You can send in your own art here or see BlogClan’s entire gallery on Flickr. Or you can just share your own art in the comments on this page.
Our former Flickr gallery can be found here.
If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
Almost finished with the requests, I am so so sorry for procrastinating so much. :/
take as much time as you need!
redid Sugar’s ref! he was my irl rabbitttttt but I made him half sugar glider and threw him into my story because I can 😛 why he has glasses and a bowtie, I don’t know, but they look cute on him so it’s fine haha
haha thank youuu
THE EARS!!!! 🙂
haha thanks!!!
Omg that is soooooo cute
thank youuuuuu
It’s so cute!! I love your art Darkie!
thank you!!
OMG thats amazing you are such a good artist, I know you might have requests BUT, could you do me? here is my purrsona,
Golden she-cat with white belly and chest fur and grey splotches all over her body and black stripes across her face, emerald green eyes you could check my profile pick for more facial features. thanks
iiiii’ve got a lot on my plate atm so probably not, but maybe next time I take requests!
alright I’ll keep a look out when you do
Aw!! I love the glasses.
thank you, Cold!!
I would gladly pay you to do art xD
fern’s redesign from a little while ago! finally gave her a backstory and all c:
dunno if the link will work, if not
awww this is so well drawn and adorable! <3
Super cute! I love how you did the glasses! <3 😀
So so adorable <3
join my art contest !
you can submit art you have done in the past !
winner gets a secret page !
Here’s lilydawn for lilypaw!
Without name
With name
If you want to see the project it’s on scratch
I love this tysm! And the white patch on my face is really accurate!!
Np! Thanks
Ah, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted here! I’ve improved my art quite a bit, as I finally found a decent style, so here’s a little something I drew recently. (The link is to my sister’s WordPress, because I don’t have my own lol)
mod edit: tw, some blood/gore
This is Sagethorn, one of my friend’s Dark Forest characters. I have a weird theory that when cats die and go to the Dark Forest, they keep their death scar and their eyes turn black. (Sage was caught in a foxtrap and killed, hence the foxtrap wound around his neck still.)
:000 cool art!
I love this! Amazing art! <3 May I ask- why did they go to the Dark Forest?
Ope, yes, thanks mods! Forgot to add that in there, lol.
Thats so cool! i love the style and the concept of the death scar as well
ahhh he looks so cool!!!
wow…just wow….
I drew this art of my characters Fireblaze and Smokey!
Smokey is one of Fire’s best friends, and since they’re a great team and he always has her back I decided the phrase ‘where there’s fire there’s smoke’ would describe their relationship perfectly.
That’s so cool, Pine! I love it!
what a great pair of friends! nice art!!! 🙂
Ooh! We share a name! Cool art <3
So cute!
woahh i forgot to post art requestss :’P
i think i did one for ravenshadow?? (i don’t remember the suffix) and someone else??
welpp here they areee:
beautiful! your art is always gorgeous <3
hahaa thanks!! <3 … it's only gorgeous when i actually do it thooo :'P
Your art is so pretty!
aww thanks so much!!! 😀
I know who they’re for (and who they are)! The first one is Coldheart for Coldheart, and the second one is Princess Spitfire for Ravenpaw/snow. I’ve gotten art requests from both of them, they were fun to draw so I ended up remembering their desgins
okkk!! thank you so much!!!
i didn’t thinnkk coldheart had white spots though so i went back and checkeddd andddd…… *drum roll*
the first one is for Shimmermist and the second one is for Ravenpaw/snow (like you saidd)
Oh, I didn’t notice the spots lol
ahh thanks a bunch!!! <3
omggg your style’s gorgeous!! I looooove the lineart haha
thanks!! and ahhh you noticeeddd!! i was watching lavendertowne (i thinkkk) and i wanted to try doing an uneven line thickness, so i diddd!! 😀
skfslkfaj it’s almost halfway through may
which means its almost june
which means its time for PRIDE REQUESTS!!!
I’ll only be doing headshot icons, so I should be able to get everyone’s done 😀 The flag will be in the background.
