[a simple design of Ivypool walking and looking over her shoulder]

Why Ivypool Is My Favourite Character! by Lilykit

Lilykit shares their opinion on Ivypool.

Art by warrior cats designs (tumblr)

Why Ivypool is My Favourite Character!
(Spoilers for Omen of the stars and A Vision of Shadows ahead)

Her character is amazing! She’s envious and kinda half-evil. She risked her life for her clan! Being in the Dark forest by something like an accident, became somewhere where she could spy to protect her clan. She’s so brave! I do have to say, Dovewing did take all the attention from her and frankly, I don’t like Dovewing that much. I like Ivypool but i DO NOT want her to replace Dovewing as the third prophesied cat! It would ruin her whole character which means I would like Dovewing better and I’m pretty sure you can see the loophole there. (If i like Ivy and want her to be the third cat, I’d like dove better because then she would have Ivy’s character so then I’d want her to be the third cat and it keeps going and going and. . . )

Ivypool survived in the Place Of No Stars and she was even named a warrior there. She fooled so many cats! And saved many! I think she’s the reason the clans are safe. She spied in the Dark Forest, she convinced so many to fight with their clan and she also fought hard! Like I said, she’s so brave! She was in the Dark Forest every night and she had to fight to be a warrior. Antpelt was a minor character anyway.

She stood up for Blossomfall when Brokenstar said something about her on her first day. She stood up to BROKENSTAR! The killer of all kits! The son of trouble! The guy who’s better than Tigerstar in his evil plans!

If I were her, I wouldn’t sleep just so I didn’t have to go to the Dark Forest.`She kept up her lies of thorns in her nest, caught in a bramble on her night walk or a tiny sharp pebble in the Dirt place tunnel! Which I don’t think she’s used but it could work, for so long! And in the end, her clan still trusted her.

Dovewing upsets her once for a long time because she’s the third cat and everyone thinks she’s so important, THEN Dovewing leaves, has kits, then comes back just to say GOODBYE and leaves to join Tigerstar ll in ShadowClan! She upset Ivypool for way too long! I mean what kind of sister does that?

Thanks for reading! – Moonbreeze (Moonskies or just Moon)

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  • I feel like Dovewing is also blamed as the horrible sister, who runs off with Tigerstar, abandons her clan, rant rant rant, when Ivypool was the one who was jealous and snarled at her sister, when she was the one who chose to stupidly train in the DF, when she was the one who didn’t actually tell the Three about anything important.

    • Ivypool did tell the Three about things that were important. She showed them their battle moves, how to defend themselves, and was going to show them the DF’s plans had Dovewing not woken her up. She also tried to pry any information from the DF cats.
      Her jealousness was understandable. Dovewing always got all the attention, so of course it was annoying to her! The Clan leader asked to see her! And she wanted to be better than Dovewing for once.

      • So… Ivypool can snap at her sister and be rude and brusque toward her all because the clan leader asked to see her? That’s kind of overreacting, if you ask me. Also, the DF’s fighting moves are important, but apart from that she never really told the 3 anything, just being vague and saying stuff like I’ll tell you later, etc etc.

        • Yeah, and she always got so much special treatment. If I were her, I would be a bit snappy too. Imagine you were in Ivypool’s shoes (or paws). You’re a normal apprentice, and your sister gets all the attention for no reason at all (or so you think). All the other apprentices just always prefer your sister, and they blame you for not being as good. Harsh, right? That’s exactly how Ivypool felt.
          Yes, they are important. The Clans wouldn’t have won without the fighting moves, and the Dark Forest wouldn’t have taken over. Even though I quite like Dovewing, she didn’t really do anything until the end (when she heard the DF). Ivypool did more.

        • Ivypaw and Dovepaw are both immature. Let’s all agree with that. When a person is immature they don’t understand what people think. Ivypaw was jealous of Dovepaw because she was better at everything than her because of Dovepaw’s special ability. Dovepaw assumes Ivypaw is jealous of her and continues her relationship with Tigerheart. Now, Dovepaw did know about Ivypaw’s jealousy. If she was a good sister, did she sympathize with her and explain the situation? No. Even though you might argue it was because Dovepaw need to keep it a secret, but Lionblaze and Jayfeather told Hollyleaf about their powers as soon as they discover it. In addition, Dovepaw could just try working out her sister like practicing hunting together and make Ivypaw feel appreciated. But she didn’t. When they talk together, Ivypaw tells Dovepaw to stop the forbidden romance. Dovepaw replies to this by saying that she is just jealous of her and she is going to turn the clan against her.

