• Kate, do you know if anyone filled in as deputy when Squirrelflight was in the nursery? If so, who?

  • I dont know if this is where this would go, but I have a question about Cinderpelt.

    So you know how she permanently broke her leg and was never able to be a full warrior so she had to become a medicine cat? Well, how come Deadfoot was able to become a warrior? Deadfoot existed before Cinderpelt even, so it’s not like disabled cats weren’t able to be warriors at her time. Besides, Deadfoot had a similar condition to Cinderpelt. He was born with a limp paw, but he was still able to overcome expectations and be a warrior and even deputy! So why not Cinderpelt?

    Also, a bit off topic: What exactly is Briarlight’s role in the Clan? We obviously dont need any more medicine cats, but is she suppose to be like an medicine cat assistant, or an assistant to warriors in general?

    • (Ask Jaysnow is where this should go 🙂 )

      Deadfoot was still able to fight and hunt with his paw, but Cinderpelt couldn’t. His condition was a single paw, while hers was her leg. They’re actually not that similar.

      She doesn’t really have one.


  • hey kate!
    don’t know if you’ve answered this question, but what color are dandelionkit and juniperkit’s eyes and pelts?

  • Hey Kate,if you were to give Twig and Violet ‘unrealistic’ eye colors(Pink,purple,red,etc…)what color would you give them?

  • Hi Kate, I have a question regarding Hollytuft, one of Lionblaze and Cinderheart’s daughters. In Bramblestar’s Storm, it was said that Cloudtail was her mentor, but in The Apprentice’s Quest, it said her mentor was Blossomfall. Which version is right? (I didn’t know whether to ask this under here or under Bramblestar’s Storm but either works??)

  • I loved it! Unfortanutly, I’m still greiving for the cat at the top of this list.
    Cats who die:
    Sandstorm 🙁
    That’s it! Hope u enjoy\enjoyed it! (The book, not the list 🙂 )

    • Quick prieview from a kits point of view.
      I beat up the other kits, ate mice and fish, and slept. THAT’S IT!

      • P.S. I’ve changed my name to Briarkit, so u can keep that the same, just have the name be Briarkit.

  • I HATE how alderpaw was forced to become a medicine cat because he was a slow learner. It’s horrible and they should have give him more of a chance. Plus being a medicine cat sounds way harder than being a warrior.

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