Summer Gathering Fanfiction/Fanart Contest

Flowerstream explains the fanfiction/fanart contest and reveals the prompt. 

Hello everyone! It’s the first day of the 2017 Summer Gathering and I hope you’re having fun and are prepared for the upcoming events (get hyped). Keep reading until the end to find out the prompt!

You will have until 7 PM UTC on 6 August 2017 to submit your creative piece, be it fanfiction or fanart. Remember you may only submit one thing (essentially, you may not submit both a fanart and fanfiction piece- it’s one or the other). Use this time to make your submission as great as it can be

Once you are finished, post your submission in the comments of this post. If it’s a fanfiction, post it as is, and use an image hosting site if it’s fanart- we personally recommend Imgur, though there are other websites out there.

Additionally, you may collab with someone else as long as they are on the same team as you. Otherwise, giving points would be a difficult task.

Be creative and have fun! If you have any questions, BlogTeam will answer them speedily. And now, without further ado, the prompt:

The Dark Forest has taken over BlogClan. Several cats are corrupted…including all of the mods. Whose side are you on, and more importantly, what will you do?



  • What I would do ……………… Happy Hunger Games! 😝
    (I love the picture chosen for this post. That cat window-art is divine. 😂 )

  • I’m on that dark forest side! Woo! And I’ll show how evil I am by drawing a Whitestorm >:)

  • Dark Forest! 😀

    This is the first seven chapters of Far from Home, a fan-fiction collaboration with fellow blogclanners!

    Far from Home
    By Witchheart, Rainspirit, and Snowstrike. Edited by Hailpaw.

    Allegiances –


    LEADER – Goldstar, a sleek furred golden tabby she-cat with red-gold stripes on her legs and river blue eyes. Compassionate and sweet, but has a sharp bite as well as a loud bark. Ready to fight but knows when to back down.

    Brightfang, a creamy white tom with pale blue eyes. Impatient cat that always wants things to be done quicker then they can be done. APPRENTICE – Aspenpaw
    Clearstripe, a white she-cat with black speckles on back, shiny blue eyes. Kind and considerate, never snaps at a single cat. APPRENTICE – Juniperpaw

    Aspenpaw/branch, a dark black-brown tom; dark eyes with golden flecks. Careful and slow, likes to take it easy. Does not enjoy being pushed. Rarely seen apart from his sister, Juniperpaw. Son of Bluestone and Lizardscale. MENTOR – Brightfang
    Juniperpaw/berry, a blue-silver she-cat; dark eyes with golden flecks. Playful but responsible, is fine with whatever goes. Rarely seen apart from her brother, Aspenpaw. Daughter of Bluestone and Lizardscale. MENTOR – Clearstripe

    Scrag, a thin, well-muscled tom, black as a pure night.
    Slither, a conniving, heartless tom, gray like stormclouds.
    Olive, a beige-cream she cat, orange eyes, hardened by being a prisoner of her own group for one moon.
    Berry, a ginger she cat, used to have a different name until eating deathberries, surviving, now called Berry because of it, dark amber eyes.


