[image description: a yellow squarish cat icon with a black mouse cursor in the center]
This page is entirely dedicated to BlogClan’s Allegiances.
Here, you can:
talk about the allegiances
campaign to become a senior warrior
ask for vouches
look for a mentor/apprentice (limited to twice a week)
(If you have an issue with your current purrsona, please submit a new form so that Viperfrost/Goldenfawn can correct any errors/ommissions at the beginning of the following month)
In alignment with the new changes to the Senior Warrior campaigning platform, please be aware of the following rules:
You can announce that you are running for Senior Warrior ONCE, in a short message such as “Hey, everybody! I’m running for SW and I’d appreciate it if you vouched!”. Afterward, you may remind others than you are running ONCE PER WEEK, again in a short message such as “I’m still running for SW and I’d appreciate any support!”. Placing reminders in your name or signature is still fine. 🙂 Please separate your 1) reminder and 2) question about how many vouches you have into two different comments. Any mod can mod your reminder; only two of us can review your vouch question.
You may no longer post lists of reasons others should vouch for you, since the merit of your actions should hopefully speak louder than words.
I (Viperfrost/Goldenfawn) will keep track of how many valid vouches you have and update the Allegiances accordingly. If you’d like the number of how many valid vouches you currently have, you can post that question below ONCE PER WEEK.
To be elligible to run, you must have been active for twelve months total. In the past, you would have had to be active for twelve months in a row. Activity is determined by if you’ve commented at least once per month for each of those twelve months.
You may no longer “vouch nag” (A.K.A. post lists of reasons one should vouch for a campaigner on behalf of that campaigner).
If you would like to show support (“Vouch for So-And-So!”) or say that you’ve vouched for a campaigner, please do so beneath their announcement or weekly reminder.
If you would like a list of who you’ve vouched for, you can ask below ONCE PER WEEK. Please note that asking who you’ve vouched for is different than asking who you’ve validly vouched for and may produce different answers. 🙂
Vouch Requirements:
1. The vouch must be three or more complete sentences long.
2. The vouch must be legible. Caps lock and intense exclaimations are not your friends.
3. The vouch must include three or more objective reasons, with support, regarding how the candidate benefits the community as a whole.
People usually get caught on the third requirement. I’ll give you an example of what one of these “reasons” would look like.
One NOT VALID reason: “Goldenfawn is very nice and friendly and I love them, they’re the best!!!”
One VALID reason: “Goldenfawn is very kind, warm, and outgoing, They’re always around to be a listener or to offer a shoulder to someone in their time of need in the BlogClan Community.
What makes this valid? You have the first sentence as your thesis. It’s your main point and your reason. It is followed up by another sentence that backs up your claim. You’re providing objective reasons about benefitting the community; you have to explain HOW the candidate carries out the reason you gave. It’s one thing to say someone is nice and quite another to explain why you think they’re nice. As a general reminder, you’ll need three of these reasons in your vouch (so three main points and three explanations of those points).
Moddoos, how many vouches do I have(how many people have vouched)?
stay tuned for a comment arriving in the near future
Just a little reminder that I’m still running for senior warrior 🐱! I’ll be very happy if you can vouch for me 😆.
Good luck Astie! ❤️
Could mods tell me when and what Silvs’ last comment was ? Because i’m considering taking another apprentice. Basically, I know they have said hey to me not too long ago but I’m not sure if they are planning to stay active. I have an apprentice in mind who I want to possibly be mentor of
Their last comment was posted on November 23 🙂
not related, but hey maple! 😛
Not a mod, but I miss Silv. 🙁
….does this mean that I could maybe be your apprentice Maple?
I believe there is an issue with an old man being my apprentice bramb
I think yu might be slightly above the apprentice age bracket
I feel like I can be young at heart and still count.
…bramb you done did got roasted
Ya Silv told me she wouldn’t be able to be that active anymore. Hopefully she’ll come back!
