Lionclaw lists their favourite and least favourite characters!
Hi this is my first article and it is about my favourite and least favourite cats. So I hope you agree (Spoiler alert).
People don’t like this cat because he is horrible to Squirrelflight, but if he was that horrible to her she would choose Ashfur in broken code, so if he was that horrible she wouldn’t be so happy when he got his body back.
9.Grey wing.
Who doesn’t like this cat, I was so happy when he found Slate much better than his brother who I HATE.
She’s Such a cool villain, I love her.
she was so brave going to DF to spy, yes went there because she was jealous of Dovewing but what apprentice likes her littermate always going up to the leader’s den to advise him.
He’s a nice easy going cat who is such a beloved elder, and in broken code I like how he takes over leadership when Squirrelflights in the DF. So sad when he dies.
Some people dislike her because of the CrowXLeaf ship, but if it wasn’t for her my favourite cat wouldn’t be alive.
4.Needlepaw (tail).
I put her as being Needlepaw because I preferred her as an apprentice, she’s funny in the apprentice’s quest in the bit where she imitates cows 😂.
Like her mother SO brave for going into DF her life was so sad though, oh and poor Rootsping might never get mate and kits.
2. Whitestorm.
What can I say, he didn’t show any resentment when Firestar/heart was chosen as deputy. I wish Whitestorm was chosen as deputy then he would have lived longer. I was so sad when he died.
1. Lionblaze.
Why do people hate this cat? his gift, in sign of the moon didn’t want his gift he’d rather be mates with Cinderheart and his powers stopped that, and he’s not selfish, anyway this is why I love this cat, he’s loyal, he’s kind, he was a great father, as some cat said he’d be. His powers are OP (he never used them to do anything but protect his clan with them) but how would you like Jayfeather looking into your mind seeing what you’re thinking I think that’s kinda creepy.
Now for my least favourite cats
I hate how this cat abandoned her clan to be with one of the most annoying warriors ever. When she’s asked to use her powers she gets all angry. Overall, annoying goody four paws.
He’s so annoying he wanted the DF to win, and he gets a nice happy life afterwards when Hollyleaf is DEAD😡. I think he is still evil.
3.Tigerstar 2.
I hate this cat he accursed Jayfearther of murder, when if it wasn’t for lion, holly, and jay he and he’s littermates would be in thunderclan or loners. And also he gives Skyclan land then runs away to the city with Dovewing, then comes back and thinks he’s the leader of all the clans, then tries to drive Skyclan off the land that HE gave them. And they say Thunderclan’s bossy.
Mouse-brain, idiot, fox-heart, annoying furball, flea-brain, all of these are things Jayfearther called other cats all of these describe him.Why people like this cat I don’t know Yellowfang and Longtail combined wouldn’t get as much love of this cat, the cats in the book don’t find him funny why do readers I’m puzzled. Anyway he’s annoying, he snaps at everyone, His powers are just creepy, and he’s just over-rated.
5.Clear sky.
I hate how he takes Storm from Grey wing then he takes a Star flower from Thunder. I mean what has this cat got against other cats having mates!.
6.Star flower.
I hate this cat SO much she deserves the DF. People say she’s good because she made Clear sky happy when he never cared about any other cats feelings, he took Storm from Grey wing.
a horrible cat who is nasty to Blossomfall she makes her go to DF, she’s all cool in Greystripe’s manga but when she gets to the clans she acts like a senior warrior, so annoying I don’t understand people who like this cat.
8. Bone.
HE KILLED WHITESTORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s all I can say.
Mary Sue and Firepaw was half her age and this cat had her full name and we all know that medicine cats take longer to get their full name, so that’s weird.
10.Stone teller (not crag).
He kicks Stormfur out of the tribe and I love Stormfur. He’s number eleven on my list. Then when the clan cats come again he says the tribe helped them enough when the clans helped the tribe more than the tribe helped them.
That’s all for now bye
nice article! I agree with you on most, here are some of my thoughts (no offense meant this is just my opinion)
this ended up as a really long comment sorry
Bramblestar: I liked him better as a warrior than as a leader, also just bc he’s horrible to Squirrelflight doesn’t mean she’ll be with Ashfur. He did try to kill her dad and her “kits” after all. It’s like a bad/worse kinda thing.
Gray Wing, Ivypool, Graystripe, Whitestorm: YESSS LOVE THEM
Mapleshade: Don’t think her actions were justified but really everyone was in the wrong in her case, love her as a villain though!
Leafpool: I think her whole relationship with Crowfeather is really cute, and she’s just a really sweet character overall
Needlepaw/tail: HAHA THE COWS 🤣 but yeah she’s so underrated!
Bristlefrost: LOVE HER! First time crying over character death, so not fair though like she’s so awesome and then fades out of EXISTENCE im sorry WHAT
Lionblaze: I find his chapters a bit boring but it is pretty fun to have a character like him lol
Dovewing: she had it kinda rough but she’s still a mary sue
breezepelt, tigerstar 2, clear sky, star flower, millie, bone, stoneteller: FOR REALLLL
jayfeather: i like him mostly since he’s a change of pace from lots of “can do no wrong” protagonists, its one of the reasons i like ivypool actually
spottedleaf: dont necessarily LIKE her but i dont really HATE her either. there are worse age gaps, pinestar and leopardfoot for example, but thats just how the warriors series does things sometimes.