Please Introduce Yourself! (Retired)

Hello and welcome!

We hope you’ve already seen the New Member’s Page and learned a little bit about BlogClan. We’re delighted to welcome you to a site Kate Cary created to celebrate Warriors and its readers.

Please introduce yourself in a comment on this page. Tell us something about yourself or your purrsona. We prefer to use warrior names here. We hope that’s okay with you!

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!


  • Hello BlogClan!
    Also, did you know that redtail is a road
    There are two books, Leafpool’s WISH and Squirrelflight’s HOPE
    Yellowfang’s daughters aer Hopekit and Wishkit
    Leafpool and Squirrelflight are sistersHopekit and Wishkit died when they were young kits
    Brokenstar, theirbrother, lived a sad life
    So did they
    Their family kills each other

    Could Squirrelflight and Leafpool be reincarnations somehow?

    Like Jayfeather and the other two?

  • I just changed my purrsona! (I was Sunnypaw)
    Name: Sunsetpaw (stream)
    Appearance: Fluffy orange and yellow she-cat with blue eyes
    Nicknames I am okay with: Seti, Sunset
    Favorite Warriors book:Uhhh, I’m only on PoT
    Favorite Super edition : Tallboi’s Revenge
    Favorite Warriors character: Brightheart, Ravenpaw, Jayfeather, the Stick (JK), Tallstar,
    Favorite ship: Cloudtail x Brightheart, Tall x Firedad (Jake) , Jay x Stick(XD)
    Favorite Not Warrior cats book: Wonder, a Drowned maidens hair
    Clanniversary: May 26th
    Birthday: January 1st (No joke this time. It is my actual birthday)
    Other Fandoms: Mlp, Miraculous Ladybug
    And I’m too lazy to do anymore.

  • Wheee I’m bored might as well do a form thingie

    Name: Ivystone (Formerly Hazelholly, Hazelsong, Alpacatuft, and Marrowfrost)
    Fursona (I refuse to call it a purrsona): Smoke-and-white tabby cat with golden-hazel eyes. Wears a scarf with the non-binary flag colors on it.
    Nicknames: Ivyne is preferred, but Ivs is alright too. (Former nicknames include: Hazy, Hazel, Marrow, Marmar (I am surprised none of you who knew me as Marrowfrost continued with the Marmar nickname 😛 )
    Cat breed: LaPerm and Munchkin mix
    Gender: Non-binary! I go by they/them pronouns 🙂
    Age Range: 14
    Rank: Warrior
    Sexuality: I am lesbian because I realized that all my prior crushes on guys were just like…squishes oof 😛
    Personality: I am very amicable and laid-back. Also very blunt and argumentative at times, but the worst of it is usually saved for the WoF wiki (as in, ya know the homophobia) so no need to worry on that front. I’m also very creative and if you ever mention my writing to me, more specifically The Phantom Calling or Violetsbane, you’ll never get me to shut up 😛
    Fandoms: Warriors (sort of), Wings of Fire (again, sort of), Dragon Quest, Miitopia, PJO/HOO, Camp Camp, Pokemon uhhhh I can’t remember the rest 😛 I’ve read Divergent but honestly the only character I could stand was Peter (Fourtris and the characters separately sucked imo).
    Favorite Warriors Arc: I liked AVoS 😛
    Favorite Warriors SE: I’m looking forwards to SqH but currently Tigerheart’s Shadow
    Favorite Warriors character: Violetshine, Twigbranch, Dovewing, Tree, Hazelwing, Snowtuft, Gorseclaw, Cloudstar, Hazeltail, Berrynose, Mousewhisker
    Favorite Warriors ship: Violet x Tree, Dove x Briar, Hazelwing x Snowtuft, Berry x Poppy, Berry x Lion, Hazel x Ice, Hazel x Fox, Honey x Holly, Ivytail x Mousewhisker, and many more
    Least Favorite Warriors char: IVYPOOL, Ashfur, TNP through OOTS Leafpool, Breezepelt, and Onestar. I also dislike Minnowtail tbh she rubs me the wrong way
    Least Favorite Warriors ship: Minnow x Mouse, Berry x Honey, Ivy x Hawk, Ivy x Fox, Ivy x Blossom, Ivy x Tiger, Twig x Fin, Leaf x Crow, Holly x Fallen, Holly x Sol, and many more
    Hobbies: Writing, drawing, roleplaying, reading, badminton (does it count?), playing violin, and specifically creating comics because it is much different than just drawing I will say that much 😛
    Favorite Season: All of them suck.
    Favorite Video Games: Dragon Quest VII and Miitopia, dear goodness. DQVII has an interesting time travel plot with you literally restoring the world from their plights and discovering what curses were inflicted upon them (examples: an entire town’s humans got turned into animals and vice versa, the curse of a love hexagons/pentagon, etc). Miitopia because it has one of the best soundtracks alongside DQVII ngl and I really like the gameplay and classes. Still awaiting DQXI S
    Favorite Weather: Thunderstorms and blizzards are nice when I’m at home in my bed, they are a pain to walk home in 😛
    Favorite Flower: Violets (I hope y’all get the multiple meanings of why), hydrangeas, snapdragons
    Favorite Color: Hazel, silver, pink, violet
    Favorite Animals: Pangolins are so precious <3 (Cats, dingoes, and African wild dogs are all on that list too)
    Favorite Foods: Spaghetti but only if it has tomato sauce. If it's plain that it is yuck (idk why I keep going through sauce and no sauce phases 😛 ), pizza with all the vegetables and pineapples, gyros with lamb meat instead of beef are really good, ramen, shrimp, sardines (I don't regret saying it), salmon/cod (I want to try lobster or crab when I get the chance/have money)
    Favorite Drinks: Water is actually really good despite not having a distinct flavor. Maybe that's why it's so good. I also like various different carbonated drinks, though I prefer mixing several different ones like Dr. Pepper, root beer, fruit punch, and sprite together. Sparkling water is also really good ngl, especially flavored ones (I personally like the cheap off brand White Grape sparkling water 😛 )
    Other: America should switch to the Metric system and British english is better. It is armour, not armor (some American spelling is okay like gray, favorite, and color but even then I…I don't like it 😛 )