Oh ! so has she confirmed to you that for now she won’t be able to be part of the blog ? If so, I am open to take an apprentice
Yay new mentor! I know you’ll be great Maple!
I’d really hope so. if I can take another apprentice I do have one in mind
Good luck getting that lucky kitty to be your apprentice!!! 😀
you better choose me
Um actually I think I should be chosen rip.
Um actually I think that, as per medicine cat law, I get first dibs
But… Maple is a warrior. You’re a fully trained Medicine Cat. With an Apprentice of your own.
See the issue? 😛
I see no issue here.
Maybe because your eyes froze over from crying.
I think as I asked first and former mentor rights that I get first dibs.
I predict your comments might accidentally find themselves in the spam folder. How strange.
Icy, are you abusing your mod powers? 😉
Noooo. Never.
what in starclan are you two have the same debate on both discord and blogclan at the same time
0.0 Maple I hope you feel appreciated by these two cats fighting over who will be your new apprentice…even known there both fully trained cats and one of them has an apprentice of their own…oh well then again good luck….
Or you could make Bramb look bad so Mapple won’t pick them 🙂
Make me look bad? Well that’s a rip.
bramb you do that to yourself already by making weird comments. May I remind you that you called crowfeather a stupid football ?
I am just here silently laughingdibs
False alarm, Silvs is planning on coming back really soon!
(Check ur character creation page Maple for more info)
Hey y’all I’m still running for senior warrior, I’ll really appreciate if you vouch for me! <333333
(It's past her sixth month clanniversary of running, so most of her vouches have expired by now! If you vouched for her when she started to run, so please re-vouch! <3)
You'll get cookies, cakes and treats if you vouch! 😛
(Here are the cakes and stuff for the people who vouched. 🎂🎂🎂🍰🍰🍪🍪🍪🍪🥨🥨🍭🍭🍬🍬)
Good luck Sandy & Crystie! ❤️ You are both such awesome and wonderful BlogClanners and people, you both deserve to be SWs! 😀
How many vouches do I have that are valid?
getting to that; may be little while
I’ll be allowed to vouch in two days ^^
how long have i been on the blog moddos?
Since July 11th 🙂
I’m still running for Senior Warrior!!!!!!! I would really really really really appreciate it if you vouched for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
The Pronouns List
Asterstorm – Female (She/ Her)
Blackpaw – He/Him or She/Her (Prefers Male Pronouns)
Blossomkit – Female (She/Her)
Bluebellpaw – Female (She/Her)
Bluefire – Female (She/Her)
Blueheart – Female (She/Her)
Bravepaw – Female (She/ Her)
Briarpaw – Female (She/Her)
Cheetahpaw (flight) – Female (She/Her)
Cheetahspark – Female (She/Her)
Cloudpaw – Female (She/Her)
Cloudywillow – Female She/Her)
Darkpaw – Female (She/Her)
Doe – Female (She/Her)
Dovestream – Female (She/Her)
Eaglepaw – Female (She/Her)
Emberpaw (Blossom) – Female (She/Her)
Emberdawn – Female (She/Her)
Fallenshadows – Female (She/Her)
Fawnspots – Female (She/Her)
Fireleap – Female (She/Her or They/Them)
Flamecloud – Female (She/Her)
Flashtail – Male (He/Him or They/Them)
Frostfire – Female (She/Her)
Goldenfawn – Non-Binary (They/Them)
Iceflower – Female (She/Her)
Icepaw (stream) – Female (She/Her)
Ironthistle- Non-Binary (They/Them or He/Him)
Ivypaw (leaf): Female (She/Her)
Jasminebreeze – Nonbinary (They/Them)
Junipermoth – Non-Binary (They/Them, He/Him/, Ze/Hir, Xe/Xem and anything else but She/Her)
Kat- Female (She/Her)
Mapledrift – Female (She / Her, Xe /Xem, They / Them and anything else but He/Him)
Monkeyfur – Male (He/Him)
Moonbreeze – Female (She/Her)
Moonpaw (leap) – Female (She/Her)
Moonpaw (spirit) – Female (She/Her)
Mossball – Female (She/Her)
Owlfeather – Female (She/Her)
Pearlkit – Female (She/Her)
Pebblepaw – Female (She/Her)
Pineblossom – Female (She/Her)
Potato – Female (She/Her)
Plumeflake – Female (She/Her or They/Them)
Rainshine – Female (She/Her)
Ravenpaw (feather) – Female (She/Her)
Ravenpaw (mist) – Female (She/Her)
