Art by warriorcatsdesigns
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Spiritflight and Coralpaw discuss ships from the series.
Fallowpaw defends Appledusk.
Use the form provided by Rainie in the comment below 😀 if you’d like to take one of the characters that someone created when this was started, put a comment below theirs saying you’d like to claim them. However, if the original character’s creator wants their character back, they’ve got rights to them.
I’ve also put every character’s power below their comment for convenience. 😀
And you can also create more than two characters! Create as many as you’d like.
Create a Character!
Now you will be able to create a character! For the time being, you can create a maximum of two (2) characters!
If you haven’t read the info page, go read it. GO
Name: Can be anything
Purrsona: Normal purrsona, include accessories here if applicable.
Age: The age they were when they died. Please do not include babies, that’s a no no. Super old cats will revert back to a stage where they were more physically capable.
Gender & Pronouns: We are inclusive.
Sexuality: For shipping. Again, we are inclusive.
Personality ~
~ Positive: List a few
~ Neutral: Minimum one or two, any quirks and random things would go here.
~ Negative: My advice is – picking a positive, and make it extreme. So determined would become stubborn, intent on achieving ambitions and may forget about other things while doing so. Something like that.
Backstory: Okay, this is important. THEY WILL ONLY REMEMBER ONE MEMORY FROM THEIR LIFE – THIS MEMORY IS WHERE THEY HAVE ‘SINNED’. Honestly, you don’t even need to put down anything if you think it’s too violent, just give them a view on it (e.g. are they remorseful? Couldn’t care less?) You can add other backstory, but they won’t remember it, so there’s no point other than for fun.
Preferred Power: Please refer to the list of powers on the information page and pick one from there. YOU DO NOT GET TO CHOOSE YOUR POWER. I WILL BE ASSIGNING POWERS.
Least Favourite Power: The one power you are guaranteed NOT to have.
Other: Anything else you want to add.
Here’s an example:
Name: Dandelion
Purrsona: White and grey ragdoll with long, thin fur and blue eyes. She has many scars on her forelegs, but her long fur covers them and they are not visible. She has a thin, golden bracelet on her right hind leg.
Age: 4 years 11 moons
Gender & Pronouns: female, she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: hardworking, mindful and works on the bad things about herself
~ Neutral: likes to run, yearns the feeling of freedom
~ Negative: aims for perfection – is too hard on herself, and expects too much. Stubborn.
Backstory: Second-degree murder of a tom whom she blamed for the murder of her friend and potential mate.
Preferred Power: doesn’t matter
Other: nothing
Here is a blank copy for copy & paste:
Gender & Pronouns:
Personality ~
~ Positive:
~ Neutral:
~ Negative:
Preferred Power:
That’s a rule, not just a request.
You must wait for me to accept your character before you can move on to role-playing!
my second character:
Name: Clover
Purrsona: tabby, mostly brown, black and white stripes, medium length fur, kinda fluffy, black nose and green eyes.
Age: 5 years
Gender & Pronouns: male, he/him
Sexuality: pansexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: self-protective, courageous
~ Neutral: cares about what other people think
~ Negative: selfish, always does what is best for himself first, relatively closed off
Backstory: intentionally harmed another tom that he blamed for stealing his mate and killing the kits, the other tom was blinded and paralyzed, Clove left him to die in a pit.
Preferred Power: doesn’t matter
Other: none
Dandelion has energy, Clover has nature
this comment has so much power. like dang. you really told me on my own rp. whoa.
ultimate power move
yeah bro
I … I guess I did 😛
Name: Alice
Purrsona: White And Yellow She-cat with blue eyes
Age: 10 years and 11 moons
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she/her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: Hard worker, determined, curious
~ Neutral: Quick-witted
~ Negative: Will do anything for perfection, doesn’t consider what one choice will do in the future
Backstory: Attempted to kill a deity after they told her she wasn’t perfect
Preferred Power: Enchanter
Least favorite power: Power neutral
Other: I made her a mix between Alice in Wonderland and Alice Angel kinda 😛
Alice is an enchanter
Name: Calabash (sometimes nicknamed Cala or Bash)
Purrsona: large thick-furred tortoiseshell she-cat with large tufted ears, a scar on the left side of her face, a bushy white-tipped tail, large white paws, and one orange, one green eye. wears a soft red plaid loop scarf
Age: 5 years 3 moons
Gender & Pronouns: she-cat, she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: loyal, brave, kind once you get to know her
~ Neutral: loves storms (especially with thunder) and the ocean, terrified of heights
~ Negative: short-tempered, stubborn, doesn’t trust easily
Backstory: she used to hang out with a small band of other cats, some of which she was close to and others she didn’t know all that well. one of the latter cats tricked her into walking along the very edge of a cliff that overlooked the ocean thousands of feet in the air with a leaf covering her eyes as a prank, knowing her fear. when she realized where she was, she flew into a rage and brutally attacked the cat who had tricked her, leaving him to die. she doesn’t regret it.
Preferred Power: Fire
Least Preferred Power: Enchanter
Other: I hope I did this right 😛
yep, accepted!
Calabash has fire
Name: Ravine
Purrsona: sandy-brown tom with black paws, a black tail-tip, and green eyes
Age: 5 years
Gender & Pronouns: male(he/him)
Sexuality: Straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: determined, intelligent, courageous
~ Neutral: Pities/sympathizes with cats who’ve had terrible lives or been betrayed by cats close to them
~ Negative: Very paranoid and has trouble opening up to others due to fear of being betrayed
Backstory: killing his toxic ex-girlfriend in a rage after she betrayed him
Preferred Power: Fire
Other: he likes to tell others to “stay vicious”
Ravine has electron
Name: Madrid
Purrsona: reddish-goldish she cat with lustrous, thick fur, large white paws, and shocking blue-purple eyes
Age: 38 moons
Gender & Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Panromantic
Personality ~
~ Positive: charming, determined, immaculate
~ Neutral: talkative, loves to climb trees
~ Negative: ruthless, overly ambitious, cunning
Backstory: Was expected to become a great leader while living, but was blinded by her ambition and started lying to her superiors to get her rivals in prison. Eventually got caught and expelled from her home, killed by another group of cats.
