Please Introduce Yourself! (Retired)

Hello and welcome!

We hope you’ve already seen the New Member’s Page and learned a little bit about BlogClan. We’re delighted to welcome you to a site Kate Cary created to celebrate Warriors and its readers.

Please introduce yourself in a comment on this page. Tell us something about yourself or your purrsona. We prefer to use warrior names here. We hope that’s okay with you!

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!


  • What did everyone mean about the age limit on being a warrior because I am moving up to secondary after the summer! And hi Minktail!

  • shameless plug

    if you are new to blogclan, you should totally go and try out my new and awesome roleplay Planes of Arisma !!!!!! Its all about demon hunting cats, filled with adventure and mystery and you could have a major role !!! Even if you have never roleplayed before head over to the roleplay discussion page and check it out, everyone can help you get started !!!

  • Hello new and old members alike! I’m Pineblossom, but you can just call me Pine 🙂 I’ve been on the blog since March of 2019, and I’ve loved every second on here. I love drawing, calligraphy, and creating OCs, and you’ll often find me on the Tavern, the Art page, and the Names page! Here, I’ve compiled a collection of tips and coding lessons (now complete with pictures!) to help you navigate BlogClan!

    Ground rules:
    – Make sure there isn’t a space between the coding and your text unless it is the link code (you’ll see what I mean)
    – For emoticons, make sure there is always a space before and after the code. In the lesson, I’ll be putting a space for the same reason above 🙂
    – Type it exactly as I do otherwise it won’t work that sounded like a threat
    Alright, let’s begin!

    ITALICS: <i>this will be italicized</i> it looks like this
    BOLD: <b>this will be bolded</b> it looks like this
    STRIKETHROUGH: <strike>this would be strikethroughed</strike> it looks like this
    CODE LIKE WORDS: <code>this would look code-y</code> it looks like this
    LINK: <a href=“your link here”>you would then click here for the link</a>
    What it looks like: Click here for a cute kitty
    QUOTE: <blockquote>your quote here</blockquote>

    blockquote looks like this

    FAKE LINK: <a>words blah blah</a> it looks like this

    For emoticons, do not put a space between the two symbols 🙂
    🙂 Emoji- : )
    😀 Emoji- : D
    😛 Emoji- : P
    🙁 Emoji- : (
    😉 Emoji- ; )
    Some other notes about BlogClan:
    – BlogClan is kept safe and fun by a group of moderators called Blogteam. They moderate (check) your comments so that no one uses inappropriate words and also so that sensitive topics that might upset other people are kept to a minimum and have a warning before the comment. These people are Goldenfawn (often called Goldi), Birchfoot (Birchy), Cheetahspark (Cheetah, Cheeto), Rainshine (Rainie), Winterwhisper (Wint, Winter, Win), Viperfrost (Viper), Kat, Jayfrost (Jayie), Rosefur (Rose), Flowerstream (Flo), Iceflower (Icy), Emberdawn (Embix, Ember, Emb), and of course, Kate herself (Cakestar) (why did I just put everyone’s nicknames as well 😛 ). They’ll definitely be able to answer your questions best of all! Currently, you can’t become a mod, but applications open up every once in a while if the team needs any help.

    – The current deputy and medicine cat of BlogClan are Icy and Embix. Their jobs are to keep the blog going smoothly, sorting out disputes, and welcoming new members like you might be! Elections are held every two years, and one was held very recently, so you can not have one of those positions right now 🙂 Try running in 2021!

    – On BlogClan, you can have mentors/apprentices just like in the books. Your ranking is based on your age/grade in school:
    Elementary School, 1st grade-5th grade, ages 6-12 – Kit
    Middle School, 6th grade-8th grade, ages 11/12-13/14 – Apprentice
    High School/College, 9th grade-the end of school, ages 13/14 to whenever you get out of school 😛 – Warrior
    Out of school – Elder
    You do not have to have a mentor or apprentice, they are just for fun (and minor bragging rights 😛 ). If you would like to look for one, head on over to the Allegiances Chat Page and ask to be on Cheetah’s list of available mentors and apprentices!

