• I just finished the book and I must say I really liked the sort of reference to the Blazing Star with the Maple Leaf, if only the cats in Dawn of The Clans were able to figure out that riddle as quickly as Alderheart did! Speaking of which, I really like his new name and the relationship he has with Twigpaw, I think it’s sweet that he’s acting sort of like a brother to her and stuff. If only Violetpaw’s relationship with Needletail had been the same. Either way I think this series is definitely bringing a lot of new elements to the Warriors World and I’m excited to see what Shattered Sky has in store!

  • Why does it seem like everyone is a hypocrite? Pinenose was a foxheart, the stupid SC elders talking about Violetkit(paw) behind her back ESPECIALLY RATSCAR! RATSCAR I HAVE MY BURNING GAZE ON YOU! YOU SHALL BURN IN THE DARK FOREST RATSCAR! (I now hate Ratscar. I never liked him), My Jaybae seems more of a hypocrite now, and Cherryfall and Mousewhisker saying that Twigkit(paw) isn’t special.

  • Alright, I bought and finished it! Amazing! Here are my thoughts:

    -I loved the parts where Violetpaw and Twigpaw were together. It was really sweet how much Twigpaw openly cared and Violetpaw inwardly cared. I almost cried as they pushed each other away. Paws crossed for a makeup!

    -Time seemed to move really fast in this book. I mean, Grassheart’s kits weren’t born at the beginning and they were apprentices at the end. I guess that’s where the new cats come from. But it seemed that Twigpaw and Violetpaw had to wait to become apprentices.

    -I honesty suspected that ShadowClan as a whole would be driven out, not just Rowanstar, Tigerheart, and Tawnypelt. And I thought they would get along better seeing as Tawnypelt and Tigerheart have ThunderClan blood and have stayed in ThunderClan before, plus Tawnypelt is Bramblestar’s sister and went on the journey with to find Midnight and the lake with him and Squirrelflight, and I thought Rowanstar would be at least diplomatic, seeing as he’s a leader.

    -I was really unhappy with Twigpaw getting held hostage. The whole thing had already happened. ShadowClan has an uncurable sickness, Twigpaw crossed the border for her sister, got found by ShadowClan, got captured and was held for herbs, and ThunderClan tried to get the herb for Twigpaw. Except last time it was Ivypool. And she’s Twigpaw’s mentor! Although it did have some sweet moments between Twigpaw and Violetpaw, it was overused and I didn’t like it. I was also surprised that they let her near the sick cats.

    -ONESTAR SUCKS!!!!!!!! I’ve always hated Onestar, but this book drops him into a new level of disgusting stupidness (which I didn’t know was possible!). I’m honestly a little happy because it gives me more reasons to hate him. On three…





    That felt good. Ignore my weirdness and huge hatred for Onestar.


    -Sparkpelt and Needletail are REALLY BORING. Boo, HarperCollins! You totally couldn’t put Kate’s awesome suggestion of Sparkfire in?! You choose that piece of mouse-dung?!

    -THE BLAZING STAR OMG I KNEW IT!!! Alderheart found the Blazing Star! Yes! Still holding onto that theory even though there was no mention in TAQ. 😀 Alderheart’s all like: Oh so I need to keep looking for SkyClan cause five points! And I’m like: *facepaw* you don’t even know half of it OMG YUSSSSS

    -I counted six cats that could have been named after BlogClanners! :O

    Flowerpaw (Flo or Peto? Or no one and I’m completely wrong?)
    Wavepaw (:OOOOO WUUUUT)

    There might be more, there might be less, I might have mistaken some of them.

    Overall I thought it was a great book! Amazing job Kate!

    • I personally loved Sparkpelt and Needletail’s names. They felt like a return to the names in the original books, which are without a doubt my favorite names in the series. In fact, all the names in this book were on point. Unless by your comment you meant you found the characters of Sparkpelt and Needletail boring…?

