[image description: Ashfur's face floats above Rootspring and Willowshine walking in the Dark Forest]

The Place of No Stars Spoiler Page

Official spoiler page for The Broken Code #5: The Place of No Stars.

Official cover art by Owen Richardson

It’s here! This page will remain a discussion page until we get closer to the release date and/or Darkness Within is released. Have fun!

October 20, 2020: Some people got a little impatient, so I went ahead and changed this to a spoiler page. Happy discussing!

Embers of a Winter Dawn (Emberdawn)

Writer, photographer, moderator


  • Hi Kate! Do you know/can you maybe tell if Ivypool (or other Dark Forest trainees) will get a bigger role in this book? I would love for them to use their experience in the Forest for the good of the Clans, to prove themselves once again! Though they don’t need to of course. Maybe Icewing can win her way back into RiverClan, she belongs there! I can understand if you can’t spoiler anything, but I hope that Ivy en Bristle will explore the Forest together! Also, do you feel very sorry for Shadowsight too? Or do you think he deserves it, I’m just feeling so so sorry for him right now… And do you want Bramblestar and Squirrelflight to die? So that they can finally rest after such a dramatic and painful life 🙁 I wish Squirrel would have more kits tho

  • This is kinda random, but I was wondering if TallxJake is considered canon like ravenxbarley is? Also, are there plans to make another DoTC super edition?

  • Hey Kate! Sorry to add onto the ever-growing pile of questions, but I was wondering if there is a reason as to why Shadowsight hasn’t had a seizure over the past few books is because StarClan has been cut off? When/if StarClan comes back, will he have seizures again?

    This is less of a question, but I have seen the idea floating around that the reason why Shadowsight is generally bad at interaction is because of all of the seizures he had at such a young age gave him brain damage. I highly doubt that you guys wrote him this way on purpose, but if it is canon (or even not, either way everyone in the Clans seem to be out for him) I feel bad for him. I hope things end up better for him in the future!

    • That’s an interesting theory and one we hadn’t ever considered! But Shadowsight’s seizures are more connected to his visionary powers than brain damage.

  • Hey Kate! I was wondering how you think the warriors universe and the clans would react to 2 toms or 2 she-cats as mates…… I’m writing a fanfic and am wondering how to write this because I have 2 she-cats as mates….

    • In your fanfic you can write whatever you like! I’m sure the Warriors universe would react exactly the way the human universe reacts.

      • Oh my gosh! Thank you for answering! You’re super awesome! ily!

  • What if the medicine cats get trapped in the Dark Forest when they go to the Moonpool. It would be an evil plot from the Dark Forest. Get their healers out of the way and then pick them off one by one because they cannot be treated. Shadowsight would be our Dark Forest perspective so it would work. If this is the case then other Dark Forest cats are probably helping Ashfur!

  • My predictions 4 this book (I might update this in the future):

    1. The clans find out why and how their connection with StarClan got lost.
    2. Ashfur and Squirrelflight have lots of romance scenes (the result: millions of ash x squirrel shippers)
    3. Graykit, Mistkit and Frostkit become apprentices.
    4. All the current apprentices (Baypaw, Finchpaw, Flamepaw, Myrtlepaw, Wrenpaw, Applepaw, Woodpaw, Songpaw, Flutterpaw, Whistlepaw, Splashpaw and Fogpaw) become warriors.
    5. The dark forest cats that played important roles in OotS come back.
    6. A few living cats get murdered by dark forest cats.