[Ivypool looks in disdain at Dovewing, who looks back with a tired expression]

The Dovewing and Ivypool Debate. Who is The Better Sister? by Wishbriar

Wishbriar shares their thoughts on the sisters from Omen of the Stars.

[Ivypool looks in disdain at Dovewing, who looks back with a tired expression]
Artist unknown (source: fanart.us)
[Ivypool looks in disdain at Dovewing, who looks back with a tired expression]

Hellooooooo BlogClanners! It’s Wishbriar (formerly Wishpaw) here with another article!! I’m so glad to finally be a warrior! So why not celebrate with an article about one of the biggest debates in the fandom?? I’m sorry if I offend anyone about my opinion. You are entitled to yours as well! So let me know if you agree with me in the comments.
To be honest, I support both sides. I don’t really HAVE a favorite. They both made mistakes, they both made glory. They both infuriate me, they both excite me. I actually have a few reasons for why I support both sides, and the rest of this article will tell you why.
Okay, yes, I know. Many people are calling her a Mary Sue. But I don’t believe that. Dovewing made many mistakes. I will start off by defending her. Have you ever loved someone so much that you were willing to do ANYTHING for them? In Dovewing’s case, yes. She loved Tigerheart so much that she’d do anything for him. Although she may not have made the best choice by leaving her Clan, she made an honest mistake. Yes, she ran away without warning with unborn kits. But she was trying to protect her kits. But I can totally see why people despise her for this. I didn’t particularly like this choice either. She was a little dramatic, but I think that’s what a good story needs.
There’s a lot of hatred spinning around the fandom about how Ivypool trained with the Dark Forest. And yes, Ivypool knew this. But she and many other cats were tricked into believing that they were doing this to be a better warrior. Yes, Ivypool was jealous of her sister. But wouldn’t you be if your sibling was the only one getting praised? I would be. But after Ivypool realized what she was doing, she started to spy on the Dark Forest and make note of their plans. And wouldn’t you be a little messed up if you found out that your dad and your best friend were also blinded by the Dark Forest training? Traumatizing. And yes, I will admit, Ivypool was very rude and cold towards Dovewing. She would constantly harass her and try to influence her life. But I can only say that Ivypool was trying to keep her sister safe, not matter how INTERESTING her tactic was.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this article and I helped you see that both sisters are important to the fandom. Thanks for tuning in! This is Wishbriar logging out!

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