Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Kate is Stormheart Mistfeather’s mate? He said his mate died in battle with rouges and she’s the only dead she-cat that wasn’t a medicine cat or elder at that time.
I hope so too! Stormheart was the only one that fits and it would be cool if at least ONE of Leafstar’s kits had a mate T-T
Yeah, before you know, they died. I think Harrybrook might get a mate, but in all honesty, she-cats would probably turn him down because of his name.
I doubt that would happen. Most SkyClan cats are used to that kind of thing – it would only be lake Clan cats who would do that, and most of them would turn him down due to him being SkyClan anyway. If they can see past that, they can probably see past his odd name too, plus most she-cats aren’t that rude.
Cats probably don’t care about names when picking a mate to be honest. Besides seeing as how Skyclan is so small I bet you all the cats will have kits to repopulate the clan. I’m hoping for HarrybrookXBellaleaf. Both share a human name, have had interaction, and traveled with Echosong.
Kate, who is Mistfeather’s mate? He stated in TAQ that his mate died in the battle when SkyClan was driven out, but it was never confirmed. The only she-cat who we know died in that battle was Stormheart. So was Stormheart Mistfeather’s mate?
More then likely, it never showed the two being a couple, but then again he was hardly ever there! ‘~’
This is my little “review” of the book.
First of all, I would like to say that this book is my official favourite SE! I loved well the storyline intertwined into the main series.
My main questions are…
Where did Darktail get the ambition to destroy SkyC?
When will SkyC go and look for the clans? Will another cat, SPOILR ALERT (**COUGH COUGH** Violetpaw **COUGH COUGH) (sorry, major spoiler) find them. If it is that cat, then what does their future hold? Do they receive a vision from StarC?
So here is what I’ve speculated: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. (These are just guesses so don’t read until you have finished the book)
Because Violetpaw is with Darktail, at any time she could leave. She is supposedly, according Hawkwing’s Journey, the one that will link all five clans together.
I can do more speculation, but I might leave it in an article……
I’m pretty sure Violetpaw and Twogpaw are Hawkwings kits. I mean, it all makes sense right?
Wow Hawkwing has a terrible life
I feel so sad. 🙁 SkyClan had such terrible misfortune. It really does seem unfair. But now i feel 100% sure that Twigpaw and Violetpaw will leave their clans and go to to be with their father. And I’ll miss Twigpaw in ThunderClan. 🙁 But I still feel dissatisfied with not knowing what happened to pebbleshine.
Whoa whoa wait
Everyone’s saying it’s confirmed that Violetpaw and Twigpaw are the kits of Hawkwing and Pebbleshine. I agree with you in that it’s my current speculation, but where was it confirmed?
It hasn’t been confirmed, but it has been insinuated that there is a possibility that Twigpaw & Violetpaw are the surviving kits of Hawkwing and Pebbleshine. I’m sure we won’t know for sure until Shattered Sky comes out next Spring. And for speculation purposes, it would totally make sense if they were.
But people are saying it’s confirmed. And we might not know in TSS anyway.
Echosong had a vision of a kit that looked like Hawkwing and Twigpaw has the same description so we know that they are kin.
It’s very very heavily implied, but it isn’t been 100% confirmed yet.
Jayie! I like your new name 😀
Thanks. 😀 It’s just for Thanksgiving… I can’t wait to change to my Christmas name and avatar when Thanksgiving is over. 😀
Me neither! I think I might use a picture of my cat / dog in a Christmas costume 😛
I might get it tomorrow. I have a $25 gift card to Barnes and Nobles.
Lucky you! I still have to wait
what feels like a lifetimea few days 😛Honestly I didn’t really like that book…
We don’t learn anything about why Darktail hates so much the Clans.
I think there’s a few gaps sometimes, because some cats disappear after Darktail’s group’s attack, and they’re barely mentionned at all, and the plot is all around SkyClan being scattered again and again, but we already knew that before, so I wanna know WHY.. anyway I personnally believe that we don’t learn so much in that book, except that *MAJOR SPOILER ALERT* Hawkwing is Violetpaw and Twigpaw’s father
And some favorite cats of mine died in this book *MAJOR SPOILER ALERT* like Sharpclaw, Cherrytail (yeah yeah we’re not sure of that but anyway), Shrewtooth (WHERE THE HECK HAS HE GONE TO?) , Echosong and others
But it was good anyway because it’s a Warriors book (or a LGDC book like we say in French)
I’m buying a copy tomorrow at Barnes and Nobles, though I’ve already read the Wiki summary.