  • Hello
    I am Ravenpaw/Ravenfeather
    Description:small black she-cat with white tail tip
    fav video games- Zelda BotW, pokemon, cattails
    fav. warrior cat-jayfeather, thistlecalw, cloudtail, shadowpaw
    fav. warriors ship- firestarxspottedleaf, jayxstick
    hobbies-reading, writing, playing me voilin

  • Hi! I’m Merxus from DA. I have like. . . 4 characters. . . so you can call me whatever works for you. Merxus is probably the easiest. (my main character is Fallowcall though ^^). I joined because of Maple who I met on DA! So thanks to her ^^ Hope I’ll be a bit active on here but I am really busy so ;;

  • Hello! I’m a new member, I’m going to be Cloudykit for now until I figure out how things work around here and when I find a mentor ^-^ My full name will be Cloudystorm unless I decide to change it. Im non-binary, but my Warrior cat is a she-cat. You may call me MJ, Jay, Cloudy, or anything else really :3 I’m bad at conversations and my main goal in life is just to make sure others and myself are happy!

  • Hey guys, so I know I should’ve written here earlier, but to this day I don’t really know what to say here. If you want me to list favorite things of mine, though, I can. 🙂
    I’m new cuz I started in the middle of August and I feel like I’m getting better at going through BlogClan right now, so yeah. I felt like maybe I should try to write something on this page. 😛
    (Also, you can call me pretty much whatever nicknames you want.)
    Should I list things about myself? It could be fun, but also, Idk. It might be a VERY long message. 😛

  • Purrsona: Stormsong, a gray-and-white she-cat with blue-gray eyes; long-legged and lithe and swift like WindClan cats

    Age: 14, going into 9th grade tomorrow!

    Gender: Female

    Rank I would be in the “Warriors” universe: I would choose the path of a warrior, and, if I were lucky, I’d make it to deputy. I’d love to be deputy more so than Clan leader, honestly.

