Hello everyone! Sunny and I are thrilled to hold the Gathering, and we’re so excited for you guys to know this year’s teams…
Dapper Dragons
Groovy Griffins
Flamboyant Phoenixes
Thank you so much for your suggestion, Shady (Shadowedpaw)! We absolutely loved your idea of the Dapper Dragons, and we just had to use it. A big thank you to everyone for your wonderful ideas! They were all so creative 😀
Anyways, onto Team Organization!
I’ve created a Google Doc so you can see what team you (and others) are on. Please comment below what teams you want, and in what order (most to least).
1. Flamboyant Phoenixes
2. Dapper Dragons
3. Groovy Griffins
We’ll do your best to put you on the team you want most, but we also really would like the teams to be balanced 🙂
Now, onto the second part of our Gathering… the Guest-Hosted contests.
We will pick four (4) of you to host your very own games during the Gathering! You will get about 20 minutes to host your game during the Gathering, and we’ll just need you to keep score for your game. All you have to do is fill out this nifty form, with your BlogClan name, contest name, contest summary, and the time slot which works best for you.
An official schedule will be posted sometime before the Gathering, but the Guest Hosted contests will take place from 12-2, with a tennish minute break between contests.
Please feel free to come to Sunny or myself if you have any questions, and we’ll back get to you ASAP.
Also, once again, the Gathering date is Saturday August 4, 2018. (Should I have mentioned that sooner? Probably.)
1. Flamboyant Phoenixes
2. Dapper Dragons
3. Groovy Griffins
You’re a Phoenix 🙂
Phoenix, dragon then griffin
I hope I can make it!
Okay, I’ve made you a Dragon 😀
1. Groovy Griffins
2. Flamboyant Phoenixes
3. Groovy Griffins
Just a question- is Groovy Griffins #1 or #3? I don’t want to put you on a Team you don’t want 😛
Oh oops 😛 I never think about these things. Griffins are first
Haha 😛 Alright then, you’re a Griffin!
can I be
1. dragons
2. phoenix
3. griffin
excitement 🙂
You’re a Dragon!
awesome 🙂
1. Flamboyant Phoenix
2. Groovy Griffins
3. Dapper Dragons
I’ve made you a Griffin, if that’s alright with you 🙂
Nobody modded my last one.
Sorry if it gets modded soon.
Flamboyant phoenixes
Groovy griffins
Dapper dragons
I’ve intentionally left it unmodded cause I just want to make sure things are even, so I was waiting for more requests to make sure no one has an unfair advantage!
Sorry ! 😵
No worries 😀
1: Flamboyant Phoenixes
2: Dapper Dragons
3: Groovy Griffins
Alright, I’ve made you a Phoenix 🙂
For those of you whose comments haven’t yet been modded, don’t worry, I see them 😀 I’ve left them un-modded because you’re not on a team quite yet as I want to keep things balanced. You’ll definitely be put on a Team, I’d say by tomorrow. Thanks for your patience 😀
If you’re unhappy with your Team, or have any other questions/concerns, please come to me! I’m trying my hardest to make sure everyone gets their #1 choice, but a few of you were put onto the team of your 2nd choice ^^
ALSO if you’re not on a team by tomorrow evening please feel free to endlessly nag me
Okay, thanks Flo! I was worried since mine isn’t modded, but you are a mod so you can still see it. Thank you for letting me know, and thank you for all the work you have been putting into this Gathering. We’re lucky to have such awesome people like you! 🙂
flo why didnt you put me in the lazytown team :'(
I believe that I’m,
*flips hair*
Quite flamboyant.
So I’d like to be a Phoenix please!
Or a dragon!
Then a griffin
You’re a Phoenix! Also I just listed you as Potato bc I don’t know your warrior name tbh
Oh yeah, Potato is fine. Most people don’t know my warrior name 😛 I said it maybe once or twice
Can I be
1. THY PHOENIX (Come on it’s my Gravatar)
2. Dragon
3. Griffin
Yes, I think I’m obligated to make you a Phoenix 😛
1. Gr00vy Griffins
2. idc whichever team it would be best for me to join
3. ^^
Have a lovely evening <3
cool you’re the gr00viest of griffins then <3
1. Flamboyant phoenixes
2. a Groovy griffins
3. Dapper dragons
Thank you 🙂
You’re a Phoenix!