    Chapter 1.
    By Witchheart

    “Juniperkit, from now until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Juniperpaw. Your mentor will be Clearstripe,” Aspenkit watched, wide-eyed as Juniperpaw went to touch noses with her mentor. Aspenkit straightened as Goldstar, leader of RussetClan, turned her gaze to him. “Aspenkit,” his heart beat faster. “From now on, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Aspenpaw. Your mentor will be Brightfang.” Aspenpaw winced for a second, seeing the harsh, impatient warrior pad toward him, a determined look on his face.
    “You will be a warrior faster than all the others,” Brightfang promised. Aspenpaw shivered while he touched Brightfang’s nose with his. That might not be best…
    Brightfang led Aspenpaw away as the Clan called out their new names. Aspenpaw’s heart soared as be listened to his name. He noticed Juniperpaw sitting nearby, her eyes shining. Aspenpaw padded over to her. She looked over at him with such happiness in her face.
    “We’re apprentices, Aspenpaw! We are, we are!” Aspenpaw purred with his sister.
    “I know! I can’t wait to do battle training with you and hunt with you! We’ll do everything at the exact same time! We’ll go at the same pace.” Aspenpaw meowed excitedly.
    “Right,” Juniperpaw nodded, agreeing. Since they had been born they did everything together, as often as they could. “Let’s go ask our mentors if we can go on our tours of the territory together!”
    Aspenpaw’s tail quivered with excitement. “That would be great! C’mon!”
    Juniperpaw raced across the clearing with him, heading towards where Brightfang and Clearstripe were talking. “Clearstripe, Brightfang, can me and Aspenpaw take our tours of the territory together?” His sister looked up at them with big eyes.
    Clearstripe glanced at Brightfang. “Well, I see no reason why not,” the kind she-cat meowed. “I see no reason to keep the two littermates apart.”
    Brightfang frowned. “I don’t think so.”
    Juniperpaw shriveled up. “Why not?” She wailed.
    Clearstripe jumped in.“I think what Brightfang means is that he’ll think about it and tell you tomorrow. After all, that’s when we’re doing the tours.”
    Brightfang snarled at Clearstripe. “No. My no means no. And Aspenpaw’s tour of the territory is now.” He heaved himself up.
    Clearstripe stared at him, shocked. “But it’s so late! Aspenpaw must be tired!”
    He was tired. He had played all day and then wasted so much energy being excited during the naming ceremony.
    “Oh no. We’ll go now. Come, Aspenpaw.”
    Aspenpaw followed Brightfang out of the camp, his tail drooping. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Juniperpaw staring after him sadly. Then he sighed and walked out of camp.


    Chapter 2.
    By Witchheart

    Juniperpaw’s heart stopped in terror. A large, black tom was standing in front of her, his back arched, a hiss in his throat. She crouched down, stomach to the ground. The cat raised a paw and swiped at her. A second before the paw made contact, Juniperpaw shot up, her heart pounding. She glanced around nervously. She was fine. She was safe. She was ok. She was in the apprentice’s den. She glanced sadly over at Aspenpaw. He was lying down in his nest, exhausted. Juniperpaw had waited to go to sleep until after he came back from his tour of the territory. However, as soon as he’d stumbled in, he collapsed on his nest, asleep. Honestly, she didn’t blame him. Why would Brightfang push Aspenpaw this hard? Well, at least Brightfang would probably let him sleep in today. Today, though, she would get her tour the territory! She was sad, of course, that she couldn’t do it with Aspenpaw, but they couldn’t do everything together. It was better they learned that sooner, rather than later.
    Juniperpaw slowly groomed herself and then walked out of the den. She couldn’t see any other cats awake, so she just settled down on the ground with her head on her paws, waiting for Clearstripe. She jumped when she heard a rustling coming from the Warriors den. Clearstripe? It was still pretty early. No, the fur was creamy white, not white with black speckles. It was Brightfang. Brightfang padded up to her.
    “Is Aspenpaw inside?” Brightfang asked.
    Juniperpaw gulped. Was he really thinking about sending Aspenpaw out this early when he stayed up so late last night?
    “Err, yes. He’s asleep. And he shouldn’t be disturbed…” Brightfang ignored her, brushing past her and into the apprentices den. A few minutes later, Brightfang came out of the apprentices den, a slow and tired Aspenpaw not far behind.
    “Hurry up!” Brightfang snapped over his shoulder. “We’re going hunting.”
    Juniperpaw watched sadly as Brightfang led Aspenpaw out if camp. If that warrior kept pushing him like this, soon there wouldn’t be a Aspenpaw to push!
    Juniperpaw noticed a pair of shining blue eyes peering out from the Warriors den, watching the mentor and apprentice leave. Then Clearstripe came out, heading straight for Goldstar’s den. After pausing for a second, she went inside.
    Juniperpaw glanced around, then, as noiselessly as she could, ran across the clearing to stop in front of Goldstar’s den and listen.
    “…worried about Aspenpaw,” she heard Clearstripe say. Juniperpaw pricked up her ears and edged farther in. She was worried about Aspenpaw too!
    “Well what do you mean?” Goldstar asked. Then she paused. “Come in, Juniperpaw.”
    Juniperpaw ducked her head and felt her ears go hot as she entered Goldstar’s den. Both she-cats looked at her with amused expressions.
    “Juniperpaw, why were you listening to a private conversation?” Goldstar asked calmly.
    Well, there was no way out of this one. “I’m worried about Aspenpaw too,” She blurted out. “Brightfang has been pushing him really hard. He was exhausted when he left camp this morning…”
    Goldstar thought for a moment. “I believe Brightfang’s quick nature will help Aspenpaw’s laid back nature.”
    Juniperpaw looked up and opened her mouth to speak, but Clearstripe jumped in before she could say anything. “And that’s great! But when he pushes him too hard, that’s not so great,”
    Goldstar steadily stood up. “I take your opinions into account. But my decision of Aspenpaw’s mentor still stands. Shouldn’t you two head out for the tour of the territory?”
    Clearstripe dipped her head. “Yes, of course. We’ll be off now,”
    Clearstripe turned and exiting the den.
    “Please, Goldstar…” Juniperpaw began.
    “Juniperpaw!” Clearstripe called from outside. Juniperpaw’s head drooped as she padded out of the den. “Let’s be off. That territory isn’t going to tour itself.”
    As they left they camp, Juniperpaw glanced up at Clearstripe just in time to catch the glimmer of worry in Clearstripe’s eyes.
    What was going to happen with Aspenpaw?


