BlogClan Tavern, The Sixth Saloon

[image description: a white cat with light eyes peeks out from the middle of a cherry blossom tree]

Surprise! A new Tavern has appeared.

Relax, take off your coat, and pull up a chair.

You can find the old Tavern by clicking here!


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  • I was inspired by a Words on Warriors video to lean how to play the warriors adventure game. The problem is I don’t have anyone to play it with 😛


  • Also 10/10 best Mad lib ever. Caps=write-ins
    The spooky opera
    The 14 COOKIES of the opera was a silent ACL made 1,000,1000,11 years ago, and it starred JUSTIN BEIBER as a STICKY monster who had formerly been a GLAMOROUS singing SEWER WATER at the opera. But he got his face caught in a NUCLEAR REACTOR and when he recovered, he looked like STEWIE*. So he hid in the tunnels beneath the opera house and wore a long SHIRT and lived on dried beans and STREET FOOD. One day he saw SAGEFLOWER and fell in love with her. So he kidnapped her and took her to his CRINGY underground home. The monster was nice to the girl and brought her delicious SEARED SALMON and MAPLE SYRUP. Now that the monster had kidnapped the CHEESE he loved, he had to wear a CHIP to cover his face because he was so SECRETIVE. Naturally, the girl thought he was nothing but a PENCIL who was probably a little touched in the TOENAIL. Meanwhile, her fiancé, TEALTAIL, suspected what had happened and began FLYING the tunnels for her. But the monster had MAJESTICALLY prepared a STUPID trap, so when the fiancé went into the room, a huge PEANUT BUTTER fell on him. “COWABUNGA!” The monster said to the girl. Now you will have to marry me or I will COMB* your fiancé.” “No! No!” The girl cried. “That would be a LOW BLOOD PRESSURE worse than death!” But the monster took of his mask and the girl saw he looked just like RUSSEL WILSON, so she married him. And they lived QUICKLY for 2,121 years.
    * Stewie is a nickname for Lionrage and is an evil 6 year old.
    * Tealtail: oh, I’m so scared of being combed……
    Me: I call writing this opera.
    Sageflower: I am NEVER putting my name in a mad lib AGAIN!
    (the last time sageflower put her name in a mad lib, she was the maker of ghost squid casserole.)

    And oops I forgot to tell poor Owlmask that I was moving schools. His eyes were as big as the owls I named him for (Owlmask is very sensitive and dramatic, that’s how he got his name.)

    Cookies if you read all that 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

  • My friend Seasalt who was on live chat yesterday said that she really enjoyed chatting to you all, and thought it was really cool that she could communicate without having to move 😛
    But yeah… asides from acting socially awkward she had a great time 😛

  • Heyyy
    Does anyone have any ideas for hobbies for me to start ? I’m feeling like I spend too much time on my iPad and laptop doing BlogClan, and at the moment I’m not particularly drawing that much

    My current hobbies are :
    – Reading
    – Drawing

    Here are a few things I’d like out of a hobby

    – Something to get me out of the house more, I rarely go out on school days and yeah… I’ve got some fields and forestry bits near me, like a short walk from my house
    – Maybe something creative, I’m quite a creative person so I’d love to be able to make something
    – If you have any idea so for anything more sporty that would be awesome, I’m not a sporty person but yeah, really should do more (I have a swimming pool nearby)
    – Learning an instrument might be interesting, I have a ukulele and recorder, but not much time on my hands

    When suggesting things please consider that I go to school at 7:35 am, and get back around 5 pm, sometimes a little before. I also go to sleep at 9 / 9:30 if I can so as you can see, not a massive time frame to fill

    I just really want something to do to change my daily routine.
    A couple of things I might be interested in but am not sure about are
    – Kayaking
    I’ve tried it before and loved it, it’s just I’m not sure where I would go tbh

    – Archery
    I did it as a club at my school and loved it, even though I wasn’t that good. But my main issue is that I have no idea where you would go to do it, and how much time it might take out of my day

    If anyone has any ideas that could be stress relieving at the same time that would incredible

    • ukelele is surprisingly easy to learn and actually really fun, the only thing I used to learn was an app called Tabs which tells you notes and fingerings for songs
      baking? it’s a bit more time consuming but it’s creative and yummy 😛
      and give swimming a go? I used to go swimming quite a bit and it was quite good at stress relieving I guess?
      Knitting? it’s relatively easy to learn and you only have to do bits at a time, there are loads of tutorials on how to do it. Also you can make loads of cute things really easily like bracelets and purses etc 😛

    • I enjoy painting especially oil painting. It’s really fun! I also love surfing but you can’t do it much if you don’t live by a beach or visit the beach a lot. If you have a dog, you could take it on a run or walk. It’s really nice!