Preferred Power: Fire or energy, whichever is needed 🙂
Least favorite power: nature, power neutral
Other: this got dark 😛
heck yeah, accepted! I love the name!!
thanks! it was inspired by arkie’s oc london
I did say I was making an army of city named catsi love it
I saw the city name and was like yes
Mandrid has energy
*happiness noise*
Name: Serpent Shadow
Purrsona: a tall sleek thick-furred autumn-leaves-colored tom/she-cat with dark amber eyes.
Age: 48 moons
Gender & Pronouns: genderfluid, he/him//she/her (amab)
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: charismatic, open-minded
~ Neutral: creative, intelligent
~ Negative: ambitious, manipulative
Backstory: He indirectly murdered the youngest son of his brother for the imprisonment of three of his children and almost got away with it (I say he cause he was a tom at the time).
Preferred Power: Energy or Fire
Least Favorite Power: Enchanter
Other: Wolf Fang’s parent.
Name: Wolf Fang
Purrsona: a lean sleek-furred dark silver-grey tabby tom with bright blue eyes.
Age: 26 moons
Gender & Pronouns: male, he/him
Sexuality: demisexual panromantic
Personality ~
~ Positive: clever, open-minded
~ Neutral: persuasive, cunning
~ Negative: overconfident, good liar
Backstory: He murdered his uncle (the same one with the kid Serpent Shadow killed) in retribution for the uncle killing his two youngest siblings.
Preferred Power: Wind or Fire
Least Favorite Power: Enchanter
Other: Serpent Shadow’s son.
A little context/background for both of them: I’m pulling these characters from mythology, so Serpent Shadow is based on Loki and Wolf Fang is based on Fenris. In Norse mythology Loki killed Baldr (son of Odin) because he thought the kid was annoying and also Odin had chained up Hela, Fenris, and Jormangand because of their future roles in Ragnarok. Then Odin killed Loki’s two youngest kids and chained him up with their intestines (gross!). In the Ragnarok prophecy, Fenris is supposed to eat the sun and moon, then eat Odin, but he’s killed right after by one of Odin’s son’s. Loki is later killed fighting Heimdall. I probably spelled some of those wrong but that’s basically where I’m pulling my characters’ reasons for being in hell from.
Because of this their family is huge (Loki, Sleipnir, Hela, Fenris, Jormangand, Sigyn (married to Loki), Narvi and Vali), so is it alright if I reference them later on? Like if they get their memories back or something near the end of the game?
accepted and accepted! yeah, they’ll be getting their memories back at some point, so yes
Serpent Shadow has fire
Wolf Fang has wind
Name: Frost
Purrsona: fluffy white she-cat with blue eyes
Age: 5
Gender & Pronouns: female | she
Sexuality: aromantic
Personality ~
~ Positive: loyal, kind, smart
~ Neutral: enjoys the cold, likes to run
~ Negative: shy at first, holds grudges, loves revenge
Backstory: A rogue cat would threaten Frost and make fun of her every time they crossed paths. This cat had been known to be awful, very violent, and had killed before. Frost ambushed him, and they both died.
Preferred Power: Energy
Least Favourite Power: Enchanter
Other: yee
yass accepted
Not claimable, she’s my character 😛
Changing her name to Snowdrift, since I have a character with the same name and a similar personality in Tests 3.
She has energy
Name: Splashy
Purrsona: A jet-black tom with a scar on his chin, green eyes, thick fur, and a long tail.
Age: 4 years
Gender & Pronouns: male (he/him)
Sexuality: straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: fiercely loyal, quick-witted
~ Neutral: slightly shy, sometimes interrupts people
~ Negative: Doesn’t make friends easily, easy to anger
Backstory: Was in an argument over prey during leaf-bare and murdered the she-cat he was arguing with, tossing her into a river.
Preferred Power: wind
Other: nothing much else
thank you!
and you’re really speedy
yes nyoom
Splashy has wind
Name: City
Purrsona: White she-cat with flower-shaped spots on her head. She has green eyes
Age: 8 moons
Gender & Pronouns: she her
Sexuality: Straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: Kind and Caring
~ Neutral: Quiet
~ Negative: Her kindness can make her do stupid stuff
Backstory: City was born in a city to a she-cat named Tower and a tom named Brick. There whole family had city-themed names. City tried to climb up a building to save a monkey, which was trapped inside the building. She thought the monkey was being torture when it was not. She climbed up the building but when she reached the same level as the monkey. The glass broke, it killed the monkey. City was cured.
Preferred Power: Electron
Lest preferred: Enchanter
City has electron
Name: Elixir
Purrsona: The girl https://www.deviantart.com/mapleleafsunset/art/The-Weakness-in-Silence-814505022
Age: 20 moons
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she her
Sexuality: Lesbian !
Personality ~
~ Positive: Incredibly loyal and attached, she will never give up on finding the goodness in cats, no matter what. Despite this, she is not an optimist, she is just hopeful, full of hope and kind words for others
~ Neutral: Reserved, almost silent and invisible
~ Negative: Her silence is her downfall, Elixir won’t stand up and fight for what she believes in. She grows frustrated with watching the world go by and nothing changing, although she does nothing to help this.
Backstory: She stood by in silence as a group of cats from a gang she was in beat up another cat, which lead to them being permanently maimed and blind. Although she did not do anything herself, Elixir did absolutely nothing to stop it.
Preferred Power: Power neutral ! I want to see her struggle to accept that she can’t even do anything with a large effect with her powers ! Although I won’t pass up any other powers, it’d also be nice to see her realise she can have an impact. However, I would absolutely LOVE for her to have power neutral !!!!
Other: yeet lots of earrings !
yes!! accepted!
Elixir has power neutral
Name: Tokyo
Purrsona: lithe white she-cat with jade-colored eyes. She has a jagged scar on her stomach from a wound that almost killed her.
Age: 3 years
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she/her, although she doesn’t mind people referring to her as they/them
Sexuality: pan
Personality ~
~ Positive: compassionate, intelligent, good leader
~ Neutral: loves to swim, hates enclosed spaces
~ Negative: stubborn, has anxiety
Backstory: attacked and killed a she-cat who had killed her one of her kits and given her the wound on her belly; the cat equivalent of voluntary manslaughter; feels bad, but doesn’t regret it.
