Welcome back, folks! In case you missed it, we’re holding elections to find the new Medicine Cat of BlogClan, the new representative of our community!
Now the first round of voting is down, it’s time to get cracking on the second and final round!
Firstly, I want to thank all the candidates who have taken part and committed to their campaigns, as I’ve said before (and I’ll no doubt say again), you’ve all done such a fantastic and impressive job.
Secondly, congratulations to the finalists who have made it this far, and thank you to all the voters who have turned out for this event!
As we head into this final round, you have a single vote which you can use to support the candidate who you think is best fitted for the role. At 11:59pm UTC on 13th July, voting will close and we will begin the process of electing the newest Medicine Cat of BlogClan. The new Medicine Cat will begin their duties in October 2017, and continue in their role until October 2019.
Place your vote wisely and carefully, and, once again, enjoy the feeling of democracy!
Thanks for following this election so closely, you guys!
[socialpoll id=”2450659″]Voting is being more carefully monitored this time, so be sure only to vote once; we can see any shenanigans afoot.
Is that a fab
I hate myself
Schedule’s been changed ^^ I’m going to grab my mum’s phone at 6.30 to see the results 😛
Wait, the results are today????
Voting ends tonight, 11:59 BST 🙂
Wowzanuggets, I had no idea! :O
(I’ve been waking up at 11:59 BST so hopefully I’ll do it again! 😉 )
haha 😛
Tallleg would kill me if I I showed her this!! I wanna show her so bad… But I would get in trouble. 😛
Oh no!
Not a Nightmare Golden Freddy dab!
That’s 2spooky4me
You all are so qualified. It was one of the hardest choices I had to make, but BlogClan will be lucky to have any of you have any of you as medicine cats.
Guys, everyone, you are fantastic. You are brilliant, fantastic, and I couldn’t choose the perfect candidate. Cause you all are the perfect candidates.
I wish you luck and hope that the winner does an awesome job. No wait, a fantastic job.
(And just a question, how do you insert GIFs?)
be magical like shiv
Good luck everyone!😊
oh gosh! *runs and hides* I’m terrified! 😛
My brother asked me if the new medicine cat gets to go to the Moonpool. Wasn’t there a Moonpage on the old blog? The new medicine cat should go post a comment there or something 😛
Haha, yeah, there was a Moonpage! But I think it got discontinued because there was no real point to it. 😛
Omg yeah they should! I have no idea what happened to Moonpage on the old website but we should bring it back for the medicine cats 😛
Woot Woot! It was so, so hard for me to vote. 🙁
Yeah! To… Uh… Share tongues with Kate???
I looked at this and I was like “STARCLAN’S KITS” 😛
Is this Nightmare Freddy or Nightmare Golden Freddy?? I must know
18 minutes now! 😛