    Chapter 3.
    By Rainspirit

    “What happened?” Juniperpaw mewed to her brother as Clearstripe padded towards the warrior’s den, exhausted from their patrol. Aspenpaw looked away.
    “Brightfang happened,” he growled, frustration sparking in his eyes. Juniperpaw unsheathed her claws, sinking them into the ground angrily.
    “We need to do something about this. Brightfang is not the right mentor for you at all. Let’s go.” Juniperpaw stood and started towards Goldstar’s den.
    “Juniperpaw, wait! Please don’t!” He called after her. Juniperpaw ignored him and kept going. Aspenpaw sighed, then got to his feet and followed her.
    “Yes?” Goldstar inquired, looking up from the mouse she was eating. Juniperpaw started to speak.
    “We wanted to talk to you about-”
    “-the amount of fresh-kill the patrols are bringing in,” Aspenpaw cut in, glaring at Juniperpaw. Goldstar looked puzzled.
    “The patrols aren’t bringing in much. We think you should increase how many patrols you send out,” he mewed. Goldstar nodded.
    “Thank you for the idea, Aspenpaw,” she mewed. “I will think about it.” She dismissed them. Once they were outside, Juniperpaw smacked Aspenpaw with her tail.
    “Why did you do that, you mouse-brain?!?” She hissed, glaring at him. Aspenpaw winced.
    “I want to give Brightfang a chance.”
    “He doesn’t deserve a chance!” Juniperpaw yowled. Everyone looked up at the silver-blue apprentice. Brightfang stood from where he was eating in front of the warrior’s den. His pale blue eyes flashing, he mouthed:
    You’ll see.
    Juniperpaw’s eyes widened with horror.
    What have I done?


