Name Generators

Have you made a warrior name generator? Then, this is the page to share it on. Have fun!


[image description: painting of a black cat with a red collar sitting on a hill underneath a tree and in front of the sun. a signature in pink is in the bottom right]

Note: Please refrain from using real names in generators! We like to protect the privacy of our users 🙂


  • Here is a sort of life generator, inspired by Sweets because their one was absolutely awesome 😀

    Your name is the fourth letter of your BlogClan name:

    a- Whiskerkit
    b- Puddlekit
    c- Pebblekit
    d- Smudgekit
    e- Pidgeonkit
    f- Sparrowkit
    g- Dustykit
    h- Violetkit
    i- Runningkit
    j- Mistykit
    k- Otterkit
    l- Jaykit
    m- Quietkit
    n- Nettlekit
    o- Featherkit
    p- Bumblekit
    q- Birchkit
    r- Cinderkit
    s- Tawnykit
    t- Brackenkit
    u- Sorrelkit
    v- Bluekit
    w- Brightkit
    x- Bramblekit
    y- Kinkkit
    z- Barkkit

    The Clan you are in is your favourite day of the week :

    Monday – ThunderClan
    Tuesday – WindClan
    Wednesday – RiverClan
    Thursday – ShadowClan
    Friday – SkyClan
    Saturday – You choose
    Sunday – Make up a Clan

    How many siblings you have is your favourite time of day:

    dawn– 4 sibling
    morning – 2 siblings
    afternoon – 0 siblings
    evening – 1 siblings
    night – 0 siblings

    To find their names, go to the above names and look at your first (for one sibling), second (for two siblings), third (for three siblings) and fifth (for four siblings) letters of your BlogClan name.

    You can come up with their genders and descriptions 

    Your favourite kind of fruit is your mother’s name. Your least favourite kind of fruit is your father’s name. You can make up their descriptions:

    Mango – Heatherbird
    Orange – Shimmerapple
    Apple – Twilightsnow
    Banana – Hollywish
    Melon – Daisypond
    Watermelon – Brairbush
    Satsuma – Honeygorse
    Kiwi Fruit – Ivyburr
    A berry – Sweetberry
    A currant – Tinyspeck
    Pear – Nettlespots
    Grapes – Littlefawn
    Grapefruit – Sootwisp
    Apricot – Honeybrook
    Nectarine – Emberflight
    Peach – Wrendapple
    Plum – Tigerweb
    Other – Coalshine

    Your personality is your favourite type of pattern:

    Spots – shy, cautious
    Squares – curious, bright
    Zig-zags – cheeky, troublemaker
    Stripes – loud, boastful
    Other – energetic, dramatic

    Congratulations, you’ve reached your apprentice ceremony! Your mentor’s prefix comes from the kit prefixes I did at the top (if you get a repeat just do the name below that) – the last letter of your BlogClan name. Their suffix is the prefix of your favourite warriors character. You can make up their description.

    Your favourite activity is your favourite place to be:

    Mountains – pranking the other apprentices
    Seaside – listening to the elder’s stories
    City – hunting practise
    Countryside – training practise
    Desert – going on patrol
    Antarctica – playing with your friends
    Forest – discussing Clan politics
    Other – sleeping

    Your best friend has the prefix of the kit generator again, with your second last letter of your BlogClan name.

    Later on, (favourite thing to do in the snow):

    Snowball fight – you both fall in love
    Snowman – you have a terrible argument and you don’t speak until after your warrior’s ceremony
    Skiing – you fall in love with them but they don’t like you like that
    Snowboading – your friend fall in love with you but you don’t like them like that
    Sledging – your friend are paralysed from a falling tree
    Walking – your friend falls in love with a cat from another Clan and leave to join their Clan
    Snow angel – your friend leaves the Clan to become a kittypet
    Jumping into snowdrifts – your friend stops training to be a warrior to be a medicine cat apprentice
    None I hate the snow – your friend gets killed in battle

    How your character reacts is up to you!

    As you grow older, your personality develops into being (favourite Arctic animal):

    Reindeer/moose – observant, intuitive
    Polar bear – warm, loving
    Arctic fox – grumpy, sarcastic
    Narwhal/walrus – determined, loyal
    Seal – jokey, silly
    Arctic Hare – clumsy, chatty
    Snowy Owl – quiet, wise
    Other – hardworking, friendly

    You’ve reached your warrior’s ceremony! Your suffix is your favourite rainforest animal:

    Jaguar – dust
    Sloth – sun
    Gorilla – flicker
    Toucan – swoop
    Orangutan – streak
    Frog – glade
    Parrot – pond
    Monkey – gorse
    Snake – wing
    Butterfly – bite
    Tiger – shard
    Ocelot – leaf
    Other – bloom

    What you are best at is your favourite sea creature:

    Shark – excellent fighting skills
    Dolphin – talented hunter
    Turtle – being a good mentor
    Octopus/squid – occupying kits to give their parents a break
    Seal – leading patrols
    Crab/starfish – caring for every cat in the Clan when they’re upset
    Whale – being patient with elders
    Seahorse/fish – organizing the Clan as deputy
    Stingray/manta-ray – climbing trees
    Manatee – running fast
    Coral – telling stories
    Other – defending the territory

    Who becomes your mate is your favourite thing to do at the beach:

    Swim – your friend as an apprentice
    Sunbathe – Clan deputy
    Build a sandcastle – Clan leader
    Have an ice-cream – older warrior
    Dig a hole – younger warrior
    Go for a walk – loner
    Play games – have no mate
    Other – medicine cat from another Clan
    None I hate the beach – your old enemy (within your Clan)

    You can make up their name and description!

    How many kits do you have is your favourite Clan:

    ThunderClan – 5 kits
    RiverClan – 4 kits
    WindClan – 3 kits
    ShadowClan – 2 kits
    SkyClan – 1 kit
    Can’t choose – no kits

    You can use the kit generator at the start for ideas for their names, or make up your own.

    Rest of your life is favourite item of clothing:

    Sunglasses – become Clan deputy but die in battle before you become a leader
    Handbag – become Clan deputy but from disease before you become a leader
    Hat – become Clan deputy but become too old so step down to become an elder before you become a Clan leader
    Scarf – become a Clan leader, and are remembered as the worst leader of your clan
    Gloves – become a Clan leader, and are remembered as the best leader of your clan
    Shoes – remain a warrior, and die in battle with another Clan
    Top – remain a warrior, and die in battle with rogues
    Jumper – remain a warrior, and die in battle with badgers
    Socks – remain a warrior, and die of disease as an elder
    Pants/trousers – remain a warrior, and die in a fire as an elder
    Jewelry – leave the Clans to become a kittypet
    Coat – leave the clan to join the Tribe

    All done! Apologies it was so long…

    I am Dustykit, from RiverClan, a sleek-furred tabby she-cat with yellow eyes. I have one sibling called Whiskerkit, who is a handsome silver tom with small ears and green eyes. My mother is Sweetberry (lithe grey she-cat with a plumy tail and yellow eyes), and my father is Heatherbird (broad-shouldered mottled brown tom with long whiskers and green eyes). As a kit I am loud and boastful, and I get Violetsun as a mentor, who is quiet but stern, and is a pale ginger she-cat with a long tail and dark green eyes. I love pranking the other apprentices with my best friend Nettlepaw (glossy-furred black tom with a white belly and yellow eyes), although this really bothers my brother Whiskerpaw and we stop talking to each other. However, I really miss him when I start to fall in love with Nettlepaw and it is clear he doesn’t feel the same way. To escape my feelings, I end up spending a lot of time alone and become grumpy and sarcastic in the company of my Clanmates. I finally become a warrior and am named Dustybite for my sharp tongue, while my brother becomes Whiskertuft and Nettlepaw becomes Nettlehaze. I am known throughout the Clan for my speed, which I perfected while trying to avoid my Clanmates as an apprentice. Now a warrior, I try and throw myself into Clan life – going on many patrols, caring for the elders, helping to train the apprentices. My new-found enthusiasm catches the attention of Nettlehaze, and he finally begins to fall in love with me. We have one kit, called Smudgekit (black and white tom with soft fur and yellow eyes), who grows up to become Smudgepool. I remain a respected warrior until my death, when I am killed in battle with badgers.