      • No, I meant the names. But the thing is, in the old series they actually made sense. Mousefur? Mice have fur. Longtail? He had a long tail. Needletail? Her tail is not made of needles. Sparkpelt? Her pelt is not made of sparks. Sparkfire? Sparks come from a fire. It just felt soooooo boring.

    • Ahh gosh I love your thoughts on it!! Here are mine:

      – Overall the book made me really upset and maybe even a bit depressed-feeling! MothFlight’s Vision had been the Warriors book to affect me the most, as I cried for days afterwards, felt terrible, and even ended up associating a song with that book because I listened to that song a lot while reading it. Thunder and Shadow had so many heartbreaking moments, where Twigpaw and Violetpaw were so conflicted and everything else it just huuuurtsss.

      – Needletail’s development really shocked me. I had really hoped she wouldn’t turn into a dark, malevolent character. In the first book, I thought she was a very lonely cat who wanted a friend and I thought that friend would be Alderpaw. However, after meeting Tree I believe she started to resent the ways of a warrior?? And I would be fine with that (it’s a very unique mindset as it isn’t too occurring in this series. I was intrigued to see her hating on clan ways) if she hadn’t smiled with excitement while watching Rowanstar, still weak with sickness, get attacked and overthrown by Darktail, or when she thought the more peaceful ways of the clan were “weak”. She literally WANTED violence, and I have begun to resent her for that. The only thing keeping me from hating her completely is that she was really lonely and hurt by Violetpaw leaving her, so she CAN still care about someone other than Rain, and the hope that I have that she may be able to come back around as a wise warrior, not an evil rogue. I also hope Alderpaw and her will actually be able to converse because Alderpaw(now heart lel) hasn’t thought of her at all since her betrayal to ShadowClan. They used to be friends and I expected some more thought from Alderheart because he used to think of her a lot.

      – Onestar is a butthole, but I still think he’s a decent character. He was going through some emotional trauma, he was scared, and probably didn’t know what he was thinking when he decided to blame ShadowClan. And uhh, maybe he was even more frightened because he’s on his last liiiife? :’^)

      – Violetpaw and Twigpaw deserve to be happy. Please make sure of that, this book was destroying my soul with the conflict between them. I don’t want Violetpaw to be hardened into an evil rogue like some of the other ShadowClan cats. I want her to be with her sister, happy. Both of them happy.

      -needletail please stop being so cruel and be nice and be a wARRIOR

      -Rowanstar deserves so much better. I absolutely despise what ShadowClan has become; all the apprentices being unhelpful, ungrateful, and rude, the warriors not bothering to separate a fight between them… The whole clan is just a wreck?? I felt terrible for those who had SOME common sense, yet Rowanstar of course didn’t try to fix his warriors’ attitudes too well in the beginning. I think the talk of the other clans and the apprentices saying how dark and strong ShadowClan USED to be and SHOULD be changed his way of thinking. I believe he was stressed and then he got sick, his deputy died, some of his clanmates died, all of his clanmates left himm… and most of them thought he was weak. I hope he and his clan will be okay in the future.

      All in all, great, heart-wrenching book! I hope we get to learn how Needletail actually made plans with the rogues to join them, or at least converse with them. I hope we figure out what happened to SkyClan, who Violetpaw and Twigpaw’s mother was,, because I’m starting to think they may be part of SkyClan 😉

      Thanks for the great book, Erins! I hope for more to come <3

  • Kate, has you (or any other of the Erins) thought of who might be the next -star!? (leader). And if you had to pick one cat from ThunderClan to be leader right now, who would it be!? (No pressure tehehe)

  • Kate, is Lionpaw’s mentor Snowbird? I remember Tigerheart was told to mentor Lionpaw until Snowbird got better from the sickness.

    Also, was the StarClan cat in the prologue that was talking to Echosong, Clear Sky/Skystar? It looked like him, but I would like some official confirmation please.