    Chapter 4.
    By Witchheart

    Aspenpaw flopped to the ground, his side heaving. It had been one moon since he’d become an apprentice and Brightfang had worked him to the bone. He was practically only muscle and bone now. He doubted there was a drop of fat on him. He’d heard the other cats whispering that he no longer looked healthy. He’d seen Goldstar look his way with a regretful face and seen Clearstripe and Juniperpaw whisper and dart glances at him. And he thought she was a loyal sister! But she might have been right… He should have talked to Goldstar about this… Now it was too late.
    As he faded into sleep he saw flashes of large twoleg nests and monsters and rogue cats and so much more. He woke up shivering and confused. Was StarClan sending him a vision of what he should do? Maybe if he went to Twolegplace and disappeared for a little bit, his Clanmates, and Brightfang, would learn to appreciate him!
    Or you could leave and not come back. He shivered and pushed the thought away. No, he had to come back. This was his clan. His family. Right?
    Aspenpaw sighed and shook himself. He just had to get to Twolegplace now. He peeked out of the den. It was early. He darted across the clearing, making sure to make no sound. He quickly left and exited the ravine, thoughts crowding his head as he ran for Twolegplace.
    He quickly reached the edge and stopped, eyeing the large Twoleg nests. Though the close walls frightened him a little, he made up his mind, then and there. He would leave. And he wouldn’t be coming back.
    He put one paw forward and froze, glancing over at a rustling piece of undergrowth. Clearstripe and Juniperpaw stepped out, Juniperpaw eyeing him worriedly.
    “Aspenpaw?” She mewed warily.
    Aspenpaw wanted to talk to her. He hadn’t talked to her in a moon. He wanted her comfort, her reassurance. He glanced at Clearstripe. He didn’t want to talk with her around.
    Clearstripe caught his eye. “Oh, Juniperpaw, I think I hear a squirrel over there. I’m going to go catch it,” She padded away from them then looked over her shoulder and winked. “I was never here.”
    As soon as she left, Aspenpaw blurted out. “I’m going to Twolegplace.”
    Juniperpaw bristled, her eyes wide. “What!? Why? What about me!” She yelped, her eyes wide.
    Aspenpaw shook his head. “I can’t live like this. I can’t. You were right, Juniperpaw. I should have told Goldstar.”
    Juniperpaw’s wide eyes searched his face. “I know I was right but please, do you have to go? You can stay! We’ll convince Goldstar! Together!”
    Aspenpaw stared at her. “No. It’s too late. I’m leaving. You can’t stop me Juniperpaw.” He started padding into Twolegplace.
    “Aspenpaw!” He glanced over his shoulder at Juniperpaw who was staring at him with horror-filled eyes. “Will I see you again? Ever?”
    Aspenpaw dipped his head. “Of course. You can visit me. Maybe you could come stay with me?”
    Juniperpaw lowered her head. “Maybe. See you Aspenpaw.” He watched Juniperpaw turn and walk away. For a second he was filled with guilt. Then he walked into Twolegplace, wondering what was next.


    Chapter 5
    By Snowstrike
    Three moons had passed since Aspenpaw left for Twolegplace. Juniperpaw looks around Twolegplace for her littermate Aspenpaw. “I wonder how Aspenpaw has been doing since he left RussetClan.”
    Juniperpaw continues to walk through the Twolegplace looking around. “Who do we have here? It looks like a itty bitty kit.” Mews a loner.
    “I don’t know who you are. Can you take me to Aspenpaw?” Asks Juniperpaw.
    “Well, in order for me to take you to Aspenpaw you’ll have to beat me in a fight.” Meows the loner.
    He can’t be serious. He’s more muscle than skin and bones and he looks like he’s been in a lot of fights.
    “Please… I just want to see Aspenpaw.” Mews Juniperpaw.
    The loner leaps onto Juniperpaw, clawing her back. Juniperpaw turns around and gets ready to fight him but the loner is already behind her attacking her. Juniperpaw cries out in pain for help but scratches at the loner’s eyes.
    “You mouse-brained psychopath!” Curses Juniperpaw.
    “Why should I even try anymore. You aren’t much of a fight to pick with in the first place. I’ll take you to Aspenpaw, but at the cost of a scar.” Meows the loner.
    “You haven’t even told me your name.” Mews Juniperpaw.
    “The name’s Scrag. You won’t ever forget it.” Spits Scrag as he tears a nick into her ear making permanent damage in her ear.
    It feels like hours pass as Scrag leads Juniperpaw through the Twolegplace. “Hey, Aspenpaw! I have a little guest here to see you, and she says she’s your sister.” Meows Scrag.
    “Is that my littermate Juniperpaw?” Asks Aspenpaw.
    “Aspenpaw!” Meows Juniperpaw in relief as Aspenpaw runs up to nuzzle his littermate.
    “It’s been forever since I’ve seen you. What happened to your poor ear?” Asks Aspenpaw licking the ear fiercely.
    “Scrag, the fox-heart scarred it saying that was the payment for coming to see you. Like you had to do that.” Meows Juniperpaw miserably.
    “If you had taken a look at my side you would see I had to pay as well.” Mews Aspenpaw.
    “Now, if that’s all well and good can I leave? I have to do some hunting and I can’t hang around kits.” Meows Scrag.
    “We don’t need you anymore Scrag. Have fun hunting.” Mews Aspenpaw.
    “He seemed like a lot of fun to meet. Do you have a nest?” Asks Juniperpaw.
    “Yes. Now come and rest. We have a lot of hunting to do in the morning.” Meows Aspenpaw.