    • Kinkkit – Dark red tabby she-cat with bushy tail and amber eyes
      has 0 sibs
      Her mom is Briarbush – dark brown she-cat with amber eyes
      she is energetic and dramatic at first
      Kinkpaw’s mentor is Brackengray – brown and white tom with amber eyes and splotchy fur
      Kinkpaw likes to sleep
      Her best friend is Tawnypaw – Calico she-cat with tawny patches
      Tawnypaw dies in battle
      Kinkpaw is now grumpy and sarcastic
      Kinkpaw is now Kinkshard
      She is a talented hunter
      Kinkshard’s mate is now her old enemy Drizzletuft – Mottled gray and white tom with blue eyes
      She has five kits
      Mistykit – Silky gray she-cat with fluffy tail and green eyes
      Littlekit – Small gray she-cat with white paws
      Tinykit – Pure white she-cat with golden eyes
      Shinykit – Silver tabby she-cat with golden eyes
      Darkkit – Black tabby tom with amber eyes
      Kinkshard’s rest of life is unknown because i dont have a favorite

    • Tawnykit (a pale gray she-kit with goldenish-brown squares and yellow eyes) lives in WindClan, along with a her brother, Brackenkit (a goldenish-brown tom-kit with yellow eyes), and her sister, Violetkit (a pale gray tabby she-kit with blue eyes). Her parents are Sweetberry (a goldenish-brown she-cat with yellow eyes) and Heatherbird (a gray tabby tom-cat with blue eyes and darker tips).

      When her apprenticeship came up, she was given Sparrowsight (a sleek black tom with dark amber eyes) as her mentor. She made a friend, who has the same prefix as her mentor, Sparrowpaw (a white she-cat with a silver tail, and black eyes).

      Tawnypaw’s favorite thing to do is listen to the elders tell stories, and the elders equally enjoyed her curious and bright demeanor.

      Soon, over a petty tom (Sunbeech), Tawnypaw and Sparrowpaw get into a fight, not speaking to each other until after their warrior ceremony.

      Via the fight, Tawnypaw becomes grumpy, and sarcastic (like Jayfeather?) and tries to ignore most of her clanmates, except for her immediate family.

      Soon, the warrior ceremony pops up, and Tawnypaw receives the name Tawnyleaf, while Brackenpaw becomes Brackenclaw, Violetpaw becomes Violetweb, and Sparrowpaw becomes Sparrowice.

      Tawnyleaf grudgingly apologizes to Sparrowice for trying to steal Sunbeech from her. Sparrowice excepts the apology, and they resume to be friends, but it was never the same as before.

      As a warrior, Tawnyleaf started to be more of her old self again, and spent a lot of her time caring for her clan mates when they were upset. One day, she was comforting Skyclaw (a silky cream tom with darker paws), after he was attacked by a fox and had one of his paws bit off. The two became mates soon after he recovered, and they had three kits,m; Bumblekit (a cream tom with a ringed tail and blue eyes), Sorrelkit (a gray-and-goldenish-brown she-kit with yellow eyes), and Brackenkit, after her deceased brother, (a pure-cream tom with one blue eye, and one yellow eye).

      Later in life, while her kits were apprentices, she became deputy. She was excited for this, and was ready to lead her clan to a healthy and safe life. But the dream soon ended, how ever, when Greencough took her, along with her father, Heatherbird, and her son, Bumblepaw.

      Ack~ Sorry it was so long! 😅

    • Nettlekit, a beautiful white she cat with ginger and dark ginger stripes and green eyes, has 4 siblings
      Quietkit, a soft white Tom with ginger paws and yellow eyes
      Featherkit, a brown tabby Tom with white paws, chest, and ears
      Bumblekit, a striped ginger she cat with a white head
      Pigeonkit, a mottled brown and ginger she cat with green eyes
      She is in Thunderclan
      Her father is Heatherbird , a brown and ginger tabby Tom With yellow eyes and her mother is Brairbush, a white and dark ginger mottled she cat with green eyes .
      She is energetic and dramatic at first.
      Her mentor is Brackenspring , a dark Brown and golden brown tabby Tom.
      Her favorite thing to do is listening to the elders story’s
      Her best friend is Jaypaw, a lithe dark gray Tom with sky blue eyes and a black tail tip
      Later on , her and Jaypaw fall in love.
      Nettlepaw is now warm and loving.
      Nettlepaw is now Nettleleaf
      She’s the best hunter in the clan.
      Her and Jaywing ( Jaypaw ) become mates!
      Nettleleaf and Jaywing have 5 kits!
      Reedkit, a white she kit with one ginger paw and one dark gray paw
      Bristlekit, a dark gray she kit with green eyes and white paws
      Hawkkit, a light gray tom with yellow eyes and white spots
      Leafkit, a lithe white Tom with ginger and dark ginger stripes and blue-green eyes.
      They become: Reedtalon, Bristleheart, Hawkfeather, Leafwing.
      Nettleleaf becomes Nettlestar and is remembered for being the best leader in Thunderclan.

    • I am Pidgeonkit of SkyClan, a white, brown, and black patched tom-kit with blue eyes. I have two littermates, Puddlekit (white-and-grey tom-kit with blue eyes) and Jaykit (brown tabby she-kit with blue eyes). Our mother is Heatherbird (brown-and-white tabby she-cat with green eyes) and our father is Briarbush (greyish-brown tom with blue eyes). As a kit, I’m a cheeky troublemaker. When I become an apprentice, Pidgeonpaw, my mentor is Sparrowleaf (pale tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat with amber eyes). My favorite activity as an apprentice is hunting practice. My best friend is Cinderpaw (dusk-grey tom with golden eyes). Later in our apprenticeship we realize that we’re in love. As an apprentice, I’m grumpy and sarcastic. When I become a warrior, my name is Pidgeonleaf. Cinderpaw becomes Cinderwing. My littermates become Puddlebloom and Jaydust. I am a very talented hunter. I eventually become the clan leader, Cottonstar’s (cream she-cat with emerald-green eyes), mate. We have two kits (Mallowkit, cream tom-kit with blue eyes; and Ashkit, grey tabby she-kit with green eyes). I end up becoming the clan leader after her, and am remembered to be the best leader SkyClan has ever known.

    • Yessss I love these

      I am Smudgekit, born into SkyClan, a small black and white she-cat with green eyes. I have two siblings, Bumblekit, a cream and white tom with green eyes, and Sorrelkit, a mottled brown and white she-cat with green eyes. My mother is Briarbush, a brown and white tabby she-cat with green eyes, and my father is Shimmerapple, a pale cream and white tom with yellow eyes. I am energetic and dramatic. I am an apprentice at last! My mentor is Smudgecloud (like me!), a grey and white tom with blue eyes. Surprisingly, I’ve taken an interest in discussing Clan politics. There are just so many things I never realised were important for the Clan before now. My best friend is Cinderpaw, a dark grey tom with grey eyes. I think we are starting to fall in love… I’m not sure how to feel about it, it’s a little scary. I think I’m going to focus on my training for now. I feel that I am more observant and intuitive now than when I was younger. I am finally a warrior, Smudgedust! My brother has become Bumbleflight, and my sister has become Sorrelwing. I am very patient with elders, quite different from my apprentice days! Me and my best friend, now Cinderbark, are mates now! We have one kit together, Stormkit, a dark grey and white tom with dark blue eyes, who later becomes Stormspark. I remain a warrior, until I die in a battle with rogues.

    • Bluekit – a blue-gray tabby she-kit with dark blue eyes.
      She belongs to SkyClan, and her favorite time of day is morning.
      She has two siblings, Tawnykit – a brown she-kit with green eyes. Runningkit – a dark gray tabby tom-kit with blue eyes.
      Her mother’s name is Emberflight.
      Bluekit is curious and bright, and come her apprentice ceremony, she is apprenticed to Brackenivy, a brown and white she-cat with kind ivy-green eyes.
      Her favorite activity is hunting practice, and Bluepaw’s best friend is Brackenpaw (it’s supposed to be Tawnypaw, but that’s her sister 😛 ), a dark brown tom with green eyes.
      Later on, the two fall in love, as Bluepaw’s personality turns to grumpy and sarcastic. However, after a while, Bluepaw only wants Brackenpaw as a friend.
      Bluepaw arrives at her warrior ceremony, and is given the name Blueshard. Brackenpaw becomes Brackenclaw, Tawnypaw becomes Tawnyflower, and Runningpaw becomes Runningblaze.
      Blueshard is a very talented hunter, and soon she becomes mates with a medicine cat from another clan, Sparrowclaw, a gray and white tom with amber eyes.
      They have five kits together, Violetkit, a dark gray tabby she-kit with blue eyes, Snowkit, a white and gray she-kit with amber eyes, Waterkit, a blue-gray she-kit with pale blue eyes, Bramblekit, a dark brown tabby tom-kit with amber eyes, and Stonekit, a dark gray tabby tom-kit with green eyes.
      Blueshard remains a warrior, but dies in battle against Sparrowclaw’s clan.

