my favourite and least favourite cats and why by Lionclaw

Art by MoZarts on DeviantArt

Lionclaw lists their favourite and least favourite characters!

Hi this is my first article and it is about my favourite and least favourite cats. So I hope you agree (Spoiler alert).

People don’t like this cat because he is horrible to Squirrelflight, but if he was that horrible to her she would choose Ashfur in broken code, so if he was that horrible she wouldn’t be so happy when he got his body back.

9.Grey wing.
Who doesn’t like this cat, I was so happy when he found Slate much better than his brother who I HATE.

She’s Such a cool villain, I love her.

she was so brave going to DF to spy, yes went there because she was jealous of Dovewing but what apprentice likes her littermate always going up to the leader’s den to advise him.

He’s a nice easy going cat who is such a beloved elder, and in broken code I like how he takes over leadership when Squirrelflights in the DF. So sad when he dies.

Some people dislike her because of the CrowXLeaf ship, but if it wasn’t for her my favourite cat wouldn’t be alive.

4.Needlepaw (tail).
I put her as being Needlepaw because I preferred her as an apprentice, she’s funny in the apprentice’s quest in the bit where she imitates cows 😂.

Like her mother SO brave for going into DF her life was so sad though, oh and poor Rootsping might never get mate and kits.

2. Whitestorm.
What can I say, he didn’t show any resentment when Firestar/heart was chosen as deputy. I wish Whitestorm was chosen as deputy then he would have lived longer. I was so sad when he died.

1. Lionblaze.
Why do people hate this cat? his gift, in sign of the moon didn’t want his gift he’d rather be mates with Cinderheart and his powers stopped that, and he’s not selfish, anyway this is why I love this cat, he’s loyal, he’s kind, he was a great father, as some cat said he’d be. His powers are OP (he never used them to do anything but protect his clan with them) but how would you like Jayfeather looking into your mind seeing what you’re thinking I think that’s kinda creepy.

Now for my least favourite cats

I hate how this cat abandoned her clan to be with one of the most annoying warriors ever. When she’s asked to use her powers she gets all angry. Overall, annoying goody four paws.

He’s so annoying he wanted the DF to win, and he gets a nice happy life afterwards when Hollyleaf is DEAD😡. I think he is still evil.

3.Tigerstar 2.
I hate this cat he accursed Jayfearther of murder, when if it wasn’t for lion, holly, and jay he and he’s littermates would be in thunderclan or loners. And also he gives Skyclan land then runs away to the city with Dovewing, then comes back and thinks he’s the leader of all the clans, then tries to drive Skyclan off the land that HE gave them. And they say Thunderclan’s bossy.

Mouse-brain, idiot, fox-heart, annoying furball, flea-brain, all of these are things Jayfearther called other cats all of these describe him.Why people like this cat I don’t know Yellowfang and Longtail combined wouldn’t get as much love of this cat, the cats in the book don’t find him funny why do readers I’m puzzled. Anyway he’s annoying, he snaps at everyone, His powers are just creepy, and he’s just over-rated.

5.Clear sky.
I hate how he takes Storm from Grey wing then he takes a Star flower from Thunder. I mean what has this cat got against other cats having mates!.

6.Star flower.
I hate this cat SO much she deserves the DF. People say she’s good because she made Clear sky happy when he never cared about any other cats feelings, he took Storm from Grey wing.

a horrible cat who is nasty to Blossomfall she makes her go to DF, she’s all cool in Greystripe’s manga but when she gets to the clans she acts like a senior warrior, so annoying I don’t understand people who like this cat.

8. Bone.
HE KILLED WHITESTORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s all I can say.

Mary Sue and Firepaw was half her age and this cat had her full name and we all know that medicine cats take longer to get their full name, so that’s weird.

10.Stone teller (not crag).
He kicks Stormfur out of the tribe and I love Stormfur. He’s number eleven on my list. Then when the clan cats come again he says the tribe helped them enough when the clans helped the tribe more than the tribe helped them.

That’s all for now bye

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    • AGREED. Honestly I prefer Bramblekit/paw and when he’s a young warrior than how he is later on.

  • Great article!! I love Ivypool, Gray Wing, and Leafpool too! I like all of those cats to a certain extent, and I dislike Dovewing and Millie as well! I also HATE Star Flower and Tigerstar 2

  • First comment…???
    Awesome article! Awesome job! I agree with you about Lionblaze. I don’t understand why people don’t like his character. Well done again!

