Warriors Movie!


News, hot from my editor’s desk. “So, some exciting news that fans have been waiting for quite some time – Alibaba Pictures want to make a film of Warriors! Hooray! We have nothing more to say right now but we will have more to tell you in the months ahead!”

I don’t know any more than this. But feel free to start speculating.

I could not be more excited. 🐱😀🍾


  • I wonder if it will be like SSS warrior cats or more like the guardians of ga’hoole movie. Comment which one you think they’ll do/which one would look better!

    • I’m hoping guardians of Ga’Hoole, but SSS Warrior Cats would be amazing too 🙂

  • Well.
    Tbh for it to be any good it has to be like Felidae.

    I have very low expectations for this movie.

  • If you go on the Alibaba Pictures Wikipedia article it says the sorce for this movie is from Scary, Kate. XD

  • I can’t be the only one worried about this, right? If they get it right, the pay offs for the community could be amazing. If not, the series might suffer :/ Of course, it may not even be set in stone. I’m predicting this will come out (if at all) in around 2019-20, considering it is still in its very early stages by the sound of it.

    The main thing that worries me is that the people who are making it have probably not even touched a warriors book. I love fan-made animations because it’s made by fans for the fans. They understand warriors, and the people making this movie might not. If you kill the feel of the books, you’ve killed the movie for the fans.

    Another thing is character cuts. The only problem with the huge cast is that a movie will almost definitely cut out characters, or even worse, merge them. I know a few people have touched on this issue in the past, so I won’t go into the details.

    I’m trying to think of a series that was better in the movie than the book. How to Train Your Dragon is literally all I’ve got. The Hunger Games was definitely better as a book, and from what I’ve heard it’s the same with the Maze Runner and Harry Potter (don’t hold me to those, I don’t like either of the franchises, just an example XD)

    I don’t know how great the animation quality will be, either. I looked around the internet for some previous works by the company handling this, and I couldn’t find much. I just hope that it isn’t that ‘animated characters pasted on an irl picture’ kind. I’m not a fan of it personally, but I know that this is more personal taste. I’d quite like a 2d movie, as it would represent what most fan animations go for. Of course, it links back to the people making the movie probably not being in the fandom, so it’s unlikely they’ll know about all of the stuff the community does.

    Now, don’t think I’m not hyped. I was screeching with excitement when I first found out. I am totally open to new people joining the community, and the series will probably get a lot more recognition.

    I’m excited to find out who will be voicing these characters. I don’t want an all-celebrity cast, and I don’t want a load of kids voicing everyone. Some respected names would be nice, but as long as they sound like they care I’m happy 🙂

    I can’t wait to see what they’ll do with the territory. I hope it’s as beautiful as I think it will be. Moonstone (if they choose to have it) is gonna look amazing. Looks are a big thing when it comes to movies. It could have a great storyline, but if the graphics aren’t up to scratch then people might give it a miss.

    So overall, I have my doubts, but I’m excited to see where this will take the fandom.

    • I’m nervous too. Warriors isn’t your typical movie-ised novel series – the characters have a whole different language for one thing and trying to narrate it through human stuff – no, it just won’t do, in my opinion.

    • That’s true but I can think of 2 awesome book to film adaptations

      1. Felidae (of course. I love this movie and will always praise it until I die)

      2. Watership Down (again I will praise this movie forever.)

    • I don’t think the series will suffer! Most film to movie adaptions bomb, and I’ve never heard of the books losing popularity as a consequence (at least not majorly). I can’t see how it wouldn’t gain from this either way. Also I’m sure the main people directing and producing and whatnot have read the book. 😀 I’m hoping it’s CGI! As good as Guardians of Gahoole or better! (That animation blew my mind.) I’m glad you’re still excited for the movie. I don’t understand the people who aren’t. It’s like receiving an adorable puppy and going . . . “it’s going to poop and pee everywhere and make a mess and chew on my shoes and and and” while these are all legitimate concerns you should have, of course, they shouldn’t be the only thing you’re thinking/feeling about a new PUPPY. 😛

  • YESHHHH! But how many plot points might get left out? :O


  • o.O Now this will probably be very interesting. In the books, the cats meow and such and I wonder what’ll happen in the movie? Also, I searched up the company. Look at this info from Wikipedia :

    “Alibaba Pictures Group is a Chinese film company under Alibaba Group. The film company was formerly ChinaVision Media, of which Alibaba Group bought a majority stake in late 2014. It subsequently was renamed from ChinaVision to Alibaba Pictures Group. By April 2015, it was the largest Chinese film company by worth, with a market value of US$8.77 billion and by June of the same year it was worth US$9.6 billion.”


    And if/when the movie materializes, we’ll have to wait since making movies is a long process and can take anywhere from a few years to a couple of decades *cough Pixar cough* They’ll have to either train cats (which takes ages in itself) or simulate them by animations and stuff.

    There’s also the question of the contents of the movie. Will it take one book at a time or one arc at a time? Since The Prophecies Begin wasn’t really all that long, just a couple of seasons or so (I haven’t read it for a long time so I can’t really remember) they might decide to take an arc at once – it would also save having to make about sixty movies.

    But this is just my personal opinion, feel free to agree or disagree with me as you like!

    • I think it’s possible that they’ll make 3 books into a film, as Legend of the Guardians / Guardians of Ga’Hoole did, which has (much) compressed the plots of 3 books into an 1.5-hour movie. But if they were to decide to make a film out of a Super Edition, the development of the plot wouldn’t be in a hurry. Thus I guess they might choose, for example, Bluestar’s SE.

      However, if we take the length of 1x SE = 2x normal books, then there still could be 20~30 movies!

      Anyway, I hope the first Warriors Movie would be a success so that they’ll consider the next one. But before that, I’m curious:

      * whether they’ll use real cats or CG. (I guess it would be the latter, Maybe there’ve been too many cats.)
      * what the name of the movie will be.

      Let’s WAS <3

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