      Violetkit becomes Violetflower
      Snowkit becomes Snowbreeze
      Waterkit becomes Watersong
      Bramblekit becomes Bramblefoot
      Stonekit becomes Stoneshard, in honor of his mother.

    • Nettledust of Riverclan, who has no siblings. Ivyburr was her mother. She is very energetic and dramatic. Her mentor was Bumblejay. Planking other apprentices was her favorite activity. Her best friend was Whiskerpaw. Later on, they both fell in love. As she grew up, she became grumpy and sarcastic. She was a very talented hunter. She eventually became mates with the clan leader, Shinestar, instead of her childhood BFF. They had 4 kits, Treekit, Fishkit, Pebblekit, and Wavekit. She eventually became the clan leader, and was remembered as the best leader of Riverclan.

    • Pidgeonkit from RiverClan! He is an only child, and his mother is Sweetberry (tortoiseshell molly) and his father is Hollywish (black tom). Pidgeonkit is loud and boastful, and eventually becomes an apprentice, mentored by Kinkspring (long-furred brown tabby molly). He loves to discuss Clan politics, and he soon becomes best friends with Nettlepaw (dark gray tabby tom). Unfortunately, their friendship is cut short when Nettlepaw dies in battle. This event changes Pidgeonpaw greatly, and he becomes quiet and wise. Pidgeonpaw eventually becomes Pidgeonswoop and is skilled at being a good mentor. He soon becomes mates with the Clan’s new leader, Sandstar (pale ginger tabby molly), and they have one kit, Dawnkit (pale ginger tabby molly). Pidgeonswoop lives the rest of his life and eventually dies in a battle with rogues.

    • Tawnykit of RiverClan is a shy, cautious white-speckled russet she-cat with dark green eyes. Her mother is Honeybrook, and she has no litttermates. Tawnypaw’s mentor is Brightjay, a light brown she-cat with light blue eyes. Tawnypaw’s favorite activity is training practice. Her best friend is Featherpaw, a gray tabby tom with dark amber eyes (the eyes are supposed to be sort of brown looking). Tawnypaw and Featherpaw fall in love, and decide to become mates once they both receive their warrior names. As she grows older, Tawnypaw becomes quiet and wise. Tawnypaw receives the warrior name of Tawnydust. During the naming ceremony, the clan leader mentions Tawnydust’s excellent hunting skills. As they had previously agreed, the newly named Tawnydust and Featherglade become mates. They have five kits, Dustykit(a white tom with gray patches and green eyes), Pigeonkit(a gray tabby she-cat with dark amber eyes), Violetkit(a russet she-cat with amber eyes), Whiskerkit(a white-speckled gray she-cat with noticeably dark whiskers) , and Smudgekit(a russet tabby tom with dark green eyes). Tawnydust becomes clan deputy, but dies from disease before she could become leader.

    • I got Puddlekit, a gray she cat with dull blue eyes. I’m a RiverClan kit. I have 0 siblings. My mothers name is Hollywish, and my fathers name is Twilightsnow. Hollywish is a black she cat with green eyes stuck in a wishful look, and Twilightsnow is a golden tom with white markings. I am energetic and dramatic. Now I’m an apprentice named Puddlepaw, and my mentor is named Brakenwing. Brakenwing is a golden tom with green eyes. I like listening to the Elders. My best friend is Runningpaw, a swift golden tom. Later on, Runningpaw gets parahlized by a falling tree. I get very sad, and stay by his side a lot. I become warm and loving. I become Puddledust and Runningpaw becomes Runningsun. I am a talented hunter. My mate becomes Runningsun, and we have four kits togethor, Quietkit, Brakenkit, (after Brakenwing, who died in battle) Otterkit, and Pebblekit. Quietkit is a swift, quiet brown she cat, Brakenkit is a golden tom, Otterkit is a brown tom, and Pebblekit is a gray she cat with blue eyes. Later, they become apprenticed to Brightbite (Quietpaw gets her) Jayshard (Brakenpaw gets him) Smudgegorse, (Otterpaw gets her) and Dustybloom (Pebblepaw gets her). Unfortunatly, Brakenpaw dies because a badger killed him. But Quietpaw becomes Quietheart and has kits with a Smudgegorse and they name them Mistkit, Tigerkit, Kestrelkit, and Cloudkit. Otterpaw becomes Otterfang, but soon dies because of his short temper on the border. Pebblepaw becomes Pebbleflicker, but then decides to become a Medicine Cat. I then become a kittypet named Puddle, and I break Quickheart, Pebbleflicker, and Runningsun’s hearts.

    • Smudgekit of RiverClan
      siblings: 0
      Mother: Twilightsnow
      Father: Emberflight
      Cheeky troublemaker as a kit
      Her best friend was Whiskerpaw but her friend is paralyzed from a falling tree
      Mentor: Brightivy
      Over time, she becomes quiet and wise
      Warrior name: Smudgeblossom
      Smudgeblossom is a talented hunter
      She becomes mates with her friend from when she was an apprentice, (not the one that was crushed by a tree.) Shellsoar, and has four kits.
      She was a warrior and died in a battle with rouges.

    • Hoo boy this was fun.
      I was born Pidgeonkit of Skyclan to Coalshine my mother and Tigerweb, my father. My brother is Whiskerkit. We are both grey with amber eyes, but I have white spots on my front paws, while Whiskerkit has a white spot on his muzzle.
      At first, I am a cheeky troublemaker, constantly pranking Whiskerkit and getting called a nuisance by the elders.
      I am dubbed an apprentice under Kinkneedle, a black she-cat with a kinked tail. As Pidgeonpaw, I am curious of the workings of the clans, always playing intellectual games and challenging people to political debates. I became best friends with Nettlepaw by arguing whether or not our leader, a she-cat, should have kits. We called it a draw.
      We were inseparable our whole apprenticeship. Nettlepaw was a little more mellow than I, but she still had spunk. Eventually I fell for her. When Nettlepaw heard Pidgeonpaw confess his love for her, just as apprentices, she was a little put off. It was hard to see her loudmouth troublemaker friend in a romantic light. I was devastated by her rejection and spent the rest of my apprenticeship trying to recollect myself without her. My time alone makes me quieter and wiser – wise enough to determine that Nettlepaw and I could still be friends.
      I receive my warriors name – Pidgeonwing, and I am well known for being possibly the best tree climber in Skyclan. Nettlegorge was always right behind me, making sure I wouldn’t fall. One sunset, while we are both in the branches of a strong oak, Nettlegorge admits that she was quick to reject my affections because she was so young, and struggling with the same feeling herself. I still love her, and that night, the apprentice lovers became mates.
      We have two kits, Branchkit and Stemkit, who bear striking resemblances to us.
      After years of hard work serving my clan, I became Clan leader. However, my rebellious personality that I’d had since kithood didn’t serve me well, since I debated the warrior code, trying to make amendments like banishing the “no inter-clan relationships rule” and “no kitty pets.” I would lead my clan to the battlefield for the beliefs, with Nettlegorge, my deputy, at my side. The constant fighting meant that many cats of Skyclan died and the prey was scared away, so starvation also plagued the camp. Nettlegorge begged me to relent my beliefs, but I refused, and was eventually killed in battle by a horde of angry warriors. Nettlegorge fled to be a loner after my death, and I was remembered as one of the worst leaders of my clan.
      After all the fighting, it was nice to be in starclan with my beloved mate for some peace and quiet.