        • This is very ironic because Dovepaw was the one who indirectly made Ivypaw train in the Dark Forest. I think Ivypaw’s response was very rude, but her bitterness and her jealousy caused that. That does not mean Ivypaw’s action is justifiable, but Dovepaw’s actions aren’t as well. First, Ivypaw didn’t go to Dark Forest of full jealousy. When cats started to guilt-trip her, such as Blossomfall, this leads to Ivypaw being angry that she doesn’t get the same treatment as her. Not only that, she doesn’t know even why. It must seem unfair for Ivypaw to be always compared while not knowing the prophercy. Second, Ivypaw works hard to be like her sister. She works hard, she stays to practice but in the end, she gets less prey than her. While Dovepaw is relying on her ability, Ivypaw works hard to try to adapt to the situation accepting that she will not be better than her sister. But saying to the face that Ivypaw is not good enough makes her hurt her sister’s feelings.

    • In one week, I will no longer be your Lilykit, I will be Lilypaw (Foxi, Lilykit/fox) says:

      Ivypool was only jealous bc of Dovewing … and she did tell the three what they needed to know

      And a good spy never reveals their secrets 😎😎 lol

      But it wasn’t stupid that she trained in le df when it worked out well. She became stronger, learned to use their own moves against them, and s p i e d

    • If you say you have never snapped at someone or have been jealous of someone in your life, i will not believe you. So many people hate ivypool for being so jealous, but in reality, everyone does it. One of the main reasons i love ivypool is because she is RELATABLE.

  • But Ivypool was mean to Dovewing too. She’s the one who snarls at Dovewing, pushes her, and says not to show off when Dovepaw says something about the beavers. Besides, Ivypool used her spying ONE time, just like Dovewing. She refuses to talk about her spying because apparently she’s betraying them. She’s as useless as Dovewing about the Dark Forest problem. Ivypool’s the one who’s jealous for a petty reason.

    • In one week, I will no longer be your Lilykit, I will be Lilypaw (Foxi, Lilykit/fox) says:

      She was mean only because of Dovewing’s blindness..

      • So, not the fact that she has a jealous personality, but because Dovewing didn’t see what she was going through? O_o

      • Dovewing was always kind to her sister. Ivypool was always falsely accusing her. She knew that the cats in the DF were evil but her excuse was “They changed.” She also saw them killing cats but still thought they were innocent. At least Dovewing tried! Ivypool never even tried to understand her sister. SHe nearly broke Dovewing from the inside, by guilt-tripping her, and making her feel mean and awful. But still, good article! 🙂

  • Nice article! Ivypool’s my favorite as well, but I like Dovewing so I’m going to defend her 🙂
    Dovewing didn’t want to take the attention from her. She didn’t realize Ivypool was feeling bad, and she wasn’t doing it on purpose.
    I feel like Dovewing should’ve told Ivypool, because she upset her, but I understand why she didn’t, since Ivypool would’ve tried to prevent her.
    Dovewing had a dream to take her kits away. She thought that her kits would be endangered, and she didn’t want any harm to come to her kits, so that’s why she took them away.

    • In one week, I will no longer be your Lilykit, I will be Lilypaw (Foxi, Lilykit/fox) says:

      My problem is the part that Dovewing was completely oblivious to Ivypool’s feelings and even if she did notice, she did nothing to stop it. But thanks for being really nice even wgen you had a different opinion <333

    • her actions were kinda sudden… just running away with Tigerstar to another clan…Also didn’t it say all queens have that kind of dreams?

  • I completely agree with you! I don’t really like Dovewing: she is way to WHINY. but Twigbranch is worse.
    I love your article!

    • In one week, I will no longer be your Lilykit, I will be Lilypaw (Foxi, Lilykit/fox) says:

      OMIGOSH YES Twigbranch is pretty whiney but she doesn’t bother me as much as Dovewing 😛 ANd like Violetshine said, she is and i n t e r l o p e r 😛 😛 and thankyouuuuu!

    • I respectfully disagree.
      Twigbranch is great! It isnt her fault she has the most USELESS sister in the world. Who also doesn’t know how to act like a sister. She did one useful thing and suddenly she is special. Twigbranch helped so much more than Violetshine. And then her useless sister, Violetshine, guilt-trips for not wanting to stay in a clan she doesnt like. And the sad hing is, that Hawkwing showed more affection to Violetshine than Twigbranch. Plus Twigbranch is also realistic! She isn’t selfish, but isn’t selfless either. I love Twigbranch.

      • I’d like to disagree on Violetshine being useless.
        Violetshine, while not doing as much as her sister twigbranch, still helped a lot in the defeat of the kin.
        She risked her life to help other cat’s in shadowclan escape and tried to knock out the kin’s leader, which was really brave of her.
        Also, while I don’t agree with Violetshine’s attitude towards twigbranch leaving, I do think there is reason behind her reaction.
        Violetshine felt very lonely in shadowclan so having her sister there for that short period of time probably helped. After twigbranch choose to escape, it felt like her best friend had left her. (Though I don’t blame Twigbranch for leavin)
        (Zelda also leaves, understandable. And Violetshine’s friend needletail dies saving her. Dawnpelt had also later died, a mentor who she was close too)
        A lot of the cats in Violetshine’s life end of leaving or dying. I honestly find that heartbreaking and am glad she is finally starting to live a more happy life.

