[a fluffy full-body design of Mistystar raising her front paw]

My Five Least Favorite Warrior Cats by Crimsonpaw


Crimsonpaw lists their least favourite Warrior cats

Hello fellow clanmates! Today I am going to talk about my least favorite warrior cats!

5. Mistystar – Okay! I actually have a good reason for this (I think!). First of all (SPOILER WARNING!), Mistystar is one of my least favorite cats because she is willingly (WILLINGLY!!) following Fakestar’s (Bramblestar’s imposter) commands regarding codebreakers, even though one, Mothwing, is her friend. I’m sorry, but seriously? I would never ever let another Clan boss me around, especially if I was the leader of that Clan! And frankly, if my friend just let another Clan leader make me atone or whatever the heck Fakestar wants codebreakers to do, I would LOSE MY MIND! Second of all, Mistystar just seems like she doesn’t really know what she’s doing as leader, and that annoys me.
4. Lionblaze- Before all of you Lionblaze fans freak out on me, let me just say this: he’s arrogant and though he could do whatever he wanted with the power that he was given by StarClan in “The Power of Three”. Arrogance? No thank you! Need I say more?
3. Breezepelt- Oh, Breezepelt. The #1 Dark Forest traitor. Like Lionblaze, Breezepelt is also arrogant (Maybe it comes from Crowfeather…), and he sided with the Dark Forest even after knowing what they were planning to do against his family. Really dude?
2. Brokenstar- The fact that Brokenstar harmed kittens and made them go into battle before they were trained angers me. And also, I like ShadowClan, and back in those times, Brokenstar completely ruined ShadowClan’s reputation, and now everyone thinks they are evil, even though (SPOILER ALERT AGAIN!), they seem to be one of the only Clans that doesn’t bow down to Fakestar!
1. Berrynose- I could go on about this character all day. First of all, why was he made deputy?! By being deputy, I’m almost positive that all of the Clans think ThunderClan is a bunch of hooligans now, and that basically destroys everything that Firestar worked so hard to build when he was leader. Also, again, arrogance. And more importantly, he’s annoying, competitive, and downright rude. He’s worse than my brother on a bad day!! (I also love Squirrelflight, so when he took her position as deputy, I actually punched a wall in anger. That’s hatred everyone!!) So, my point being is, no thank you! Goodbye and good day, Berrynose!

Sorry if I was a little over-dramatic and strong about this topic, but I hope you liked my first article, and thank you for reading it! I have clearly have a thing about arrogance…sorry guys! Anyway, comment below what your least favorite character is! I would love to hear your opinion! 🙂

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  • Nice! I agree that these characters (especially Berrynose) can be very difficult and it makes it really hard to like them.

  • I agree with all of them except, Lionblaze, Breezepelt, and Berrynose. It’s hard to hate breezepelt after you read crowfeather’s trial…

  • My thoughts on these cats:

    Mistystar- I LOVED her before Veil of Shadows, but now… she’s just… no.
    Lionblaze- I actually really like Lionblaze! He’s a very loving mate and brother, and a great cat.
    Breezepelt- He is terrible! And awful, horrible, mean…
    Berrynose- He was literally ONLY good with Honeyfern. HoneyXBerry forever.
    Here are my top five least favorite cats:
    5. Ashfur
    4. ThunderClan Frecklewish
    3. Rainflower
    2. Tigerclawstar
    Walk Without The Stars

  • I agree with Lionblaze and Breezepelt.

    Lionblaze doesn’t care about controlling his violent outbursts, even as a senior warrior.
    During the battle in Eclipse, Lionpaw went on a murder rampage, almost killing: Unnamed Windclan cat, Mosspelt, Heatherpaw and Crowfeather. He never apologised for this. He even has the audacity to continue to blame Heathertail: Assumes she’s as bloodthirsty as he is and blames her for Hollyleaf’s death since she discovers the tunnels.

    I won’t hold Russetfur’s death against him, as literally all he did was pull her away from killing his leader. However his attitude afterwards wasn’t good, lacking sympathy for the grieving Shadowclan warriors. He even thought about killing Flametail, when he snaps at him over Russetfur. Lionblaze doesn’t care how dangerous his temptations are, considering he’s already killed cats in the past.