    • I’m Brakenkit of ShadowClan, a orange-yellow tom with dark brown paws and blue eyes. I have 2 siblings, Sparrowkit, and Cinderkit. Sparrowkit is a yellow tabby tom, and Cinderkit is a white and gray she-kit. My mother is Littlefawn and my father is Sootwisp, While I’m a kit, I’m curious and bright, wanting to know all about the clan and I quickly become an apprentice. My mentor is Brightspring, a kind, but stern light ginger she-cat, to keep up with my curiousness. Me and my friend, Whisperpaw, a shy dark gray she-cat with green eyes love listening to the elder’s stories, and while walking in the pine forest together, we both fall in love. Embarrassed, me and Whisperpaw spend more time alone from our clanmates, and while I’m in camp, I’m grumpy and sarcastic, and even more so when Cinderpaw dies. Working very hard, me, Sparrowpaw, and Whisperpaw, all become Brackenleaf, Sparrowbeak and Whisperheart. I’m great at telling stories to the younger apprentices and kits, from listening to stories from the elders throughout my apprenticeship. Me and Whispeheart finally accept out feelings for each other, and become mates. Whisperheart has our kits: Cinderkit, a white and gray tom-kit, Sorrelkit, Light golden tabby she-kit, Swoopkit, dark gray tom-kit, Faithkit, beautiful orange and black tortie she-kit, and Wispkit, a orange, yellow, and dark gray tom-kit.
      I earn the position as deputy and later leader, and am remembered as the greatest leader of my beloved clan, ShadowClan.
      Extra: The kits becomes:
      Faithstream, The medicine cat
      and Wispbranch.
      that took a very long time!

    • I am jaykit, a she-kit with plain blue-gray fur. Im grom riverclan and my favorite time of day is morning. My mother is heatherbird and my father is ivyburr. As a kit im energetic and dramatic. My best friend is pidgeonkit, a light brown tom with a white muzzle. Now we are apprentices. My meantor is brightviolet. My favorite activity is training practice we are now warriors. Im jayleaf and he is pidgeonswoop. We quickly fall in love and become mates with four kits, owlkit, tumblekit, fidgetkit and sneazekit. Im now hardworking and friendly im good at being a mentor too. As a warrior i die in a fight against rougues

    • I am Quietkit of RiverClan. I am a short-furred silver she-cat with blue eyes and a dark brown spine stripe. I have two sisters; Sparrowkit (a tan and dark brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes), and Jaykit (a short-furred silver she-cat with four dark brown paws and blue eyes). My parents are Heatherbird (a short-furred tan she-cat with dark brown ear tips and brown eyes) and Sootwisp (a short-furred gray tom with a black spot on his back and blue eyes). I am energetic and dramatic, sometimes making a very big deal out of small things. When my siblings and I reach our sixth moon, I am apprenticed as Quietpaw to Cindermaple, a short-furred light- brown and black she-cat with a gray paw, who is also the clan leader’s sister. During my apprenticeship, I form a strong bond with an older apprentice, Pidgeonpaw, a gray, white and black tom with green eyes, who is the clan deputy’s only son. Our friendship slowly turns into something more as we play pranks on the other apprentices and search the elders for ticks. When my siblings and I become warriors, we become Quietshard, Sparrowleaf, and Jayblossom. I am now warm and loving, though I still have a lot of energy and am always up with the dawn patrol. Thanks to Cindermaple, I have grown into one of the best hunters in the clan. Shortly after my warrior ceremony, Pidgeonpaw, now Pidgeontail, asks me to be his mate. He confesses that there have been many days where his only comfort is me. I say yes, of course, and my entire family is happy for me (my sisters tease me about it, but I tease them right back; I’ve seen them looking at some of the other warriors). A few moons later, I give birth to my first litter of kits- a tom named Runningkit (a brown tabby cat) and a she-kit named Bluekit( a small cat with silver fur and startling blue eyes). Pidgeontail, now the clan deputy, is very close to his kits, and he even sleeps in the nursery sometimes so I can be up and out with the dawn patrol. A few moons later, when Runningkit and Bluekit are Runningpaw and Bluepaw, I give birth to my second litter of kits- two she-kits named Kinkkit (a light gray cat with green eyes) and Featherkit (a silver cat with dark gray paws and blue eyes). I am alive to see Runningpaw and Bluepaw become Runningleap and Blueface, and get to see even later still Kinkkit and Featherkit become Kinkear and Featherpelt. I am killed in a battle with rouges shortly after Featherpelt gives birth to her first litter of kits, and I died guarding the nursery from the vicious cats.

    • Nettlekit, a small silver she-cat with blue eyes, is born to Heatherbird, a pale grey tabby she-cat with lavender eyes and Shimmerapple, a silver-speckled black tom with icy blue eyes, along with Sparrowkit (a dusky brown she-cat), Pidgeonkit (a light grey tom), Cinderkit (a black tom) and Otterkit (a chestnut she-cat) in SkyClan. She is shy and cautious.

      Nettlekit receives her apprentice name of Nettlepaw and is mentored by Dustyjay, a cream-coloured tom with deep blue eyes who is loud and boastful. She loves listening to the elder’s stories and becomes close friends with Barkpaw, a dark brown tom, who she later has a terrible argument with. They never speak to each other again until after their warrior ceremony. Nettlepaw sorely misses him, wanting to make amends but not knowing how.

      As Nettlepaw grows, she becomes grumpy and sarcastic, probably due to her broken friendship. Finally, her warrior ceremony takes place and she is named Nettleleaf, her siblings taking the names of Sparrowstep, Pidgeonwing, Cinderclaw and Ottercall. Her skills in hunting are best developed. She and Barkpaw (now Barkstrike) forgive each other and become mates. She gives birth to one kit – Sootkit, a white tom with a black tail tip, paws and muzzle, who dies during his time as an apprentice, in a battle with an enemy Clan.

      Moons later, she leaves the Clan to join the Tribe. There she keeps her name of Nettleleaf and eventually dies of old age.

      Sorry for any mistakes! This was an awesome generator.

  • Sorrelkit (a sleek-furred silver tabby she-kit with blue eyes) lives in RiverClan with her brothers Pebblekit (a dark gray tabby tom) and Jaykit (a black tom with a bushy tail). Her parents are Briarbush (a small, fluffy silver tabby she-cat and blue eyes) and Sootwisp (a black tom with gray flecks and brown eyes). Sorrelkit is energetic and dramatic at first.

    Soon enough, her apprentice ceremony rolls along. Sorrelpaw’s mentor is Brightfeather (a light cream tabby tom), a young warrior who gave her excellent hunting skills, making hunting her favorite activity. Sorrelpaw makes a friend, Whiskerpaw (a light gray tom with black dapples).

    Eventually, Sorrelpaw and Whiskerpaw fall in love, followed by Sorrelpaw adopting a joking, silly personality.

    After a few moons, Sorrelpaw and a few others become warriors. Sorrelpaw is now Sorrelswoop, Whiskerpaw becomes Whiskerfoot, and Pebblepaw and Jaypaw are now Pebbleclaw and Jaycall.

    Sorrelswoop’s love of hunting makes sure that quite a few cats can eat their fill everyday.

    A moon or two later, Sorrelswoop is expecting Whiskerfoot’s kits. She gives birth to four kits, Petalkit (a silver she-kit with gray dapples), Acornkit (a light gray tabby tom), Minnowkit (a light gray tom with silver dapples), and Streamkit (a silver tabby tom with black feet).

    Following her kits’ apprentice ceremony, the RiverClan deputy dies in a battle with ShadowClan, and the current leader now has only two lives. He appoints Sorrelswoop as deputy.

    Soon after that, Sorrelswoop gets an apprentice, Cinderpaw (a white tom with black feet). A short while after Cinderpaw becomes Cinderfoot, the leader dies of greencough and Sorrelswoop becomes Sorrelstar, and is remembered as the greatest leader of RiverClan.

    Petalpaw, Acornpaw, Minnowpaw, and Streampaw become Petalnose, Acornfang, Minnowleaf, and Streampelt.

    Wow, that took a long time!

  • Name generator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

    First, pick you favorite rank for your prefix:
    Kit: Sand
    ‘Paw: Flame
    Warrior: Spot
    Medicine cat apprentice: Leaf
    Medicine cat: Hawk
    Deputy: Honey
    Leader: White
    Elder: Reed
    None: Stream
    Can’t pick!!!: Shade

    Next, pick your favorite place for your suffix:
    Beach: Shine
    Mountain: Feather
    Cave: Flower
    In the snow: Branch
    Home: Blaze
    Park: Breeze
    Town: Spring
    City: Leap
    No Where: Whisker
    Can’t pick!!!: Heart

    Then, pink your favorite first leader for your clan:
    ThunderStar: Riverclan
    Shadowstar: Windclan
    Skystar: Shadowclan
    Riverstar: Thunderclan
    Windstar: Skyclan

    Then, pick your favorite color for how many siblings you have:
    Blue: 5 siblings
    Red: 4 siblings
    Yellow: 2 siblings
    Pink: 1 sibling
    Green: 3 siblings
    You can choose who your parents are and what they look like and what your sibling/s looks like and what there name/s are.