Preferred Power: Water
Least Favorite Power: Nuetral Powers
Other: died by getting run over by a monster
sorry, I want to make another
Name: Cairo
Purrsona: black she-cat with white paws and amber eyes
Age: 5
Gender & Pronouns: female, she/her
Sexuality: bi
Personality ~
~ Positive: protective of those she loves, intelligent, has a soft side for those who are hurting
~ Neutral: very good fighter, has three kits
~ Negative: cunning, cold to anyone she doesn’t know
Backstory: first degree murder of her previous mate who cheated on her and left her to die
Preferred Power: fire
Other: was killed when her old mate’s friends ambushed her and her kits, who also died. Her kits are already in Elysium, and they are the only reason that she is attempting the trials; so she can be with them, as they are the only things in the world that she loves.
of course, accepted!
Cairo has fire
accepted! you can go role-play now!
Tokyo has water
Name- buzzleaf (buzz)
purrsona- Dark gray tom with a white paw; green eyes (Maine coon)
age- approximately 9 moons
Gender/pronouns- Male; he,him
sexuality- straight
– positive- Always compliments himself. Nice to others,
-neutral- He is always weird. (like me…)
-negative- He hates the taste of bird (when a clanmate catches one, he will not eat it…..)
MEMORY- He killed a cat named rainpelt in his sleep.
accepted! I assume you don’t have an opinion on which power you get?
Buzzleaf has nature
Name: Vivienne
Purrsona: Slender white she-cat with black patches, soft, velvety fur, and blue eyes.
Age: 2 years, 5 moons
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she-her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: Passionate about things important to her, protective of loved ones, loyal to her allies….usually. 😉
~ Neutral: Observant, quick-thinking, quiet.
~ Negative: She has a fierce temper and a tongue to match. She is reserved, closed off, and does not open up easily. Cunning and wily, she values loyalty greatly…..unless you stand in her way of a life in Elysium.
Backstory: Stole. A lot. She took items for her own benefit or just for plain fun. Does she regret it? Nah.
Preferred Power: Power Neutral (Like I said, she steals. 😉 )
Least Favourite Power: Fire
Other: She wears her spoils with pride, including a bracelet of rose gold and amber around her forepaw, and a blue feather clipped to her ear.
Vivienne has power neutral
Name: Willow
Purrsona: gray tabby she-cat with white splotches and frost-blue eyes.
Age: 36 moons
Gender & Pronouns: female, she/her
Sexuality: asexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: energetic
~ Neutral: always wants to help
~ Negative: too energetic and will throw herself into battle without thinking.
Backstory: murdered the deputy because he hated her
Preferred Power: Water
Least fav Power: Wind
Other: none
Willow has water
Name: Kingfisher
Purrsona: Tortoiseshell molly with mostly black fur with smaller splotches of white and ginger, mainly the white fur going from her throat to her underbelly. Has amber eyes.
Age: 3 and a half years
Gender & Pronouns: Demigirl, they/she
Sexuality: Aromantic asexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: Creative, curious
~ Neutral: Sympathetic/empathetic towards others, overbearing
~ Negative: Short-tempered, ‘attack first, talk later’ mentality, hostile towards strangers
Backstory: Murdered her sibling out of vengeance for never taking her seriously and being the family’s ‘pet’, as Kingfisher likes to call them.
Preferred Power: Doesn’t matter
Name: Anthracite
Purrsona: Black and white cat with several scars stretching along their flank. Is long-furred and has a bobtail, as well as dark copper eyes.
Age: 3 years
Gender & Pronouns: Non-binary, they/them
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality ~
~ Positive: Open-minded, loyal
~ Neutral: Reserved, blunt, clever
~ Negative: Impatient, snappish, stubborn
Backstory: Was leader of a small group of cats for awhile, but absolutely hated the cats; constantly they would be breaking sacred tradition, or outright would disobey orders. Plotted with a rival group to take them down; got found out and was executed for treason.
Preferred Power: Doesn’t matter
both accepted!
Kingfisher is an enchanter
Anthracite has nature
Name: Shadow
Purrsona: fluffy red with a scar across her face, amber eyes
Age: 6 years
Gender & Pronouns: female, she/her
Sexuality: Straight
~ Positive: Hardworking and enduring
~ Neutral: Will fight fiercely, but hesitates before dealing the killing blow in battle
~ Negative: overprotective, with a sharp temper
Backstory: When in battle she jumped on top of a cat trying to kill her brother and bit it’s neck, killing it, but it turns out it was her brother she had killed and now she has a deep fear of killing.
Preferred Power: Electron
Least preferred power: Nature
Other: I’ve-never-rped-before-I-hope-I-do-this-right 😛
accepted! it’s okay, we’ll help you out with role-playing! we’ve all had embarassing moments from when we started role-playing so don’t be scared, we understand 😛 you’ll get used to it really quick!
Thanks Rainie 🙂 (almost typed “Ranie” 😛 )
nooo not ranie
that’s your new namerrr, jainie, ranie
it doesn’t stop coming
Shadow has electron
Name: Dawn
Purrsona: A light orange tabby with silver stripes, medium-length fur and sharp green eyes, and a nicked ear
Age: 15 moons
Gender & Pronouns: she-cat, she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: clever, never gives up, courageous
~ Neutral: she lies to herself, saying that she doesn’t care what people think/say about her but indeed she does
~ Negative: a risk-taker, goes headfirst into trouble, doesn’t think before speaking, closed off
Backstory: she once killed a cat in the Dark Forest and then she regretted it, never going there again
Preferred Power: invisibility
Other: none : )
I’m putting you on hold until the current test ends! It’ll be done in about a week or so I’m guessing? I’ll comment on the roleplay page when we’re done, and then you can join 🙂
you can go to the role-play page and start role-playing now!
Dawn has energy
Name: Deathspirit
Purrsona: Black muscular tom with blood red/neon red (doesn’t matter which one I can’t decide anyway 😛 ) muzzle, ears, tail tip, paws and chest in a flame pattern with red eyes that look like flames with no pupils
Age: 10 moons
Gender & Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: ummmmmmm straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: determined, likes attention
~ Neutral: likes freedom
~ Negative: ambitious
Backstory: ok I’m just gonna write something a bit like a short fanfic
It was all a flash. One moment he was watching. The next he was over the dead body. “no his could i” thought deathspirit. His claws were still stuck in his throat. “my brother”. How could he. He just wanted attention and love. No. It was a mixed feeling of happiness and regret. No. Yes. No. Yes. he felt dizzy as the blood flowed out of his neck with his throat in the ground. no
Preferred Power: fire
Power that I don’t want: I think it was nature or something?
Other: can see/ not blind
Deathspirit has a shredded ear, a scar over his eye and a scar on him back left paw (left from the front if you were looking at him)
Also red claws and red paw pads
ignoring this one!