    Personality: I am an optimistic person who can get easily bored if I don’t actually want to be somewhere (but this won’t happen on BlogClan). I love to share my opinion and consider myself (when I’m not being shy) to be very outspoken. I am creative and come up with interesting story plots (like dark is good, light is evil). I can be somewhat shy around acquaintances (and my crush who I just found out likes me back—someone I can trust told me that), though, unfortunately, and I’m working on that charisma. I am extremely crazy and outgoing around my friends, meaning I’m energetic and like to get up and move and MAKE NOISE! And I love to talk to peeps. I laugh a lot when I’m happy (like around friends) and sometimes I snort (though I think I’m unconsciously telling myself to snort, hahaha). I am sometimes a little ditsy, to be honest, but I’m working on that, too. Sometimes I am lazy… I am friendly and loyal and I’m very intelligent, getting high grades in school (not to brag).

    Favorite Clan(s): WindClan, followed by SkyClan

    Favorite Warriors Character(s): Dovewing, but I also love Lionblaze, Sharpclaw, Sasha, Purdy, Tallstar, Bramblestar, Leafstar, Crookedstar, and Jayfeather.

    Favorite Animal(s): Doggos!!! But cats are my second favorite animals. And I like horses and sea lions (sea lions are like playful water doggos). But I have no pets, unfortunately. Someday I want a golden doodle.

    Favorite Color(s): I love a range of light blues as my ultimate favorite, my second favorite color either being teal or lime green. I also love red! And plenty of other colors are great as well, like pale pink, white, and gold.

    Favorite Musical(s): Probably “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”. I like a LOT of musicals, though! I love music.

    Favorite Song(s): “Natural” and “Believer” by Imagine Dragons, and other Imagine Dragons songs. I love System of a Down, Queen, and Green Day. My favorite Green Day song is probably “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”, I know only that much (System of a Down and Queen songs are more tied). I also like some Shakira songs. And I love plenty of other songs and bands as well. 😛

    Favorite Movie(s): I hate sitting and watching movies, even though I can. It just… isn’t fun. Sitting (for as many hours as a movie would be) and watching YouTube or playing video games or the like is different. But my favorite movie (one of the only ones I’d want to watch again and again basically at any time of the year or any day no matter my mood) is the “Ghostbusters” movie featuring female leads. I love it! So funny and great! I quote it sometimes.

    Favorite TV Show(s): SO MANY, but probably “Avatar: The Last Airbender”. I love Sokka and Zuko!

    Favorite Book Series: It’s really whatever I’m reading at the time. It might be “Warriors” or “Wings of Fire”, but I think (sorry sorry sorry) it’s “His Dark Materials”. I also like “Harry Potter” and “The Hunger Games”. However, my favorite book that isn’t a series (just an individual book) is “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime”.

    Favorite Video Game(s): “Detroit: Become Human”, no doubt about it! I can’t stand normal video games that much, but I love choice games IF they’re as well-made as “Detroit”. I also love “The Sims”, and I specifically play “The Sims 4”, but I’ve played all the games except for “The Sims 2”, and I want to get back into “The Sims 3”!

    What I Want Out of Life: I want to be an accomplished, published author. I have a few book series I’ve been developing in my head for years I’ll write down fully at some point. Once I get those, like, three or four book series out of my head, I’ll be much more satisfied with my place in life. I also kind of want to do livestreams someday, or maybe normal videos. And I think being a voice actor would be fun, but I’d rather write the episodes or stories or plays or whatever instead, since I’m a writer. I also want to write a story for a video game and work on the video game, so I have to learn how to animate and stuff. I would love to work on a video game as great as “Detroit: Become Human”, with choices and stuff! (Also, somewhere in here, I want to get a golden doodle dog and another dog.) I want to fall in love. I want to have kids, but not for a long, long time.

  • Hi, about me. I decided I’d do this! Sorry it’s late.

    Purrsona: Stormsong, a gray-and-white she-cat with blue-gray eyes; long-legged and lithe and swift like WindClan cats

    Age: 14, going into 9th grade tomorrow!

    Gender: Female

    Rank I would be in the “Warriors” universe: I would choose the path of a warrior, and, if I were lucky, I’d make it to deputy. I’d love to be deputy more so than Clan leader, honestly.