    Then pick your favorite number:
    1: No mate or kits
    2: You have a mate, but no kits
    3: Helps take care of kits, but have no mate
    4: You have a mate, and kits
    5: Have mate, but hates kits.

    Choose what happens in the rest of your life( You don’t have to word it like this)🔝
    If you choose 1: You become medicine cat because one of you brothers/sisters died from green cough. Another of your brothers/sisters becomes leader, but dies before they can receive 9 lives. You are given the task of picking the leader and you pick your father, though you regret that latter on…

    If you choose 2: You are offered leadership and you refused, because your mate died and you couldn’t save him/her. The leader keeps insisting, until they die from a dog. The deputy died too, so the medicine cat chose you to be the leader. You don’t want to , but you accept, seeing as it would be the best option for your clan. You become the leader and after losing your 8th life, you retire to the Elders den.

    If you choose 3: You battle in a fierce battle and lose the strength of your legs. You don’t want to become a medicine cat apprentice, so you decide to become the mediator of the clans, like Tree. You mediate for 25 moons, and then you become an Elder, and are known for telling the best story’s.

    If you choose 4: You become the leader, and your mate as the deputy. You try to find a peaceful way, but almost always end up fighting for what you believe in. You decide to defend against another clans attack, tried of your clan being scorned from the other clans. You die in that battle and your mate grieves for a very long time. You are remembered for being the best leader of your clan, and live peacefully in Starclan.

    If you choose 5: Your mate leaves for another clan and you become bitter and selfish. You and a couple other clan members launch a sneak attack in the clan that your mate left for, trying to kill every member of that clan. You run into your former mate, and seeing as you and the others are attacking them, plead for her/his life. You ignore her/him and kill them. You then search out for the leader, seeking to kill him two, but end up being kill yourself and sent to the Dark Forest.

    All done( Sorry it’s so long) !!!
    I got: Flamebranch of Thunderclan, a mottled ginger, dark ginger, and white she cat with green eyes I have 1 brother , Whiskertuft , a mottled brown and dark brown Tom and my parents are Greenstripe , a striped white and gray she cat with green eyes, and Mottledpelt, a mottled brown, dark brown, dark ginger, and ginger Tom.
    My mate is Realmclaw and I have 3 kits, Rapidkit, Duskkit, and Risingkit.
    I become the leader of Thunderclan and while leading, I lose my last life in a battle between Thunderclan and Shadowclan. Realmclaw grieves for a long time, but eventually becomes Realmstar, and after a while, joins me in Starclan, with Risingstar as the leader.
    Have a great day/night/morning/ other times of day

    • Hawkwhisker, a she-cat of WindClan has five siblings, Rainpool, Froststorm, Cyclebranch, Wildflame, and Moonstream.
      Hawkwhisker has no mate or kits.
      She becomes Hawkstar, and appoints her sister Rainpool to be deputy. She somehow always ends up having to fight for her territory, and dies in battle with ThunderClan.
      Rainpool grieves for a long time and Hawkstar ends up peacefully ends up in StarClan, giving Rainstar a life for compassion and courage.
      Hawkstar peacefully watches over the Clans, and somehow never fades from StarClan.

    • I said it once, I’ll say it again, these generators have been missing for way too long.

      I am Spotshine, a spotted brown and white she-cat with yellow eyes. I am from SkyClan. I have 5 siblings. Two are from my litter: Whitespring, a white tom with green eyes, and Flamesky, a ginger tabby and white she-cat with blue eyes. The other 3 are from my parents’ second litter: Slatedust, a dark mottled grey she-cat with yellow eyes, Mintshade, a white and grey tom with green eyes, and Vinestripe, a brown and ginger tabby tom with amber eyes. My mother is Redstrike, a dark ginger tabby she-cat with yellow eyes, a respected SkyClan warrior, and my father is Magpiewing, a former WindClan warrior who moved to SkyClan. I have a mate, Archsky, and two kits, Tendrilwing and Beechfrost. I become leader of SkyClan, Spotstar, and Archsky is my deputy. I always try to find a peaceful way, but almost always end up fighting for what I believe in. I decided to defend my Clan against another Clan’s attack. I’m tired of my Clan being scorned by the other Clans. I died in that battle and Archsky grieved for a very long time. I am remembered for being one of the best leader of SkyClan, and I live peacefully in StarClan. Archsky is now Archstar. He will join me in StarClan eventually.

    • Streamblaze – Silver spotted tabby she-cat with blue eyes and long, white tail. She is RiverClan medicine cat.

      Fallowblaze – Fluffy golden spotted tabby she-cat with warm golden eyes and long, white tail. (Streamblaze’s favorite littermate; named after Streamblaze)
      Snowlight – Fluffy white she-cat with gray ears and tail and green eyes (Streamblaze’s littermate; medicine cat)
      Cherryleap – Calico she-cat with dark cherry red patches and amber eyes (Streamblaze’s older sister; indifferent to Streamblaze)
      Tawnytooth – Broad-shouldered black tom with tawny-colored and white tabby patches (Streamblaze’s older brother; wants to be deputy)
      Brackenleaf – Dappled tortoiseshell tabby she-cat with amber eyes (Streamblaze’s older sister; doesn’t like Streamblaze)

      Streamblaze likes to help queens take care of kits, but she doesn’t care about getting a mate, unlike her sister Fallowblaze, who wants to get one.
      Snowlight, who was the medicine cat apprentice, dies of greencough, so Streamblaze offers to replace her. Tawnytooth later becomes leader, but is killed after confronting a pack of hungry foxes before he can appoint a deputy and receive his 9 lives. Streamblaze picked her sister, Brackenleaf, as leader, and she becomes Brackenstar. However, Brackenstar starts exiling every cat who disobeys her, eventually exiling Streamblaze and Fallowblaze. Streamblaze and Fallowblaze retreat to ShadowClan.

    • Hawkfeather is a long-furred dark brown tabby molly from ThunderClan. She has a sibling named Leafheart, a long-furred dark brown tabby and white molly. She has a mate named Honeystep, a short golden tabby molly, and they do not have kits. Hawkfeather becomes the leader and Honeystep becomes her deputy. Hawkstar tries to find a peaceful way, but almost always end up fighting for what she believes in. Hawkstar decides to defend against another Clans attack, tried of her Clan being scorned from the other Clans. Hawkstar dies in that battle and her mate grieves for a very long time. She is remembered for being the best leader of ThunderClan and lives peacefully in Starclan.

    • Leaffeather of Riverclan. 3 sisters and 2 brothers have a mate and 3 kits.

    • My name is Leafshine (pale ginger she-cat with a long tail, large ears and green eyes), of RiverClan. My mother is Brightshell (a long-furred red she-cat with a long tail and green eyes), and my father is Greytail (broad-shouldered grey tom with black and white splotches, large ears, and blue eyes). I have three siblings – Longnose (fluffy ginger she-cat with a white paw and tail-tip, wit yellow eyes), Shinyflash (a tall black and white tom with a long tail and blue eyes) and Mistdapple, (a messy-furred grey tom with darker flecks around his face and green eyes). I have a mate in respectable warrior Seedbranch (short-furred mottled tabby tom with large paws and yellow eyes), and have the kits Speckledbrook (tabby she-cat with large paws and green eyes) and Rosefang (bright ginger she-cat with large ears and yellow eyes). When my leader Fogstar retires, I become Leafstar and make Seedbranch deputy. I try to find peaceful alternatives to solve problems between the Clans, although this means RiverClan gets a reputation for being cowards. At first I ignore it, but then my mate Seedbranch snaps one day and tells me I am leading my Clan into ruin. Afraid I will lose not only him, but my respect within the Clan as well, I decide to go to war with ThunderClan, who are slowly taking away our territory. We face fierce opposition, and our warriors were unprepared after moons of backing out of fights. Many warriors die, and I use up my remaining lives fighting for my Clan. It becomes a bloodbath, and ThunderClan stop fighting as they realize how many RiverClan warriors have died. Seedbranch becomes Seedstar, and forever believes he lead me to my death my scorning my peaceful tactics. But as a result of the heroic sacrifice I made in the battle, I am remembered for being the best leader of RiverClan, and live peacefully in StarClan.

