Please Introduce Yourself! (Retired)

Hello and welcome!

We hope you’ve already seen the New Member’s Page and learned a little bit about BlogClan. We’re delighted to welcome you to a site Kate Cary created to celebrate Warriors and its readers.

Please introduce yourself in a comment on this page. Tell us something about yourself or your purrsona. We prefer to use warrior names here. We hope that’s okay with you!

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!


  • Hey I’m new!

    You can call me Eaglepaw, and my warrior name will be EagleFlight!

    I have a cat called Honey who likes reading warriors and when I call her Honeypaw she actually comes, much to my mothers disgust. Her warrior name would be Honeystripe but I don’t think she’s skilled enough to be a warrior. 🐈😂

    Bye for now!

    • Hey, Eaglepaw! 😀 Welcome to BlogClan! I’m Goldenfawn, but you can call me Goldi if you’d like. I’m a moderator on here, so if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask! What’s your favorite book (Warriors or otherwise)? 🙂

    • Hey Eaglepaw! Welcome to BlogClan 🙂 I’m Pineblossom, but you can call me Pine! Honey seems really cute, who’s your favorite warriors character? 😀

      • Pine,
        Hi! 👋
        Thank you for welcoming me!
        Aww, thanks!
        My favourite characters are Bramblestar and Squirrelflight, I just can’t choose one! Who’s your fave character?

        Eaglepaw 🐾

    • Hello, Eaglepaw! Welcome to BlogClan. 🙂 I am Icy, one of BlogClan’s moderators, and it’s very good to meet you. I hope you enjoy it here!

      Your cat sounds very cute!

      • Icy,
        Hey! That’s cool!
        Thank you!
        Aw thank you, I’ll tell Honey, even though she can’t understand me! 🐱😄

        Eaglepaw 🐾

    • Welcome to BlogClan!! I’m Wavesplash, but you can call me Wave or Wavey! She sounds super cute!!

    • Hi, Eaglepaw! Would you like to be my [legitimate now, Vipey!!] apprentice?

      [Viper edit: While I appreciate your enthusiasm for finding an apprentice, I’m afraid that at the current time you are not elligible to be a mentor due to your age and school rank. If you would like further clarification on the process used to determine this, please let me know. If you wish to make an inquiry, please also clarify whether you’d like a public response or a private conversation through a forum such as Discord. Otherwise, while I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors, you may not at the current time take an apprentice.]

      • Hey Shad (can I call you that?),
        Oh my, yeah I’d LOVE to be your apprentice!!!

        Eaglepaw 🐾

        • Thank you, Eaglepaw. If you wanna be my apprentice, access the main form and tell them Im gonna be your mentor!

          [Viper edit: While I appreciate your enthusiasm for finding an apprentice, I’m afraid that at the current time you are not elligible to be a mentor due to your age and school rank. If you would like further clarification on the process used to determine this, please let me know. If you wish to make an inquiry, please also clarify whether you’d like a public response or a private conversation through a forum such as Discord. Otherwise, while I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors, you may not at the current time take an apprentice.]

    • hey Eaglepaw, pleeeaassseee tell me how in the name of Starclan you did those emojis????I NEED EMOJIS OTHER THAN FACES!!!!!!!lol 😀 😛

  • Hey guys thanks for the welcome! 😊

    Hey! Thanks for replying!

    Hi, is that German?
    I’m learning this year at school! 🇩🇪

    Hey thanks for welcoming me!
    That’s cool your a moderator!
    I have 1 question, how do u change your cat avatar on the comments?
    I would love to put a pic of my cat Honey as mine! My favourite warrior book is probably the last hope but my favourite series is the new prophecy! What’s yours?

    Eaglepaw 🐾

    • You can hit the blue reply button under each of our comments to reply to us individually! 😀
      To change your avatar, first off make a WordPress account if you haven’t yet. You’re going to need to use Gravatar ( to change your avatar! Make sure to rate the picture G and connect it to your WordPress account email. It may take up to a few hours to actually show up here on the blog.
      My favorite Warriors book is Crookedstar’s Promise, and favorite book in general is The Book Thief. 🙂 My favorite Warriors series is probably Dawn of the Clans.

      • Goldi,
        Ok thanks!
        I’ll ask my mum about making a WordPress account!
        Great book choices!
        I like Crookedstar but I feel so sorry for him!

        Eaglepaw 🐾

      • Hey Goldi,
        I followed ur advice and got an account!
        Tysm! I like Crookedstar’s Promise too!
        My fave character from Dawn Of The clans is Graywing!

        Eaglepaw 🐾

      • Oh and Eaglepaw was already taken for a username so I chose Eagleflight, although by age I would b an apprentice!

        Eaglepaw 🐾

    • the last hope is tragic…..*GOODBYE FIRESTAR< HOLLYLEAF< FOXLEAP<SORRELTAIL<FERNCLOUD<MOUSEFUR*[did I miss anyone?]

  • hi blogclan! i am new to this blog, and a very shy she-cat. i have a mate and two kits!!! my birthday is on the 13th!!!!!!!!!!

    • Hey Dovestream!
      I’m new too, I joined yesterday!
      I’m pretty shy too, with people I don’t know, when I get to know people I’m super loud!
      Happy birthday for the 13th! 🥳
      My birthday is the 20th!!!

      I’ve been reading warriors for almost 3 years but I only just found this yesterday!

