Art by WeHaveCandy
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Chao, as he always did, stayed out of the fight. He also knew that there was very likely going to be another starting soon.
Mist was completely oblivious to what happened next. The fight seemed to come out of nowhere, and just as quickly as it started, it stopped. He couldn’t say he was relieved, however. He found he was actually disappointed that he hadn’t been a part of it. He was sure he could take the tom in a fight.
Frost wanted to talk to someone, she has no friends and was very lonely, “hello, anyone” nobody noticed her because they were with all of their friends so she was all alone. again. so she sat fiddling with the flower on her tail
Frostsong saw a cat fiddling with a flower at the end of her tail. She looks friendly enough. Maybe she’ll appreciate me for who I am. “Hello, my name is Frostsong, or Song, what’s your name?” Frostsong mewed.
Frost noticed that somebody noticed her. “Hi, I’m Frost 🙂 how are you?” Frost was eager to have a new friend (first friend since the playground)
Feather raised her voice. “Dune, there’s no need for that.” She scratched a nearby cactus and drank the precious drops of water. Carefully,Feather clawed out the middle of the cut-off part of the cactus and plucked out the needles. Now,it looked like a bowl. She cut some more cacti away from where most cats were until almost a fourth of the cactus bowl was filled. Feather traveled a bit farther. Suddenly,she came to an oasis. A cat was already there. She scooped up water,not wanting to talk. Feather headed back. Right before getting back out into the empty desert,Feather caught a big lizard and let out a cry of triumpth. Remembering that there was a cat nearby,Feather snapped her jaws shut.
Fini saw a cat over there. She was quiet, and drew closer to the she-cat. This was Feather.
“Hi.” mewed Fini. “It’s Feather, right?”
Feather turned around. “Yes. Now leave me alone,”she snapped.
Wildflower was confused at first. A desert? Not another test so soon after the last one. But as they gazed at the succulents filled with water and the lizards crawling around bases of cactuses, they realized that perhaps this place wasn’t that bad. They padded over to a succulent and started lapping the water. The she-cat, Wren? And the tom, Dune, were standing off to the side. Wren looked almost frightened, and Wildflower definitely didn’t want to be anywhere near her position. Friends? Betrayed. Gods? Annoyed. Yup, she was definitely leading the perfect life right now. Perhaps she wanted so reassurance? She’s kinda cute.
With Black Bird asleep, Eclipse walked around the desert area. She was minding her own business when she heard an odd ratting sound. Out of nowhere, a small tom ran into her, and immediately pushed her away and away. She looked back at the copper tom and hissed.
“What was that for?” She asked threateningly.
The young tom pointed to where they were with his tail.
“Rattlesnake. Deadly, venomous snake.” He explained.
She was sorry. She was reluctant to up and say it, but he reminded her too much of Ash. No one would not apologize to Ash.
“Thanks…” She trailed off, walking back over to her brother.
Storm approached Wren. She didn’t quite know what to say to the she-cat. But Storm knew that something was brewing within her. She squeezed her eyes shut, thinking of all of the cats who had died going through Harnor’s tests that he made for his own good laugh.
“How could you?” she mewed in an angry tone at Wren, “How could you partner up with a- a maniac?“
Sunny walked between Dune and Quintessa. “ Look at me. ” she hissed.
Eclipse and Black Bird slept (because realy nothing is happening for them except Eclipse almost got killed by a rattlesnake 😛 )
Quintessa walked. She walked away from all the cats, walking over the scorching sand with ill-disguised agony as it burned her pads. She, unfortunely, found no comfort in shade anywhere, so she dug up some sand to get to cooler sand. Ahh, she thought. Better. She looked down, finally able to process her thoughts for the first time since she had landed in the desert. Wren, the kind (or so she thought) soul, had made an alliance with him. Quintessa couldn’t grasp as to why-she didn’t understand the bonds between family members, because she herself had no such thing as family itself. The closet thing she had to family was the old shelter she had that protected her from snowstorms when she was but a kit. She growled instinctively, trying to comprehend the reason behind making a deal with Harnor. She knew why she, herself made the deal to do the Tests: to become immortal and get back home. There, she had no worries, problems or anything. She had something prized by many: freedom. Freedom to do what she wanted. She didn’t need friends, she didn’t need a mate, she certainly didn’t need family, especially when they betrayed you. So she lay there, letting the desert heat come down on her and burn her.
He saw a brown she cat laying out on the ground, her darker pelt warm in the sun.
“Woah there, “ He mewed, “ quickly get out of the sun, your pelt is quite dark, staying still isn’t a good idea, come under this cactus shade.”
He gestured to a larger catcus with a small slither of shade under it.
“Oh and don’t worry about me, my pelt is really thin, I’m made for the desert heat.” He mewed quietly, fiddling with his earring, hoping that the memories didn’t come again
Luana padded over to a small group of cats. Palm, Frostsong and… Quintessa? “Um.. hello.” She purred.