I must say, I am disappointed in Leafstar’s choice of warrior names. I’m sorry, but it just doesn’t work. To me, names MUST make sense, and flow smoothly. Harrybrook? Really?
I wonder what Alderpaw will say when he finds out those weird name
I wanted Harrypotter (even though I don’t read that series 😛)
Gah yes!
I honestly liked Bellaleaf and Rileypool out of what Leafstar had to work with, but I agree that she still should have changed their prefixes.
I think Bellasong would’ve worked better 🙂
Yeah, that was strange, especially for her kit!!!
Ahhh! I love this book so much!!!!!!!!!! I especially loved Pebbleshine and Curlypaw 😻😻😻 I hope there will be more books in Hawkwing’s POV.
I just realized that Hawkwing and Pebbleshine are cousins :0
Deaths who and how. (In order)
Duskpaw- killed in fire, breathed too much smoke.
Billystorm- killed by badger
Honeytail- killed by a raccoon
Toad- slaughtered by dogs
Stormheart- killed in battle with rogues
Bouncefire- killed by Darktail
Sharpclaw- killed by Darktail and Rain
Patchfoot- killed by a rogue in battle
Snipkit- drowned in River
Rileypool- died of disease
Firefern- died of disease
Echosong- infection
Cats missing or separated from the clan
Mistfeather (of course!)
Mintfur and kits- chose not to come on the journey
Nettlesplash- stayed with his mate Mintfur
Harveymoon- stayed with his Twolegs
Ebonyclaw- stayed with her Twolegs
Cherrytail- stayed at Barley’s barn
Cloudmist- stayed at Barley’s barn
Pebbleshine- was on a monster trying to get a chicken, but the monster drove away with her on it. (Poor Hawkwing she was having his kits.)
Parsleyseed- became a kitty pet
Curlypaw- joined Parsleyseed
Fidgetpaw- Twolegs captured him
Waspwhisker- Twolegs captured him
Birdwing- captured
Clovertail- captured
Allegiance at the end of the book
Leader: Leafstar
Deputy: Hawkwing
Med. Cat: Nobody
Macgyver Dewpaw
Blossomheart Finpaw
Bellaleaf Reedpaw
Elders: Fallowfern
I loved the book!!! It was so wonderfully writen and there is so much emotion and heartbreak going through Hawkwing life right know and Pebbleshine, oh Pebbleshine, but at least we know who Twigpaw and Violetpaw’s parents are!
This book will make you feel so bad for everybody!!! Everyone of their friends and family die, leave, or get captured just because Darktail has a grudge about something against the clans. If I had to guess he is a kit from BloodClan or even Scourge’s kit and he hates the Clans for destroying his father’s life and legacy! Or a different exiled cat from the Clans was a parent.
This is my bit of spoiling on this book. I’m so happy that I’m a spoiler and not the spoily!!!
I hope this helps out with some understanding of the book for those looking for spoilers. 🙂
Oh wow, this list is actually really helpful, thanks. 😀
O.o Pebbleshine is a BlogClanner 😛
I ought not be here, i haven’t even read the book. 😛
😛 Me neither
Amazing list! 😀 Raccoons? I always though Warriors was based in England 😀 Wow so many deaths / disappearances.
Thank you! It was hard to keep track of them in my head. 😛
I don’t think Scourge ever had a mate and if he did I would want it to be Mapleshade XD (Even though she’s too old 😛) And I would hope any kit of Scourge’s would be good because Scourge is my favorite cat and I would hope that if he had kits befor he died they would be good so that at least Scourge’s kits could be good and live a happy life even if he didn’t.
And isn’t Frecklewish (Wow that’s a weird name when you think about it XD) also a medicine cat? What happened to her?
Disappeared after stupid Darktail took the gorge… Like omg Darktail! Why you gotta be so flipping cruel?