      Yay, great generator 😀

    • I am Whiteshine of WindClan. I am a small white she-cat with light tan paws and a tan spine stripe. I have green eyes. I also have five siblings- two of them are from a different litter. My siblings are Indigoheart (a pale gray tabby she-cat with indigo eyes), Gorsepelt (a pale tan tom with brown eyes), and Lilaceye (a lilac and cream she-cat with startling green eyes). My younger siblings are Sealight (light gray she-cat with a yellow underbelly, face, and paws, blue eyes) and Orangefur (dark ginger tom with a white paw and green eyes). My parents are Buzzardeye (a sturdy light gray tabby tom with green eyes) and Eagleface (a small, golden, white and cream she cat with green eyes). My mate is Gustheart, a light tan tabby tom with a long tail. Together we have four kits- Hawkeye, Goldenwing, Harpytalon, and Ospreyflight. I am currently nursing our second litter- Rustlekit and Eaglekit. I am leader of my clan, and my mate is deputy. I try to find peaceful solution to my clan’s problems, but most of the time we end up fighting. I have decided that we will defend against any attack on our camp, unless we lose to many. StarClan once sent me a dream telling me that I would die in one of these battles, but I am not afraid of death. I know my mate and kits will grieve, but I won’t die until Rustlekit and Eaglekit become apprentices.

  • Name generator time!

    For your prefix, take the second to last letter of your favorite Warriors cat!

    A- Adder
    B- Bounce
    C- Cloud
    E- Ember
    D- Doe
    F- Flash
    H- Heron
    I- Ice
    J- Jaguar
    K- Kink
    L- Lion
    M- Maple
    N- Night
    O- Owl
    P- Petal
    Q- Quick
    R- Rose
    S- Shrew
    T- Turtle
    U- Underwater
    V- Violet
    W- Whisper
    X- Choose yourself
    Y- Yarrow
    Z- Zebra

    For your suffix, pick your favorite one of Daisy’s kits!

    Berrynose- Feather
    Hazeltail- moon
    Mousewhisker- dapple
    Rosepetal- Mist
    Toadstep- Tail

    My result: Icemoon, a white she cat with blue eyes.

  • here is a name generator (i accidentaly posted this on the warrior name page )

    prefix: the day you were born
    1 leaf
    2 tousle
    3 arch
    4 flower
    5 lily
    6 flame
    7 cotton
    8 messy
    9 willow
    10 oak
    11 cherry
    12 rose
    13 storm
    14 night
    15 dawn
    16 bee
    17 wave
    18 tadpole
    19 wind
    20 shadow
    21 river
    22 thunder
    23 wind
    24 sky
    25 mint
    26 sunny
    27 sweet
    28 crow
    29 feather
    30 fox
    31 dew

    now lets find a suffix! : the first letter of your BlogClan name

    a: tail
    b: pelt
    c: shine
    d: heart
    e: moon
    f splash
    g whisper
    h tree
    i fern
    j branch
    k stick
    l flower
    m bird
    n sun
    o foot
    p step
    q flight
    r leaf
    s fur
    t claw
    u pool
    v blaze
    w stripe
    x stream
    y storm
    z wing

    now lets check your rank: the month you were born in (it will be repeated)
    janurary queen (if you are male warrior )
    februrary warrior
    march apprentice
    april medicine cat
    may elder
    june leader
    july medicine cat apprentice
    august queen (warrior if male)
    september warrior
    november apprentice
    december elder

    let´t see what your clan is: use this random number picker
    1 thunderclan
    2 skyclan
    3 windclan
    4 riverclan
    5 shadowclan

    personality: your favourite plant
    trees: kind and caring on the inside but tough on the outside
    flowers: grumpy and wise
    cactus: decideon one quiet/ loud and talkative

    appearance: your favourite type of weather
    sunny: warm colors orange or ginger
    rain: brown and white or tortoishell
    windy: gray with dark gray stripes and a white belly and chest
    other: you decide

    eye color: your favourite place
    the beach: amber or pale yellow
    the mountains: blue
    forest or somewhere in the wild: green

    i got cheeryflower an elder from windclan, she has blue eyes
    and a brown and white pelt she is tough on the outside but very kind on the inside !
    tell me what you got
    maybe i can post another one that includes other things tomorrow!

    • Skyleaf, an elder of SkyClan
      She is kind and caring inside but tough outside
      Tortoise-shell she-cat with green eyes
      Formerly Medicine Cat

    • I got Leafpaw(claw), a ginger she cat with green eyes. I’m an apprentice from RiverClan. I’m tough on the outside but kind and caring on the inside.

    • Messypaw/bird, a medicine cat apprentice of Riverclan. She’s a Mottled dark brown and brown she cat with black markings and green eyes with flecks of gold in them. She is grumpy and wise and I adore this name, it’s so cute!!!

      • Cottonleaf an elder of ShadowClan. She is kind and caring on the inside but tough on the outside. She is tortoiseshell with green eyes.

    • here is the continuation

      do you have a mate? : your favourite season
      spring: yes
      summer: no
      fall (autumn): yes
      winter: no

      do you have any siblings ?: your favourite fruit
      strawberrys: 4 siblings
      apples: 1 sibling
      grapes: no siblings
      i prefer vegetables: 2 siblings
      other: 3 siblings

      relashionship with your mentor: favourite animal
      cats: you had a good relationship but you don´t really talk now
      dogs: you used to hate eachother but then became good friends
      turtles: you always were good friends
      fish: you were never friends and you hated being an apprentice
      rabbit: he/she treated you badly and they got exiled so they changed to a mentor you liked

      do you have kits? (if you are med cat or apprentice ignore this, if you are male then the kits your mate had, you can also say that you adopted the kit ): your favourite drink
      soda: 1 kit
      lemonade: 3 kits
      root beer: 0 kits
      juice: 2 kits
      other: 4 kits

      do you have friends in other clans? : your favourite first series book (it will be given in numbers because i am a lazy person)
      book 1: yes
      book 2: no
      book 3 : yes
      book 4: no
      book 5: yes
      book 6: no

      (to create the your mate, kits and siblings name go to the first comment )
      hope you have fun!

      • Foxpaw is single and she has three siblings, Fawnpaw, Moonpaw, and Berrypaw. Her mentor was Shadelight, and they got together well at first, but don’t really talk to each other anymore as Shadelight started to fret over her mate and kits. She does not have any friends from other clans.

        Fawnpaw/pelt – Fluffy, long-furred, broad-shouldered fawn-colored tom with powerful haunches and shoulders.
        Moonpaw/thistle – Fluffy, striking, handsome jet black tom with silky fur, icy blue eyes, and a white chest, muzzle, and paws.
        Berrypaw/rose – Beautiful pale tortoiseshell she-cat with unusual, piercing blue eyes and a white patch on her chest.
        Shadelight – Fluffy, long-furred, light gray and white she-cat with green eyes and long legs.

      • Cottonleaf doesn’t have a mate or siblings. She had a good relationship with her mentor but they don’t really talk now. She has three kits (perhaps her mate died?) and has friends in other clans

    • I got an elder named Messyshine, she’s from WindClan. She’s kind and caring in the inside, but in the outside she’s rough. I am gray with dark stripes and a white belly chest with green eyes. Thanks for everything!

    • Leafsplash
      ThunerClan Queen
      Kind and caring on the inside but tough on the outside
      Tortoiseshell with amber eyes

  • Quietpetal
    Crows nest
    Redheart ( got changed to redfire)

  • I am Thundershine, the Skyclan medicine cat. I am kind and caring on the inside, but tough on the outside. My pelt is ginger, and my eyes are green. I have a secret mate, and have 1 sibling. I used to hate my mentor, but now we are good friends, and I have friends from other Clans.
    My secret mate:
    Waveshine a medicine cat apprentice from Shadowclan. He is kind and caring on the inside and tough on the outside. He is brown with white splotches. He has blue eyes, and he doesn’t have any siblings. He also used to hate his mentor, but they are now good friends, he also has friends in other clans.

