Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
We now have Pebbleshine and Puddleshine 😛
YAY! 😛
Both great names, but I don’t like how they’re so similar. Just like Mousewhisker and Molewhisker from ThunderClan.
At least they’re not the same rank in the same Clan.
We have Mousewhisker and Molewhisker, Stormfur and Stonefur, Dawnflower and Dawnfeather, Brightsky and Nightsky (I think these two are supposed to be the same cat, but still, very similar!) and now Pebbleshine and Puddleshine
Oh yeah! It was always weird how Stormfur and Stonefur had extremely similar names. And they even lived in RiverClan at the same time!
And they were mentor and apprentice! That used to confuse me like crazy.
I was really confused for a second when Pebblepaw was given her warrior name because I remembered Puddleshine of ShadowClan. I was like, “The Erins have given two cats the same name in the past, but that was usually totally accidental.” then I realized that their names weren’t exactly the same, but sounded way too similar.
……In a way, I kind of hope that Twigpaw and Violetpaw aren’t Hawkwing and Pebbleshine’s kits…. becuase it could mean Pebbleshine died…
But it could also mean that Pebbleshine had them and didn’t want to take them to her Twolegs/was forced to leave them and couldn’t get back out to them, or she was forced to leave them. I think they’re Hawkwing and Pebbleshine’s kits, but I don’t want Pebbleshine to die either.
I think the cats on the cover of Shattered Sky are Hawkwing and (maybe) Pebbleshine!
You might be right with Pebbleshine (thought wrong pelt colour on the cover) or it could be a different cat, but that is Twigpaw on the cover, Hawkwing has amber.
On the cover of Hawkwing’s journey he looks exactly like Twigpaw, and I don’t think the Erin’s would put the same cat on the cover of the third book they did the second book. I think the only times they ever put a cat on a cover of a book twice in the main series would be like when they put Firestar on the cover of the first book in “The Prophecies Begin” and the last book of “Omen of the Stars” And there is plenty of pelt/eye color mistakes on the covers and in the books so I still think it’s Hawkwing and Pebbleshine (if she still has a chance of coming back) But we still don’t know for sure yet 😉
Hey, Kate? I have a bit of a question.
I recently got HJ, and it skips straight from page 48 to page 81. I never pay attention to the page numbers, and while it made me confused, I didn’t make anything of it. Then it read fine from page 81 to 112, where it skipped back to page 81. So now I’m very confused and missing a lot of things 😛 So, my question is. . .
Did I get a special book or something? 😛
It was really quite frustrating at first, but now I’m rather amused. 🙂
I have no idea – that is definitely a printing issue. I’m at the other end of the process! As long as the story makes sense, enjoy the quirkiness of the page numbering 🙂 It might be a collectors edition one day 😉
It made no sense whatsoever, but I kept reading until it did it again and I got totally confused 😛
You make a good point there 😉
Keep it! In fifty odd year it may be worth hundreds of dollars! (Only if there were a few others with this issue that become collectable)
Ahh! I loved Pebbleshine’s character but he it’s like she just shed all of it instantly when the story called for it! Also when Hawkwing and Pebbleshine Are like “it’s so great these kits are going to be born in a peaceful SkyClan” I’m like “well, the Hawkwing look alike is off hating and loving Firestar’s grandson and the Pebbleshine look alike is hanging out with the people that drove SkyClan away.” So I feel really bad for him.
AHHHH i wanna read it so bad! its coming to my library tomarrow……I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kate do you have any idea who the next super edition wil feature?
Yes. 😈
It can be a riddle, or a itty bitty spoiler, or another vague prophecy from StarClan, but hint? 😛
StarClan Prophecy – “Cats will die”
Thats…. Helpful 😛
😀 I aim to please.
That was so…helpful Kate. It’s not like there are many cats that it could be or anything.
Ugh….here we go again! Can I go hide in a tree now?
Come on Kate. xD
That does make me question when will we find out who the SE is about. Do you know when you can/you will tell us?
Last time I told you, half of you got sad. 🙁
…but you never told us!
I think the reason for that was because of the material. TigerheartxDovewing is one of those couples and even characters people either like or dislike, with a few being neutral on one or both of them. People tend to be torn on it. Not to mention people have mentioned there wouldn’t be enough material for a SE at least. Having an SE with two POVs would be cool, assuming that’s the direction a Se about TigerheartxDovewing would go in, but one about a relationship? It’s probably just turned people off at the idea. Another factor is Dovewing had a POV in seven books. People want some new POVs. I apologize if I was being rude at all, that’s not my intent. You’re my favorite Erin and I dislike hurting others.
I hope it’s Tigerheart!
We wouldn’t get sad. I was excited for SkyClan. 🙂
But it’s all up to you.
I try to please
and fail 99.999% of the time 😛Please please tell us O.O *puppyeyes*
*audience gasps in shock*
Will Onestar die? 😀
IF HE DOES, I’m going to be like
He has been around for too darn long
Which cats Kate?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Is it DotC?
Old forest?
Dark Forest?
Do you have a hint for the time? Like season 2,3,4,6 or before?
(Thanks for telling us that it’s lake!)