I have a love/hate relationship with this book! I loved Skyclan and they(Erin Hunters) took away like literally all of my favorite cats! But, the writing is really good and emotion is pretty powerful! But AGH! So many deaths and MIA’s, I am aggravated!!!! Does anybody know if there is chance of any of the MIA’s coming back??
btw, thx for the list, I kinda lost track of what happened and who it happened to.
Lol Every couple chapters I would just go through the allegiances and be like “dead, gone, gone, dead, dead, still here”
I’m disappointed Ebonyclaw stayed with her twolegs. You’d think she’d stay with SkyClan. As for the death of Honeytail, well, there are no raccoons in England so I’m not sure how that’s supposed to work. Maybe it was meant to be a beaver or something like it? A weasel, they’re ferocious. Though this does make me wonder, what were Twigpaw’s and Violetpaw’s original names assuming that Pebbleshine is undoubtedly their mother?
The explaining is that Twolegs kept them as pets and some got loose and this is how the coons got there.
Isn’t Frecklewish the medicine cat? Or did she stay with her Twolegs?
She was the med cat apprentice. She was a kitty pet, but we don’t know where she is know. After the battle some cats got lost and we don’t know what happened to them.
What the heck?!?! Did like everyone die?!?!? 🙁 That’s insane!!! It like . . . doesn’t even . . . make sense??? My brain is in shock it’s not computing . . .
My love for this book is like fog on a window…it is fading….
That is a great simile!!! 🙂
(I still don’t understand why they would kill, like, literally all the SkyClan cats you know and love. 🙁 Whoever decides the plot for this series has gone cuckoo!)
(I know! I love Firefern, Cherrytail, Patchfoot, Stormheart and Mintfur 🙁 )
What about Creekfeather?%
This might be a half-baked theory, but is it possible that Darktail could be from the remaining cats of BloodClan, and a descendant of Scourge?
I suppose they are both black and white 🙂 I always thought he was a descendant of Darkstripe, and Darkstripe – being so vain – named Darktail after him, even though they don’t have any genetic links 😀
Hmmmm…and Darkstripe is one of the only cats of the Dark Forest still around.
Plus, he left the clans when Scourge attacked, making it possible for him to have traveled to SkyClan’s (new) former camp 😀
He’d be pretty old if he was alive for that battle…
I though he was about the same age a Tiggerstar?
Wait, are we all talking about the first battle with Scourge?
Darktail? We don’t know how old he was.
Was? Darktail died? I thought we were talking about Darkstripe.
Oh, okay, I went back and read the previous comments in this conversation and realized I responded to the wrong thing. 😛 I thought you were talking about someone else’s idea of Darktail being from BloodClan, and you were saying he could have left BloodClan after that battle with the urge to destroy the Clans, to which I commented that that would make Darktail pretty old if he had been alive for that battle.
Oh ok 😛 Well now you say that, I mean, it couldn’t be impossible for him to have been a BloodClan warrior. Now I was typing that I just had a new theory – Darkstripe hides Darktail (kit) by the battle in a safe place, but where he can watch. Darkstripe, brings up his (possible, but improbable) son to hate the clans and become EVIL. Yeah, worst theory ever. 😛
Brambles tar was in the battle same with all the senior Warriors.
I think Sky means that Bramblestar was also in the BloodClan battle with the senior warriors like Brightheart, Cloudtail, Brackenfur, Thornclaw, etc.
Okay, but what does that have to do with what we were talking about?
That is something I have no clue on.
Spell check is very annoying, but anyways I mean I agree with you. Nearly everong who remembers the forest should be an elder by now and Darktail being part of the battle is unlikely, but if he was a kit or born after the fact then maybe he could be a good chance of that being a real possibility.
It would make sense that he would try to go after the clans; they destroyed his family’s protection and what he knew, or would have grown up with and plotted revenge. He gathered up all the cats again, but by they time he got it all planned out, the Thunderpath was being built and the clans had left. They didn’t know which way they went so they go back to the Twolegplace and bumps into Dodge. With Dodge telling Darktail about a Clan at the gorge, Darktail thought it was one of the four, but settled for what he got until Alderpaw came and told them about the clans at the lake and Darktail got a second chance to get revenge. Following Alderpaw back home they start attacking the clans, gaining revenge and for him righting a wrong.
Oh I thought Darkstripe got killed by Graystripe.
He was.
I thought he ran away XD I have a rubbish memory