[image description: a yellow squarish cat icon with a black mouse cursor in the center]
This page is entirely dedicated to BlogClan’s Allegiances.
Here, you can:
talk about the allegiances
campaign to become a senior warrior
ask for vouches
look for a mentor/apprentice (limited to twice a week)
(If you have an issue with your current purrsona, please submit a new form so that Viperfrost/Goldenfawn can correct any errors/ommissions at the beginning of the following month)
In alignment with the new changes to the Senior Warrior campaigning platform, please be aware of the following rules:
You can announce that you are running for Senior Warrior ONCE, in a short message such as “Hey, everybody! I’m running for SW and I’d appreciate it if you vouched!”. Afterward, you may remind others than you are running ONCE PER WEEK, again in a short message such as “I’m still running for SW and I’d appreciate any support!”. Placing reminders in your name or signature is still fine. 🙂 Please separate your 1) reminder and 2) question about how many vouches you have into two different comments. Any mod can mod your reminder; only two of us can review your vouch question.
You may no longer post lists of reasons others should vouch for you, since the merit of your actions should hopefully speak louder than words.
I (Viperfrost/Goldenfawn) will keep track of how many valid vouches you have and update the Allegiances accordingly. If you’d like the number of how many valid vouches you currently have, you can post that question below ONCE PER WEEK.
To be elligible to run, you must have been active for twelve months total. In the past, you would have had to be active for twelve months in a row. Activity is determined by if you’ve commented at least once per month for each of those twelve months.
You may no longer “vouch nag” (A.K.A. post lists of reasons one should vouch for a campaigner on behalf of that campaigner).
If you would like to show support (“Vouch for So-And-So!”) or say that you’ve vouched for a campaigner, please do so beneath their announcement or weekly reminder.
If you would like a list of who you’ve vouched for, you can ask below ONCE PER WEEK. Please note that asking who you’ve vouched for is different than asking who you’ve validly vouched for and may produce different answers. 🙂
Vouch Requirements:
1. The vouch must be three or more complete sentences long.
2. The vouch must be legible. Caps lock and intense exclaimations are not your friends.
3. The vouch must include three or more objective reasons, with support, regarding how the candidate benefits the community as a whole.
People usually get caught on the third requirement. I’ll give you an example of what one of these “reasons” would look like.
One NOT VALID reason: “Goldenfawn is very nice and friendly and I love them, they’re the best!!!”
One VALID reason: “Goldenfawn is very kind, warm, and outgoing, They’re always around to be a listener or to offer a shoulder to someone in their time of need in the BlogClan Community.
What makes this valid? You have the first sentence as your thesis. It’s your main point and your reason. It is followed up by another sentence that backs up your claim. You’re providing objective reasons about benefitting the community; you have to explain HOW the candidate carries out the reason you gave. It’s one thing to say someone is nice and quite another to explain why you think they’re nice. As a general reminder, you’ll need three of these reasons in your vouch (so three main points and three explanations of those points).
Okay I know that I am a App but now I am officially one,So that means that i must be looking for a mentor,So here is my purrsona.Swiftpaw (im taking away the “claw” so a mod or kate can give me my warrior name)A light yellow tabby tom with long legs and amber eyes,also has a lightning shaped scar on side.
Fun facts about me:
-I am a ten year old boy about to turn 11 and go into 6th grade
-I have just finished TPot (but hasnt started OoTS)
-Loves superheroes
-Food,Like steak
-Loves ,drumroll pls,AIR!
-Loves joking^^
And thats me in a nutshell,I love blogclan!
Hello! I have been following your tweets for the past two days, and have come to the conclusion you do not deserve to have Raymond on your allegiances. He is my comfort character and seeing him in an environment not meant for him brings me anxiety, so I will be expecting a reply to this DM when you have him in boxes and ready to relinquish him to someone who will treasure him like he deserves.
hmm no
right away my juni lord
0-0 Give up Raymond?!
Hi! My name is Lostfeather and I am a warrior. If any apprentice would like a mentor, I’m totally down for that! I’m a huge “Warriors” fan and I’m pretty fun! Here a few things about me.
Pronouns: she/her
Favorite color: Black or Grey
Favorite warrior: Ivypool
Favorite ship: JayfeatherXHalfmoon
So, yeah! That’s me!
can u be my mentor
Hi, Comet… So I know I said I would be your mentor and I’m sure you are a super cool apprentice, but I read Aspensong’s post and I would like to mentor them. I really hope you understand and I’m sorry if I got your hopes up.
goood luuck!
Nice! I hope you get an apprentice soon!
When was Shadowfire last seen?
Speedy mod. . .
idk sorry 🙁
Hey everyone! This is also on the tavern if you haven’t seen it there 😀 in case you haven’t heard, the BlogClan Newsletter is being revived! And we’re doing a little section on people currently running for senior warrior!
If you are currently running for senior warrior, you are eligible for this!
Basically, in next month’s newsletter (the revamp), we’ll have a section on who’s running for senior warrior! Anyone running can be featured. If you’d like to be involved, I’m on here and Discord. If you’d like to contact me on the blog, you can reply to this comment, the one on the allegiances chat page, or anywhere else you’d like! If you want to contact me on Discord, dm me @Frostfire#3469.
If you want to be featured, just fill out the form below:
Purrsona (so the article’s artist, the lovely Shadowmoon, can draw you!):
Any other info you’d like to add (can be how long you’ve been on the blog, how many people have vouched for you, why you’re running, or anything you’d like):
If you want to change the formatting, like a Q&A, just let me know! Your submission’s format will be spiced up after anyways, this just makes it easier to see 😀
Anyway, I think that about covers it! If you respond, I’ll make sure to write yours down in the article, and if you want me to do a question-and-answer thing with you or any type of special article format, let me know! And if you’d like to join the newsletter, it’s on Discord, and you can dm me for the invite 😀 see you when the newsletter comes out!
