• Okay, so I kind of feel a bit stupid about not realizing that Needlepaw would become evil and all.
    I mean, it was hinted at.
    But at the same time….
    Was it?
    She seemed one of those cats that was all “my clan is better so back off.” But she also seemed “the whole idea of a clan is pretty stupid but I’m better than you so just bow down to ShadowClan.”
    When she was training Violetpaw, she didn’t need to actually train her, since they became rogues, and Sleekwhisker even pointed this out. I really want to know what emotions Needltail was feeling about this…
    Loyalty? Friendship? Remorse? Regret??

    • I didn’t know Needlepaw would make such a dumb decision and become evil, but looking back the signs really are there. She didn’t follow the rules, and that combined with her not believing in StarClan made her someone who was always going to be evil. (I liked her during TaQ 🙁 )

      • Why is someone who doesn’t always follow the rules and not believing in StarClan mean someone is going to be evil? 😛 You can question the validity of certain rules and not believe in a deity without turning out evil. In fact, that description perfectly fits young Cloudtail, and he turned out just fine. ^^

        • Yes, Cloudtail did turn out fine, but that was only once he started to obey the warrior code. He realized a life of following the code was a much better life for him than being a kittypet. And although he never believed in StarClan, he was still able to be a good warrior by following the code StarClan helped create.

          To me, StarClan and the warrior code are very much related, at least for the former ShadowClan apprentices. StarClan and the warrior code are the two most important things that separate clan cats from rogues like Darktail. Without those two things, Needlepaw and the other apprentices found they had little connection to the other clan cats or reason to stay in ShadowClan. Unlike Cloudtail, who still had one of the two conditions, the apprentices were ready to become rogues, cats that fight for power with very little honor and have no ancestors to guide them.

          • Yeah, but people shouldn’t just blindly trust the rules either. He was foolish in that he broke the rules without thinking first of what the consequences would, but not all of the Clans’ rules are perfect, and there’s nothing wrong with questioning rules.

            They became rogues, not because of just questioning the rules in general, but because of a disregard for the lives of those that the warrior code protects. It wasn’t just disrespecting authority, it was feeding themselves before the weak, old, and young of their Clan, being willing to let cats fight and kill over food and power. It wasn’t not believing in StarClan or questioning a few rules, it was a lack of honor, which, following the warrior code is not the only honorable way to live. And if cats need to be told by their ancestors to be good to each other and to follow the rules, I would highly question the morality of that cat, if they need to be told to not hurt others like that. StarClan helps the Clans a lot, and it’s comforting for them to know where their Clanmates go after they die, but these cats wouldn’t just be heartless savages without StarClan around to keep them in check. 😛

  • Oh wow… I’m an idiot. I took a close look at the TSS cover and fianlly realized it was Twigpaw and Violet. The gray one is Twigpaw and the cover designers finally remembered Violetpaw is white with black splotches and they’re looking at each other like… they loathe each other. Pretty much the way they feel at the end of TaS. This whole time I thought it was Dovewing and Bumblestripe. 😛

    • I really don’t like this ship. Seriously, it’s bad enough most warriors are related to Firestar at this point. the last thing we need is for Firestar’s kin to already be breeding amongst themselves. And I know the Clans are already interbred, however it shouldn’t happen as fast as it had, especially with the amount of kittypets and longer welcomed into ThunderClan. And it doesn’t help when most of the younger warriors in ThunderClan are killed off for no reason.

      • I know! I ship her with Mousewhisker. I did ship her with Foxleap but they killed him. 😑 And there is a lot of interbreeding but in most cases you have to look back in family trees to figure it out. It’s been stated that these cats are kin.

        • I am actually glad that Ivypool is getting a mate and I don’t really care who her mate is to be honest. She just needs someone to love her when she gets off that straight and narrow path every once in awhile. She also deserves to be happy with whoever she ends up with which Kate and the other writers will put her with who ever they think is best for her to be with. Even though they like to hear from all their fans about it.

          If you have noticed alot of the cats in all the clans are kin they are either cousins, uncles, nephews, nieces, or what not, but they still end up mates. Sometimes that is how it is in real life even which is every weird, but for animals its actually very common and a lot of people don’t really take notice in it.

          I do agree with you about Ivypool and Mouswhisker might of been a couple that would of worked. I mean I think whoever Ivypool ends up with will work her personality and everything about her will mash with alot of tom’s personalities. Maybe Kate just seen something special between Fernsong and Ivypool that the fans haven’t yet seen yet. As for her and Foxleap on the wiki under his Trivia it had said that Kate had said on her blog that she thought Foxleap and Ivypool might of been a couple that would of worked out, BUT it said that Vicky later confirmed that Ivypool and Foxleap will not be mates.

          Kate, That has actually made a question pop in my mind. I was wondering why that was that Foxleap and Ivypool wasn’t mates?

          • Well… Foxleap was Ivypool’s uncle, so they still would have been related (and more closely related than Fernsong and Ivypool are). Foxleap seemed to be flirting with Dovewing at one point too, until I guess they realized the uncle thing….or just had other plans for Dove.

  • I actually didn’t like Apprentice’s Quest, and stalled out somewhere around chapter 14 without finishing it. However, I was riveted by Thunder And Shadow and stayed up until 6am reading it. I have to say, this plot is taking a twist I never knew Warriors was capable of, and I’m so happy NeedlexAlder is just about dead… among other things.

  • So Kate, you said Scorchfur is the father of Snowbird’s litter in Outcast. Well, he must’ve fathered her kits as a kit considering he didn’t appear until Eclipse I believe when he was an apprentice. So Scorchkit really is the father of his own kits, then?

    • He was allready an apprentice in Eclipse… But still, never seen an apprentice having kits.
      But it is possible since tom cats can make kits with 6 month age.

      • I know, but that doesn’t change the fact that an apprentice is still a minor in Warriors terms. She-cats can have kits as young as four moons but you don’t see kits having kits.

    • Vicky once said it’s not a set age. That the cats retire when they feel like its time. Some cats allready feel tired to the bone with 6 years when others are still warriors with 10 years.

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