      Eaglepaw 🐾

    • hi there dove i’m just saying blogclan isn’t a role play site we mainly talk about warriors or anything really 😛 though there are roleplay pages 😄

  • hi I am dovestream, and I am new to this blog. these are my stats:

    -fur/pelt color – light gray
    -mate- none
    -kits- shadowpaw and midnight the kittypet (dead)
    siblings- knifeyboi, cometstride
    does anyone have any questions about me?

    • Heya 😀 just letting you know this isn’t Roleplay site, so we don’t really have mates or kits
      I’m Mapledrift, but you can call me Maple
      Can I call you Dea ? (Idk whether there’s other Dove’s so like D from dove and ea from stream idk 😛 )
      Who’s your favourite warrior cats character ?? Do you have any hobbies ?

      I like lots of minor characters, as well as Ivypool and Hollyleaf. I love to draw, read and write ! I hope to one day become an author and have started to write my first book today

  • Mapledrift: hi! I prefer to be called dovey! my fave. warrior cat is Graystripe! my hobby is writing my book.
    Bluebellpaw: HIIIIIIIII! thanks for the welcome!
    everyone else : THANK YOU FOR THE WARM WELCOME!!!

  • Hi I’m Redblaze!
    My clan is RiverClan and my favourite character is probably Feathertail or Ivypool. I am new to BlogClan and I’m not sure how it works entirely so some more info would be great.

    • welcome 😀 blogclan isn’t a roleplaying site it’s a site where you can chat about warriors or anything though if you want to roleplay there are some pages for that 🙂

    • Hi, Redblaze! 😀 I’m Goldenfawn, but you can call me Goldi if you’d like. I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have, what info do you want to know? 🙂

    • Hi, Raze[you know–half Red, half Blaze!]
      here is some info about me:
      Purrsona: Faithshadow–dark tortie with white paws, silver tabby tail, black ears and green eyes
      Purrsonality: Fierce, feisty, tries to be loyal but sometimes is a little unreasonable. Defensive, and the queen of sarcasm.Crazy to the bone. [thanks Rampage.]
      Fave characters: Ivypool, Jayfeather, Spiresight
      Least fave character:Firestar[is it just me or is he way too noble?]
      Fave Villians:Scourge, Brokenstar[they are waaaayyyyy misunderstood]
      -I am a furry
      –i want Leafstar to die[Hawkstar Forever]
      –as Rampage said, I am crazy to the bone

      you might be thinking, who is Rampage? I’ll let him explain that himself if he can ever be bothered to come to BlogClan

    • Hi, Redblaze! I’m Briarpaw, but you can call me Briar or Ria. Welcome! I also really like Feathertail and Ivypool, but my favs are Graystripe and Squirrelflight. Ask anyone in the clan if you have questions, they’d be happy to help! Although, to start off…

      – The Tavern is a place where you can just hang and chat.

      – Check out the Name That Apprentice and Warriors Games Page. People run games for others to play, or you can run a game yourself! I am currently running two games, a riddle game and a Name That Cat game.

      – Chat about books on the spoiler pages.

      – Ask Jaysnow is a great place to ask questions.

      – Go to Polls. You can make a poll or vote i someone else’s poll.

      – The Hug Page is where you can talk about problems in life that you are experiencing, and others will reach out to help you. Or you can reach out to others.

      I hope this helped! 😀

  • Shoutout to my friend from school!
    She joined today, she’s RedBlaze, please make her feel welcome!

    Eaglepaw 🐾

  • Hi I’m mistykit, I’m a grey and white kit. My favorite warrior is Ivypool and I’m new to BlogClan. I don’t really know what to do so it would be nice for some more info.

    • Hey Mistykit,
      I’m Eaglepaw 🐾
      You can call me Eaglepaw or Eagle!
      I like ivypool too, you can comment on lots of different pages to do with different things, my fave is the BlogClan Tavern!
      You can reply by pressing the blue reply button! 🐱👍

      Eaglepaw 🐾

    • Hey Mistykit! Welcome to BlogClan 🙂 I’m Pineblossom, but you can call me Pine 😀 There’s tons of pages on BlogClan, so just explore and read the info on the top of every page 😀 See you around!

    • Hi Misty! I’m Icepaw, and welcome to BlogClan! If I have any advice, I’d recommend the tavern, the Hug page, the games page, the roleplay page to find roleplays(Which there are many of here! 😀), and the polls page! Just my opinions though.

    • Hi Mistykit, Welcome to BlogClan! All you need to do to join BlogClan is post some comments, join some role plays, just try to have fun!

    • Hi, Mistykit! I’m Briarpaw, also known as Briar or Ria. Ivypool is a great character, but my favorite character is Graystripe! Ask anyone in the clan if you have questions, but here’s some info to start you off…

      – The Tavern is a place where you can just hang and chat.

      – Check out the Name That Apprentice and Warriors Games Page. People run games for others to play, or you can run a game yourself! I am currently running two games, a riddle game and a Name That Cat game.

      – Chat about books on the spoiler pages.

      – Ask Jaysnow is a great place to ask questions about Warriors.

      – Go to Polls. You can make a poll or vote on someone else’s poll.

      – The Hug Page is where you can talk about problems in life that you are experiencing, and others will reach out to help you. Or you can reach out to others.

      I hope this helped! 😀

  • Please can one of the moderators help me by putting my b-day on the calendar, because I’m completely stuck on how to do it.
    It’s the 20th September (my birthday)

    Sorry to bother you,

    Eaglepaw 🐾