    Chapter 6
    By Snowstrike
    “So, where do you hunt Aspenpaw?” Asks Juniperpaw.
    “Well, I tend to hunt in the park before dawn or after the sun sets. That’s when most Twoleg’s will not be able to see me, and the animals will be sleeping or out enjoying the peace of the dark.” Meows Aspenpaw leading Juniperpaw through the Twolegplace at ease.
    “How often do rogues or loners fight you? You have quite a few scars, since the last time I’ve seen you anyways.” Meows Juniperpaw. Aspenpaw’s brown-black pelt moves through the last bit of the Twolegplace alleys and he brings her to the park.
    “So, how did you manage to survive out here without any family or friends?” Asks Juniperpaw.
    “I just kept to myself. Not until I met Scrag for control of the little alley I call my home.” Meows Aspenpaw in return. “If you would excuse me I need to hunt.” Aspenpaw walks into a more shadowy part of the park leaving Juniperpaw alone.
    “Well, hello there. Are you lost?” Asks a loner.
    “No, my brother is here. Why are you asking me?” Asks Juniperpaw eyeing his stormy-gray pelt.
    “Well, a little she-cat can’t be out here alone. Would you like me to escort you and your brother back to your alley? The Twoleg-place can be a dangerous place if you don’t know the right people.” Says the loner. A rogue starts to growl at the loner.
    “We don’t need your kind here Slither. How about you leave so we can have our park.” Says the rogue.
    “I want you to listen very closely She-cat. Find your brother, tell him to come with you, and don’t listen to a word these fox-hearts say. Understand?” Asks Slither in a quiet voice, as Juniperpaw nods in agreement.
    Juniperpaw runs to find her littermate and finds him with a mouse and a vole. “We need to go. A rogue-group is here and a nice loner is helping to fight them off, so we can get out of here.”
    “Well, grab the vole and then let’s go. I’ll tell you when we get back to the nest.” Meows Aspenpaw, and Juniperpaw grabs the vole.
    The moon climbs to its peak as they reach their alley. Aspenpaw looks at Juniperpaw as they share the vole. “I believe you ran into Slither, one of the nicest loners in the Twoleg-place. I was hit by a monster but thankfully, he nursed me back to health.” Meows Aspenpaw as he pauses to take a bite of his vole and then continues, “He definitely is kind. At least that’s what you would think at first. He is nothing but He says in order to repay him I must either join him… Or take my sister’s life.” Meows Aspenpaw looking down in shame.
    “You would never kill me though.” Meows Juniperpaw.
    “Which means I must join him, and so will you. I just got you back I can’t afford to lose you again.” Meows Aspenpaw in shame.
    “I don’t believe you! Slither is a kind, nice cat. He saved our lives. I’m going to find him and find out if you’re lying or telling the truth.” Meows Juniperpaw running off.
    “You IDIOT!” Snaps Slither, slashing at the rogue who pretended to be leader.
    “I-I’m sorry Slither!” Whimpers the cat.
    “Sorry doesn’t cut it. You let the she-cat get away!” Growls Slither.
    “Knock it off Slither, it wasn’t her fault. Olive tried her best to stop them but you can’t snap at her like that.” Meows another cat.
    “It is time Olive listens to us. She will no longer let us down. You will be a prisoner for one moon. Go to the prisoner den. You will be fed every three days and given water every two.” Meows Slither.
    “Please, no! I don’t want to be a prisoner! Nooo!” Yowls Olive being led away.
    “Now do you believe he is evil Juniperpaw?” Asks Aspenpaw.
    “Yes. Let’s go to our alley,” meows Juniperpaw as they pad back to their alley.