    • I HATE UKULELE!!! IT HURTS YOUR HANDS!!! My school does recorder and uk and I really like the recorder. I also play violin and piano and I think you would like to play piano. It’s boring at first but, since you are older you probably would go through the easy part quicker than I did. It’s really fun because you can play songs you like and on the piano you could play almost any genre you want. Trying a new sport maybe (don’t recommend it) I mean I started basketball the beginning of this school year but, I mean, I am/was still in 5th grade and I still felt a bit embarrassed. So I’m guessing you are going to 9th because you are a warrior so, I would understand that you might not want to try a sport. (I’m with you, take my word it’s embarrassing.) Anyway, the sport thing was a waste of time 😛 and if you want to do something related to art you could do clay. It’s really fun! I never tried archery or kayaking tho. (Rip this is long 😛)

    • – Fantasy Journaling: It’s basically writing fake journal entries as a fictional character that you created, whether that character lives in a different time period or a universe other than our own. Not only is it a good practice for creative writing, but it also serves a use for any empty notebooks that you may have.
      -Cycling: It’s a good start to becoming fit because it’s not as strenuous as some other forms of fitness, and as you live in Britain, there are most likely places where you can cycle near you, such as local parks and nature trails. You can look for various nature reserves with cycling routes and trails on the National Trust website (if you don’t own a bike, they let you hire one there) – and even though I don’t think it’s owned by the National trust – The New Forest (the inspiration for The Forest Territories in Warriors) has quite a few miles of cycle paths within it, so if you want a day out for a place to cycle and feeling close to nature, this special place could be a good option.
      – Walking: This might be more straining than cycling, especially if you don’t do it much, but walking would be good to do because you don’t need much, if anything. You’ll probably just need a pair of comfortable walking shoes and a few places nearby. They don’t even need to be all nature reserves as you can just walk around the neighbourhood if you need to, but the woodland and countryside areas near you would be good too, and as you’re walking around and taking your time you might notice things that you wouldn’t normally do if cycling or in a car; they could even give you inspiration for your art, stories or any other creative projects. There are also quite a few walking clubs in and around England that are welcoming of new members of any kind, so it’s a good way to meet new people and it’s something to look forward to each month.
      – Journalling – It’s just like Fantasy Journalling, but you’re writing in your own point of view! If you’ve had a diary as a younger child, this basically is the same thing. You just write about the goings on in your life, and if you feel the need at rant or vent and you don’t want to tell anyone you can do so in your notebook; it’s like writing unsent letters to someone or talking to a beloved friend who doesn’t judge, criticise or interrupt. You don’t have to do journaling if you want to do something else; there are many other ways to use a notebook such as writing a Dream Journal, planning your Roleplays, creating a Sketchbook, writing lists (and Bucket lists!) Practicing your knowledge of the German language, tracking your habits, creative writing prompts, writing poems, making a Reading List (with notes on and reviews of each book), Scrapbooking, collecting quotes, pictures and other things that relax and calm you, and that’s just some ideas!

    • I can’t think of anything that hasn’t already been listed here, but if I can come up with anything different I will be sure to let you know. 🙂 <3

    • Oooh yes swimming is a good idea your lucky to have one near you (my mom’s aunt has one but it’s not open yet). My sister has photography as a hobby, she takes a picture of everything (and I mean EVERYTHING in everyday life). I have drawing and writing and reading as hobbies too. (As in writing I like to write full-on novels, but that takes a lot of dedication and learning how to create good structure and plots and subplots and stuff).

      Archery is nice, like you said. There’s also dance you could do, or start a collection of some sort.

      (Since you said you are on your iPad and laptop a lot, I suggest listening to alpha waves on youtube. It helps to sleep better at night.)

  • *emerges from the shadows*
    Heyoooooo 😛
    It’s le Dusk. Specifically le Midnight Dusk yeehaw
    I missed y’all so much
    Life update: a few weeks ago, I started medication for my mEntAL iLLnEsSeS (fun times 👊😔) and I’m starting to feel a little bit better. 😀
    So maybe since I’m feeling a lot less depressed than usual, I’ll actually be an active member on the blog because I have ✨ energy and motivation ✨ now 😛
    Hopefully I won’t disappear immediately after I finish writing this 😛
    Anyway, how have y’all been doing? 🙂

  • I enjoy painting especially oil painting. It’s really fun! I also love surfing but you can’t do it much if you don’t live by a beach or visit the beach a lot. If you have a dog, you could take it on a run or walk. It’s really nice!

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