• This is the character creation for my RP, Rewriting the Future:
    Character Creation thing:
    Name ( Should be a loner name, like Flower )
    Tribe ( Either Flame Tribe, Water Tribe, or Air tribe):
    Rank ( Leader, Fighter, Hunter, or Apprentice):
    Stats ( Out of 50 points):
    Ability to Use ones powers-
    Here’s an example ( This is not my character, but you can use it if you want)
    Name: Icy
    Description: sleek furred white she cat with dark blue fur on her sides, dark blue eyes the color of the the oeacen, and one black ear.
    Personality: Cold, Calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside, she is nervous, doubtful, and constantly worries about what others think of her.
    Tribe ( Either Flame Tribe, Water Tribe, or Air tribe): Water tribe
    Strengths: Strong, Large, great at swimming
    Weaknesses: Not very fast, rushes into things without thinking, can boss others around and very closed off
    Fears: Darkness, Being Alone, Baskly, she hates her own personality and wish’s she were someone else.
    Backstory: She was abandoned by her parents, who were loners, and she joined the Water Tribe, becoming an Apprentice
    Rank: Apprentice
    Stats ( Out of 50 points):
    Heath- 15
    Speed- 0
    Strength- 25
    Ability to Use ones powers-5

    • This is mine:
      Name ( Should be a loner name, like Flower ): Lunar
      Description: Mottled black and dark gray she cat with white flecks, one white paw and green-blue eyes
      Personality: Offers wisdom in the strangest of ways, loyal, can be sarcastic if pushed too far, faithful, doesn’t care who others are, like power wise, fast, quick witted, can stand up for herself, try’s to avoid fighting, but is not afraid to make enemies
      Tribe ( Either Flame Tribe, Water Tribe, or Air tribe): Flame Tribe
      Strengths: Fast, Smart, Good at Talking, brave, selfless.
      Weaknesses: Can annoy others very easily, bad at fighting, small, weak, had almost no self confidence
      Rank ( Leader, Fighter, Hunter, or Apprentice): Apprentice
      Fears: Heights, Herself, Thistles
      Backstory: She was once part of a group called Shards of Water, and she hated it there, as all the other kits mothers keep their kits away from her and call her Cursed. Her parents didn’t stand up for her, and things got so bad that the leader of Shards of water exiled her. She wandered around until she found The Tribes, and she joined the Flame Tribe, as they matched her and accepted her as their own, never telling anyone about her sad backstory.
      Stats ( Out of 50 points):
      Heath- 3
      Speed- 19
      Strength- 2
      Wisdom- 10
      Ability to Use ones powers-5

    • Name ( Should be a loner name, like Flower ): Jasper
      Description: ginger tabby she-cat with red paws, tail tip and a cream chest. She has light green eyes
      Personality: kind of lazy, smug, kind-ish, will only do something if there’s something in it for her, will stab you in the back if it will help her do something
      Tribe ( Either Flame Tribe, Water Tribe, or Air tribe): Flame Tribe, but she acts like she’s not in a Tribe.
      Strengths: good at hunting and clever
      Weaknesses: has no friends
      Rank ( Leader, Fighter, Hunter, or Apprentice): Hunter
      Fears: being left behind, others finding out about her fears
      Backstory: didn’t have any friends in Flame Tribe, so she left. She went to a Twolegplace where she was a ‘guide’, but really she just tricked everyone. Eventually Flame Tribe found her and brought her back (against her will, would much rather be in Twolegplace)
      Stats ( Out of 50 points):
      Heath- 20
      Speed- 5
      Strength- 5
      Intelligence- 20
      Wisdom- 0
      Ability to Use ones powers- 0

    • Name: Ivy
      Description: A fluffy white she with black mottled stripes and wide gray-blue eyes.
      Personality: Strange, often plays with her powers. Enjoys her alone time, but can get very needy. Very curious.
      Tribe: Flame Tribe
      Strengths: Quick, alert, and cautious.
      Weaknesses: Skittish and can get scared a bit easily. Sometimes spaces out.
      Rank: Apprentice
      Fears: Many bugs, drowning, and.. dying alone.
      Backstory: As a kit, she often stared at her surroundings and spaced out. Most kits thought she was weird, and she struggled without company. She either stuck to her mother, or wandered off from everyone. Her parents died the day she became an apprentice, which changed her greatly.
      Stats ( Out of 50 points):
      Heath- 10
      Speed- 25
      Strength- 2
      Intelligence- 6
      Wisdom- 4
      Ability to Use ones powers- 10

    • Name ( Should be a loner name, like Flower ):Elora
      Description: Smallish she-cat with black fur and white paws. She has light green eyes and a scar running down her back.
      Personality:Generous, kind, can be headstrong, and stubborn.
      Tribe ( Either Flame Tribe, Water Tribe, or Air tribe): Flame Tribe
      Strengths: Is very quick, and doesn’t give up easily. She rarely betrays anyone, and is very modest.
      Weaknesses: She can be doubtful, and often blame herself for things she can’t control, and is extremely stubborn.
      Rank ( Leader, Fighter, Hunter, or Apprentice): Fighter
      Fears:Betrayal, hurting others, being vulnerable, and small spaces. She also hates fire.
      Backstory: She was originally part of a small traveling group, made up of her father, her mother, and 3 other cats. Although she was safe and happy there, she always had a feeling that she belonged somewhere else, and kept on wandering more and more. One day, she was caught by a large forest fire that nearly killed her, but the Flame Tribe helped Elora and nursed her back to health. When she was fully recovered, she decided to join. She still thinks about her old traveling group sometimes.
      Stats ( Out of 50 points):
      Ability to Use ones powers-9