Power in comment below
I can’t find my character thing so I’m just gonna comment
I think bc you weren’t signed in/the blog automatically signed you out for some reason
Still can’t find it
I’ll just do it again
Name: Deathspirit
description muscular black tom with blood red/ neon red muzzle, paws, tail tip, claws, paw pads, chest and ears
Deathspirit has a shredded ear, a scar over his eye and a scar on him back left paw (left from the front if you were looking at him)
Age: 10 moons
Gender & Pronouns: he/him male
Sexuality: straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: determination
~ Neutral: likes attention and freedom
~ Negative: ambitious
Deathspirit murdered his brother Lifepaw because he wanted attention from his parents (a bit like Dovewing Ivypool problem). He regrets it and doesn’t regret it at the same time.
Preferred Power: fire
Not preferred: nature
Other: if you see another Deathspirit one ignore and look at this one
the other one had a little story, it’s still pending, do you want me to get you your fanfic thing?
approved for the next test – you’ll have to wait until this test is done before you can role-play. I’ll comment on the regular blog when it does, in about a week or so?
Ok then
Accepted! You can go role-play on the role-playing page now!
Deathspirit is an enchanter
Hey, Rainie! 😊 Uh…Am I too late to join (for the next trial once this one ends)? It’s okay if I am, just lemme know 😛
Name: Nyx
Purrsona: Sleek black she-cat with white ears, white tail-tip, and yellow eyes, with four thin winding scars across her belly.
Age: Six years.
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she/her.
Sexuality: Pansexual, panromantic.
Personality ~
~ Positive: Determined, loyal toward trusted allies.
~ Neutral: Thinks that respect for another’s opinions or life is earned, not freely handed out, and evaluates others based on how useful they might be to her schemes.
~ Negative: Highly ambitious, coldly unempathetic toward the struggles of most others, quick-tempered, doesn’t care about the consequences of her actions so long as she comes out of it on top.
Backstory: In the process of avenging the murder of her littersister, Hail, she led a group of misinformed rogues (who she’d lied to in order to get them on board with the operation) into a bloodbath with another group so that their fighting could provide a cover for her to sneak into the other group’s stronghold and kill Hail’s murderer. To be clear, her sin wasn’t avenging her sister, it was sentencing 20+ innocent cats to death against a force far stronger than they’d been told. She’s confused about why she did it, since she doesn’t remember anything about her sister, but pushes remorse away with the justification that if she did it, she must have had a good reason.
Preferred Power: Electron.
Least Favourite Power: Power Neutral.
Other: I haven’t participated in an RP in years, so I’m a little rusty 😛 Also, this is a really cool concept!
Name: Wraith
Purrsona: Stocky silver tom with amber eyes and four claw-scars over his right eye.
Age: Nine years.
Gender & Pronouns: Male, him/his.
Sexuality: Pansexual, panromantic.
Personality ~
~ Positive: Adaptable, quick-witted, social, and accepting of differences.
~ Neutral: Presents a very different persona to the world than what he actually thinks; as a result, he is secretly resentful of the cats that like him because he believes they only like what he pretends to be. His main goal is safety and security, something he feels can only be bought with power.
~ Negative: Manipulative, uses sociability to collect information about others in case he ever needs to turn on them, twisted moral compass.
Backstory: His best friend, River, had recently joined up with a group of rogues. Wraith had thought about joining with him, but decided to hold off because he was needed at home to help take care of his younger siblings after their mother died of greencough. The kits were too small to fend for themselves at the time. Soon after River joined, the group of rogues was tricked into war against another group of cats by Nyx, a cat Wraith’s own age, who was quickly rising in influence because of her skill in battle and cutthroat tactics. Wraith chose at the last minute to help the rogues, but arrived too late. River, as well as all the other rogues, were dead. Nyx was nowhere to be seen.
He went home, only to find that his siblings had been found by a fox. He mourned them for a long time, and regretted his choices more with every passing day. He had lost everything. Eventually, growing weak from hunger, he wandered the territory looking for prey. He joined a group, then another once the first had dissolved from strife, then another once the second’s numbers had been thinned by constant battle, perfecting the art of molding himself into whatever he needed to be. Over time, he gained power and finally formed a group of followers that were sworn to him by loyalty. He then formed a professional partnership with the other main leader of the region, Nyx.
After lulling her into a false sense of security, he invited her to a neutral meeting place and ambushed her on the way. He then killed her, finally getting his revenge after three years. Her cats, ruled only by fear of their leader, were scattered and tried to fill the gap in power she left many times over. He integrated them into his society less than a year later and died as a king.
The backstory is sort of necessary to explain the sin, which was the murder. Since this is his only memory, he doesn’t quite understand his actions. He’s more of a talker than a fighter, after all. He concludes that it must have been a necessary move to secure his safety, brushing it aside entirely.
Preferred Power: Fire.
Least Favourite Power: Enchanter
Other: Is it alright to connect character stories like this? To be clear, Nyx doesn’t know who killed her since that isn’t her sin, only he does.
Yeah, it’s fine if they’re connected like that!
uh…what? 😛 That’s odd. I edited it to say something different because I rethought that idea. Not sure why it shows up like that. This was what I settled on:
Name: Nyx
Purrsona: Fluffy black smoke she-cat with white ears, white tail-tip, and yellow eyes, with four thin winding scars across her belly.
Age: Six years.
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she/her.
Sexuality: Heterosexual, biromantic.
Personality ~
~ Positive: Determined, loyal toward trusted allies.
~ Neutral: Thinks that respect for another’s opinions or life is earned, not freely handed out, and evaluates others based on how useful they might be to her schemes.
~ Negative: Highly ambitious, coldly unempathetic toward the struggles of most others, quick-tempered, doesn’t care about the consequences of her actions so long as she comes out of it on top.
Backstory: In the process of avenging the murder of her littersister, Hail, she led a group of misinformed rogues (who she’d lied to in order to get them on board with the operation) into a bloodbath with another group so that their fighting could provide a cover for her to sneak into the other group’s stronghold and kill Hail’s murderer. To be clear, her sin wasn’t avenging her sister, it was sentencing 20+ innocent cats to death against a force far stronger than they’d been told. She’s confused about why she did it, since she doesn’t remember anything about her sister, but pushes remorse away with the justification that if she did it, she must have had a good reason.
Preferred Power: Electron.
