Sunwhisper imagines a Warriors universe in which Firestar had a son.

What if Firestar and Sandstorm had a second litter of kits? This has been a question on the minds of Warriors readers for as long as I can recall. After all plenty of characters have had multiple litters such as Tigerstar having two litters and Greystripe having two as well. Those cats certainly aren’t the only ones but the first “main” characters to come to mind.
While Firestar and Sandstorm definitely won’t be having any more kits now I figure it would be interesting to take a look at “what if” they did. This is also partially inspired by the “Missing Kits” series that occasionally is posted on Victoria Holmes’ facebook!
After reading many iterations of theories on how their second litter would be like i’ve come to notice a general consensus on some things regarding this litter. Most people seem to agree this would be a litter of one and that the single kit would be a tom. This tom would also bear a striking resemblance to his mother, Sandstorm. He would be a pale ginger tom with leaf green eyes. Prefix ideas vary from Sun, Rye, Yarrow, Clay, and Tansy. There are probably more but these are the most prominent that I’ve seen. (I think Ryekit sounds the most fitting! What is your favorite?)
Theories vary on when he would have been born. Some think around the time Leafpaw and Squirrelpaw first become apprentices while others think much later would be more appropriate so he could be around the same age as Graystripe and Millie’s litter. Personally I quite like the idea of him being born around the time of his older siblings’ apprenticeship. He would probably follow them around and pester them endlessly!
If he became an apprentice I think his mentor would be Cloudtail and that the two would have similar/compatible personalities. I feel he’d probably be a laid back cat. He’d also probably train to become a great hunter like his mother.
As for a warrior name possible suffixes i’ve seen are tuft, pounce, frost, and whisper. (Personally I like tuft the best. Thus making his name Ryetuft. Which suffix would you choose for him?) As he grew older I could see him becoming close with Brambleclaw, his siblings and Graystripe’s kits. He’d also probably be a cool uncle to his nephews and nieces. (I could see his laid back personality irking Jayfeather.)
If his existence were to be compatible with the novels I could, unfortunately, see him as one of the many kits that died young in the nursery or was stillborn. Perhaps something like this could have happened to have prevented Firestar and Sandstorm from wanting any further litters?
This is all just a theory of course! Let me know what you think about this what if idea of Firestar and Sandstorm’s second litter! What do you think Firestar and Sandstorm’s litter would have been like had they had one?
Wow. Great article!
I can totally picture how you imagine Ryetuft!
As long as he’s not a major character and doesn’t interfere with the books, he’d be pretty cool!
It’s be nice to have a kit of Firestar and Sandstorm that has the genes of Sandstorm. Squirrelflight is like Firestar while Leafpool is the splitting image of Princess.
I like the name Ryetuft! I feel like he’s be exaxtly like Sandstorm except for ginger markings. I feel like he could be the cool uncle without a mate or kits or that cool uncle witha mate but without kits. I think that he could be mates with Briarlight.
If he was born during Squirrels and Leafs apprenticeship, he’d be significantly older than Briarlight, but that’s actually a good idea, based on her situation. 🙂
But just look at SorrelXBracken(Sorreltail wasn’t even born when Brackenfur was made a warrior!),
True 😛
Ha! But I still love that couple…
Wow!! I never thought of that!! I think he would have been a hilarious character in the series!!
I love ur name echopaw 😛
Also can someone tell me how to change my profile pic?
You are Rainlady, and I can be Mistleboo.
Very interesting!
Great article Sunwhisper! 😀
For names, I’d go with either Ryetuft, Ryefrost, Suntuft, or Sunfrost.
Always felt Bramblestar/claw was the closet thing to a son Firestar had.
I felt that way about Cloudtail
Sounds like a great theory to me!
Nice article!
I’d personally have liked to see FireXSand’s second litter be around the same time as Millie’s, that way maybe he could have been a love interest for Rosepetal or Briarlight? It would have been a good way to intensify the greencough situation that takes up a lot of the last half of the Power of Three arc if maybe he’d had a littermate who’d died (sad to think about though).
I imagine Ryetuft as being a thick-furred pale ginger tom with darker flecks across his pelt and pale leaf green eyes. Maybe his littermate could have been Patchkit, a splotchy dark ginger and white tabby tom or she-cat with amber eyes.
I imagine him as a single tom, exactly like Sandstorm but ginger flecks.
I ship BumbleXRose, so I like the idea of RyeXBriar
I say Ryefrost
I say Tansyheart
Love the article now i want it to happen