  • Nice article! However, I disagree.
    First of all, Bramblestar being abusive to Squirrelflight isn’t actually addressed in the canon books, yet his actions come off as being abusive (basically, readers interpret his actions as being abusive even though in the series he’s portrayed as a hero). Also I’m not a fan of Gray Wing, I find him overrated and boring.
    Also, I disagree with Lionblaze. He’s quite a boring character, and had tons of ruined potential. He was super generic and had a really boring and bland personality. He’s also never shown to be a particularly good father (I’m not saying he’s a bad father, I’m just saying it never says he’s a good one).
    I also disagree with your opinion on Dovewing. Dovewing didn’t necessarily get angry when she was asked to use her powers, she just got a little annoyed which is understandable. She had to carry such a big burden at such a young age, and she constantly felt like she was, you know, a tool sort of.
    Clear Sky is also something I disagree with. It’s not his fault that both Storm and Star Flower loved him more than Gray Wing/Thunder. They are not obligated to love only Gray Wing and Thunder and Clear Sky never “stole” any of them, because both she-cats are allowed to love whomever they want. Saying that he “stole” them implies that they’re only objects or trophies to show off.
    I do, however, agree with Mapleshade, Ivypool, Needletail, Leafpool, and Spottedleaf!
    (Also sorry if some of my arguments came off as rude, I definitely didn’t mean it that way, it’s just that I can sometimes be highly opinionated. Your article was great, and you’re definitely allowed to have your own opinions!)

  • I agree with Bramblestar, Gray Wing, Mapleshade, Ivypool, Graystripe, Leafpool, Needlepaw, Bristlefrost, Whitestorm, Lionblaze, Jayfeather, Tigerstar, Stoneteller, and Bone. I agree that Dovewing could be bratty and selfish at some points in her life, but these characteristics are mainly driven by her nervous curiosity at the world around her, especially given that she has powers, which would’ve been quite overwhelming after discovering that she was special. Although, in some perspectives, she did abandon her Clan, she did it due to a dream from StarClan, and without taking the action, all three of her kits and Dovewing herself would’ve died. Also, Clear Sky didn’t necessarily take Star Flower from Thunder or Storm from Gray Wing; Star Flower did not truly love Thunder with her heart, and she was willing to betray him, showing that their relationship might not have turned out the best in the end; however, Star Flower truly loved Clear Sky, and they had a healthy relationship; meanwhile, Storm did not feel as much interest in Gray Wing as much as her true, deep love for Clear Sky. Clear Sky never took Storm or Star Flower; the two cats fell in love with him. ~ Cloudy

  • You seem to hate Spottedleaf x Firestar more than Spottedleaf herself. Also, if SpottedFire is pedophilia and unhealthy, you must also keep in mind that Spottedleaf is in this flawed relationship, already proving that she is not a Mary Sue. Another thing to note is that no character, unless intentionally created within a trollfic (like Starkit’s Prophecy), is fully a Mary Sue. While she can be gentle and honorable, Silverstream can also be bratty, and is slightly spoiled due to her parentage. While she can be curious and warm, Dovewing can also be bratty and selfish, although this is not associated with her main personality. While she can be warm and gentle, Spottedleaf is shown to have a passionate spark to her personality, proved in Spottedleaf’s Heart and parts of Into the Wild (she was pacing around her den in a nervous and upset manner, and Mary Sues never feel anything but joyful bliss; she had courage and spirit to stand up for Ravenpaw, and Mary Sues never need to stand up to anyone, because everyone treats them well; she died far too young, and Mary Sues never die, because having a possibility of death is already a flaw; she fell in love and broke the warrior code, and Mary Sues never break the rules, because the only person who breaks the rule in their story is the antagonist; etc. etc. etc) ~ Cloudy

  • I’m ok with Lionblaze but Breezepelt redeemed himself in Crowfeathers Trail , he actually saved Lionblaze life and apologized for what he said about Hollyleaf.

  • Nice article! Mmm, I just don’t like BrambleSquirrel as a whole because they’re actually a really toxic couple and they weren’t really stable with each other. For some reason, they still ‘love each other’ which is why their relationship is still going on.