    He even gets himself purposefully injured by a Shadowclan patrol to prove a point to Cinderheart. Like before, he’s dumbfounded when Cinderheart disgusted with him and doesn’t do any self-reflection.

    *Spoilers for Broken code* Lionblaze killing Harestar is unacceptable – The “accidental death” excuse doesn’t cut it anymore. He’s a senior warrior, who’s already killed cats in the past. He’s very aware of what his issue, but never did anything about it and it costed someone’s life because of it. Shortly afterwards in Greystripe’s Vow, he almost attacks his own Clanmate in Thornclaw, when they get into an argument. I’m seriously wondering why Squirrelflight choose him as deputy.

    As for Breezepelt, everyone knows his crimes, so I don’t going to go over it. Though what I will do, is cover him in Crowfeather’s Trial and beyond. He has not redeemed himself, he’s done far more worse then good:

    Declares he doesn’t care about anyone else multiple times, aggressive towards his former victim Lionblaze the whole book, endangers his clanmates by attacking the stoats against orders (Does this three times), almost attacks every non-Windclan accuser (Once at a gathering), claims innocent cats are as “bad as the trainees”, lies he never attacked Windclan and threatened to kill Pickle.

    Even one of his actions that’s commonly praised, is pathetic once you analysis it. He didn’t risk his life for Lionblaze, literally all he did was knock two stoats off him and immediately left him.

    It was up to Lionblaze to confront Breezepelt first – Breezepelt didn’t choose to “apologise”, he was put on the spot. Even then, he didn’t directly acknowledge his crimes or say “sorry”. Even the Book itself admits this:

    “I should never have listened to the Dark Forest cats,” he mewed stiffly. “You’re a Clan cat, and my loyalty should be to the Clans.” Crowfeather realised that this was as close as Breezepelt was ever going to get to an apology for attacking Lionblaze during the Great Battle. […] The two toms stared at each other and exchanged an awkward, jerky nod before each of them quickly turned back to his own Clan.”

    In comparison, Crowfeather who’s not even in the same realm when it comes to his guilt, make Breezepelt’s “apology” look pathetic:

     “I’m sorry I didn’t accept you and your littermates when I found out about you. I’m sorry that I said I had only one kit, and that anything else was a lie. If I’d known . . .” He stumbled over his words and had to begin again, while Lionblaze listened, expressionless. “If I’d only known when you were kits, when you needed me, surely things would have been different. I have no excuses, but . . . I hope you can forgive me for the way I acted.”

    Then in Vision of Shadows, Breezepelt still has old attitude, just not attempting to kill anyone, which is such a low bar, it shouldn’t count. His new actions include: Trying to deprive Shadowclan the cure to yelllowcough (Like Onestar) and hypocritically claiming Kin repenters should be exiled, including a pregnant queen.

    In the Broken Code *Spoilers* He’s the most violent of the rebellion. He insists on a camp invasion early on, during a time when it wasn’t necessary. When it pointed out innocent cats could be killed, Breezepelt dismisses it. He also still holds a grudge against Squirrelflight, despite already reconciling with Crowfeather, even victim-blaming her for Ashfur/The Imposters.

  • Mine’s Hollyleaf, although I’m starting to hate her less. I also don’t like Bristlefrost, although I’m also starting to hate her less. But I don’t like Spotfur

  • Ooh! Brokentail/star, DEFINITELY! Also, I totally agree with you about the Berrynose-Squirrelflight-deputy-thing. Long Live Squirrelflight! And also Ashfur. I want to kill him all over again (and about the Ashfur-goes-to-StarClan thing… WHAT THE HECK?!?).

  • Brokenstar is my least favorite – but only because he killed Ferncloud. 😛
    Ashfur is my second least favorite, while Lionblaze and Breezepelt are tied for third.

  • I agree with everyone but Lionblaze, I like him. Mistystar is okay … she is too old to be a leader. Breezepelt is just BAD. Brokenstar is terrible, and I don’t like Berrynose.

  • Great article! I agree with all your opinions except for Lionblaze and Mistystar, I actually kind of like them. But I do still think that Mistystar was a big mouse-brain for listening and following Fakebramble!

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