  • i thought this would be interesting: rouge/loner/kittypet/ generator!

    first thing what are you a rouge, kitty pet or a loner? your favourite of the three
    jayfeather: loner
    lionblaze: rouge
    dovewing: kittypet

    for rouges/loners your name is the last number of your bithday
    1. amber
    2. mouse
    3. night

    for 𝓴𝓲𝓽𝓽𝔂𝓹𝓮𝓽𝓼 your favourite day of the week
    monday: softy
    tuesday: star
    wednesday: katy
    thursday: beth
    friday: beauty
    saturday: spots
    sunday : lisa

    for rouges and loners backstory choose a number.
    1 you used t be a kittypet but escaped because your owner treated you badly
    2 you used to be a clan cat but your leader exiled you for no reason, you left the clan with your mate
    3. you were born into a rouge/loner family but you are planning to leave and go to the clans
    4. you were born into a rouge/loner family and you plan to stay there

    for kittypets choose a number
    1. you have always been a 𝓴𝓲𝓽𝓽𝔂𝓹𝓮𝓽 but you want to leave and be a clan cat
    2. you have always been a 𝓴𝓲𝓽𝓽𝔂𝓹𝓮𝓽 and stay like that for all your life
    3 you used to be a clan cat but then you became a 𝓴𝓲𝓽𝓽𝔂𝓹𝓮𝓽
    4 you are a ninja 𝓴𝓲𝓽𝓽𝔂𝓹𝓮𝓽

    personality everyone: your favourite fruit
    apples: caring
    berries: tough but a good cat
    grapes: funny
    bananas: grumpy an wise
    other: choose one from above

    do you have a mate and kits?: your favourite book of the first series
    1: you have a mate but no kits
    2: you have no mate or kits
    3: you have adopted kits
    4: you don´t like kits
    5: you have a mate and kits
    6. you choose

    appearance yay!

    pelt: favourite color
    blue: gray tortoishell (i think i spelled it wrong)
    red: brown
    purple: ginger with dark ginger spots
    green: black
    yellow: orange with white belly and chest
    other: choose from the list above

    eyes: your favourite season
    spring: green eyes
    summer: blue eyes
    autumn: amber eyes
    winter: pale violet eyes

    fur length: favourite place to be in
    mountains: short fur
    seaside: long fur
    forest: normal length

    whisker length: your favourite type of plants
    trees: short whiskers
    flowers: long whiskers
    cactus: normal length

    nose color: your least favourite clan
    shadowclan: dark pink nose
    riverclan: bright pink nose
    thunderclan: dark gray nose
    windclan: black nose

    for loners and rouges where to you live: choose a number
    1 in an old barn
    2 in an old fox den
    3 in the mountains

    okay here is what i got
    amber a loner who used to be a 𝓴𝓲𝓽𝓽𝔂𝓹𝓮𝓽 but her owner treated her badly so she escaped and went to live in a old barn amber adopted 3 kits that live with her in the barn, she is caring and kind , her appearnce is a shye cat with a dark ginger pelt and amber eyes, she has long fur, normal length whiskers and a dark pink nose

    hope you enjoy this generator tell me what you got!

    • Cinnamon is a loner who was born as a loner and plans to continue being a loner her whole life. She is grumpy and wise, and has no mate or kits. She is a gray tortoiseshell with pale violet eyes. Her fur is normal-length, and she has short whiskers and a dark gray nose. Cinnamon lives in the mountains.

    • Cinnamon, a brown she-cat with green eyes, a loner. She was born into a loner family but is planning to leave and go join the clans. She is tough but she is a good cat. She has adopted two kits she found abandoned; she named them Storm and Cloud, and she plans to bring them with her to the clans. Her fur is normal-length, she has short whiskers, and she has a bright pink nose. She lives in an old barn.

    • Splash, a loner who used to be a clan cat and escaped with her mate, Ember, when her leader, Wavestar, accused her for killing Lilystorm. She’s grumpy and wise, as she wants to help others but get annoyed when people don’t listen to her. She has a mate, Ember, a small orange-yellow tom with light green eyes, and one kit, Tiny, a small dark ginger tom with light green eyes.
      She is a ginger she cat with dark ginger spots with blue eyes, normal lengthen fur, long whiskers, and a dark gray nose.
      She lives in a barn on a farm and is expecting kits, she’s planing to call them Gleam, Holly, and Dove.
      This is an awesome generator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Here goes…
      I am Dandelion. A loner who was born into a loner family but decided to leave and go to find the clans. I am funny and I have a mate but no kits. I am a grey tortoiseshell with pale violet eyes. My fur is normal length and I have short whiskers and a dark grey nose. I live with my mate in an old fox den.

    • Otter is a gray tortoiseshell with blue eyes, medium-length fur, no whiskers, and a bright pink nose. Currently she lives in an old barn.
      Otter used to be a RiverClan warrior named Otternose, but then since the leader, Brightstar, didn’t like her because she is half-clan, Brightstar murders her own deputy, Chivestalk, and blames Otternose for it. Otter hates RiverClan now, but she is tough but a good cat. She has no kits.

  • main name:
    i got this idea at 2 am: tribe cat generator
    first what are you a hunter or a fighter? the month you were born in
    janurary: hunter
    februrary: kit mother
    march: hunter
    april: to be stoneteller
    may: hunter
    june: stoneteller
    july: hunter
    august: to be a fighter
    september:to be a hunter
    november: fighter
    december: hunter

    now lets see what your name is! it is going to work like this first we are going to see what your mane name is for example: feather that falls from bird (feather ) first we are going to look for feather.

    main name: the first letter of your name
    a. leaf
    b. owl
    c. twig
    d. feather
    e crow
    f snow
    g frost
    h sun
    y moon
    g squirrel
    k song
    l night
    m morning
    n storm
    o cloud
    p wolf
    q tree
    r hawk
    s fox
    t snake
    u mud
    v moss
    w mint
    x flower
    y fern
    z berry

    now lets see what your second name is for example where small fish swim: the last number of your birthday if your name doesn´t quite fit you can try your first number or you choose
    0. that falls at dusk
    1. that brings cold breeze
    2. landing on tree
    3. blossoming on bush
    4. that runs through forest
    5. that grows on hill
    6. that shines on mountain
    7. that sings at midnight
    8. where birds sing
    9. where snow gathers

    Backstory!: choose a number
    1.You used to be a clan cat but fell in love with a tribe cat
    2. You have always been a tribe cat
    3. You used to be a rouge but became a tribe cat

    Appearance: your favourite color

    Green: grey pelt with black stripes
    Blue: brown pelt with dark brown spots
    Yellow: ginger pelt
    purple: black pelt
    Other: choose from the list above

    Eye color: your favorite of the three
    Jayfeather: blue eyes
    Lionblaze: amber eyes
    Dovewing: green eyes

    Fur length: your favourite kittypet out of the ones in list
    Princess: long furr
    Jake: normal length fur
    Smudge: short fur

    personality: your favourite clan
    riverclan: kind but tough on the outside
    shadowclan: grumpy only nice to the ones he/she knows
    thunderclan: talkative and friendly
    windclan: quiet and grumpy
    skyclan: brave and kind

    Whisker length your favourite fruit out of the ones in the list:
    Apples: long
    Berrries short
    Grapes: normal length
    i got: night that brings cold breeze, a hunter who is a she cat. she has always been a tribe cat, she is a black she cat with black stripes and blue eyes. she is kind but tough on the outside. tell me what you got!

  • Hi! this is my first name generator, so I understand if it is horrible. You are welcome to use any names and backstories in your fan-fics
    Your prefix is your favorite Warriors arc.