Sandpaw – Female (She/Her)
Shadefrost – Male (He/Him)
Shadowpaw – Female (She/Her)
Shiverfur – Female (She/Her)
Starpaw (blossom) – Female (She/Her)
Star that falls through Navy Sky (Muffinpaw/fern) – Female (She/Her)
Sunsetpaw – Female (She/Her and anything other than He/Him)
Swanfeather – Female (She/Her)
Treepaw (light) – Any pronouns
Viperfrost – Female (She/Her)
Willowstep – Female (She/Her)
Winterwhisper – Male (He/Him)
Please reply to this comment if you want to be added to the list or there is a mistake.
I haven’t seen my apprentice Gingie around in awhile so I think I might be able to start looking for a new apprentice unless someone has seen them recently.
Bramb. You know I am the only logical choice for an apprentice.
Bramb is the funniest, nicest, greatest most amazing person ever, he was the best mentor I could have ever hoped for and the poor dude has a track record of every apprentice besides me going inactive.
Please, please please, be his apprentice and also like,,,, talk to him because he’s hilarious
good luck <3
Hey mods, is there any way to find out when my clanniversary is? Probably late August, but I could be wrong.
Looks like your first comment was posted on August 18th 🙂
Thanks Cheetahspark!
not a mod but hi
Hey there ! My name is Mapledrift and I’m now an available mentor ! I’m a senior warrior here on blogclan, and here are a few facts about me
– I use xe /xem and she/her pronouns
– I love to draw, write and roleplay
– Huge star wars geek right here
– I love minor characters and talking about any books I have read
– I literally read all the time
– ummmmm
– I have a youtube channel and I’m trying to learn how to make cool pmvs / speedpaints
– I have been a part of the blog for 2 and a bit years
– I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community and I love to help out people who are struggling with things like sexuality
– I try to help wherever I can
– I might go inactive now and again but I promise I am almost always checking blogclan
I’m looking for an apprentice who will stay active and be able to chat to me, and deal with a little bit of banter. It’s possible that bramb will try and adopt you as his grand apprentice so like,,, be prepared for that. I’m a big joker and want to be able to chat to my apprentice like I would any close friend.
Some people choose apprentices based off of people they are friends with, but I’m a big believer in starting new friendships after becoming someone’s mentor as well. So if you are interested in being my apprentice, whether you are an old friend or someone who wants to get closer, or even someone who I have never talked to before, just say hi under this comment, tell me a bit about you !
And please, I want to mentor someone who honestly wants to be my apprentice, not just a fancy thing on the allegiances, I’d really love to build a friendship, so in the replies to this comment, just tell me a little bit about yourself 😀
I’ll make my decision after seeing who wants to be my apprentice !!!!!
(of course the failsafe option is for both bramb and icy to be my apprentices 😉 )
Seriously y’all, never doubt the mentor-apprentice bond.
Swanfeather is my mentor. She’s like, my best friend(like, in general, not just on the blog) and I’m closer to her than anyone else in my life. Seriously y’all, Maple is an amazing person. If you’re going to be her apprentice, please try to become one of her best friends. Because that’s what I believe being mentor and apprentice is all about. 🙂
Omg Blue you are so sweet ahhhhhhhhh <3
… Silvs is gunna try to come back in winter break, but if she doesn’t, she wants you to take a new app! if she does, you got ur apprentice back! (Sry for the false alarm earlier)
Thank you so much for the update !!!!!!! This message is gonna act as a sort of thing in case she doesn’t come back but if she does I will no longer be an available mentor
Like Blue said, mentor apprentice bond is so key. Cloudy has helped me so much and we’ve been there for each other on bad and good days alike.