        I love both characters though, they both have interesting perspectives on the world after living in such different scenarios.

        Twigbranch was very brave in trying to bring back skyclan twice, and helped turn the tides in the war against the kin. She also just adorable, I love her and alderhearts relationship in the early books. I also love how she stood up to finleap. She goes through a nice arc of finding where she really belongs.

        Twigbranch and her sister’s chapters do well together in showing how differently their lives went just because of what clan they grew up in.

  • This is very ironic because Dovepaw was the one who indirectly made Ivypaw train in the Dark Forest. I think Ivypaw’s response was very rude, but her bitterness and her jealousy caused that. That does not mean Ivypaw’s action is justifiable, but Dovepaw’s actions aren’t as well. First, Ivypaw didn’t go to Dark Forest of full jealousy. When cats started to guilt-trip her, such as Blossomfall, this leads to Ivypaw being angry that she doesn’t get the same treatment as her. Not only that, she doesn’t know even why. It must seem unfair for Ivypaw to be always compared while not knowing the prophercy. Second, Ivypaw works hard to be like her sister. She works hard, she stays to practice but in the end, she gets less prey than her. While Dovepaw is relying on her ability, Ivypaw works hard to try to adapt to the situation accepting that she will not be better than her sister. But saying to the face that Ivypaw is not good enough makes her hurt her sister’s feelings.

  • I don’t think Dovewing neither Ivypool is better. The only reason I like Ivypool more is because I can relate to her. They failed to understand each other and do not trust the other.

    • I agree. They both misunderstood each other and they both did wrong things. I think they are equal to each other in there argument.

  • Me just in a corner reading about people arguing which sisters are better- (DovewingVSIvypool TwigbranchVSVioletshine..) I feel like the only one who loves all of them. Ivypool, Dovewing, Violetshine, and Twigbranch are all great in my opinion. Especially Ivypool, I love her the most! (Top 6 in my favs) Dovewing is my second fav out of these 4 cause I love her struggles (and yes, she did have struggles, she didn’t whine in a corner like a baby) and I love her character. AMAZING article! I agree with everything you said about Ivypool she’s truly amazing!

  • I love Ivypool (not as much as Yellowfang though) and despise Dovewing, but I don’t want either to be prophecy cats. Hollyleaf should have been the third cat. Dovewing barely even used her powers for good. Aka spying on her hubbie, Tigerheart.
    My Fav Cats (In Order):

    • Agree, but what power would hollyleaf have?…….
      My fav in order:

      • Maybe she could have the power to see into the future.
        My fav in order:
        Ivypool & Hollyleaf (They are tied)

  • I personally like IVypool. Yeah even if the information she told the Three was late she still basically won the war. Without her they most likely would have lost. AND she risked her life for information countless times. And you might say that Dovewing did too, but Dovewing also has superpowers, so the risk would be less. Also all of the apprentices liked Dovewing more than Ivypool, and they always would act all sad whenever they were put on patrols with Ivpool instead of Dovewing, and that hurt Ivypool’s feeling. Yeah Ivypool was definitely envious and jealous, and i like how she was kinda a bad cat. It makes her more intresting and relatable. ANd DOvewing literally abandoned her clan for another clan cat, and she was one of the three!
    I honestly am glad that Ivypool wasn’t the third cat, because that would take away so much of her character and why i like her.

  • I think Ivypool = trash
    She was horrible to Dovewing, read Chapter 9 of “Night Whispers” and you will find that Dovewing is awfully worried for Ivypool, but Ivypool just yelled at her and was overly rude to her.
    Ivypool was really really selfish, she literally just wanted all of the attention for herself and didn’t even care how much she hurt Dovewing’s feelings. Ivypool whined about pointless things, like Dovewing “hating” her, when Dovewing cared for her and loved her and respected her, and Ivypool literally LIED to Firestar about a dream from StarClan, ending up in Russetfur DYING, and Firestar LOSING A LIFE.
    Ivypool’s character was horribly written, she was boring and not that interesting to read about. Ivypool thought she was better than everyone, and bragged about how right she was when Dovewing broke up with Tigerheartstar.
    Dovewing only wanted the best for Ivypool, but Ivypool just couldn’t accept that.
    Besides, Ivypool didn’t care about her sister, so why bother bugging her more?
    Ivypool literally was never risking her life, the Dark Forest wasn’t even that dangerous.
    On top of that, Ivypool practically ABANDONED her kits.
    Ivypool was legit the worst spy ever, she swore on her heart to report ever single thing that happened, and never reported ANYTHING. Ivypool haters have a RIGHT to be mad at her.
    And the worst part? The Fandom is absolutely OBSESSED with Ivypool. Need proof? Look at how many more comments are supporting Ivypool, and how many are supporting Dovewing.