Least Favourite Power: Power Neutral.
Other: I haven’t participated in an RP in years, so I’m a little rusty 😛 Also, this is a really cool concept!
Name: Wraith
Purrsona: Stocky silver tom with white markings and amber eyes.
Age: Nine years.
Gender & Pronouns: Male, him/his.
Sexuality: Pansexual, panromantic.
Personality ~
~ Positive: Adaptable, quick-witted, social, and accepting of differences.
~ Neutral: Presents a very different persona to the world than what he actually thinks; as a result, he is secretly resentful of the cats that like him because he believes they only like what he pretends to be. His main goal is safety and security, something he feels can only be bought with power.
~ Negative: Manipulative, uses sociability to collect information about others in case he ever needs to turn on them, twisted moral compass.
Backstory: Killed one of his best friend’s mate (Leaf) out of anger and suspicion that she might be drawing the best friend (River) away from him and his plans for their group’s future. While he can’t remember why exactly he killed her, he’s certain she must have done something deserving of death.
Preferred Power: Fire.
Least Favourite Power: Enchanter.
Other: 😊
…so…sorry for bothering you twice! 😛
pfff you can never bother me viper
and yeah I think mod powers have blinded you, there were two in pending and i think you just forgot to delete the first one 😛 I don’t think I remembered to unapprove my response to your other one tho so also my fault 😛
oh dear 😛 my moddo powers have blinded me to the truth…how shall I survive the anguish?
you must travel to find yourself and be humble again… 😛
i dunno my schedule’s kinda packed…enlightenment takes too long 😛
meh good point, whatever then 😛
yo wassup you can go role-play now! 😀
pssst what are wraith and nyx’s powers? 😛
ooo I think I’m gonna wait until just before the next test starts to figure that out 😛
Nyx has wind
Wraith has fire
am…am I back in? 😛
Yep! 😛
Name: Moth
Purrsona: Calico she-cat with sky blue eyes and Long, light fur
Age: 18 moons
Gender & Pronouns: Female – she, her, the she-cat, the calico
Sexuality: uhh idk
Personality ~
~ Positive: clever, smart, good at making friends
~ Neutral: quiet, shy, small, loves water
~ Negative: Horrible at fighting, slow, highly impacted from past events
Backstory: Murdered her sister after she took food from a tree just in her territory. She deeply regrets this and didn’t realize until the last moment it was her sister.
Preferred Power: Water
Other: sometimes when she is doing random stuff, she can be heard growling (quietly at first, sometimes as loud as a meow) and can sometimes be heard muttering, “I didn’t know it was her!”
accepted! you can go role-play now!
Moth has water
This roleplay is Great!!! I want to make a new character for the next trial!
Name: Laughter
Purrsona: skinny black tom with yellow marks on his legs
Age: 14 moons
Gender & Pronouns: he, him
Sexuality: straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: Likes to laugh
~ Neutral: Wants everyone to be happy?
~ Negative: evil, likes to kill
Backstory: Laughter was born in a Twoleg vet place. Laughter was renamed to Laughter because he laughed a lot during his operations. Laughter grew up to be an accomplished cat and was proud of himself for being smart. But Laughter was bullied, the older cats bullied him because he was smart. Laughter was scared and sad. Then one day, Laughter was hit with a hammer on accident by his bullies so he decided to kill them. He came up with a smart plan and killed them while laughing…
Preferred Power: Power Neutral
Least fav power: water
I’m glad you think so! Accepted!
Laughter has power neutral
Name: Honey
Purrsona: tortoiseshell and tabby she cat with yellowy green eyes
Age: 4 years and 8 months
Gender & Pronouns: she and her
Sexuality: straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: friendly, caring, gentle
~ Neutral: meows a lot
~ Negative: is always hungry and can be short-tempered
Backstory: she was playing with her sister and she scratched her badly and the wound got infected and her sister died a slow painful death.
Preferred Power: fire
Other: she is Ebony’s sister (although she does not remember it)
and definitely not based on my cat honeyaccepted!
Honey has wind
Name: Silver
Purrsona: a black and white tabby with silver splashes and blue eyes and a ripped ear
Age: 15 moons
Gender & Pronouns: she-cat, she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: positive, friendly, courageous
~ Neutral: too easy to trust people, has a wry sense of humour
~ Negative: can be too rash, and goes headfirst into trouble, doesn’t think before acting
Backstory: she killed a cat who tried to kill her sister
Preferred Power: doesn’t matter
Other: None 🙂
Accepted! You can go role-play now!
Silver is an enchanter
Why thank you 😉
You are very welcome. 😛
Name: Spiritshade
Purrsona: Black she-cat with silver muzzle and pale blue eyes, one is blind
Age: 9 moons
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she, her
Sexuality: Straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: Brave, kind to close friends
~ Neutral: sorta questions starclan at times. (like mothwing)
~ Negative: Daring, excludes cats sometimes
Backstory: Killed mentor when he said that she wouldn’t be a warrior
prefered power: I dunno
least fav. power: I dunno
Spiritshade has power neutral
Name: Clockpaw
Purrsona: a small ginger she-cat with black spots on her lower back, black ears, and blue eye with flame colored specs in them
Age: nine moons
Gender & Pronouns: non-binary they/them
Sexuality: polysexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: good at working out problems; clever
~ Neutral: indecisive
~ Negative: sneaky; stubborn; shy
Backstory: during a battle with RiverClan, xe attacked a tom kit who was about the size of an apprentice; the tom didn’t know how to defend himself. Clockpaw slashed at the kit’s neck and he stopped breathing. The apprentice backed up slowly and as xe ran into the forest that’s when the cats memory faded and xe couldn’t remember. (xe/xer is a he/him she/her for NBs)
Preferred Power: FiRe
Least Favorite Power: electron 0>o
Other: xe ended up dying from attacking the ShadowClan leader and was “accidentally” murdered
I’m assuming you found this link through the Legions page, so Clockpaw’s accepted! They have power neutral 😀
T^T thank TOO! T^T *internal screaching*
Name: Cinnamon
Purrsona: golden tabby she-cat with cinnamon-colored eyes
Age: 3 years
Gender & Pronouns: female, she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: friendly, energetic, sweet
~ Neutral: loud, collects things, gives things she collects to other cats
~ Negative: not good at recognizing social ques, blunt, blurts out things
Backstory: All Cinnamon remembers is that she killed her friend. She thinks it was because they asked her to, since something horrible was going to happen to them.