    Personality: I am an optimistic person who can get easily bored if I don’t actually want to be somewhere (but this won’t happen on BlogClan). I love to share my opinion and consider myself (when I’m not being shy) to be very outspoken. I am creative and come up with interesting story plots (like dark is good, light is evil). I can be somewhat shy around acquaintances (and my crush who I just found out likes me back—someone I can trust told me that), though, unfortunately, and I’m working on that charisma. I am extremely crazy and outgoing around my friends, meaning I’m energetic and like to get up and move and MAKE NOISE! And I love to talk to peeps. I laugh a lot and sometimes I snort (though I think I’m unconsciously telling myself to snort, hahaha). I am sometimes a little ditsy, to be honest, but I’m working on that, too. Sometimes I am lazy… I am friendly and loyal and I’m very intelligent, getting high grades in school (not to brag).

    Favorite Clan(s): WindClan, followed by SkyClan

    Favorite Warriors Character(s): Dovewing, but I also love Lionblaze, Sharpclaw, Sasha, Purdy, Tallstar, Bramblestar, Leafstar, Crookedstar, and Jayfeather.

    Favorite Animal(s): Doggos!!! But cats are my second favorite animals. And I like horses and sea lions (sea lions are like playful water doggos). But I have no pets, unfortunately. Someday I want a golden doodle.

    Favorite Color(s): I love a range of light blues as my ultimate favorite, my second favorite color either being teal or lime green. I also love red! And plenty of other colors are great as well, like pale pink, white, and gold.

    Favorite Musical(s): Probably “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”. I like a LOT of musicals, though! I love music.

    Favorite Song(s): “Natural” and “Believer” by Imagine Dragons, and other Imagine Dragons songs. I love System of a Down, Queen, and Green Day. My favorite Green Day song is probably “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”, I know only that much (System of a Down and Queen songs are more tied). I also like some Shakira songs. And I love plenty of other songs and bands as well. 😛

    Favorite Movie(s): I hate sitting and watching movies, even though I can. It just… isn’t fun. Sitting (for as many hours as a movie would be) and watching YouTube or playing video games or the like is different. But my favorite movie (one of the only ones I’d want to watch again and again basically at any time of the year or any day no matter my mood) is the “Ghostbusters” movie featuring female leads. I love it! So funny and great! I quote it sometimes.

    Favorite TV Show(s): SO MANY, but probably “Avatar: The Last Airbender”. I love Sokka and Zuko!

    Favorite Book Series: It’s really whatever I’m reading at the time. It might be “Warriors” or “Wings of Fire”, but I think (sorry sorry sorry) it’s “His Dark Materials”. I also like “Harry Potter” and “The Hunger Games”. However, my favorite book that isn’t a series (just an individual book) is “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime”.

    Favorite Video Game(s): “Detroit: Become Human”, no doubt about it! I can’t stand normal video games that much, but I love choice games IF they’re as well-made as “Detroit”. I also love “The Sims”, and I specifically play “The Sims 4”, but I’ve played all the games except for “The Sims 2”, and I want to get back into “The Sims 3”!

    What I Want For a Job: I want to be an accomplished, published author. I have a few book series I’ve been developing in my head for years I’ll write down fully at some point. Once I get those, like, three or four book series out of my head, I’ll be much more satisfied with my place in life. I also kind of want to do livestreams someday, or maybe normal videos. And I think being a voice actor would be fun, but I’d rather write the episodes or stories or plays or whatever instead, since I’m a writer. I also want to write a story for a video game and work on the video game, so I have to learn how to animate and stuff. I would love to work on a video game as great as “Detroit: Become Human”, with choices and stuff!

  • Purrsona: Stormsong, a gray-and-white she-cat with blue-gray eyes; long-legged and lithe and swift like WindClan cats

    Age: 14, going into 9th grade tomorrow!

    Gender: Female

    Rank I would be in the “Warriors” universe: I would choose the path of a warrior, and, if I were lucky, I’d make it to deputy. I’d love to be deputy more so than Clan leader, honestly.

    Personality: I am an optimistic person who can get easily bored if I don’t actually want to be somewhere (but this won’t happen on BlogClan). I love to share my opinion and consider myself (when I’m not being shy) to be very outspoken. I am creative and come up with interesting story plots (like dark is good, light is evil). I can be somewhat shy around acquaintances (and my crush who I just found out likes me back—someone I can trust told me that), though, unfortunately, and I’m working on that charisma. I am extremely crazy and outgoing around my friends, meaning I’m energetic and like to get up and move and MAKE NOISE! And I love to talk to peeps. I laugh a lot and sometimes I snort (though I think I’m unconsciously telling myself to snort, hahaha). I am sometimes a little ditsy, to be honest, but I’m working on that, too. Sometimes I am lazy… I am friendly and loyal and I’m very intelligent, getting high grades in school (not to brag).

