leader, it was during Cloudstar’s time.
…and it was Dawnstar 😛
I wanted Tawnypelt! She’s had two big chances in the last 3 books and hasn’t gotten either 🙁 Tbh I don’t think Tigerheart deserves to be deputy.
It was, I forgot her name there for a moment.
Yes, I’d love a Tawnystar! However, she’s too old at this point. Yeah, I don’t think Tigerheart has matured enough for that. I haven’t read TAQ or TaS, but I think there are more qualified warriors for that. Again, that being Dawnpelt. Though there are probably other warriors in the Clan who could be just as good of an option as her.
Well, for one thing, Dawnpelt was a queen very recently. And Bramblestar is leader, so why is Tawnypelt too old? Bramblestar seems to be a very capable leader.
Well, Bramblestar became leader about two years ago. And while I don’t doubt for a moment about Tawnypelt’s ability to lead, the Clans should have younger leaders. I mean, except for maybe Bramblstar and Rowanstar, the leaders should be dead. Littlecloud died of old age and Onestar is older than he was. Not to mention Mistystar is 12 years old. And while Bramblestar seems to be doing well as leader, he should start feeling his age soon enough.
I for one am super glad TIGERHEART is deputy. I love him, and he’s matured so much.
Well I guess he has (but if it was him in OotS I would go crazy
YAY! Tigerheart is my third favorite cat! I love how amiture/energetic he is!
What Tigerheart!!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😧😱😧😧
Kate, I just thought of this and it’s really dumb but is Twigpaw and Voiletpaw’s parents possibly Tigerheart and Dovewing or Dovewing or Bumblestripe?
I highly doubt that, since Twigpaw and Violetpaw were found a long way away from the Clans, and surely at least one warrior would’ve seen Dovewing sneaking away. Plus, she’d have milk-scent, so Leafpool or Jayfeather would’ve been able to detect that she’d had kits.
Plus, Dovewing would never abandon her kits in such a dangerous place.
Okay. I’m not going to argue but I do have many reasons why that Dovewing could be their mother. But I have to be wrong on everything. So yeah, sorry if I sound rude.
You’re not wrong on everything, and I never meant to infer that. 😛 I just don’t personally think that Dovewing would have left her kits in such a dangerous place, since she had other options.
I thought about that too, but if you’ve read Thunder and Shadow, Dovewing and Tigerheart seemed pretty hostile towards each other in the book, so I highly doubt it. But I could be wrong! 😀
At least someone agrees with me for a short time. Yeah I read Thunder and Shadow, it was a good book
Hey, Kate, have you read Hawkwing’s Journey yet?
Is it good? (If you have?)
Kate, I was reading the Wiki and when I read about Lilyheart it said that her mentor was her older sister Poppyfrost. Then, when I scrolled down more it said in the Trivia that Although cats do not normally mentor their kin, Lilyheart’s mentor was her older sister, Poppyfrost. So I was wondering why did you change that where their kin could mentor them?
Then Poppyfrost did have an apprentice, Jayie!
I believe you’re referring to a conversation we had about my fanfic ‘verse. In which case, Lilyheart was her apprentice in the canon ‘verse, and in my ‘verse she was Bramblestar’s apprentice, so Poppyfrost didn’t have an apprentice.
That wasn’t a changed rule, it’s just kind of like Fireheart mentoring Cloudtail.
Sometimes it’s okay, because Bramblestar (I think) probably trusted Poppyfrost to train the apprentice well, and besides, Lilyheart had lost so much by the end of her apprentice hood, I think she needed it.
Not really I mean Cloudtail was Firestar’s Nephew and not his sibling.
Yes, that’s true but I wonder what was the reason that Whitewing was Dewnose’s mentor when they are some cats that could of been picked that hasn’t had the chance to be a mentor yet and that also could of trained an apprentice well.
That’s a great point. remember how sad Poppyfrost was in TFA?
Losing a life doesn’t restore youth.
And, ach. You youngsters think anyone over 9 is old. ;P
In that case, I’m old 😛
Welcome 😛
i just wrote this
and suddenly recent comments changed 😛 )
Hello 😀
My cat is about nine or ten years old. She is a grumpy, lazy elder. Nine years old is an old age for a cat, especially for outdoor cats.
I had a cat who lived to 20.
The record’s 32 if I remember right.
Yesssssss! Graystripe will never DIE!
What about Purdy? 😛
The real question is how old Purdy is? I want a super edition just about him and his early life.
*crosses fingers* my cat needs to break it 😛
My cat’s 14, so she’s older than me x3
That is cool. I know some giant tortoises older thane 😛
I’m sure there are also some elephants that are older than you… by now… 😉
My cat was abut 15, so he’s older than me by about (what, 4 years? 3 years? maybe 2?)
I see people saying that they don’t want another male leader in Shadowclan. My prediction is either Tigerheart dies as a deputy, and Violetpaw completely redeems herself to become leader or Tigerstar becomes leader and Violetpaw will be his deputy and later the leader. c: Personally I love Tigerheart, and although he’s been immature in the past, he’s very loyal to his clan.
I don’t like Tigerheart, however he does seem loyal to his Clan. Well, more loyal after OotS.
I LOVE him for his immatureness!!!!
Violetpaw would make an interesting leader. 🙂