[Mapleshade lays on a tree branch with a insidious smile]

Exploring Mapleshade’s Character by Leafsky

Leafsky takes a closer look at Mapleshade’s actions in her life.

Artwork by Lunarkisa

Hey guys, Leafsky here for another article! Today I’m going to be talking about Mapleshade. Of course, if you’ve read Mapleshade’s Vengeance, and the Omen of the Stars arc, you’ll know who I’m talking about. Please click off if you haven’t read any of these and don’t want to have spoilers. For those who have read these books, then… enjoy the article!
Sadly, Mapleshade’s parents are unknown. She has no known littermates, too. Her purrsona is a orange, white, and black she-cat with amber eyes. Luckily, though, it was known that her mentor was Bloomheart. She seemed to be confident, brave, and a rebel. Alright, now to the beginning of her story: Mapleshade’s Vengeance.
It starts off with her carrying a RiverClan tom’s kits. That RiverClan tom was named Appledusk. This was the crime that Mapleshade had done; breaking the warrior code by becoming mates with a cat from another clan and expecting his kits. Mapleshade, though, also lied to her clan and said Birchface was the father; a tom that had died by Appledusk, and his apprentice, Flowerpaw, diving after him into the river in a vain attempt to save him that had cost her both their lives. When Mapleshade’s kits were born, she named them Larchkit, Petalkit, and Patchkit. She loved them, but one day the medicine cat, Ravenwing, saw her kits swimming in the river. Ravenwing confronted her and said that he would tell Oakstar that Mapleshade’s kits were half RiverClan. Okay, let’s stop here. This is where Mapleshade gets mad. She planned to raise them as ThunderClan, right? Well, she got mad because she didn’t want the truth to be revealed so soon. She didn’t really seem like a bad cat, but when Ravenwing revealed her secret, she was exiled along with her kits. She went to RiverClan in a final attempt to seek shelter and join them, but her kits died. This is where she becomes insane, especially when Appledusk says Reedshine is his new mate. She becomes a rogue and then later on, she attempts to kill Ravenwing, Frecklewish, and Appledusk. All three of them died, but she was stopped when Perchpaw, Appledusk’s apprentice, fatally wounded her. That’s when she died and got sent to the Dark Forest. But the story doesn’t end there. She trains other cats later on and is driven to madness by losing everything she loved; her mate, her clan, and her kits, so she wanted vengeance on the clans. Who knows if she was still alive after the battle with the Dark Forest?
I’m sorry that this was very short, and I wish there was more information on her backstory. Have a good morning/afternoon/evening!


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