A new tavern! Take a look around and make yourself cosy!
This is the place for off-topic chat, sharing, and hanging out!
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[image description: calico cat sleeping in sunlight]
Note: BlogTeam discourages making short, spammy comments in quick succession, as this can make Tavern pages go past really quickly. Commenting for the sole purpose of taking over the purrs or just because can cause other comments to get buried. However, we still encourage you to share your thoughts and just chat away, of course, but making comments for the sake of making comments is discouraged 🙂
We also encourage people to avoid using special fonts in their display names, because it can cause screen readers (which read all of the text, emojis, and images on the screen out loud) to crash or make things impossible for people to understand (click here for an article about that). Screen readers are used by people with visual impairments and help make things more accessible for them, so let’s all do our part in keeping the blog a place that they can come visit and chat on without issue 🙂
Wow, I’ve been commenting A LOT less on the tavern… how are y’all?
i’ve been good 🙂
Hey Riv-bit 😀 it’s supposed to be a frog pun but it went wrong, i assume 😛 I’m doing good! I don’t go to school today and I’m enjoying it very much, haha 😛 hbu?
heyy i’m cheetah-tastic! 😀
Jimmy is giving me the stare……
If only he was a bird, he and Lychee could be OFFICIAL
Yesss the stare 😉 the intense gazing that pierces through your soul, and the last part is definitely going to happen gkdnfn
Any Jurassic Park/World fans out there?? I’m obsessed with Rexy and Blue:D
sorry i don’t watch the movies!
I watched Jurassic World once 😀 I love Blue as well! She’s really awesome 😛
I watched Jurassic Park once but I don’t remember much about it sorry 😛
anyone else just peacefully logging on to your school computer/ipad/tablet, only to find that the safari/chrome background is a rickroll? yeah that happens a lot in my school. also there’s this one ipad where the photo gallery is just rickroll. one time, i got my whole class to make their ipad backgrounds rickrolls. one kid made hers shrek rickroll.
I hate it sm when people change the school computers’ wallpapers to some low-resolution memes or images 😛
real 😛
Guesss who don’t go to school todayyyyy 😛 it’s Friday here in case you were wondering! I tried to wake up late but I ended up waking up at 6 am because you know, sleep habits 😛
still Thursday for me, I have school tomorrow though… last week I didn’t have school on Friday so I can’t actually say it’s not fair 😛
Aww lucky, I got to skip Friday last week to go to a ceremony and it was AWESOME.
The shorter. the better 😛
RIP, long name 😭😭😭😭😭
Welllll I will change it back to l o n g at the start of october…
Short names are awesome:P I used to go by just Scorchpaw/light with a pride flag emoji back in early 2022
I actually remember that 😛
I agree, but not too short…
so you’re back to being dawnwind?
Yep, since the 26th!
i agree, my name is too long
Yes join the short name club!!!
i’ve never really had a long name on here lol i’m not creative and usually logged out
Recent Purrs
🍂🍀 Scorchpaw/light loves Autumn (Wynn) | Beware my power… Green Lantern’s light! | Running for SW 🌿🦜 on BlogClan Tavern
🍂🍀 Scorchpaw/light loves Autumn (Wynn) | Beware my power… Green Lantern’s light! | Running for SW 🌿🦜 on BlogClan Tavern
🍂🍀 Scorchpaw/light loves Autumn (Wynn) | Beware my power… Green Lantern’s light! | Running for SW 🌿🦜 on BlogClan Tavern
Dawnpaw/wind on BlogClan Tavern
🍂🍀 Scorchpaw/light loves Autumn (Wynn) | Beware my power… Green Lantern’s light! | Running for SW 🌿🦜 on BlogClan Tavern
I like being evil 😏😏😏
Hmph >:( /j
your name is so squeezed in- at first i was confused 😛 😛
I had a really weird blogdream last night 😛 I posted a comment about how salmon is delicious but it got cut off for some reason and ended up saying ‘Wynn is delicious’ 😛 I think Snowy was like ‘wdym :P’ and Rosie said something like ‘I wonder if I’m delicious too >:)’ 😛
uhh i vote on salmon being the most delicious 😛
that made me laugh so much
inch resting lol 😛
Ahhh, is my name Halloween-y/spooky enough???
Yup 😀
Yes 😛
I’m not even ready for that yet, I’m hanging onto the last days of this name while I can 😛
I do have some Halloween stuff planned tho >:)
yess it is cheetah-tastic 😀
yes, it’s amazing!
I mean mine only has one pumpkin emoji soooToday I saw the cutest cat 😃
It was brown tabby and white, and OMG IT WAS SOOO SWEET MY HEART IS MELTING 😭
Also today in geography, we were talking about climate changes, and then somehow the conversation ended up being about wasps, robots taking over the world, humanity moving to mars, atomic bombs and how everyone is going to send missiles to everyone else as soon as we get to mars 😛 idk how this happened 😭
I have Mr. Perfectly Fine, Tim McGraw, Out Of The Woods and Wonderland, all by Taylor Swift, playing on loop in my head help 😭
aww <3
awww sounds saur cute!!
What are you guys doing right now? I’m singing my heart out even though I know I shouldn’t because I have a sore throat but I can’t help it, Sweet Child of Mine is so good 😛
Edit: Now it’s Dust in the Wind… too many good songs 😛
I’m moderating comments on BlogClan 🙂
I’m commenting on blogclan
I’m seeing comments on blogclan
I’m replying to a comment on my comment on blogclan
I’m chatting with Emmz 😀
I’m eating a soggy leftovers burger from Applebees that I only heated up for ten seconds. Nauseating. I love it
I’m chilling on discord and sweating so bad
just got a new computer today which is cool. i’ve been computerless for over a month 🙁
I’m finishing some art requests :>
Delaying bedtime
Bleeding 😛 (Don’t worry, just my period *SO AESTHETIC*)
im uh yk doing stuff 😛
just chilling ig lol
Idk what this will do tbh 😛
can it…?
just in case the other one doesn’t word
Please ignore 😀
It worked!
cool cool cool
I’m reading A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder and I absolutely love it so far 😛
I’m intrigued 😛
oooh what is it about? hopefully not to actually murder hahha
Cool! I really need a new book to read, would you recommend it?
I’ve wanted to read that so bad 😭