Please give the first letter of the POV character. Or will that give it away?
I don’t know yet.
That totally gave it away. *gasp*
SAY IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Please *gives Darkshine a pleading look
I’ll clean your bedding for a moon. If you say it
I was joking, lol. It didn’t really give me any idea about what it’s about.
Which Clan is the couple from?
The couple is Dovewing and Tigerheart.
Never saw that coming
Do you know when it’s being released????
Next year!
OH OH OH I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (At least I think I do!!!!!!!)
GUYS, SHE TOLD US BEFORE!!!!!!!!! 😛 Hehehehehehe (I, for one, am excited, Kate! 😉 Pay no attention to the haters. You’ll change their mind about that couple!!!)
I’m going to make everyone adore them! 😀
Happy birthday Kate!
Thank you, Juniperpaw! 😀
Happy Bday, Cake. Now let’s eat some of you kin!
Ha! Thank you! 😀
OMG, Kate! What’s it called?
Please tell me.
Yes! A Dove x Tiger Super Edition.
I wonder what it’s called.
Kate, you’ll do a great job with this as usual. 😀
So it’s really about Dovewing and Tigerheart?
Wait is it Dovewing?!?!?
Personally I favor DovexTiger but I also think that a DovexBumble would be interesting. But it just seems like Dovewing and Tigerheart fit together better. Wait. If you’re writing it does that mean… *gasp* BlogClan names?!
Could be *wanders away whistling nonchalantly*
*Pssst, Kate*
Jaysnow is a lovely name.
Just kidding, it isn’t really. (:
It is lovely, but there’s a lot of kit and paw to go through first….
What do you mean! I love your name!
Haha, thanks Shadowpie.^^
Wow! If you’re actually serious, Kate, I wouldn’t mind being in either RiverClan, ThunderClan, or SkyClan.
Just a suggestion (;
Kate, you should totally do Lionpaw, then it would make up for Lionstep, and Lionpaw would be announced in the books much quicker XD just kidding
We can guess it will be from Tigerheart’s PoV (If its the Doveheart ship). Personally I would have liked it to be a WindClan PoV or RiverClan one because they are so rarely mentioned or have many interactions other then border battles. I could see a One star SE, but nearly everyone thinks he is a jerk so maybe a Crowgeather one for WC. We don’t really know much about RC and hard to say if any character is worthy of a SE.
Coming back around to the Doveheart SE theory. It would be from Tigerheart’s PoV a bit before Crowfrost’s death and the things leading up to it and continuing into the part where they get attacked by BloodClan 2.0 (Darktail’s gang) and the aftermath that follows, and probably how they plan to take their camp, maybe he stays in ThunderClan to be with Dovewing so Bumblestripe can finally move on!!!
I love being surprised by some random BlogClan name in a book! It must be so fun to know how happy people will get when they find out they’re in the book!
You should add a Cakestar(P.S. I haven’t read Thunder and Shadow yes, so I might be off 😀 )
Is it……..
Tigerheart and Dovewing?
Leafpool and Crowfeather?
Mousewhisker and Minnowtail?
Ivypool and Bumblestripe?
Dovewing and Bumblestripe?
Will it be in ThunderClan?
Are the cats in the same clan???
How come you wrote Mousewhisker and Minnowtail? I thought that is just a fan couple but not real D:
Idk, I like the idea 🙂 . I like Needletail and Alderheart better though 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
I think it’s Dove x Tiger.
I wonder who’s POV it will be from.
I want a WC, RC, or SC SE
Sharpclaw X Cherrytail
Sorry omg these two are just so cute <3
If it’s DovexTiger we need that line from the Life’s Too Short MAP in which Dovewing gets burned by Ivypool- “You’re a fool who married a stranger!”
Possible ideas: Slash (there hasn’t been a Super Edition focusing on a villain yet, since he is a villain), Barley, Half Moon, Fallen Leaves, Princess, or maybe a new character?
Please Kate 🙁 I love the warrior books and I have to wait until April before I can get the next one. It’ll really help me get hyped for another warrior thing 🙂 I love warriors, so I won’t be sad regardless of what character it’s about!
I liked the book, but the capturing all those cats, I didn’t think it was very nessisary. Yes it did open up a way for Hawkwing to become Deputy, but taking Fidgetpaw, Birdwing, and Clovertail was a bit of an overkill. I know that if Fidgetpaw wasn’t taken then the sickness could have been prevented, but he was a young cat and with so much pressure on him to heal the cats that he could forget, like Cinderpelt after Silverstream. I think that at least Birdwing should not have been taken because (just thinking about the future of the clan here!) Who will be the mates of Finpaw, Reedpaw, and Dewpaw when they get older? I mean Reedpaw and Harrybrook could be a couple, but there are no other young she-cats.
It’s just my thoughts, I mean isn’t a bit obvious that since Sky clan has no Med. Cat that Alderheart will be theirs, but still I liked Fidgetpaw and Leafstar not fighting for him I think is a bit of being a Darktail! (In one part of the book Toad falls out of the tree and the dogs slaughter him and Darktail says that there is nothing that they can do for him when they could have.)
What happened to Frecklewish???????????? Isnt she a med cat???
