• You know, I didn’t like Onestar in the first place…
    Now he’s about as good as Brokenstar. Also this book gave me extreme respect for Kesteralflight (totally butchered that spelling). He was so happy when he was able to help ShadowClan.
    Also I might make a piano song inspired by Violetpaw and Twigpaw’s relationship. Those sisters gave me so many feels in this book. I kind of want to put it online somehow, but I don’t have a Youtube and I don’t have a way to record it :'(

  • Wavey does it feelweird to have your own page as a character on the warriors wiki and to be accidently called a tom in TaS? Did Kate tell you she would put you in there? How did you earn it? (sorry for so many questions!)

    • Yes! Very, very weird. I have the Wavepaw page bookmarked 😛 The tom part was weird since I definetly am female, but hey, people make mistakes 😛 She didn’t tell me. It came as a huge shock. Tbh I had no idea what I did! I think some others deserve it more than I do, but there’s no way I’d say no to it if I had a say 😛 You’ll have to ask Kate! But so far all the admins except Flame and Kat (and Cop, if she counts) have had their own cameo in the books, so I know that’s one way to earn it.

      Haha, no problem. I feel so honored!

  • I adored it! But I also hated it. But it’s my favorite book now, so yeah. 😛

    First of all, Kate’s writing style made me feel 6,000 different emotions at once. I wanted to cry, scream, laugh, and jump up and down… but then I remembered I was in school so I couldn’t. 😛 Thunder and Shadow was beautifully written.

    I loved how Violetpaw and Twigpaw had chapters from their POV. It really gave me an insight onto how they were feeling. I only wish we could’ve seen Needletail’s POV too. It would have been really interesting, and I was hoping for some Needletail chapters before I even started the book.

    Second, the character development was amazing. Alderheart is more sure of himself now, and he isn’t as nervous as he was before. Needletail changed for the worse. I absolutely love Twigkit’s character. She’s so enthusiastic! I guess it was normal for Violetkit to behave the way she did, since she was neglected in ShadowClan. It broke my heart when the two sisters met up, because I could really see how lonely both of them were. Violetkit began to grow to accept the fact that nobody was going to be her friend, which is why I think she joined Needletail and the rogues in the end. I really hope she can go back to how she was before, though. She still has good in her heart.

    At first, Needletail was somewhat bearable. Now, I hate her. She turned her back on the cats that cared about her and her well being. However, in her defense, it wasn’t wrong to question the rules of clan life. If you remember, when Alderpaw first met her on the quest, he sensed an air of loneliness around her. Maybe she was neglected too, just like Violetpaw. I’d also suspected something between Needletail and Rain when they first met, but I didn’t think it would grow to be something more. I’m also almost 100% sure that Alderheart has a crush on her, though I don’t see why he still likes her after what she did. Tbh, I don’t really think Alderheart is the type to get into the whole “forbidden romance” thing. I feel like he should obey the medicine cat code. I mean, all the ThunderClan medicine cats have disobeyed the code since Spottedleaf, except for Cinderpelt.

    I really like Puddleshine, but I don’t like that he was pretty much thrown into that huge responsibility of having to be medicine cat. He’s even younger than Alderheart and he had to take care of a dying clan all on his own! He joined the rogues in the end, but I guess he felt obligated to. I can’t really blame him.

    And finally, the fact that ShadowClan was taken over by rogues is very confusing. Why didn’t the other clans stop them? Don’t they realize that the rogues will have even more power now? It was ShadowClan’s own fault, in a way. They didn’t drive the rogues out and it probably is their fault that the clan is questioning the rules. You don’t see another clan doing that. Anyway, it was kinda dumb of the clans to just let it happen.

    Also, the prophecy and their interpretation is also very weird. It makes no sense that Alderheart figured out what “clear the sky” meant only at the very end. I thought it was obvious. Plus, I don’t think the “embrace what you find in the shadows” applies solely to Violetpaw and Twigpaw. I think it has something to do with ShadowClan, though I don’t really know what ShadowClan has that could help clear the sky. The rogues? They’re the ones who chased SkyClan out in the first place. Maybe the clan cats who left the rogues? There’s a hidden clue in there somewhere, and I really really really don’t have the patience to wait until Shattered Sky to figure out what it is. 😛

    Anyway, I’ll stop typing now. I might say more later, I don’t know. I have a million theories running through my head. 😛

  • Woah…this book was…harsh. I feel so sorry for little Twigpaw! And Violetpaw seems to have been manipulated/guilt tripped by Needletail into staying with her…wow. This book is awesome and very well-written! 🙂 Kate, if you don’t mind, I have questions.

    • Was Ivypool chosen as Twigpaw’s mentor because she understand how Twigpaw feels? (since they both feel the need to prove themselves worthy to the clan, except for Ivypaw, it was to escape Dovepaw’s shadow)

    • Is Sparkpelt going to be a background character, or will she eventually get a chapter POV of her own?

    • I’ve heard rumors that Jayfeather is jealous of Alderheart. Is any of that valid, or are they cool?

  • Kate, if Sleekwhisker and Needletail rejoin ShadowClan, will they have to go back to their apprentice names until they actually become warriors? Their names aren’t really warrior names as they just gave them to themselves and did not earn them.

  • Hi Kate! I have a question! c:

    What are the physical differences between Tigerstar, Bramblestar, and Tigerheart? They are all described as big dark-brown tabbies with amber eyes. Is one bigger, fluffier, darker, etc.? Also Bramblestar and Tigerstar are said to look exactly alike, but how close does Tigerheart look to them?

  • This was an awesome book! 😀 First thing I want to say is congratulations to Wavey and Cyp on getting included in a Warriors book! 😀 Maybe I’ll be next 😛 I doubt it, though 😛 Second thing I wanted to say is that this book really changed my opinions on many cats. First, I used to like Needletail, but now, I really dislike her. I hated Onestar before, but now, he’s probably dropped down to my least favorite cat of all time, even higher up on my hate list than Ashfur or Rainflower could ever possibly reach. Harespring, who I was suspicious of in the past, has me liking him a lot more because of his courage to disobey Onestar’s orders (which were outrageous, by the way. I mean, letting an innocent kit possibly die because one of the ShadowClan apprentices used to live with some rogues?) to do what he thought was right. I hope One star gets run over by a monster. Actually, make that two monsters. Or three, if possible. You get where I’m heading 😛

  • Ok so I just finished reading. It’s 2:46 am here. I’m emotionally drained. So thoughts.

    – Yay BlogClan friends in the book.

    – I do not ship AlderxNeedle anymore and Needletail can go drown in the lake for all I care. I honestly really liked her before but now…no. Just no. I don’t even want to see her story continued.

    – I was really hoping Darktail would have killed Rain.

    – Sleekwhisker is an explicative.

    – “I can’t leave my kits that left me” says Dawnpelt as she leaves her parents and brother that stayed with her.

    – Violetpaw, you are stupid. Not a regular type of stupid. A special type of stupid. Every time Needletail has told you to join her, you’ve ended up in trouble. But it’ll be different this time. Obviously.

    – Onestar is insane. Like seriously.

    – Alderheart logic: So we went hunting for SkyClan and found the kits on that quest but obviously that’s irrelevant now. End of the book: We have to find SkyClan! Wow! Who could have known? Life is crazy.

    So these are my delirious 3 am thoughts. I’m not thinking clearly so this probably sounds insane. But can’t wait for Shattered Sky.

  • From what I’ve seen on the wiki, this book may not be as good as I expected. Hopefully it’s not terrible!

    I’m sad about the Needlepaw thing. I really liked her but apparently she’s evil now!

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