[image description: a yellow squarish cat icon with a black mouse cursor in the center]
This page is entirely dedicated to BlogClan’s Allegiances.
Here, you can:
talk about the allegiances
campaign to become a senior warrior
ask for vouches
look for a mentor/apprentice (limited to twice a week)
(If you have an issue with your current purrsona, please submit a new form so that Viperfrost/Goldenfawn can correct any errors/ommissions at the beginning of the following month)
In alignment with the new changes to the Senior Warrior campaigning platform, please be aware of the following rules:
You can announce that you are running for Senior Warrior ONCE, in a short message such as “Hey, everybody! I’m running for SW and I’d appreciate it if you vouched!”. Afterward, you may remind others than you are running ONCE PER WEEK, again in a short message such as “I’m still running for SW and I’d appreciate any support!”. Placing reminders in your name or signature is still fine. 🙂 Please separate your 1) reminder and 2) question about how many vouches you have into two different comments. Any mod can mod your reminder; only two of us can review your vouch question.
You may no longer post lists of reasons others should vouch for you, since the merit of your actions should hopefully speak louder than words.
I (Viperfrost/Goldenfawn) will keep track of how many valid vouches you have and update the Allegiances accordingly. If you’d like the number of how many valid vouches you currently have, you can post that question below ONCE PER WEEK.
To be elligible to run, you must have been active for twelve months total. In the past, you would have had to be active for twelve months in a row. Activity is determined by if you’ve commented at least once per month for each of those twelve months.
You may no longer “vouch nag” (A.K.A. post lists of reasons one should vouch for a campaigner on behalf of that campaigner).
If you would like to show support (“Vouch for So-And-So!”) or say that you’ve vouched for a campaigner, please do so beneath their announcement or weekly reminder.
If you would like a list of who you’ve vouched for, you can ask below ONCE PER WEEK. Please note that asking who you’ve vouched for is different than asking who you’ve validly vouched for and may produce different answers. 🙂
Vouch Requirements:
1. The vouch must be three or more complete sentences long.
2. The vouch must be legible. Caps lock and intense exclaimations are not your friends.
3. The vouch must include three or more objective reasons, with support, regarding how the candidate benefits the community as a whole.
People usually get caught on the third requirement. I’ll give you an example of what one of these “reasons” would look like.
One NOT VALID reason: “Goldenfawn is very nice and friendly and I love them, they’re the best!!!”
One VALID reason: “Goldenfawn is very kind, warm, and outgoing, They’re always around to be a listener or to offer a shoulder to someone in their time of need in the BlogClan Community.
What makes this valid? You have the first sentence as your thesis. It’s your main point and your reason. It is followed up by another sentence that backs up your claim. You’re providing objective reasons about benefitting the community; you have to explain HOW the candidate carries out the reason you gave. It’s one thing to say someone is nice and quite another to explain why you think they’re nice. As a general reminder, you’ll need three of these reasons in your vouch (so three main points and three explanations of those points).
Question: If I’m in the break between College (I’ve recently had my last week there in May) and University (which I’ll be starting in September), do I put my School Grade as College or Out of School?
Thank you! 🙂
Hey, Plume! It depends on if you want to remain a warrior or not. I believe Shivy has a similar situation and she chose to be an elder until she goes back, so you could be an elder as well if you want. 😉
Do I stay a Senior Warrior if I choose the Out of School option, or do I become an Elder?
Hmm… becoming an Elder is tempting.
Hmm. In the books Senior Warriors are also old, so you could pick either. My thoughts personally are that you’ll stay a senior warrior a long time but this could be the only chance you’ll get to be an elder for a while until you’re done with University. 🙂 Also you’ll be one of only two active Elders on the blog!
I think I’ll choose to be an Elder for a while, then! 🙂
But wait, what will happen to my Apprentice, Monkeypaw(fur)?
I think I’ll go ahead and say Elders can have apprentices. ^^ Since there are so few elders there really shouldn’t have to be a downside to being one, y’know?
Yay Elder Plume! 😉
Elder Plume… Interesting…
Elder Plume. That has a good ring to it! 😉
Hello there!