Preferred Power: energy
Other: wind powers
Name: doesn’t remember their name, but will make up a name upon talking to someone
Purrsona: dark gray tabby cat with murky green eyes
Age: 5 years
Gender & Pronouns: doesn’t remember their gender, since they were neutered for an unknown reason, genderfluid (she/her / he/him / they/them / xe/xer)
Sexuality: pansexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: persistent, cares about others, empathic
~ Neutral: quiet
~ Negative: bottles up emotions, appears angry on the surface, never tells others their true feelings
Backstory: The one memory they have is very dim, and when they try to focus on it, they see nothing. However, they’ll sometimes see flashes of flame and smoke when they’re not thinking of it.
Preferred Power: power neutral
Other: nature powers
does this mean…cinnamon is a cinnamon bun character? :0
I did not think about that … but yes. Cinnamon is cinnamon bun. Cinnamon is cinnamon roll. 11/10
Name: Flick
Purrsona: She is a white she-cat with blue eyes and dark gray paws.
Age: senior warrior
Gender & Pronouns: female, she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: smart, wise, witty, quick-thinker, bold, and fierce.
~ Neutral: Adventurous, lovable, loyal to kin
~ Negative: She will do anything to get what she wants, even if it means doing something against what she believes.
Backstory: She killed her leader-mate because she wanted to be leader, and before she had abused him, so he had to make her deputy.
Preferred Power: Wind
Other: If I could, could I be put in as a dog?
Accepted with wind powers!
Thank you!
No problem 😁
Name: Caves
Purrsona: light grey tortoiseshell she-cat with white and black patches. She has icy blue eyes, and several of her claws have been ripped out
Age: 25 moons
Gender & Pronouns: female (her/she)
Sexuality: pan
Personality ~
~ Positive: hardworking, determined, clever, fast, quick-thinking
~ Neutral: very very smart and fast, silent most of the time
~ Negative: unkind, taunting, sarcastic, believes if she is going to be punished for a accident it should at least be for a proper reason, doesn’t belong in herself
Backstory: accidentally killed a cat in battle, and was killed for it.
Preferred Power: enchanter
Other: she’s afraid of the dark, but she doesn’t tell anyone.
Accepted with energy powers!
Yay thanks!
Name: Evelyn
Purrsona: brown she-cat with extremely fluffy fur, and dark blue eyes, with scars on her ears, and a small galaxy-like necklace.
Age: 23 moons
Gender & Pronouns: Female. She/her.
Sexuality: Straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: Loyal, strong and ambitious
~ Neutral: Distant and Aloof
~ Negative: Doesn’t really like teamwork, prefers working alone and puts no trust.
Backstory: Evelyn died on a Thunderpath, after being chased by a rogue. That’s why she doesn’t trust anyone.
Preferred Power: Enchanter
Least Favourite Power: I don’t really care 😛
Other: Nothing!!
Accepted with water powers! 🙂 What was her sinning memory?
Oh no my last form was cringy so I’m just gonna make a new one 😛
Age:roughly 2 years
Gender & Pronouns:Female, she/her
Sexuality: Straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: determined, compassionate, clever, intelligent, understanding
~ Neutral: loves darkness, hence her name
~ Negative: lenient, easily swayed, bossy, blunt, rude, short-tempered
Backstory: She murdered a tom who killed her mate.
Preferred Power: Fire
Accepted! She’s an enchanter
Name: Ashley (uygghh I love the name but I spent an hour searching for brown cat names, nothing fits her. I still wish I had a better one)
Purrsona: Dark brown tabby bi-color she with piercing amber eyes.
Age: 4 years
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she/her
Sexuality: Bi-ish, asexual-ish.. she doesn’t completely know.
Personality ~
~ Positive: Skilled, Determined
~ Neutral: Stubborn
~ Negative: Cold, Easily jealous
Backstory: Killed her sister out of jealousy.
Preferred Power: Fire
Other: perfect link for fur, but has amber eyes
Accepted with fire powers!
Uhhh so the fact that this died and is now being reborn is confusing the heck out of me because I keep seeing old comments blend with new ones and omc helpppp my brain is dying. 😛
Name: Storm
Purrsona: Tall, gray and black tabby she-cat with broad-shoulders and light blue eyes. She has a long scar down her shoulder
Age: 5 yearsish
Gender & Pronouns: Female she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality ~
~ Positive: Brave, caring, loving
~ Neutral: Curious, likes to find out as much information as she can. Always slightly skeptical.
~ Negative: Loyal to her friends and family, to the point where she sees nothing else. Will do anything to save anyone, but if someone she has a personal attachment to is in the midst, she will help them first. She is blind, and will not care what happens to herself.
Backstory: There was a fight, and she found herself in a bit of a… Tricky situation. She could either save her mate, or a kit she barely knew… She chose her mate, who could’ve fought himself out of the situation.
Preferred Power: Enchanter is interesting 😛
Least favorite power: …Nature I think 😛
Other: Uhhh tell me what I did wrong in this form because I obviously did something wrong because I AM CONFUSED but that’s nothing new haha it’s almost 11:00 pm help.
Nope, you did everything right! And yep, the old forms and new forms are confusing 😛 accepted! She’s an enchanter.
Thanks! Can you quickly recap all that’s happened in the roleplay for me? Because I wasn’t part of it when it started and I’ve just gone over the the rp page and I’m VERY confused. 😛
Alright 😛 the cats were all teleported to a place where Ara, the deity who’s overseeing the Trials, explained to them that they had another chance at life if they passed the Trials. There was a wait period where the cats got aquianted with each other, and then the first Trial began. It was a series of challenges in a tunnel network, and the cats first received their powers there. Once everyone had finished, they were taken back to a waiting period, and shortly after there was another Test. This one was a run, in which the cats had to go a certain distance in order to pass. However, another god appeared during this Trial, angry that Ara was giving these cats a second chance, and attacked Ara. Ara then teleported the cats to a dark cave, but she still has not appeared. What happened to most of the cats is unknown, but the roleplayers’ cats are awake.
