• Kate since Skystar appeared in this book in StarClan are we going to see Thunderstar, Shadowstar, Windstar and Riverstar again as StarClan cats because I feel like they should appear sometime as StarClan cats again and the last time we saw them in StarClan was in Long Shadows I just feel like they should appear again

    From Bluebellkit

  • I feel so sad about reading this book. I accidentally read ahead of where I was at and started crying but at the same time I started coming up with theory’s. Right now really I’m just waiting for Shattered Sky which I will probably finish in one day and then I will be sad again…. I’m sad just thinking about what happened to Pebbleshine… STUPID CHICKENS!!! I could barley get past half because of Darktail. I think there is some thing wrong with me.

  • Good morning, Kate!
    I’m so happy the spring is (finally!) here. I hope you’ve also got lots of flowers in your garden 🙂 They make the spring so… springy!
    To my question: I was a bit surprised as Hawkwing found out Duskpaw wanted to save him, not Pebblepaw. Was Duskpaw egoistic? I understand everybody would say, “Of course you must save her first, not me!”, to show your live costs fewer than the live of your Clanmate, to show how heroic you are, so you don’t realize how important live IS. But when you’re in danger you only want to save your own live, like a sensitive rose, what needs a perfect place with short 5-10 cm grass and a temperature of 34, 24°C. You are afraid of the Death, a woman (or maybe a she-cat!) with black hair and white skin. When you come too near to her, she tries to get this beatiful rose for her new hat. And in that moment you, automatically, run away from her. But when you’ve got no escape, like Duskpaw, you feel naked, she scares you. But she also scares your clanmate, who is laying in agony beside you. When you can’t help yourself out of the situation, you cry for help to save YOUR life as it was inborn. Your clanmate’s life means nothing more to you.
    So, what do you think: Was it egoistic from his site, or not?
    I wish you a great (springy!) day!

    • I’m not Kate, but my thoughts are that I don’t think that Duskpaw quite knew the danger that Pebblepaw was in, and if he did he thought he was in more danger.

  • Hawkwing’s Journey really didn’t phase me until I realized the whole, “OMSC Twigkit looks like Hawkwing Imma freak out” thing. I think it would be cool if Pebbleshine’s kits were Twigpaw and Violetpaw. But im not that excited. Im more excited for all the Alderheart/ Sparkpelt BIZ. i really want to see AVOS with Sparkpelt’s POV.

    • I’m not sure if we will see a Sparkpelt POV. That would be pretty cool though.

  • Hey Kate, do you know how old Hawkwing is? I assume he’s around 3-4 years, since he was a fairly new warrior when he mentored Curlypaw, and 6 moons later, Finpaw and his siblings became apprentices. I’m not too sure how old they are now, unless they became apprentices around the time Twigpaw and Violetpaw fod.

    • I’m afraid I don’t keep track of cats’ ages. I should have started counting the moons when the first series started, but I had no idea we’d run to six series!

  • I am only on this page because I needed info for an essay because I am only 70 pages into the book…. whoopsies… i’m on a deadline for this essay. 😛
    *panicking and screaming on the inside*

  • Hmm, in that part where Hawkwing was awoken by a water bird thingy, was it a (evil, terrible) goose?
    Because if so, do Warriors know what a geese is? Then why is there canon names with a goose-prefix? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS? AAAAHHHHH

  • Mint and Feathers Scattered Amid Autumn Leaves/Mint in Cranberry Sauce/Mintpaw(feather) says:

    Did anyone else think immediately that Hawk and Pebble were going to be mates?

    • they were mates and pebble was gonna have hawkwing’s kits but sadly the chicken and car problem happened. and yes.

  • Kate, now that SkyClan is at the lake, will we be seeing a kit explosion? I thought I saw some hints of romance between Harrybrook and Bellaleaf in Hawkwing’s Journey. Is there any possibility of this relationship becoming canon in the future?

    • There will be kits. No explosions though. And I can’t tell you who will be having the kits… 🙂

    • Can you confirm or deny that there will be multiple new litters?

      (Sorry for the late reply. That’s what I get for poofing.)

  • I loved this book so much it gotz into meh feelz and it was a full-blown emotional Hard-core roller coaster like JEEZ it goes: normal, mad, normal, is this love?, LOVE, LOVE, horrible emptiness, getting better, getting better, down to depression, better, stable, awkwardness, stableness END OF BOOK! BEAUTIFUL!!!! We need another one with hawkwing in it!

  • I can’t believe how good this book was! And I freaked out when I found it linked to Shattered Sky!

  • Kat, I always was confused about where Rockshade, Shrewtooth, and Creekfeather went. If they all died I think this happened: Rockshade died by sickness along with Shrewtooth and Creekfeather died when he got jumped by a fox alone. Do you have an answer where they went? or where they just not listed in the allegiances in Hawkwing’s journey?

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