Wait! Plume, if you’re an elder now, does that mean you’re going to call us non-elders ‘young’uns’ like Purdy does? 😀
Hello there!
FOR ONCE. IN MY LIFE. I finally remembered to repost!
same here
I reposted too, but that gave me flashbacks to when I first joined the allegiances and put every single detail… oof…
The Pronouns List
Archkit – Female (Fine with any pronoun)
Ashspring -Female (She/Her)
Asterstorm – Female (She/ Her)
Beaconpaw (light) – Female (She/Her)
Birchfoot – Female (She/Her)
Blackpaw – Any pronouns
Blossomkit – Female (She/Her)
Bluebellpaw – Female (She/Her)
Bluefire – Female (She/Her)
Blueflower (Potato) – Female (She/Her)
Blueheart – Female (She/Her)
Brambleheart – She/Her
Brackenpaw (Light) – Female (She/Her)
Briarpaw – Female (She/Her)
Cakestar (Kate) – Female (She/Her)
Cheetahpaw (flight) – Female (She/Her)
Cheetahspark – Female (She/Her)
Cinderpaw – Female (She/Her)
Cloudpaw (Streak of Clouds at Dawn) – Female (She/Her)
Cloudywillow – Female She/Her)
Cottonpaw – She/Her
Crimsonpaw (Claw) – Female (She/Her)
Crookedpaw (Moon) – Female (She/Her)
Crystalstream – She/Her or They/Them
Dapplepaw – They/Them (or He/Him and She/her, but it depends)
Darkpaw – Female (She/Her)
Dawnpaw – Female (She/Her)
Dewpaw (Light) – Female (She/Her)
Doe – Female (She/Her)
Dovestream – Female (She/Her)
Eagleclaw – Male – he/him
Eaglepaw – Female (She/Her)
Echomist – Female (She/Her)
Emberblaze – Male (He/Him)
Emberpaw (Blossom) – Female (She/Her)
Emberdawn – Female (She/Her)
Fallenshadows – Female (She/Her)
Fawnspots – Female (She/Her)
Fireleap – Female (She/Her or They/Them)
Flamecloud – Questioning/Female (She/Her or They/Them)
Flashtail – Male (He/Him or They/Them)
Foxpaw – Female (She/Her)
Frostfire – Female (She/Her)
Glitchfang – She/Her
Goldenpaw (Berry) – Female (She/Her)
Goldenfawn – Non-Binary (They/Them)
Gooseshadow – Female (She/Her)
Hazelburrow (Josh) – Male (He/Him)
Hollykit – Female (Sher/Her)
Honeysplash – Female (Sher/her)
Iceflower – Female (She/Her)
Icepaw (stream) – Female (She/Her)
Ironthistle – Non-Binary (They/Them or He/Him)
Ivypaw (leaf) – Female (She/Her)
Jasminebreeze – Nonbinary (They/Them)
Jayfrost – Female (She/Her)
Jaykit – Female (She/Her)
Junipermoth – Non-Binary (They/Them, He/Him/, Ze/Hir, Xe/Xem and anything else but She/Her)
Kat- Female (She/Her)
Leafsky (AKA ‘Leafie’) – Female (She/Her)
Lightbeam – Female (She/Her)
Loneheart – Female (She/Her)
Lunaheart – Female (She/Her)
Mapledrift – Demi Girl (Xe /Xem, She / Her, They/ Them and anything else but He/Him)
Mintkit – She/Her
Monkeyfur – Male (He/Him)
Moonbreeze – Female (She/Her)
Moonpaw (leap) – Female (She/Her)
Moonpaw (spirit) – Female (She/Her)
Mossball – Female (She/Her)
Owlfeather – Female (She/Her)
Pearkit – Female (She/Her)
Pearlkit – Female (She/Her)
Pebblepaw (AKA ‘Peb’)– Female (She/Her)
Plipplop (Snowpuff) – Cis Female (She/Her)
Pineblossom – Female (She/Her)
Pinestripe- Female (she/her)
Plumeflake – Female (She/Her or They/Them)
Rainingbreeze – Female (She/her)
Rainshine – Female (She/Her)
Ravenpaw (feather) – Female (She/Her)
Ravenpaw (mist) – Female (She/Her)
Ravenpaw (Shard) – Female (She/Her)
Rushfire – Male (He/Him)
Sandpaw – Female (She/Her)
Shadefrost – Male (He/Him)
Shadowpaw (Cloud) – Female (She/Her)
Shadowpaw – Female (She/Her)
Shiverfur – Female (She/Her)
Silverfrost – Female (She/Her)
Silverlight – Female (She/Her)
Silvermoon – Female (She/Her)
Silverpaw – Female (She/Her)
Smokepaw – Female (She/ Her)
Spiritkit/sky (AKA ‘Ambixie’) – Female (She/Her)
Spiritpaw – Female (She/Her)
Spottedpaw (feather) – Female (She/Her)
Starpaw (blossom) – Female (She/Her)