You can only request one flag per icon but you can request multiple icons
Fill out this form-
blogclan name:
name of character:
flag (sexuality/gender) :
flag- solid or gradient/blending:
character description (include everything):
Have a good day <3
blogclan name: Owlcloud
name of character: Owlcloud
flag (sexuality/gender) : Asexual or Grey Asexual
flag- solid or gradient/blending: Solid colours
character description: Long-furred and fluffy brown-and-white tabby She-cat with a mostly white pelt except for brown van tabby patches on head and a brown tabby tail, a white tail-tip, black or very dark grey tabby stripes, an M-shaped tabby marking on forehead, a light pink nose, ear interiors and paw pads, ear tufts (both inside of ears and on ear tips), six toes (polydactyl) on front right paw and blue eyes. (Turkish Van, Maine Coon & Ragdoll mix, Substantial/Broad & Muscular body type)
expression: Relaxed & Happy
other: You have a good day too!
blogclan name: blackie/blackpaw!!
name of character: also blackie haha 😛
flag (sexuality/gender) : lesbian?
flag- solid or gradient/blending: solid :DD
character description (include everything): here’s their ref:
expression: doing a blep with their eyes closed! sort of like this emoji : 😝
other: thank u so much!! <33
blogclan name: emberpaw/fox
name of character: emberpaw/fox
flag (sexuality/gender) : lesbian!
flag- solid or gradient/blending: solid
character description (include everything): :] Sleek, floofy black she-cat with white legs, (the white ends a bit above the knees) gray underbelly, muzzle and tail tip. Forest green eyes, one white ear, and white freckles. (COMPLETELY OPT- seasonal accessories. (winter is personally my favorite) Winter- black and white winter hat with a pastel green pom pom at the top. Black bandage like wraps around legs to keep warm. Long flowy white scarf. Summer- light green leaf behind white ear. Spring- pastel green flowy bow on start of tail, black bow/ribbon bracelet on left front leg. Fall- haven’t come up with something yet!
expression: big goofy grin or relaxed and happy
other: tysm!!!
BlogClan Name: Currently deciding Hawkwhisker, Silentwisp, or Reflectionwish
Name of character: Silentwisp
Flag: *inhale* Bigender Catgender Xenogender Girlflux Fictosexual Omniromantic
Solid or Gradient: Solid
Character description: light silver mackerel tabby with specks of dark gray just below eyes, pale, watery red/violet eyes and white paws and underbelly and undertail
Expression: Overworked, almost given up though the deadline is less than an hour away
Other: Could you make the 6 flags be side by side? Thank you!
Name: Daydream
Character name: Daydream
flag: female, asexual
flag blending: solid
description: blonde she-cat with white muzzle and paws, one hazel eye and one mint one, the mint one is the left and it has a scar over it
expression: mischievous or smug
blogclan name: Darkwing
name of character: Darkwing
flag (sexuality/gender): lesbian!!!
flag- solid or gradient/blending: soliddd
character description: she’s got a lil scar on the right side of her lower lip and she’s got tufted ears!! here’s her refff:
expression: big dumb grin!!!
other: thank you!! <33
blogclan name: Coldheart
name of character: Coldheart
flag (sexuality/gender) : Bisexual
flag- solid or gradient/blending: Solid, please!
character description (include everything): Beautiful slender silver she-cat with green eyes flecked with gold, a fluffy, plumy tail with a gray-blue tail tip and white ears and white paws flecked with gray blue flecks. (Note: The ears are not flecked.)
expression: Smiling!
other: Thank you!
Can you draw my characters Willowbranch and Wishspring together? They’re mates!
blogclan name: Turtlepaw
name of character: Willowbranch and Wishspring
flag (sexuality/gender) : lesbian pride flag please
flag- solid or gradient/blending: not sure what this means
character description (include everything): Wishspring is a ginger she-cat with green eyes. Willowbranch is a black-and-gray splotchy she-cat with dark blue eyes.
expression: smiling
other: that’s everything!
Right Hand Man
Blogclan name: Hazeshine/paw
Name of character: Hazeshine/paw
Flag (sexuality/gender): bisexual
Flag- solid or gradient/blending: solid
Character description (include everything): gray tabby she-cat with a hint of white (still a bit gray) on her paws, chest, muzzle, ear tips, tail tip, and underbelly, a fluffy tail, and light blue eyes and a light blue feathery scarf
Expression: any!
Other: thank you!
blogclan name: Lilyfoot (Lilica)
name of character: Lilyfoot
flag (sexuality/gender) : female bi
flag- solid or gradient/blending: gradient
character description (include everything): Silver with dark grey cheetah spots one blue one green eye, sleek, fur partly covering blue eye (like bangs) Optional- light purple lily behind her ear
expression: happy, calm,
other: Thank you! And can I say you will be doing a lot of lesbian flags. Go lesbians!
Heres my oc BrindleFrost!(I made him before BristleFRost was alive) I love the background i made and the shading isnt very good.
Aw, that’s super cute
The boys at my school in a nutshell
Hey guys! So the website I use to upload art doesn’t work for some people so if you use a free image upload website please tell me!! Thanks!
free image host and imgur are both good