Tallstar, the Wise Leader Who I Ship With A Kittypet by Rainpaw

Rainpaw shares their opinion of the popular TallxJake ship.

Artwork by Finchwing

*Reporter Music of Awesomeness* “Hello and welcome back! I’m Mary” “And I’m Gary” “And This is Warriors: Secrets Revealed!” “We don’t have much time today, so I’ll hand it right over to Rainpaw, who has a very important point to make!” Thanks, M&G! As they said, we don’t have much time, so let’s get right into it.

I feel like Jake – Yea, Firestar’s father, Tallstar’s soulmate, THAT Jake- is an underrated character. Throughout the events of Tallstar’s Revenge, Jake is a loyal friend to Talltail; even when Talltail admitted he was planning to kill Sparrow, Jake stood with him. Yea, he didn’t agree with him, but that’s a good thing. Jake tries to talk him out of it. He tries to tell Talltail that killing Sparrow won’t bring back his father, that revenge isn’t the answer. Talltail goes about his plan anyways. When standing over Sparrow, he remembers Jake’s words, and SAVES Sparrow. And the biggest thing? Talltail loves Jake. It’s the most obvious thing ever. A blind rabbit could see it. Jake loves him too, but when the time comes for them to part, Jake understands that they could never be happy in eachother’s lives. Talltail is willing to give up everything- his family, his clan, his destiny as a warrior, just to be with Jake. And I quote:

“”Then I’ll come with you and live in Twoleg Place!” Talltail wanted to do anything to stop the pain in his heart. “Don’t be rabbit-brained!” Jake’s eyes flashed. “You hate it there! You’d be so unhappy.” He paused, his tone softening. “I’d hate for you to be unhappy.” “Then why are you leaving!? You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.” “I’ll always be your friend, Talltail. But I’m a kittypet, and you’re a warrior.” He stepped forward and rested his muzzle on Talltail’s head. “You’ll always be a warrior.””

OMGS. THE FEELZ!! Anyways, I took so much meaning from this. Talltail feels empty. He wants belonging more than anything else. And he wants to belong with Jake. “You’ll always be a warrior.” Jake literally points out that he’s happy as a kittypet. And he loved his time with Talltail. But… at the same time…. all our hearts melt away as we all begin to realise that they just… could never be together the way we wanted them to be. “I’d hate for you to be unhappy.” Jake loves Talltail so much that he puts aside what he wants. He knows Talltail better than anyone else does, even though they were only together for a couple of moons. He knows how much pain and longing Talltail would feel inside. He is the reason why Tallstar is such a good leader. If Tallstar had never met Jake, if he’d gone ahead and killed Sparrow, where would WindClan be now?
Deadfoot (Hopkit) probably wouldn’t have made it. Which means no Crowfeather, which means no Lion, Jay & Holly, which means no prophecy.
Firestar probably wouldn’t have WindClan’s support, so where does that leave him? When he went behind Bluestar’s back with WindClan to try and keep peace, WindClan probably would’ve said “Nope. Now get off our territory before we claw you.” Fireheart, being the stubborn persistent warrior that he is, would’ve kept insisting, and he may have even been killed. There goes the next, what, 5 series?
This is getting a little long so I’m gonna have to stop it here. So, yeah. I pretty much just made an entire article about why I ship TallxJake. Sue me 😛 Anyways, see y’all next time!

“Well, that’s all the time we have today, so we’ll see you all next time on Warriors: Secrets Revealed!!” *Reporter music of awesomeness*

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