Starspring – Non-Binary (They/Them, Xe/Xem, Ze/Hir, and He/Him, just anything but She/Her)
Star that falls through Navy Sky (Muffinpaw/fern) – Female (She/Her)
Stormsong – Female (She/Her)
Sunsetpaw – Female (She/Her and anything other than He/Him)
Sunwhisker – Male (He/Him)
Swanfeather – Female (She/Her)
Swiftpaw (nose) – She/Her
Treepaw (light) – Any pronouns
Turtlepaw (dapple) – Non-Binary (Prefers They/Them pronouns)
Viperfrost – Female (She/Her)
Wavesplash – Female (She/Her)
Willowstep – Female (She/Her)
Winterwhisper – Male (He/Him)
Wolfpaw (Spirit) – Female (She/Her)
Wrenpaw – Female (She/Her)
Zenpaw – Female (She/Her)
Please reply to this comment if you want to be added to the list or there is a mistake.
can you change Darkpaw to Darkwing? I’m a warrior now 😛
Is the pronouns list for everybody? Or people who aren’t just allies? (I am just an ally.) Sorry if that sounds rude, eek… I just wanted to make sure 😛
It’s for everyone! You can ask Plume to be put on the list 🙂
Okie dokie! I already have, but thank you! 🙂👍
Can I be added? I’m Hailpaw/fall, female, and I go by she/her 🙂
Can I be added? Slatepaw, female, goes by she/her.
Is the age system by grade or age? Where I live 6th grade is elementary, so will I still be a kit or an apprentice? Thanks for letting me know!
If you live in America, it’s by grade. If not, ten it’s by age 🙂
Ahh I accidentally submitted my form twice sorry
That’s alright! 🙂
Hey! I don’t mean to sound rude, but I think I may have been left of the Allegiances page?
unless i didn’t read slowly enough😛Nope, you’re there! You are:
REDPAW – small, lithe russet-furred she-cat with warm brown eyes
Because you put middle school as your grade range, meaning that you are an apprentice 🙂
Oh thanks! I guess i read it way too fast 😛 thanks so much!
what embix said 🙂
What form do we use to repost?
The main allegiances form with the reason “Repost (It is June/December)”
I have another question.
I heard that everyone on the allegiances will be deleted unless they fill out the Repost (Main) form so I am wondering if you can change your name on the Repost (Main) form to something different from the one you already have on the allegiances?
sorry, the wording is kinda confusing
Technically, yes, I think so!
Thanks! 😀
I have absolutely LOVED being on here with you all! It has been a wonderful time and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!!
Sadly, I am using a school computer, and it has to be returned in a few days. I will try and pop in over the summer, but it won’t be the same.
I love you all and I am so grateful for what each of you have done for me on the hug page, and just being wonderful friends!!!
I will repost this on several pages so everyone can see.
Also, Crookedmoon, I am extremely sorry that I will be very inactive. You have been a WONDERFUL apprentice and I will miss you so so much! Keep your bright light and shine it everywhere!
Thank you all again for this wonderful time on blogclan!
<333333333333333333333333333333333333 x a million
Don't worry, Willowfang, I get it. No one can blame you for being a good person and turning in the school computer. I'm using one too, so yeah. I do have a computer, but it looks like my sister has claimed it as hers. I will look forward to seeing you again after the summer, and maybe during, and I will miss you. Bye! See you later! Let's just pretend this will be a normal summer, and maybe it will. *hugs* (I know this is not the hug page, but it just seems appropriate)
Heh. I’m going to miss you SO much Crookedmoon!! I still do have a few days, but I would love it if we still kept our title as mentor/apprentice. I really will try and pop in, but try not to expect too much.