“Quintessa, are you all right?” Frostsong mewed gently. “I know what it feels like to be abandoned and betrayed. While we were falling down the trench, I was thinking. I was worried what cats would think of me. I’ve been abandoned many times, betrayed even more. I have been guarded and cold ever since, not wanting to break again. But you have to keep going. You have to move on from this betrayal. Wren formed an alliance with
Harnor, I know, and it’s shattering everyone. Including me. Please, get up. Move somewhere cooler. I wouldn’t be able to stand it if another one of my friends died. I’ve been betrayed too many times. This last time might completely break me.” Frostsong said, her voice breaking. She lowered her head, not wanting Quintessa to see the tears rolling down her cheeks. Haven’t I lost enough? I won’t be able to stand it this time. If Quintessa dies, I won’t be able to go on. Please, Quintessa. Please.
Quintessa opened her eyes to find two cats over her. One, Frostsong, was crying. She hated seeing people cry. It made her feel like it was her fault, because she remembered when she saw her mother cry. Her mother, crying because of her. She got up, shaking off the memories. She then remembered the other cat. It was a tom, a tom talking to her. This world really is nuts, she thought. Toms usually are disgusted by me, at the very least. She realized he was talking about shade. SHADE! She wanted to hurry over to the shade, but first, she needed to comfort her friend. Friend. She sat down next to Frostsong. “You have been betrayed many times, maybe,” she said quietly. “But I’ve been betrayed by my own family.” Her breath caught. Her tears formed. Tears always waiting to come. “My own family, Frostsong. They left me, not for some noble reason like they couldn’t take care of me. No, they never cared about me. Never.” She felt her hot tears slide down her muzzle. She started sniffling, then it turned to crying, then it turned to sobs. Ugly sobs. “I can’t…. I just can’t. I’ve had nobody to care for me.”
Palm –
Palm wrapped his tail around the she cats back, almost flinching away with the heat of her pelt
“Hate to rush you but your pelt is boiling, you need to get out of the sun now ! I can’t believe how thick your pelt is !”
He guided her to the shade, and turned round to her, hoping to comfort her.
“I’m Palm by the way. Don’t worry, I’ve lost cats too, you see this earring, the bit of Palm branch with scratches on ? Those scratches are for each friend I’ve lost. But I know that there spirits are guiding me, even now.”
He whispered into the quiet of the desert.
“You see how the cactus bends, making this shadow that keeps you alive, what I can see, is Kinkarog, she’s a ginger she cat by the way, holding down the cactus because she doesn’t want to see another cat die. She tried to save my friend, even though she knew it would kill her.”
He placed his paw over Quintessa’s tears welling in his own eyes.
“If you look around, not with your eyes but with your mind and heart, you will see them to.”
He closed his eyes, and opened them again, seeing his friends spirits around him.
He was never sure whether or not he was simply hallucinating but in times when he didn’t panic about the deaths, he liked to watch the spirit all around him.
“Look,” He mewed, “ right infront of us bowing her head, Quixgee, I’m not sure whether you can see her or if she’s inside my mind, “he looked up at Quintessa as the spirits vanished, “but I know that she doesn’t want you to cry.”
He looked at Quintessa one more time, hoping that she didn’t think he was mad or crazy
“I lost my family too. My Twolegs, my only family, left me in the forest to fend for myself. But I’m still here. I’m here for you. We’re friends, after all,” Frostsong murmured gently in Quintessa’s ear. “I’m still here.”
Dune –
Dune saw Storm approach Wren and walked up to her, hissing.
“Right that’s it, that’s the last time anyone will say anything about Wren,” he hissed, “and I know she doesn’t want me to fight you so I will respect that for now. But let me put it clearly for you. STOP ASKING QUESTIONS !”
Wren pushed her way between the two cats
“Dune I can speak for my self,” she hissed quietly, knowing that he was the one with the strength but she had the language that could convince most cats
“Look I regret what I did, but I did it to be with my brother. Now I see my mistake, I won’t help him again.”
She pushed her tail in Dune’s mouth as he started to speak again
Sunny suddenly slid out her claws and landed a blow on Dune’s muzzle.
Dune –
Dune jumped back just in time, but had a small scratch on his muzzle.
Hissing, he turned to Sunny
“I don’t know what you’re playing at, I saved you in the first Test.”
He tried to sheath his claws, he didn’t want to waste the effort on this she cat, especially as he had saved her before.
“Now just leave me alone and I will leave you alone. “ he mewed and then huffed to himself, but just loud enough for her to hear “I can’t belive this, you would have thought that cats would be grateful to the cat who saved them, not attack them. Just as I thought she seemed friendly enough.”
Unable to resist the urge any longer, he lashed out at Sunny, aiming to just graze the fur on her cheek. He didn’t want to hurt her but he was getting mad now.
Before even waiting to see what his blow did, he ran over to Feather, hoping to escape this madness
Feather stalked away,carrying the lizard in the bowl. She dropped it at Dune’s paws. Drops of water escaped,landing around and on their paws.
Dune –
Dune nuzzled Feather, glad to be away from the fighting.
“Thank you,” He mewed, “ I’m just so mad that cats keep picking on Wren, why can’t they just leave her alone !”
Tawny sighed. Thunder made so much sense, yet it was so mysterious . . . She looked up at the sound of voices. There she was. When. With Dune and Storm. “Thunder,” she muttered. “We need to get a look at this.” She padded forward to the three bristling cats.
(I think ur bristling?)