• Does anyone else really hate Curlypaw? Her Clan risked everything to save her and then she got saved again and she was going to be a good warrior but then she was like “I CAN’T HANDLE THE STRESS! I’M LEAVING!”

  • Kate, I know they aren’t dead, but when they DO die, will Ebonyclaw and Harveymoon still go to StarClan even though they decided to stay with their twolegs? They’ve lived with SkyClan for many seasons.

    • I’m not Kate, but they probably will. We don’t really know because nothing like that has really happened before. The closest thing to that is Ravenpaw, and he got to go to StarClan.

      • technically, Ravenpaw didn’t go to starclan. he was given the choice, and he decided to wait wherever loners go for barley, as he had more of a connection to him than his former clanmates.

  • Kate, any news on the Darkest Night cover?

    Also, even though you wrote Darkest Night before Tigerheart’s Shadow, it is still coming out later.

    Are you still working on Tigerhearts’ Shadow? It says on the WW that it’s release date is September 5, and Darkest Night’s is November 7.

    • yes, she could. actually all the cats skyclan’s lost on their journey(the ones that didn’t die) could come back. Maybe even Pebbleshine….๐Ÿ˜ฟ๐Ÿ˜ฟ


  • cant just kawkwing find pebbleshine and his kits and live together in skyclan and happeliy ending after! star clan sake bro! why its so tragic i wish it was sweet and happy kate can you change the story plz!

  • It’s my birthday tomorrow (today for Blogclan time) I can’t believe I’ll be 17… I’ve been reading Warriors for over half my life. <3

  • Here are my thoughts on Hawkwing’s Journey. Loved it way more than I expected. Duskpaw’s death at the beginning was so well done, and Hawkwing’s relationships in SkyClan (with Pebbleshine (then paw), his father, his mother, with Leafstar and Waspwhisker) were really well established. I only wish they’d fleshed out his relationships with his sisters and with his mentor, Ebonyclaw. This would have made the moments when Cloudmist decided to stay behind with Cherrytail and also when Ebonyclaw chose her twolegs over SkyClan have a little more gravity.
    I also wish they’d given the elders time. After all they’re characters we’ve seen before and love – Patchfoot, Clovertail and Fallowfern. I have to say I was sad to see them all in the Elder’s den so soon. I always thought Patchfoot and Clovertail would have another litter together, and I didnt get the impression that Fallowfern was ever much older than Waspwhisker. Did she retire early due to her blindness? Anyway Patchfoot died in the battle with the rogues, they never found Fallowfern after the battle and Clovertail got taken as well so I guess we’ll never know.

    My favourite part of the whole book was the battle where Darktail finally revealed his true colours. I kinda wish I’d read this before AVOS because if I didn’t know Darktail was bad, it would’ve made that part of the book all the more intense. When he suddenly killed Bouncefire, and then Sharpclaw’s death… SO SAD!! His relationship with Hawkwing was so great and rich.

    Another favourite thing for me in the book was Hawkwing himself. I found him a relatable and original character. I really did. And his and Pebbleshine’s relationship gave me all the FirexSand feels and I LOVED IT. But….
    I hate to but a downer on it but……. Hawkwing and Pebbleshine are cousins. Like direct cousins. Hawkwing’s mother (Cherrytail) and Pebbleshine’s father (Sparrowpelt) are siblings. But let me make this very, very clear. I do not have a problem with cousins being mates in warriors. It’s even not illegal in some parts of the world today – i dont have a problem with it. But the Erin’s seemingly do. I read once that Vicky planned for Foxleap and Rosepetal to become mates (which would’ve been so perfect) but then she realised they were technically related (Rosepetal’s father (Spiderleg) is Foxleap’s brother) and decided they couldn’t be mates and consequently made Foxleap one of the cats who died after the battle with the Dark Forest!! But they’re happy to make two cats even closer in relation full-blown, kit-bearing mates? It annoys me. All mates in ThunderClan are related (apart from maybe Cloudtail and Brightheart)… it shouldn’t be a big deal!! Anyway I’m glad they didn’t realise Hawkwing and Pebbleshine were cousins because they’re relationship was amazing and it was so sad when she got taken away (they are incredibly strong candidates for Twigpaw and Violetpaw’s parents, although I’m not abandoning the idea that at least one of the two might be Dovewing and Tigerheart’s or Darktail’s).

    Another theory I have – Sparkpelt might have a lot more to do with his arc than we’ve been led to believe. She’s a strong supporting character in the Apprentice’s Quest, but she’s less important in Thunder and Shadow. I was starting to believe she would just be Alderheart’s friendly, loyal sister BUT when I read this I realised that she is quite probably the “spark that remains.” Her name is SPARKpelt and she is a direct descendant of Firestar. It makes total sense!! Maybe she, Alderheart, Twigpaw and Violetpaw are all meant to save SkyClan together. Or maybe Alderheart’s the spark and it’s just a coincidence that his sister is called Sparkpelt. I want to know more!! Can’t wait for Shattered Sky.

  • I didn’t like hawkwing’s journey at first and was tempted to return it to the library, but i think the glory of reading every warriors book kept me going. I loved it at the end, and it revealed a lot of facts about the recent installments of skyclan, which is helping me with a fan fiction i’m writing…๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  • Kate, who was in charge of writing Hawkwing’s Journey? Why are the names so strange???
    The only explanation that I can think of for some of SkyClan’s names is that the former kittypets and loners named their kits after their kittypet friends. How else would we get things like Curlypaw, Fidgetpaw, and Snippaw? Or Frecklewish, Billystorm, Harveymoon, or Harrybrook?