Next, Maple!! She’s a wonderful person, and she’s been on the blog for more than a year! Last time she was open to be a mentor, like ten people asked her! Unfortunately, her apprentice went inactive, but I can guarantee you that she will be an awesome mentor because she’s the kindest person I know ❤️❤️
ahhhh Pine you’re so nice !!!!! <3 <3
Ayyye dear Pine ily ❤️
Maple is absolutely amazing anyone who becomes her apprentice will be super lucky <333
ahhhhhhh cheetah omg I love you so much <333333
ilyt my dear!!
good luck maple ❤️
So I don’t really know how to put this…welp letter form with do (and I´m sorry if I sound like really formal I´m not trying to)
Dear Maple,
When I first met you I honestly wanted to be your friend. And as I stayed on the blog for a coupe of months heard so many great things about you that made me want to be your friend even more so I searched for ways to get closer to you, with included trying to join every single one of your Rps that I could find….. (and if you don’t believe me just check: trials 1 and 2 hopeful futures and I think one more) And now I see a shining opportunity to at lest tell you that I´m looking for a friendship in you…Anyways I would be really happy if you considered taking me on as your apprentice and friend. But then again if Silvs comes back you don’t have to take me as an apprentice and don’t fee like you do.
I’m a starwars geek too and I´ve already set aside some money to buy tickets for the new starwar rise of Skywalker (my fave starwars’ movie is probity clone wars and the empire strikes back)
I am also a member of the LGBTQ+ community I identify as Bisexual
And I am honestly looking for the mentor apprentice bond of friendship thing with whoever becomes my mentor
I’m into drawing to and hope to do some animating…my dream job is to actually become an animator for Disney
I have two cats they are my little bits of sunshine there names are Frits and Zoe, Frits is actually part bob cat so he has a stump for a tail
My warrior name is gonna be Fishleaf idk why I chose that to be my name….
That’s all I do hope you consider me as an apprentice Maple!!!! But if Silvs comes back came we still try to become friends? Anyway thanks for being a blogclanner I can look up to!!
Hey everyone! I was thinking about changing my name to Smokepaw instead of Bravepaw, because I just realized there is a canon cat named Braveheart, which was going to be my warrior name. I also wanted to ask if anyone had any good names I could use instead? Thanks!
What is your purrsona? I’m trying to think of a warrior name with the prefix Smoke. 🙂
A dark grey-blue tabby she-cat with grey eyes and white toes.
you can use these 🙂
Iceshard, maybe?
There’s already a Blogclanner called Iceshard, but he’s inactive, I think.
Name Suggestions:
Brumefrost. (Brume means mist or fog)
Breamsplash. (A bream is a kind of fish)
Dacesong. (A dace is a kind of fish)
EDIT: I think I’m too late. Doesn’t matter, as you can enjoy and use these names for other things if you want, Smoky! 🙂
Also, Smokepaw/berry, I’ve claimed a Secret Page of your avatar/profile picture for you. Do you want to have the secret page?
Can I have it? Thanks!
Yes you can! 🙂
You’re welcome!
i like smokepaw! it’s up to you though 🙂
May I ask what your purrsona is?
Smokehaze is canon! Not that you can’t use it 🙂
Aw flip
If you change your name, then be sure to tell me so I can update my form!
Hey Fawny. I have decided on Smokepaw at last. I really hope I don’t decide to change it again lol. I hope you don’t mind having to submit the form again.
No problem! I went ahead and submitted the form. 🙂Don’t forget to do it as well! ❤️
Bravespirit could be a good name if you wanted to keep “brave” as a prefix 🙂
Your name could be
I honestly really like your current prefix, but it’s all up to you!