    • Name ( Should be a loner name, like Flower ): Sunny
      Description: Small and floofy golden she-cat with golden streaked blue eyes. She has a very fluffy tail.
      Personality: Energetic, friendly, peacemaker, loyal, bubbly, lively and curious.
      Tribe ( Either Flame Tribe, Water Tribe, or Air tribe): Fire
      Strengths: Brave, fast, good with talking
      Weaknesses: Small, weak, clumsy, impatient
      Rank ( Leader, Fighter, Hunter, or Apprentice): Apprentice
      Fears: Being alone, others seeing her cry, hurting others
      Backstory: It used to just Sunny and her mom Speckle. Speckle taught Sunny to enjoy the little things in life and to always be grateful for what she had. sShe died a little bit after Sunny could eat fresh kill. Sunny grieved, but never let it bother her. Sunny believed that Speckle was watching over her and won’t want her to be sad. She didn’t want to be alone, so she joined Fire Tribe.
      Stats ( Out of 50 points):
      Heath- 7
      Strength- 3
      Intelligence- 11
      Ability to Use ones powers-10

  • Name: Courage
    Description: a large, muscular dark blue tom with dark ginger stripes and clouded blue eyes
    Personality: wise; trustworthy; intimidating; clever; quick-witted
    Tribe: Air
    Strengths: He loves to swim and is quite good at it, he is strong and fast and has lots of Stamina. Courage is a natural leader and is good at solving issues.
    Weaknesses: Courage has major insecurities and doesn’t trust many people.
    Rank: Leader
    Fears: loneliness; abandonment
    Backstory: Courage was born to Kash and Rose the kitty-pets, he had two brothers, Claws and Scooter, and one sister, Flower. He and Flower ran away and joined a rogue group. Flower then met her mate, Moss, her and moss had three kits, Snow, Blossom, and Fern. Three moons later WindClan attacked, Flower was killed and before Fern was killed Courage swiped her from under Flower. Snow and Blossom were taken from the nest the were in and taken to WindClan, Courage then ran away with his niece firmly grasped in his mouth as he ran. Courage ended up finding the tribes and joined the Air Tribe
    Health- 3
    Speed- 9
    Strength- 8
    Intelligence- 9
    Wisdom- 14
    Ability to Use ones powers- 7
    Apprentice: Fern

    Name: Fern
    Description: a white she-cat with gray spots and green eyes (like Mosskit)
    Personality: sweet; understanding; forgiving; wise; clever
    Tribe: Air
    Strengths: Fern is very clever and let’s go of the past so it doesn’t bring her down, she runs a lot to relieve stress and likes to climb as well.
    Weaknesses: Fern has major anxiety and always fears that she’ll see Courage die and not be able to help, she fears that if she wants to survive that she has to forget about what happened with Flower and move on. She can’t. She has many panic attacks and moments.
    Rank: Apprentice
    Fears: death; loneliness; abandonment
    Backstory: When Fern was just three months her mother died and she was separated from her sisters, her uncle Courage took her so she’d live and they found a tribe. Upon finding this tribe they
    Health- 9
    Speed- 12
    Strength- 7
    Intelligence- 11
    Wisdom- 5
    Ability to Use ones powers- 6
    Mentor: Courage

    • Accept! Thank you so much for joining! ( I was starting to get afraid that no one would join my RP! )

            • I am a little bit uncomfortable with it being used somewhere in a way that’s not relating to the blog (since when I google “Embix”, all that comes up is this watch company :P) because it’s possible that someone might do something under that name that brings trouble back to me. I’m perfectly alright with you using “Ember” or other variations of it, but “Embix” is kind of a greyer area since it’s associated with me on the blog and I don’t want people to think differently of me as a moderator for things I didn’t do. If you can change it, that’d be great! If not, then I can tolerate it (I just won’t like it 😛 ). Sorry for the inconvenience!

                • Character Creation thing:
                  Name ( Should be a loner name, like Flower )Rock
                  Description: a gray tom with yellow eyes
                  Personality:likes being left alone a lot of the time but also adventurous
                  Tribe ( Either Flame Tribe, Water Tribe, or Air tribe):Water
                  Strengths: Water fighting and not being afraid
                  Weaknesses: not to social
                  Rank ( Leader, Fighter, Hunter, or Apprentice):Fighter
                  Fears: the dark
                  Backstory: born in tribe
                  Stats ( Out of 50 points):
                  Ability to Use ones powers-10

                • Accepted, thank you so much for joining, Sunfur!!!

                • Name: Jay
                  Description: light gray she-cat with icy blue eyes and a purple flower tucked behind her back
                  Tribe ( Either Flame Tribe, Water Tribe, or Air tribe):Air Tribe
                  Weaknesses:Swimming,going slow,Leading
                  Rank ( Leader, Fighter, Hunter, or Apprentice):Hunter
                  Fears:Water, murder,Her past
                  Backstory: When Jay was a kit, her parents were murdered right in front of her own eyes. She had never seen so much blood and fear. The cats that killed her parents( Slash,Claw, and Skull) spotted her and she became there slave. At first they thought she was a boy so they named her Storm, then they found out she was a girl. They decided to keep the name StormShe became there slave and hunted for them. One day some other evil cats that came to take over! Slash,Claw and Skull told her to fight for them,and they almost killed her. The Air Tribe found her broken,bruised, and bloody. They nursed her back to health and they asked her name. She told them it was Jay instead of Storm. Then asked what did this. She lied again and said a fox did it, some other cats helped her and died. She never wanted to see those evil cats again.
                  Stats ( Out of 50 points):
                  Ability to Use ones powers-3