Relating Cats from my Fanfiction to Canon Characters by Shadeleap

Shadeleap compares cats from Warriors to characters from their fanfic trilogy, Engulfed in Shadows.

Hello Bloggos! Welcome back to another article! In this one, I’ll be relating characters from my trilogy, Engulfed in Shadows, to canon characters. Let’s go!

(Spoilers for Smoldering Embers and Growing Flames)

#1: Shimmerdawn
Our first POV! Shimmerdawn is an energetic she-cat who often acts recklessly. I think her personality is a lot like Cinderpelt’s! Both she-cats’ impulsive actions lead to them getting severely injured.

#2: Eagleshade
Eagleshade is a lot like Alderheart. He’s nervous and insecure, but he’s able to grow out of that and become a valuable member of his Clan.

#3: Echowish
I think Gremlin fits her best! Echowish and Gremlin both stayed in a vicious rogue group (BloodClan and the Shadows), and both of them made an agreement with the Clans and escaped from this group while helping the Clans defeat them.

#4: Fierceflame
Fierceflame is a bit harder. He’s very protective and vengeful, and the closest cat I can think of to that is Leopardstar. Both cats don’t really learn from their mistakes and both want to avenge a cat close to them (Whiteclaw and Dawnpaw)

#5: Breezewhisper
The calico she-cat from the Shadows was another hard one. Her story starts out with her perfectly happy in the Shadows, and she is shown embracing their bloodthirsty nature. I think Needletail fits well with her. Both of them were close to their respective rogue groups (the Shadows and the Kin), but ultimately realized that they didn’t belong there.

#6: Blizzard
Like Eagleshade, Blizzard is very anxious. He doubts himself a lot and second-guesses every decision he makes. I think Ravenpaw fits him. They’re both quiet and worried, but are both loyal to their friends until the end

#7: Poison
This one was pretty easy. As the first villain of the arc, Poison was easy to write. She was resentful and sought vengeance for wrongs done to her in her past, and so I really only had to choose any villain for her. I picked Darktail because of reasons that would be a spoiler they’re both seeking revenge and both take out their anger and hatred on younger cats (Violetpaw and Echo)

#8: Wolfthorn
This one was probably the hardest. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any spies in the Clans, but I think the closest would be Sleekwhisker. Both of them joined SkyClan before ultimately leaving and going back home. They also both nearly killed cats as they left (Snowrose and Tawnypelt)

#9: Puddlesplash
So I’m going to try not to put Puddleshine down for him because I misspell his name so much it’s not even funny.
Anyway, Puddlesplash was a low-ranked cat who fell in love with Echo and left the Shadows so he could get the Clans to help her. I think he fits with Graystripe because they both left their groups after an encounter with love.

#10: Boltsky
This one was really easy. Obviously, she’s a lot like Barley. Both of them live on a farm and befriend a main character. Eventually they both welcome another cat into their home (Silky and Ravenpaw) until their friends die in front of them.

Let me know if I should do a part 2! This was actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be 😛
Have a great day/night and may StarClan light your path!

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