    – Secret pages are what they sound like, “secret pages” (they aren’t openly linked) that you can access and find with secret methods (hint: try clicking on some pictures!). Once you find one that has not been claimed or used, you can claim it by posting a comment on it saying “Claimed!”. Make sure you check that no one else has claimed it before you. Once you claim it, you can pretty much use it for anything! Lots of people use them for roleplaying, fanfiction, and games.

    – On many places such as the official Name That Apprentice! and the Tavern, you have to press the blue reply button in the bottom let
    ft corner of the comment so that it is clear that you are replying to that person’s comment. It also keeps the pages from getting cluttered, as a new page is made every ten comments (not counting replies).

    -Live Chat is a really cool thing, it’s that (currently) pink and blue box that you may see on the sides of pages (on large screens) or at the bottom (for small screens). You can create an account by putting in your desired name that you want people to see in the name box, clicking “Profile” in the bottom right corner and making an account. Live Chat is also moderated by Blogteam for the same reasons. Currently BlogChat is under renovation, so we are unable to use it right now. Hopefully it’ll be done in a few weeks!

    Yep, that’s all I can think of right now for BlogClan! Of course, there’s much more, but it’s always more fun to find it on your own 😛 Have fun exploring! I hope this helped 😀 Anyone can add on to this in the replies, as well as test the codes! Oof this took a lot of work 😛

    • I did a bit of coding wrong and forgot to put a / before the second b in the bolding and discovered that it makes the entire rest of the text bold 😛

    • You forgot to mention that there are some really evil people around asking for an apprentice (cough cough you, Pineblossom). Never take as a mentor a person that is either evil, planning to rule BlogClan, or is controlled by math.

      But yee, good advice my evil mentor! (Autocorrect changed evil to devil. I think it’s smarter than me.)

  • Hi! I’m Badgerfang! Nice to meet you all! ( I’m gonna be a pretty active user so I’ll try to chat with all of you!)

  • Hey guys! So, if you don’t remember me, or if you’re new, my name is Lapispaw! I left a month or two ago, and I’ll admit, I had the full intention of not coming back… But I missed the Blog too much to stay away. I was convinced that since I was starting high school and I was getting a job, that I would be much to busy and I wouldn’t be able to keep up with it. And, sure enough, my life has a been a crazy, twisting path of some stressful adventure! But, well, like I said before… I missed the blog. I missed all of YOU. So, even though I probably won’t be nearly as active… I’m back! And this time, I promise, I’m here to stay.
    Btw, I am no longer an apprentice! I am now the warrior, Lapisdapple!

    If you remember me, hiii! I missed all of you so mucchhh!
    if you don’t remember me or you’re newer here… Hello there! I’m Lapisdapple! I’m a new warrior, at least, now I am 😛 and I absolutely love warriors! I love Disney, and video games, as well as reading. Some of my favorite series are Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, School for Good & Evil,

    Hope to see you all around!


  • Hey guys! So, if you don’t remember me, or if you’re new, my name is Lapispaw! I left a month or two ago, and I’ll admit, I had the full intention of not coming back… But I missed the Blog too much to stay away. I was convinced that since I was starting high school and I was getting a job, that I would be much to busy and I wouldn’t be able to keep up with it. And, sure enough, my life has a been a crazy, twisting path of some stressful adventure! But, well, like I said before… I missed the blog. I missed all of YOU. So, even though I probably won’t be nearly as active… I’m back! And this time, I promise, I’m here to stay.
    Btw, I am no longer an apprentice! I am now the warrior, Lapisdapple!

    If you remember me, hiii! I missed all of you so mucchhh!
    if you don’t remember me or you’re newer here… Hello there! I’m Lapisdapple! I’m a new warrior, at least, now I am 😛 and I absolutely love warriors! I love Disney, and video games, as well as reading. Some of my favorite series are Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, School for Good & Evil, etc. 😛 Oh, and i’m a black belt in karate!

    Hope to see you all around!


  • Tip for posting anything anonymously on the Hug Page if you want to but have a Gravatar:
    Log out and mistype ONE letter/number in your email. The comment will go through but your Gravatar will disappear. To prove it, I’ll do it to this comment. Hope it helps somebody!