    Chapter 7
    By Snowstrike
    Juniperpaw wakes up as she looks around shivering. Why does it feel like I’m being watched?
    “Hello, She-cat. It’s been a moon since I’ve last seen you.” Meows Slither.
    “I have a name you know Slither. I’m Juniperpaw.” Meows Juniperpaw.
    “Well, Juniperpaw. How about you and your brother come with me?” Asks Slither signaling with his tail for his group to come out of hiding. “You and Aspenpaw either come with us or die. Understand?” Asks Slither.
    “Let me wake him up first.” Meows Juniperpaw. “Aspenpaw, we will be going with Slither. Wake up.”
    “Fine. I still can’t believe he found my alley.” Meows Aspenpaw.
    “Welcome to my group Aspenpaw and Juniperpaw. Especially Juniperpaw” Meows Slither looking at Juniperpaw weirdly.
    “Ok, Slither. Why do you want us on your group?” Asks Juniperpaw.
    “I saw you both were decently strong cats and that’s when I realized I wanted you two in my group.” Mews Slither.
    “I saw you be cruel to Olive, is that her name? I would rather join you then fight for survival against you. Aspenpaw, do you feel the same way?” Asks Juniperpaw.
    “I don’t want to be against you and certainly not be alone. I guess I have to Juniperpaw.” Meows Aspenpaw looking at Juniperpaw concerned.
    “Wonderful! I’m extremely happy you both decided to join! You’ll have a lot of fun here!” Mews Slither with fake excitement.
    One moon passed as Juniperpaw and Aspenpaw got to know the other cats of the group. Slither quickly took a walk with Juniperpaw alone. “Juniperpaw? I-I have to tell you something. I think I lo-” Mews Slither being cut off by Berry calling Juniperpaw over and away from her walk with Slither.
    “One moment Berry! Slither is telling me something.” Calls back Juniperpaw listening to Slither.
    “As I was mewing before I was so rudely interrupted, I think I love you.” Meows back Slither.
    Juniperpaw runs off back to Berry.
    “What was he saying Juniperpaw?” Asks Berry.
    “Nothing important.” Retorts Juniperpaw.
    “Sheesh, Juniperpaw don’t get your tail in a twist. It was just a question.” Meows Berry.
    What is wrong with Slither? He’s forced Olive to be unthinking and cruel! Thinks Juniperpaw.
    “Hello Juniperpaw. I would like to know why you think it’s ok to dislike Slither. Slither is a powerful cat, you don’t know his influence over cats.” Speaks Olive monotonely.
    “Olive, you creep me out. What did he ever do to you?” Asks Juniperpaw.
    “That is for Slither to know, alone. Now go back to your friends, before I report you.” Meows Olive.
    “No! I refuse to let you walk away from me Olive. Tell me what he did!” Exclaims Juniperpaw.
    Olive starts to get angry with Juniperpaw and lashes out at her. Juniperpaw flinches as the claws strike her face scratching down through her left eye.
    “Y- You scratched me!” Mews Juniperpaw in obvious pain.
    “I’ll do it again if you continue to-. Wait, I can feel again!” Mews Olive. “I thank you, but it’s time you learn our prisoner process.” Mews Olive, resting her tail on Juniperpaw leading her to Slither’s den.
    “Why’d you bring Juniperpaw into my den?” Asks Slither calmly.
    “She questioned me until I lashed out at her Slither. I’ll leave you to teaching her the Prisoner Process.” Meows Olive leaving Slither to talk to her.
    “Little She-cat Juniperpaw. I’m wondering who you care about. Is it Olive? Berry? Or even Aspenpaw?” Smirks Slither as he sees Juniperpaw flinch at the mere mention of her littermate. “I see. What if something were to happen to… Aspenpaw?” Asks Slither as he motions over to the spot where her littermate was sitting.
    “What are you going to do to him?” Asks Juniperpaw.
    “Nothing! But the moment you step out of line or even merely talk about disobeying us…” Meows Slither as he cracks a twig between his teeth.
    Juniperpaw droops her head and tail realizing she has to obey him no matter what.
    “That’s what I thought. Now do you and your brother a favor and listen to me.” Meows Slither.
    “Yes… Slither.” Meows Juniperpaw in submission and the same tone as Olive speaks.

    Please give credit to everyone! I hope you like it!

  • Here it is. It’s rushed, shorts this was my only time to post it here. I’m sorry. The ending is horrible and it’s just bad. I tried. Thanks. Also, it’s unedited. 🙁


    “The Dark Forest has taken over BlogClan. Several cats are corrupted…including all of the mods. Whose side are you on, and more importantly, what will you do?”


    They appeared on the first night of a new moon. A ripple of frost and shadows spread through our camp. We were asleep, dreaming of mice and monsters, and then it hit us. Like a pulse. Like a swipe.

    I woke first. Willowpaw snored in the nest next to mine, Foxpaw in the other. I shivered and rose, stretched my limbs. My whiskers twitched.

    Farther down in the den, a shape stirred. My heart locked for a second — what is it?— but then the face appeared. Followed by a whoosh of paws, grunts. Arguing.

