Warriors Movie!


News, hot from my editor’s desk. “So, some exciting news that fans have been waiting for quite some time – Alibaba Pictures want to make a film of Warriors! Hooray! We have nothing more to say right now but we will have more to tell you in the months ahead!”

I don’t know any more than this. But feel free to start speculating.

I could not be more excited. 🐱😀🍾



    (It’ll be better than trying to rp with myself warriors while playing a sonic or metroid game, eheh… ^.^’)

  • Honestly? Yes, I’m a bit excited. But I’m mostly worried. Most of my worries come from TenelleFlower’s video actually.
    A Warriors movie should be either incredibly long or split into many parts, it could be a trilogy of the first series. But I feel they’re going to cut so many important parts of the books, just to make it as children-friendly as possible (Silverstream’s death is gruesome, actually). And I know first-hand how annoying some parents could be, as I had the… pleasure, to listen to their complaints back when I was in high school (I won’t get into details, tho). Some could think that even a red dot of blood on a rock is too much for kids to bear, and even if the movie didn’t have blood at all, they would still call it “too dark” because, yes, Warriors is emotionally heavy. To me, that’s what makes it so special and I’m worried that they will take that out, while they focus on the happy adventures of Rusty and his friends, where every battle happens off-screen.

    Now I would get into the fact that each character’s design would be considered officially canon, so every artist would follow the movie’s design when doing fanart. That’s just a minor comment though, but I like how the community comes up with their own designs for each character.

    … But yeah, I’m happy that this is finally happening. I have some high expectations for this one, actually, and I hope Alibaba Pictures proves me wrong and creates something that will make me take my hat off to them.

  • Here’s how I feel about the movie 🙂
    I don’t think the violence or the gore that people are concerned about will be a problem. Movies can feature violence without really showing the details, gruesome demises and whatnot. This happens all the time. Also, I’ve read so many books with horrible film adaptations that I’ve learned to expect it. I really don’t mind them taking a machete to the original plot. It would be disappointing, yes, but what I’ve learned to love is the excitement/anticipation before a movie comes out. Gushing for months, then going to see it on the big screen. That’s AWESOME. Even if the movie itself doesn’t live up to its full potential. Honestly, whenever I think of a Warriors movie I figure it would (or at least should) be like The Guardians of Gahoole (a book series that, as far as I can recall, has some pretty bad death/destruction). The animation would be out of this world, and the movie would be enjoyable, depending on the person, but the plot would be somewhat botched since they have to condense so much information into one movie and take artistic liberties. (Which means more surprises for us!) It would still be worth it to me, though. I mean, why not? The risk of it being bad is half the fun. I wouldn’t take it too seriously. I’d just be happy that it happened regardless. 😀

  • GUYS!!! 😀
    -What actors would you want to play the voices of Firestar, Graystripe, etc.?
    -What are some terrible changes to the original plot you’re worried they’re going to make? (What if they took out Graystripe, or even made him a girl and Firestar’s love interest. Hahaha! 😛 ) Think of some bonkers ones like that!

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