WHOO!! <3
Also put this on the tavern but forgot one thing oops 😛 if you could put your pronouns too that’d be great! And the extra info can also include a message. 😀
Hi, I know I’ve asked like..an abnormal amount of times, but I’m in huge need of a mentor. I’m not going to do the usual begging, this is just about all I’m going to plead. I know…WHOA- ASPENPAW ISN’T GONNA DO A WHOLE PARAGRAPH ABOUT HOW MUCH SHE WANTS A MENTOR- Nope, so this is most likely my second to last attempt for a mentor.
goood luuck
I think my last comment got deleted…welp
I’m in serious need of a mentor is basically all that i said but oh well
Hi, Aspensong. So, above I made a comment about becoming a mentor and I would love to be yours! If you are okay with it, that it.
gooood luck <3
how do you get an apprentice?
just asking
1. make sure you’re actually a warrior (if you’re in high school, you’re a warrior, if you’re in middle school, you’re an apprentice, and if you’re in kindergarten, you’re a kit)
2. ask for an apprentice
3. be prepared to drown in a sea of available apprentices
4. yoink one of them and run away
what about an elder? Is it just whenever you become a grandpa/grandma in rl? 👀
it’s when you become an adult or something
but I don’t think warriors retire that often
ah ok, thanks Raven!
What do the mentors do? Because I am an apprentice in desperate need of a mentor 🙂 If mentors do something important I’d really like to have one…
It’s mainly just a fun title! 😉
altough ppl are VERY feirce when it comes to lassoing one..
and thats not something i encourage at all! 😉
and also the cause of many wars
wars??? there are literal WARS for mentors??
well, it’s not that the apprentices are fighting each other, actually, one professional apprentice by the name of “Dawny” rallied up all of the apprentice, including the ones with mentors, to take over BlogClan. However, after Dawny was accused of throwing one of the apprentices into the soup (will be explained later), an election was held and a new leader, Emby, supplanted them.
And you’re probably wondering about the soup thing. Cheeto, the gatherer of the apprentices and mentors, got overwhelmed by the sheer amount of apprentices and the measly amount of mentors. Viper offered to ease Cheeto’s pain by eliminating the apprentices by tricking them into a suspicious cave party and cooking them into a soup.
Hope that explains everything
So that’s where the children have been going…
ohhhh that! okay! I do know what that is- thanks!
(all hail Queen Emby of the Apprentice Army!)
All hail, to the glorious ruler :3
gosh emby, your popular
Our Queen Emby of the Apprentice Army who must be listed as that or Gaypaw/fox but is not in Cheeto’s ‘looking for mentors list’ because Cheeto will not admit that Emby has more power than her on this page
I mean, come on Cheeto admit it already!!!
(Or else we of the apprentice army will take it to your manager who is secretly Queen Emby and that’s a fact <3)
All hail the Queen, long live the Queen!
I vaguely understood all that and it still confused me
Here here.
gosh gracey ily
Available Mentors:
Available Apprentices:
Driftingpaw (Falling Feather)
0.0 those are lots of apprentices
i love you cheeto
The ratio is sure something
Hi awesome Cheeto
hi awesome emby
Wow that was speed
I kinda also want a mentor… poor Cinderspark’s gonna have apprentices crawling all over them ;w;
Can you take me off the apprentice list? I’m a warrior now
sure! congrats on being a warrior 🙂
Hey guys! Soooooo, a while back, I thought I had gotten a mentor bc they said they would be my mentor. Buuuuut, recently after the allegiances were updated I looked and it doesn’t seem like I am listed as their apprentice. So um, if someone would kindly either tell me I’m an idiot and the allegiances haven’t updated yet, or tell me if not need to be put back on the apprentice ay list again. Ty <3
well the last time the allegiances were updated was may 6th, so if you acquired a mentor before then and they’re still not on there they probably forgot to send in a form 😛 you can either search for this mentor and ask them to send in a form or become available again, it’s your choice!
Ok then could you add me to the list again? Ty
Welp sorry cheetah geuss I do have a mentor. Sorry Crystalflower I am really bad at going and finding the right chat page on these major chat pages
I took you off 😛
i sent a form, hEh
not related but hi
hi! weekly reminder that im running for senior warrior and your vouch would be very appreciated <3 vouch if youd like ily
throw a vouch at riv for the chance to win a grand prize <3
Whoo! Go River! <33
i-i can’t put froatmeal and the salvation of blogclan as i reason can i?
I hate to say that that would be in-valid :C please fill in the vote the proper way :DD
djskds you can certainly try but it’s up to viper not me 😛
in that case i might have good chancesgooood luuuck!!
Hello! I’m Freepaw, but you can call me Free! I try to be super active but sometimes I have big gaps in activity! My pronouns are he/him! 😀 I love the color purple, and my favorite warriors character is Spotfur, or Twigbranch. I also love Wings of Fire and Shadow Weaver and Keeper of the Lost Cities, and I have multiple fanfics that I’ve never shared because I am get bored of writing them and never finish them… 😛 …I’m not very good at making art but it’s fun! I’m most active on the Tavern, Hug Page, and Games Page. I’m still kinda new, though. Aaaand I think that’s it, bye!
Hai free! It’s ok if you’re not always active, ppl will still notice you 🙂
Thanks 🙂
helloooo!! 😀
Hiiii Bell! 😀