    Gummypaw and Lupinepaw. I breathed, my body relaxed.

    Then, they all began to stir. And Sundance stuck her head inside the den, did a nervous dance, then disappeared back into the night.

    A fog rolled in. A distant cloud rumbled. Wind blew into out camp.

    I exited, feeling the rush of moonlight and chilly air hit me, and there they were.

    No, not monsters. Not dogs. Not badgers.

    The mods.

    The mods, with a storm of fangs and twisted faces and strenuous screams floating behind them. It was a cloud of horror and disaster. Tempestuous death.

    From the storm emerged some shapes. Then more. And some.

    Bared teeth, black shadows masked by the night, with an exception of those piercing eyes.

    The mods got into a stance, sharpened their claws, and a shadow bigger and more brutal than all the others drifted to the front.


    Beside him: Cakestar. Kate. Our internet mother, the bearer of all canon news. She had a snarl plastered onto her face, sharp lines.

    “Cats of BlogClan,” Cakestar called out. Any frightened youngsters or tense elders came out of hiding, away from the shadows. Every one was in the clearing now, some pacing, some still. We watched in interest, agony.

    “I direct your attention to Tigerstar, a wonderful leader from long ago who was stopped all too soon.” Cakestar’s voice was muddled, almost as if it was someone talking through her, using her body. It was suspicious.

    I turned my head to Tigerstar. We made eye contact. And the darkest chill I’ve ever felt coursed through me. I turned away, breathing hot air onto my fur to warm it up. If StarClan was light, glitter, a jumble of dreamy escapism…

    Then this was the cold, broken, rotted Place of No Stars. Alive, represented through the bodies of the shady cats.

    The storm behind the mods was none other than the residents of the Dark Forest. And they didn’t come just for a visit. They wanted revenge…


    It has been a quarter-moon. The season shifts into leaf-fall. The chill that arrived with them hasn’t left. I smell musty leaves and fear.

    I am a prisoner.


    Immediately, Tigerstar began telling us what to do. He said they’d come to make BlogClan a great, powerful Clan, one that GlitchClan and LagClan would fear. I saw some older warriors nodding, entranced. And I saw some kits curl up, frightened.

    Tigerstar began sending out his warriors to lure. Night turned into day while we were all kept awake. The Dark Forest cats told us stories, befriended some of us, a facade of big smiles and temptation.

    The young warriors went first. Iceflower, Emberdawn and Hazelburrow came around, brought some prey. They gathered all the eager, bright-eyed cats, and bean to tell them of a new plan. A new future.

    It all happened so fast. The mods were full of grins and possibilities, yet I could see their shadows. The ones that squirmed with malice. I saw their side glances when they thought no one was looking. Devious.

    They would slip off to meet with Dark Forest warriors. Plans and plots swirled through the air.

    Cats fell to their grip, and it only took one night. And then a day. They came, they saw, they conquered.

    Few of us seemed to realize the reality of the situation. How a few two-faced villains strolled in and threatened our world. How their stench and cursed existence put a trance on the mods. How our entire Clan began to shift into madness within a few days.

    Minutes, hours, time passed.

    And soon, I began to give myself hope that us rebels could form a plan to break this horror. The moments when they weren’t watching us, I’d take fellow apprentices out to plan. I talked them into it. And some out of it. I started a movement.

    And soon enough, a stray supporter caught my words of an uprising that were being spread, and I was cornered at the dirt place by a mass of sneering mods and frosty shadows.


    It’s been half a moon now. They give me prey and water — oily and spilling off a dried leaf — only once every two days, dropping it through a spot on the side which they quickly patch back up afterwards. My stomach growls are the only noises that pass through this den. The only light is that which falls in through cracks and tiny holes. No cats visit. My energy is depleting.

    A barrier of branches and dusty stones blocks the entrance. I lose track of where I am, who I am.

    I am breaking on the outside. I tried my best to save my Clan from these enemies, but not hard enough, and it failed.

    Now, I am trying my hardest not to succumb internally to their lies, and I don’t know if it’s failing too.


    It has been one whole moon.

    I can’t do this any more.

    I try to be strong. I try to act standoffish and smart. I try to believe I still have a chance to stop this and make an uprising.

    But I don’t.

    And I am broke, and I can only think of the phrase if you can’t beat them, join them.

    So I do.