I love you so so much! You really do make a difference on the hug page and everywhere. Please keep up your kindness!
But don’t worry, because I will come back on for another year after the summer ends. You are the most amazing apprentice anyone could ask for, and whether or not you decide to find a new mentor over the summer, I would love to take you back on when I come back.
<3 <3 <3 <3
<33333, thank you so much.
I loved seeing your advice on the Hug Page! <3
I am anticipating your pop-ins over summer! 😀
I wish you the best!
Thank you SO much!!! <3
<333333333333333333333333333333333333 x a million
Don't worry, Willowfang, I get it. No one can blame you for being a good person and turning in the school computer. I'm using one too, so yeah. I do have a computer, but it looks like my sister has claimed it as hers. I will look forward to seeing you again after the summer, and maybe during, and I will miss you. Bye! See you later! Let's just pretend this will be a normal summer, and maybe it will. *hugs* (I know this is not the hug page, but it just seems appropriate)
(Sorry if this was a duplicate, I just didn't know if my comment got eaten by the spam monster)
Aww, I’ll miss you 🙁 Your pots always make me laugh! See you soon <3
Oh, also I don’t mean to cause any trouble but I think I made my form saying that I was an apprentice to Willowfang? Sorry if it didn’t, I just thought I remembered that I did.
Unless Willowfang submits a similar form it shouldn’t be a issue. 🙂
Okay, thanks. I don’t think we’ll be put on the allegiances as mentor/apprentice much, though. Hence her comment above.
Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. I see comments addressed to me in the dashboard and have to manually look at where they’re from if the need arises, so I hadn’t seen her comment yet. 🙁 Don’t be concerned, everything will work out. <3
I’m sorry, it took me a while to get a dictionary to simplify that comment. 😉 Sadly, I think this is part mod talk, and there is no dictionary for mod talk to apprentice talk. 😀 Okay, I think I get what you’re saying, sorry my brain is slow today, well it’s just distracted we have a very fun project we’re going to be working on. Thank you. <3
Viper – I submitted a repost form, even though I will be gone for a bit. Just know that I am coming back maybe.. August.
Of course. <3 You'll be put on the Allegiances just the same.
Thanks so much!!! <3
not related but hey
YEEEEEE I’m on the allegiances page!!! (excuse the eruption of happiness)
would also be happy if I could get a mentor lol
the time will come, young grasshopper 😉
Ill be your mentor
Phew I got my repost form out of the way 😛
Same 😀
same here
I did it just now 🙂
Hello there!
Um, Vipey, did Rainingbreeze submit an allegiances form last month? I’m on the Allegiances, but I didn’t see that she was and we were supposed to be mentor and apprentice on it. Thanks!
I’m not Viper, but I checked. Rainingbreeze is an apprentice, so she’s listed as Rainingpaw on the Allegiances, so she can’t mentor you ^^
oops I did must of clicked that by mistake sorry uh Iḿ in highschool so Iḿ a warrior when I did my form with Crimsonpaw as my apprentice I thought I clicked highschool. Sorry again thats what I meant to click
oops sorry again Vipey and Embix
Very sorry for the confusion It was all my fault. Really sorry like I said before it was just a wrong click of the finger (if that makes any sense..)
Vipey can you please update the allgeiences as I am warrior aged. Thank you!
I’m not Viper, but since it is repost month, you can just send in a repost form with the correct age ^^ It should be fixed in July.
ok i already sent in a repost thank you SO much Embix!!
Thanks, Embix!
Do I still have to do a repost form if I submitted mine a couple days ago and just got on the allegiances list?
yes, the allegiances get wiped clean so only people who submit again are on the allegiances 🙂
yes like Rainie said the allegiances get wiped clean so only people who submit again are on the allegiances this way the mods know who is active or not. June and December ar repost monts (I think…). This way the allegiances are not full of people who were active like 8 years ago.