We know you’ve all got some Warriors-related questions you need answered. Who was Snowtuft? How many kits did Mousefur have? What did the original ThunderClan camp look like?
If so, this is the page to ask!
We’ve dusted away some leaves and made a home in this part of BlogClan territory for you to ask these kinds of questions. We’re positive there will be an expert hanging around here with the answers you seek.
Just remember: if it is not written, it is not canon.
Feel free to post your questions in a comment below, and wait for your answer!
This page is focused on published books, so we ask that people avoid asking questions about future books or anything else unknown on this page. Kate will not answer questions about future storylines on this page – no exceptions, we’re afraid to say!
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right, so i need some interactions between Bristlefrost and Rootspring, sad ones, with only those two characters. this is for a MAP (multi animator project) piece i’m doing. thx in advance!!
(My impression is that this page is mostly for Warriors-related questions, so your comment might be better for the Fanfic Org or Art page!)
(I think she might be looking for canon interactions between the two of them to include in her MAP, so this would be suited for here :D)
(I think they’re asking for specific scenes from the books? Not sure though.)
Good luck finding those! /gen ^^
No clue lmao
Hey can anyone tell me if I’m wrong when I say Dustpelt is Ferncloud’s uncle? Because I’m pretty sure it’s true. Thanks in advance!
Yes, you are right! Ferncloud’s parents are Brindleface and Whitestorm, and Brindleface’s parents are Fuzzypelt and Robinwing. Dustpelt’s parents are also Fuzzypelt and Robinwing.
I second this! ^^
gasp thank you for giving me another reason to dislike that ship >:D /nm /srs
It’s true!
Yes, that is true. Warrior cats don’t seem to care/pay attention to familial relations outside of siblings, children, and parents outside of a few cases, especially if multiple litters are involved (as they are in Ferncloud and Dustpelt’s family tree). This is the explanation behind many pairings that cause the family tree in the series to essentially be a circle.
I swear, why isn’t anyone getting genetic defects from the inbreeding?! it could be a great plot point as they finally realize that they can’t block out cats from other Clans. maybe will contribute to the clans being less stupid
Cats don’t have as noticeable effects from genetic inbreeding as humans. Feral cats do it all the time in much worse cases than the ones shown in Warriors. And with Warriors’ largely child audience, I don’t think the authors would want to make inbreeding a whole plot point.
as a child, I would love to make inbreeding a plot point. I already understand how it works, bring it on. tho maybe im not a good representation of “the average child” I also want several epidemics, a huge natural disaster to wipe off 90% of the cats, and dystopian warrior cats where they’re forced to swallow their pride and learn how to survive in the Twolegplace.
true, there won’t be any significant damages, but if all that inbreeding compounds up, as the Clans have been doing for generations, eventually something is going to happen.
ESPECIALLY if they keep the “don’t have kits with cats from other clans” rule. You’re turning about 100 cats (pretty much enough to keep them safe) to only 20, which is much more risky.
now naturally I don’t understand cat genetics, so correct me if I’m wrong.
I think that most children probably don’t want to read about inbreeding as a plot point, and it wouldn’t exactly be popular with parents either, I’m sure.
You are right, however, that even in the relatively small scale of inbreeding Warriors has eventually genetic defects would start to appear. A lot of these, however, are subtle. This includes weakened immune systems and organ conditions. It’s possible some of the cats already have/had these, and it was never stated.
Personally I’m happy they didn’t make inbreeding a plot point, I also know how it works but idk, it’d make me kinda uncomfortable if Warriors used it as a plot. Also, kids who are younger than us read Warriors as well, and giving an eight years old kid a book about inbreeding doesn’t seem like the best idea.
Yeah, they are!! Which is a bit weird but they’re still super cute 😭
yup! wow, that’s so odd!
They are, which is extremely weird and Dustpelt kind of pulled a Thistleclaw when Ferncloud was an apprentice, which was really strange, but I still think they’re super cute!
yeah, it’s true. which just worsens the ship.
Is it true that Spottedleaf had SkyClan blood?
Yes. It was revealed in Firestar’s Quest that she is descended from Spottedclaw, who was born in SkyClan and moved to ThunderClan as a kit. This occurred not long before the events of Mapleshade’s Vengeance.
Do you mean Spottedpelt? I’ve never heard of a Spottedclaw…
Mistake on my part. I asked the mods to change it prior to this comment’s modding but they haven’t gotten around to it yet 🫠
Ohh dw that happens 🫠
Yes! She is the descendant of Birdflight, who is a SkyClan cat and Cloudstar’s mate. There is also Spottedpelt, who is an ancient SkyClan cat also, who possesses a nearly identical appearance to Spottedleaf.
idk, maybe check the wiki?
Yes. Also, WindClan is the only Clan without SkyClan’s blood, I believe. Tigerstar was a SkyClan descendant, and he has blood in other Clans through Mothwing and Tawnypelt’s line. He also has
blood in ThunderClan through Brambleclaw’s line Before cross-Clan relationships were legal, was there ANY non-WindClan blood there? Forbidden relationships, yes, but Lionblaze and Jayfeather are ThunderClan
I believe so, because she’s a descendant of birdflight, who is cloudstar’s mate.
yeah, because she’s a descendant of birdflight, who is skyclan.
Maybe. Firestar says she looks a lot like Cloudstar’s daughter, so he thinks they’re related, but it’s not 100% sure
I thiiink I’ve heard things about that!!
Just HOW much time did Hollyleaf spend yelling at Ashfur? She rubbed off on him. BTW, Lionblaze IS a Codebreaker because Russetfur
I don’t fault Lionblaze for his killing of Russetfur. He was much stronger than he had full control of at his age, and it was a complete accident.
I second this! ^^
I believe killing Russetfur was an accident!
hehe im hollyclaw and was wandering if you know floss’s story? plea tell me if you do👍🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♦️🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️thank you
I don’t know about a Floss in the books, sorry 😭
Floss was a loner who lived with Smoky and, temporarily, Daisy. She and Smoky were once mates but their kits were taken by Twolegs, presumably causing them to break up as Smoky was then seen as Daisy’s mate. Floss then stayed in the barn for the rest of her life until she died of greencough.
Not sure if I’m right but I believe Smoky was mates with both Daisy and Floss at the same time, because when Diasy leaves, she says in some book that she thought Smoky loved Floss more than her, so that seems like he was still mates with her as well.
Perhaps. She could’ve been saying that he still had lingering feelings for Floss. But I suppose we’ll never know; all we know is that he was mates and had kits with both.
Wdym by story? I know who Floss is but I haven’t read Daisy’s Kin 😛