I hope I explained it right 😛 tell me if you’ve got any questions
So, “most of the cats” is that like, the people who were part of this when it died? And was my character there for the first few trials or is she new? 😛
Yep, the “most of the cats” is everyone who was in the roleplay that didn’t rejoin. And your character’s new 😛
Okay, thanks 😛
Name: Xanadu
Purrsona: Black with white right ear and white tailtip
Age: 32 moons
Gender & Pronouns: Shecat she her
Sexuality: Neutral
Personality ~
~ Positive: hardworking and happy most of the time
~ Neutral: Trying to remember her forgotten life
~ Negative: Occasionally sarcastic
Backstory: Killing her Clan Leader and pushing the medcat off the cliff.
Preferred Power: Enchanter
Other: none really
Name: Robin
Purrsona: red she-cat with grey paws and green eyes
Age: 20 moons
Gender & Pronouns: Female she/ her
Sexuality: Straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: loves kits and thinks about the brighter things in life
~ Neutral: Pities prey
~ Negative: worries too much, doesn’t like talking
Backstory: Accidentally murdered another she-cat when hunting. While in a tree, she accidentally jumped down on to another cat, thinking it was prey. She committed the killing bite, and when she realized, she ran away in fear.
Preferred Power: Water
Other: None
Least Preferred Power: Nature
Thanks! But we’re do we roleplay?
i responded to your other comment
you can click my name and find the roleplay page from there if you’d like as well
Also, what’s my power?
I’ll tell you later on, when more people have joined!
Robin has water
Name: Easy Claps
Purrsona: black tom with large ears and hands with jade green eyes.
Age: 8 moons (Apprentice age)
Gender & Pronouns: He, Him, His
Sexuality: Straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: Super kind
~ Neutral: Likes to clap
~ Negative: Creepy
Backstory: Easy Claps likes to clap, it is one of his hobbies. When there was a gathering between the kittypets. Easy Claps clapped for his friend’s speech. But when he clapped to hard, he broke a glass window which made two of his friends die. The rest became deaf for the rest of their lives.
Preferred Power: Enchanter, but if he does, can he switch to if he claps loud enough he can turn something into something else?
Least Favorite Power: Fire or Water
okayyyyy I gotta say no to this
uhhh maybe not name the guy easy claps
Easy Claps has energy, but I don’t think cats can clap 😛
Name: Ebony
Purrsona: large muscular black Tom with sleek fur and amber eyes
Age: 2 years and 2 moons
Gender: male, he/him
Sexuality: straight
-Positive, he is caring and makes sure everyone is well looked after, and very compassionate, good hunter
-Neutral, he likes washing his paw a lot
-Negative, he can be overprotective and overreacts
Backstory: he kidnapped two young kits and abandoned them just because their mother had threatened his siblings for stealing prey and the kits then died.
Preferred power: electron
Least favourite power: fire
Other: n/a
Actually can I change the backstory?
He was in a flood and he was near the edge of the water and there was a drowning kitten but he chose to not risk his life and the kitten died.
yep, accepted!
Ebony has electron
Can I keep Ebony but not Honey?
Both of my characters were based off my pet cats because I had no creativity when I made them, but Ebony is not quite like Jet (my old cat’s name) and Honey is exactly like Honey (my cat).
oh gosh I even made Ebony Jet’s exact age when he passed away, whyyyy????😛Yeah, sure!
Hey, Rainie! 😊 Uh…Am I too late to join (for the next trial once this one ends)? It’s okay if I am, just lemme know 😛
Name: Nyx
Purrsona: Sleek black she-cat with white ears, white tail-tip, and yellow eyes, with four thin winding scars across her belly.
Age: Six years.
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she/her.
Sexuality: Pansexual, panromantic.
Personality ~
~ Positive: Determined, loyal toward trusted allies.
~ Neutral: Thinks that respect for another’s opinions or life is earned, not freely handed out, and evaluates others based on how useful they might be to her schemes.
~ Negative: Highly ambitious, coldly unempathetic toward the struggles of most others, quick-tempered, doesn’t care about the consequences of her actions so long as she comes out of it on top.
Backstory: In the process of avenging the murder of her littersister, Hail, she led a group of misinformed rogues (who she’d lied to in order to get them on board with the operation) into a bloodbath with another group so that their fighting could provide a cover for her to sneak into the other group’s stronghold and kill Hail’s murderer. To be clear, her sin wasn’t avenging her sister, it was sentencing 20+ innocent cats to death against a force far stronger than they’d been told. She’s confused about why she did it, since she doesn’t remember anything about her sister, but pushes remorse away with the justification that if she did it, she must have had a good reason.
Preferred Power: Electron.
Least Favourite Power: Power Neutral.
Other: I haven’t participated in an RP in years, so I’m a little rusty 😛 Also, this is a really cool concept!
– Second Character –
Name: Wraith
Purrsona: Stocky silver tom with white splotches and amber eyes.
Age: Nine years.
Gender & Pronouns: Male, him/his.
Sexuality: Pansexual, panromantic.
Personality ~
~ Positive: Adaptable, quick-witted, social, and accepting of differences.
~ Neutral: Presents a very different persona to the world than what he actually thinks; as a result, he is secretly resentful of the cats that like him because he believes they only like what he pretends to be. His main goal is safety and security, something he feels can only be bought with power.
~ Negative: Manipulative, uses sociability to collect information about others in case he ever needs to turn on them, twisted moral compass.
Backstory: Killed the mate of one of his best friends (Leaf) out of anger and suspicion that she might be drawing the best friend (River) away from him and his plans for their group’s future. While he can’t remember why exactly he killed her, he’s certain she must have done something deserving of death.
Preferred Power: Fire.
Least Favourite Power: Enchanter.
Other: 😊
Yay!! You can role-play after this trial ends! 🙂
Hi Rainie! It’s ok if I’m late, but… I kinda just wanted to make my character so it’s fine if I’m too late, like I said before!
Name: Fluffball
Creamy white she-cat with soft, dappled fur and pale ginger patches, wide, pale blue eyes and sharp ears, fur is always fluffy.
Age: 3 years
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she/her
Sexuality: Straight
-Positive: gentle (usually) bold, fierce, confident, a deep thinker, and imaginative.
-Neutral: loves to fight, has a fear of cliffs
-Negative: can get reckless when defending herself
Backstory: killed her mate in a rage after they purposely murdered her kits
Preferred Power: (is it okay to have two?) Fire, Water
Least Preferred Power: Enchanter
oh this is really dead lol
Fluffball has fire
I tried to make one that wouldn’t terrify myself too much
Name: Sleet
Purrsona: Snowy-white she-cat with light-green eyes. They have a very floofy tail and a jagged scar running down their left eye and partially down her neck.