    The Prophecies Begin- Raining
    The New Prophecy- Quiet
    Power of Three- Shine
    Omen of the Stars- Lost
    Dawn of the Clans- Condor
    A Vision of Shadows- Silver
    The Broken Code- Shade
    I can’t choose- Ivy

    you can choose your gender based on what seems appropriate

    your favorite Clan or tribe is your rank

    RiverClan- deputy
    WindClan- leader
    ShadowClan- senior warrior
    SkyClan- Warrior
    ThunderClan- apprentice
    StarClan- elder
    The tribe of rushing water- queen
    None, I can’t choose- kit

    Your mother is you favorite warriors super edition
    Firestar’s Quest: Darkflower
    Bluestar’s Prophecy: featherleap
    SkyClan’s Destiny: Silvershard
    Crookedstar’s Promise: Burnblossom (Also, you have excellent taste in books, congratulations)
    Yellowfang’s Secret: Berrybriar
    Tallstar’s Revenge: Shineheart
    Bramblestar’s Storm: Quietfall
    Mothflight’s Vision: Littlefoot
    Hawkwing’s Journey: Rainingwhisper. (Again, you have excellent taste in books. That or you are like me and love, love, love, depressing stories where like everyone dies)
    Tigerheart’s Shadow: Hopeleap
    Crowfeather’s Trial: Spottedear
    Squirrelflight’s Hope: Daisypelt

    Your favorite pet is your father
    Dog: Whispershadow
    Cat: Larkshadow
    Gerbil: Iceheart
    Guinea pig: Flameheart
    Hamster: Mossripple
    Fish: Ace (Your mother had kits with a rouge)
    Turtle: Stormsoar
    Tortise: Shellsoar
    Lizard: Gorsestar
    Snake: Stingthistle
    other: Beestripe

    Your Clan is your favorite novella set

    The Untold Stories: RiverClan
    Tales From the Clans: SkyClan
    Shadows of the Clans: ThunderClan
    Legends of the Clans: The Tribe of Rushing Water
    Path of a Warrior: ShadowClan
    A Warriors Spirit: WindClan
    None, I do not like them: Rouge
    None, I have not read them: StarClan

    Your suffix (If you have one) is your favorite character’s prefix (Just try not to like the broken code the best and have your favorite character be mapleshade, or something like that, then choose your second favorite character)

    Your pelt pattern is your favorite subject
    English: Black tabby
    Math: Solid Ginger
    History: Tortoiseshell and white
    Economics: White tabby
    Biology: Brown tabby
    Chemistry: Solid Brown
    Physics: Golden Tabby
    Languages: Solid White
    Home ec: gray tabby
    Technology or engineering: Silver tabby
    Music (Band or Choir): Sand
    Theatre: Cream tabby
    Other: Blue-Gray

    Your favorite color of the rainbow is your eye color
    Red- Amber
    Orange- Pink
    Yellow- Yellow
    Green- Green
    Blue- Blue
    Purple- Purple

    Your personality is the month you were born in
    January: Quiet, secluded
    February: Peppy, happy
    March: Rude, annoying
    April: Fun, naive
    May: Shy, sensitive
    June: Adventurous, dreamy
    July: Spirited, Stubborn
    August; Creative, social
    September: Sensitive, antisocial
    October: Mischievous, fun
    November: different, scared
    December: mean, rude

    I am Shadeivy, the deputy of RiverClan. My mother is Burnblossom, and my father is Whispershadow. I am a tortoiseshell and white she-cat with blue eyes. I am creative and social. I hope you enjoy making your own characters!

  • I am Nettelkit, from WindClan, a white she-kit with gray patches and green eyes. I have one sibling called Bumblekit, who is a silver tabby she-kit with big paws and green eyes. My mother is Twillightsnow (tall gray she-cat with yellow eyes), and my father is Hollywish (White and silver tabby tom with a can-do attitude and green eyes). As a kit, I am loud and boastful, and I get Feathermaple as a mentor, who is excitable and kind. He is a dark reddish-brown tom with yellow eyes and a long tail. I love pranking the other apprentices with my mischievous friend, Brightpaw (glossy-furred black she-cat with white paws and amber eyes). However, I really miss her when Brightpaw decides to start training as a med cat apprentice instead. I finally become a warrior and am named Nettleleaf for my sharp appearance but a soft persona, while my sister becomes Bumbleclaw and after a while, Brightpaw becomes Brighthaze. I am known throughout the Clan for my leadership, which I learned the importance of from Feathermaple. Now a warrior, I try and throw myself into Clan life – going on many patrols, caring for the elders, helping to train the apprentices. I live life to the fullest while I am a warrior and become an elder until my death when I am killed in a fire in camp.

  • here is a power of three cat generator!
    first lets look for a name: the first letter of your name
    a spotted
    b dappled
    c feather
    d blue
    e thrush
    f storm
    g stone
    h flower
    i berry
    g golden
    k red
    l rain
    m misty
    n sand
    o ash
    p bright
    q bracken
    r cinder
    s sorrel
    t ivy
    u silver
    v cloud
    w tawny
    x snow
    y frost
    z oak

    for your prefix the last number of your birthday
    1 cloud
    2 tail
    3 heart
    4 storm (if you get stormstorm add 1 to your last number and see what you get)
    5 pelt
    6 fur
    7 flight
    8 feather
    9 flower
    0 wing

    now lets see what your power is! your favourite of tigerstar´s children (i will add some that are not in the books)
    mothwing: shape shifting
    tawnypelt: super speed
    tadpole: choose one from the books
    bramblelaw: teletransporting
    hawfrost: invisibility

    personality: your favourite day of the week
    monday grumpy and wise
    tuesday cheerful but sometimes rude
    wednesday nervous and kind
    thursday brave but tough
    friday friendly but unsure of what he/she can do
    saturday sleepy lazy
    sunday angry but sometimes kind

    pelt color: your favourite clan
    thunderclan: brown tabby
    shadowclan: black with white tail tip and chest
    windclan: ginger with white
    riverclan: calico
    skyclan: gray

    eye color: your favourite type of plant
    cactus: blue eyes
    flowers: amber eyes/ violet eyes
    trees: green eyes

    fur length: your hair length
    short hair: medium
    long hair: short
    medium: long

    whisker length: fur length
    long fur: short whiskers
    short fur: medium whiskers
    medium fur: long whiskers

    nose color: eye color
    pink: green
    dark pink: blue
    black: violet/amber

    backstory: use this and put 1 2 3
    1. you used to be a tribe cat but left to come with your mate they gave you powers because of your courage.
    2 you are wise and that is why they gave you your powers, you don´t have a mate
    3 you are strong you saved your clan from a band of dogs you have a secret mate

    clan: use the random name picker (again ) and put from 1 to 5
    1 thunderclan
    2 windclan
    3 skyclan
    4 riverclan
    5 shadowclan
    do you have kits:

    i got Raincloud, a riverclan she cat (yay) her power is shapeshifting ,she is friendly but unsure of what she can do. she used to be a tribe cat but left to come with her mate they gave her powers because of her courage. she is a calico cat with blue eyes a dark pink nose, medium length fur and long whiskers. and i think that´s it i hope you enjoyed! tell me what you got!

    • Mistyfeather, a brown tabby she cat with green eyes, short fur, medium fur, and a tiny pink nose of Riverclan. She is nervous and kind, has super speed.
      She once was in the tribe and her name was Feather that rides on the mist. She joined Riverclan with her mate, Amber shining in the sunlight. She became Mistyfeather and Amber became Ambershine.
      Love this generator!

    • Flowerwing is a brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes that is friendly but unsure of what she can do. She is wise and that is why they gave her the ability to shape shift, and she doesn’t have a mate. She is in RiverClan

    • Brightstorm, a short-furred grey she-cat with medium whiskers, a pink nose, and green eyes. Her power is super-speed. She is sleepy and lazy, but she tries. She used to be a tribe cat, Bright Storm that Roars at Dawn, but left to be with her mate, Emberfall, and she was given powers for her courage. She is in ShadowClan.

    • I am Tawnypelt, a calico cat with long whiskers and blue eyes from RiverClan. My power is super speed, and I am nervous, kind but also strong. I once saved my Clan from a band of dogs by using my speed power to lead them away from the camp. I have a secret loner mate called Bumble. Nice!

    • Rainwing, a long-furred brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes. She is usually angry, but is occasionally kind.
      She used to be a tribe cat named Wing that falls in rain, but she left with her mate, Dove that flies in morning, and they both joined ThunderClan as Rainwing and Morningdove. StarClan gave Rainwing the power to teleport anywhere because of her courage.

    • I am Stormflight, a black WindClan she-cat with a white tail tip and chest. I have a secret mate in ShadowClan named Junglepelt. I am brave but tough, and I have amber eyes.

  • I am Spottedfeather, a calico she-cat with violet eyes. My superpower is shape-shifting, and I am brave and tough. I have long fur and a black nose. I am wise and that is why they gave me my powers, I don´t have a mate. I am part of SkyClan

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