    Favorite Clan(s): WindClan, followed by SkyClan

    Favorite Warriors Character(s): Dovewing, but I also love Lionblaze, Sharpclaw, Sasha, Purdy, Tallstar, Bramblestar, Leafstar, Crookedstar, and Jayfeather.

    Favorite Animal(s): Doggos!!! But cats are my second favorite animals. And I like horses and sea lions (sea lions are like playful water doggos). But I have no pets, unfortunately. Someday I want a golden doodle.

    Favorite Color(s): I love a range of light blues as my ultimate favorite, my second favorite color either being teal or lime green. I also love red! And plenty of other colors are great as well, like pale pink, white, and gold.

    Favorite Musical(s): Probably “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”. I like a LOT of musicals, though! I love music.

    Favorite Song(s): “Natural” and “Believer” by Imagine Dragons, and other Imagine Dragons songs. I love System of a Down, Queen, and Green Day. My favorite Green Day song is probably “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”, I know only that much (System of a Down and Queen songs are more tied). I also like some Shakira songs. And I love plenty of other songs and bands as well. 😛

    Favorite Movie(s): I hate sitting and watching movies, even though I can. It just… isn’t fun. Sitting (for as many hours as a movie would be) and watching YouTube or playing video games or the like is different. But my favorite movie (one of the only ones I’d want to watch again and again basically at any time of the year or any day no matter my mood) is the “Ghostbusters” movie featuring female leads. I love it! So funny and great! I quote it sometimes.

    Favorite TV Show(s): SO MANY, but probably “Avatar: The Last Airbender”. I love Sokka and Zuko!

    Favorite Book Series: It’s really whatever I’m reading at the time. It might be “Warriors” or “Wings of Fire”, but I think (sorry sorry sorry) it’s “His Dark Materials”. I also like “Harry Potter” and “The Hunger Games”. However, my favorite book that isn’t a series (just an individual book) is “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime”.

    Favorite Video Game(s): “Detroit: Become Human”, no doubt about it! I can’t stand normal video games that much, but I love choice games IF they’re as well-made as “Detroit”. I also love “The Sims”, and I specifically play “The Sims 4”, but I’ve played all the games except for “The Sims 2”, and I want to get back into “The Sims 3”!

    What I Want For a Job: I want to be an accomplished, published author. I have a few book series I’ve been developing in my head for years I’ll write down fully at some point. Once I get those, like, three or four book series out of my head, I’ll be much more satisfied with my place in life. I also kind of want to do livestreams someday, or maybe normal videos. And I think being a voice actor would be fun, but I’d rather write the episodes or stories or plays or whatever instead, since I’m a writer. I also want to write a story for a video game and work on the video game, so I have to learn how to animate and stuff. I would love to work on a video game as great as “Detroit: Become Human”, with choices and stuff!

      • Hmmm… I’m not sure, like I said, but… maybe “Bohemian Rhapsody”, though I also like “Don’t Stop Me Now” and MANY, MANY others.
        Is it weird that I like the slow part of “Bohemian Rhapsody” better than the first part (even though the words are depressing)? Lol

    • I also play the sims 4, what’s your name on the gallery? Mine’s Iamawarriorcat!

    • Oh, DARN! Sorry, guys. I put in the same stuff that is slightly different over and over. I thought it was glitching… Honestly, only one of these had to be put in!!! :O
      I mean, I guess it’s a good thing more than one were, because I changed a few things. But still… oof.
      Luckily, I think only some were put in. Maybe not. OOF. 😛

  • Hi stormsong. i am also a new member of this awesome clan. my mate’s name is Graystar and my kits names are shadowpaw and midnightpaw. Does anyone want to be my friend?

    • Hi! I’m Kat, one of the mods on BlogClan. I just wanted to let you know that BlogClan is not really a roleplay site, and we don’t have Clans persay. Just a bunch of warrior cat fans talkin’ about random stuff! 🙂 But I’m sure many of our members would certainly love to be your friend! 🙂