After the battle she wasn’t found, she might be dead.
Thank you!
My thoughts/theoris…
•First off where was Egg? Like seriosously his name is bomb af. He better show up with like Ebonyclaw and Harveymoon… Missing those 2
•Suprising how quick they killed off Billystorm
•Absolutely absurd that Shrewtooth was not even mentioned. He had a well developed personality and they forgot about him. He at least deserved a mention as to why he died or dissapeared.
•Egg… Where you at bro???
•Why did Firefern have to die? Another cool one
•I actually like Harrybrooks name
•Why is Clovertail in elders den if her mate is fine?? I know there is a potential age gap but it doesnt make too much sence.
•How did Fallowfern make the journey with Sandynose if shes more or less deaf? Lol
•Bellaleaf and Rileypool are cool names, a shame Rileypool died.
• I defs thought Barley would go with the squad to the new clans since the last of the clans left.
•RIP Bouncefire 🙁
•Good character development on Hawkwing
•Sad Sparrowpelt and Cherrytail didn’t have a final fairwell seeing as they were like besties being the first Skyclan apprentice’s.
•May as well have called the book Crookedstar’s Promise 2.0 given how awful things were for Hawkwing.
•Egg… Missing you ;(
•Tbh was hoping Hawkwing and Pluwillow became mates then Pebbleshine returned and we got a dramatic af scene at a gathering with all 5 clans.
EGG… Please show up;( please
•Twigpaw will be skyclan medicine cat seeing as Echosong is dead.
•Hawking and Pebbleshine are obvi Twig/Violet’s parents
•Darktail defs pushed Toad out of the tree
All in all really good book, read it within 36 hours (not sure why I do that and make myself wait even longer for the next time I read new Warriors content lol)
Cant wait for TSS
Im not going to want to leave Hawkwing’s perspective.
Egg was the best, man.
Egg is bad
r.i.p egg
poor egg, the erins forgot you.
sob sob kaaaate how COULD you 😛
Leafpool will probably be their medicine cat
I made a complete allegiance list throughout Hawkwing’s Journey and family tree list of Skyclan if anyone want’s to see it. I hope people find it useful! 🙂
Wow, this must have taken forever!!
This might sound odd, but is it possible Darktail is linked to Sol somehow? After all, Sol wanted to destroy the Clans, and Darktail mentioned a friend of his died. (Although he could have made it up) But this is just a thought. After all, for some reason Darktail wants to destroy the Clans which made me think about Sol.
Ooh, I like that theory! Fanfiction time… *rubs hands together*
I do hope that Sol will reappear tbh. I love him.
When Darktail started talking about the clans I was like oh dear here comes Sol The Second
Rain: Here comes his Majesty the king – Sol The Second
Darktail: Its Darktail the One and Only, Not To Mention Amazing and Wonderful and best hunter and fighter
Needletail: Darktail the whatawhata?
*awkward silence*
I can’t wait to find out who the next SE is about.
The 10th one, already. Wow.
Hopefully it’s special.
It would be awesome if it was a starclan special!
I hope it’s about Tigerheart!
Hopefully it’s about StC life or Blackstar
If that happened I would die. In a good way.
Wish we know why Darktail hates the Clans so much. All we knows is that Darktail and his group came specifically to destroy the Clan, if Dodge is to be believed. I seen some people say that they think Darktail might be a descendant of Scourge or some other BloodClan cat. I do think that a good idea, there certainly enough cats that hold a grudge against the Clan (Willie, Snipe, Snake & Ice etc.) and some cats that share a similar color scheme with Bone, Scourge, Snake & Ice are the first to come to my mind.
I want an alternative theory, what if Darktail was Sol’s Descendant? It would explain some things
– hatred for the Clans ( Sol could have place that in him with stories, Leading to SkyClan exile and why he currently attacking the other Clans even though he has a perfectly good territory. Beside didn’t Sol declared revenge on both SkyClan and The Clans on the Lake)
– We don’t a very clear grasp on how long Darktail was in the Clan but we know by three or four days he able to easily live among them and even get some to support and defend him at first. He also never questioning any of their beliefs.
-In Apprentice’s Quest, he claimed himself the leader of SkyClan , he express interest in medicine cats. In Thunder and Shadow, he creating patrol for food, deciding if some should eat or not. Now, with Hawkwing’s Journey and trying to make Hawkwing his deputy, it feel trying to make Clan of his own design.
– At the very least, it explain why he has a Clan-like name. Sol didn’t get his warrior but he allow his son to, carrying on his dream of being a Sky Warrior.
Perhaps instead of a descendant, more of a protégée? Tortoiseshell toms can rarely have kits and with the amount of tortoies we have, with at least one that I can remember off the top of my head who has kits, it’d be interesting to have a different story. Perhaps Sol took Darktail in as a kit, giving him a Clan name and training him to destroy the Clans, fulfilling something Sol could never do. We know he is a manipulator so this is not necessarily too far-fetched.
Is Stormheart Mistfeather’s mate? He mentioned in TAQ that he was sad that his mate had died in the battle, and it’d make sense that it might be her, as of HJ 🙂