Age: 3 years
Gender & Pronouns: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Demi
Personality ~
~ Positive: Quick thinker, loyal, is generous and patient.
~ Neutral: Publicly shares her opinions, and is pretty honest. She rarely keeps secrets unless it is necessary.
~ Negative: Can be a bit cold, and finds it hard to connect with other cats. She can make assumptions very quickly and be manipulative.
Backstory: Watched her brother die after being bitten by a snake. For some strange reason, she still believes that her brother deserved it. The real reason why is that she was always jealous of her brother from the beginning; and after her brother became deputy, she wanted to stop him by luring him to a snake nest and irritating them enough to come out and attack. Unfortunately for Sleet, her plan backfired and she died along with her brother.
Preferred Power: Enchanter
Least prefered power:Neutral
Haha, i’m such an idiot
i’ll get rid of the part about Sleet’s brother becoming deputy
Accepted! Fire powers
Name: Fawnleap
Appearance: fallow-and-white she-cat with startling green eyes
Age: adult
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality: friendly, open, organized, gentle, boyish, cute, no self-confidence, has anxiety, often nervous, insecure
Backstory: Fawnleap’s mother, Canopybreeze, and her father, Rockflight, had three litters. Her brothers were Pineseed, Appleshine, and Crowpool. Her sisters were Puddleblossom, Bubbleshine, Silverwind, and Songwish. Fawnleap didn’t hesitate when StarClan told her to leave. She loved her family very much, and they would have each other when she left.
Most Preferred Power: your choice
Least Preferred Power: your choice
Other: really wants to open up
Name: Primrose (Prim)
Appearance: small golden tabby she-cat with green eyes
Age: 5 moons
Gender: female
Sexuality: demipansexual
Personality: kind, caring, gentle, forgives easily, helpful, very smart, can be defensive
Backstory: your choice
Most Preferred Power: your choice
Least Preferred Power: your choice
Other: Diamond’s little sister
Wrong roleplay? This is Trials of Ether, not Legions 😛 accepted! 😀 Fawnleap has air powers and Primrose has electricity.
this is what happens when you adopt fifty roleplays :b
Rip 😛 I am the Roleplay Reviver. Bow down or else :))
oop- I just roleplay to much..
Name: Ginger
Purrsona: Very small, Dark ginger she cat with lighter ginger markings on her sides, sharp, determined green eyes, and a white chest, two back paws, and muzzle.
Age: 19 moons
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she/her
Sexuality: Straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: Loyal, Smart, Quick Thinker, Can come up with ideas easily, is a good cat at heart, will give anything away for anyone she trusts
~ Neutral: Sometimes does things without any reason behind it, feels grief and regret very easily.
~ Negative: Almost always Fire-y, Impatient, Doesn’t say a lot, mostly bottles her feelings up so that others can’t see them.
Backstory: She had a normal life until an unfamiliar cat can to her nest and attacked a cat she was sheltering in her nest, her best friend, Droplet. She attacked him back, and accidentally killed him. His group found them standing near his body and killed Ginger and Droplet.
Preferred Power: Fire powers, please
Least perferred power: Water powers
Other: Nah
Accepted with energy powers!
hullo sorry but
oop I posted my character yesterday and it’s above, I didn’t know if it would be found
Accepted her!
Name: River
Purrsona: Blue she-cat with silver tabby patches and bright, electric blue eyes
Age: 13 moons
Gender and pronouns: She/her, female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Passionate, intelligent, fierce, feisty, kind, insecure, aloof, she feels like the world hates her and always wants to be alone because of it, short-tempered, she can snap if you anger her, clear-headed, cool, loyal
Backstory: She was short-tempered, and, one day, her best friend, Wish, was doing battle practice with her father, Juniper, who she had a very strong relationship with, her sister, Doe, and her mate, Pond, along with her apprentice, Vixen. They were practicing complicated battle move, and all was going well. Then an enemy rogue group attacked them out of the blue, killing everyone except her. They attempted to kill her, but she ran away with scratches everywhere, and joined a Clan, becoming Riverfire (hah! That’s my main OC). A few moons later, then rogue group attacked again. She knew the code of honor, of course- don’t kill- but she felt she didn’t have a choice, when she realized these were the ones that killed her loved ones. She killed them, but one survived, the one that killed her father, and wounded her so badly she died slowly. In her last moments, her face taunt with pain, the Clan shamed her. They scolded her. They attacked her, and vowed she would died and never go to StarClan (or whatever the heaven here is). She died seeking vengeance on the ones who made her triumph her death.
Preferred power: Energy, otherwise electron maybe, or enchanter
Least favorite power: Water
Other: No
I’m gonna make a second one:
Name: Galaxy
Purrsona: Night black tortoiseshell she-cat with lilac eyes, paws and belly, medium length fur
Age: 17 moons
Gender & Pronouns: She-her, female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality ~
~ Positive: Quirky, kind, bubbly, protective
~ Neutral: Aloof, distant, quiet
~ Negative: Snappy, tempered, aggressive
Backstory: She was a normal Clan cat, but her leader, Deerstar, hated her. One day, her sister Berry mated and had kits with a tom from a different Clan named Blaze. Their kits were Larkkit, Moonkit, and Starkit, and Berry raised them alone, with the help of Galaxy. But Deerstar knew, somehow, that they were half-Clan, and one night, when the kits were only two moons, she killed them, just as Berry was walking into camp, back from night hunting. She saw, and attacked Deerstar, who killed her. Galaxy awoke the next morning to see a pile of blood where they had been, and the faintest smell of Deerstar. She went and told Blaze, and he attacked Deerstar in the middle of the day, in the middle of the camp. Her warriors saw this and attacked and murdered Blaze. Galaxy swore vengeance, and in the middle of the night, went to her den and grabbed death-berries. Deerstar, of course, was injured, and trusted Galaxy, as her medicine cat, to heal her. She thought these berries would heal her. They didn’t. She was twisting it fits of pain, and was dead. Galaxy’s apprentice, Midnightheart, saw the whole thing, and got her brother to attack and kill Galaxy.
Preferred Power: Fire
Least preferred power: Water
Other: She’s a distant relative of River
Accepted with power neutral
Yes thx!!!!!!
Accepted with fire powers 😀
Ok! Thanks! When does the roleplay start?
Whenever your character’s accepted! Yours has been accepted, so you can start roleplaying 😀
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sry im late to respond XD!